Everywhere Media Kit

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Trav e l i s a ll a ro u n d yo u

2008 Media Kit The new communit y-created tr avel magazine

How it Works

everywhere is a communitypowered travel magazine. That means the magazine is created by the community itself.

community members share their travel insights, stories, and photos at everywheremag.com Everyone can discover new places and trips through everywheremag.com The best work is published bi-monthly in Everywhere magazine

Everywhere Mission everywhere is dedicated to the belief that travel is all around you.

Everywhere gives a voice to travelers who want to share stories about first-hand travel experiences and remarkable discoveries. It’s a magazine for people who always seek out the unique, the authentic, and the unexpected—all over the world.

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Issue Overview

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Exotic Tucson Tokyo Streetlife Home for the Holidays A3>B3;03@ % Â’ 3dS`geVS`S #


First Class

everywhere has been created to showcase the personal stories and authentic experiences of the community.

My Obsession Personal interests Local Flavor Regional cuisine


How-Tos Getting started with GPS PostcardsTravel photos and narrative Trips Location-based itineraries

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The Opportunity everywhere sponsorships provide a deeper engagement than traditional online or print advertisements.

Everywhere combines the best of online communities with the deep engagement of printed magazines. With the expertise of the community and the guidance from our editorial staff, we are creating a revolutionary model for authentic travel journalism. For you, the advertiser, it is an opportunity to engage in the user-generated content process and build your brand with an influential community of travelers.

Target Audience

everywhere is authentic, just like the community that helps produce each issue. Everywhere is a travel magazine made by and for the creative class. It’s designed for a highly-engaged community of adventurous travelers who draw inspiration from first-hand reportage rather than top-down editorial stewardship. They are curious and openminded travelers who are looking for an insider’s perspective on destinations around the world. This target audience will be: Younger Tech-savvy Well-educated with a considerable travel budget

Sponsorship Opportunities If you are interested in reaching an engaged community of influential travelers, Everywhere is the best place to do it. Sponsoring the Everywhere community allows you to: Engage with a community of passionate travelers and consumers. Span the user-generated content process from online to print. There are two sponsorship levels available: Community Sponsorship Editorial Sponsorship

reach your target audience in a much more meaningful way than traditional online or print advertising.

Community Sponsorship

community sponsors are premium sponsorships with a number of valuable promotional benefits.

Community sponsors are premium sponsorships with a number of valuable promotional benefits. First, you are clearly identified as a Community Sponsor on the homepage through a badge graphic. Second, you get a exclusive run of banner advertisements to support your brand and to drive traffic to your website. Lastly, just as the community’s work goes from online to print, your sponsorship extends to print with a full page advertisement.

Community sponsorships include: Badge identification as a Community Sponsor on the Everywhere homepage - approximately 500,000 pageviews over two months. Additional 200,000 exclusive wide-skyscraper (160 x 600) pageviews. One full-color single page print advertisement in Everywhere magazine.

limited charter pricing: only $2,000 for qualifying sponsors (a $5,000 value)

Editorial Sponsorships Editorial sponsors are engaged in the entire production process, providing the deepest integration into the community to help your brand build awareness and goodwill with the community. Editorial Sponsors work with our editorial team to choose a theme or place that is opened to the community for submissions. For a two month period following the introduction, the community builds a magazine around your brand and the sponsored section, collecting and reviewing community submissions. When the theme is complete, the best contributions from your sponsored theme or place will then be highlighted in the next issue of Everywhere magazine. Throughout this period, your sponsorship will highlighted on the Everywhere homepage, and you will have additional exclusive banner advertisements to support your brand.

Editorial Sponsorships include:

Featured in two weekly email newsletters

Editorial and community participation as a featured theme or place on the Everywhere site - two months.

Identified as sponsor throughout featured section in Everywhere magazine.

Front page badge as current Editorial Sponsor - 500,000 pageviews over two months. Additional badge as sponsor for all pages related to theme or place. 1 million additional wide skyscraper (160 x 600) pageviews.

One full-color spread print advertisement in Everywhere magazine. Listed as sponsor in all additional descriptions of the sponsored theme or place. Limited Charter Pricing: Only $15,000 for qualifying sponsors (a $30,000 value)

Print Advertising Specifications EPS, TIFF, or PDF file format, one page or two page spread size.

Advertising Specs

One page: 8.5” x 11.125” with a 0.25” bleed. (If you have a preference for left/right side of spread we will attempt to accomodate it.) Two page spread: 17” x 11.125” with at 0.25” bleed.

Dennis P. O’Brien dennis@8020publishing.com

Online Advertising Specifications

t: 415 344 3160 f: 415 344 3251

GIF, JPG, or PNG file format, wide skyscraper (160 px wide by 600 px tall). 3 times max looping, 30k max file size.

8020 Publishing 199 Fremont St, 12th Floor San Francisco, ca 94105

We reserve the right to reject any creative materials that do not meet our standard.


production schedule

Effective TBA. Subject to change.

Issue Number

Open Submissions

Theme Sponsor Deadline

Close Submissions

Ad Materials Due

On Sale Date


Sep 18, 2006

Sep 18, 2006

Sep 27, 2007

Oct 12, 2007

Nov 27, 2007


Sep 27, 2007

Sep 27, 20073

Dec 27, 2007

Jan 3, 2008

Feb 26, 2008


Dec 27, 2007

Dec 27, 2007

Feb 28, 2008

Mar 6, 2008

Apr 29, 2008


Feb 28, 2008

Feb 28, 2008

May 1, 2008

May 8, 2008

Jul 1, 2008


May 1, 2008

May 1, 2008

Jul 3, 2008

Jul 10, 2008

Sep 2, 2008


Jul 3, 2008

Jul 3, 2008

Aug 28, 2008

Sep 4, 2008

Oct 28, 2008


Aug 28, 2008

Aug 28, 2008

Nov 1, 2008

Nov 8, 2008

Jan 1, 2008

Photo credits (cover) Matthew Bennion • (p2) Natalie Wells • (p3) Lee Friedman • (p5) Osvaldo Ponton • (p6) Calvin Sun • (p7) Devin Poolman • (p8) Kasidit Puttarak

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