Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County
Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County The following tables provide estimates of the senior population in 2024 by age group, by race and by township. Rob Paral and Associates developed these estimates by using age and race-specific rates of change in suburban Cook County, and applying them to existing populations. We estimate the senior population to grow by 122,000 persons or 23 percent between the 2012-2016 period and 2024. The fastest change will involve persons aged 70-79 years, and African Americans. Estimated Change of Persons 60+ Years in Suburban Cook County 2012-2016 Ages 60+
2024 (estimated)
# Change
% Change
Ages 60-69
Ages 70-79
Ages 80-89
Ages 90+
Estimated Change of Persons 60+ Years, by Race/Ethnicity in Suburban Cook County 2012-2016
2024 (estimated)
# Change
% Change
White, nonLatino Other
Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County The senior population by race/ethnicity for each township for 20122016 and 2024 estimation. Estimated Population in 2012-2016 and 2024 by Cook County Township and by Race/Ethnicity Township
Total 60+ 4,112
2012-2016 Population Black Asian Latino White, Other Total 60+ nonLatino 41 669 66 3,312 23 5,666
Berwyn 8,261 447 417 Bloom 17,606 6,278 176 Bremen 22,308 6,437 538 Calumet 3,946 2,228 4 Chicago 436,203 158,418 26,759 Cicero 8,482 306 142 Elk Grove 19,217 248 1,650 Evanston 14,134 2,632 485 Hanover 15,245 299 2,472 Lemont 4,924 34 99 Leyden 18,290 476 679 Lyons 23,063 1,076 549 Maine 34,268 546 4,667 New Trier 12,978 124 792 Niles 29,856 773 6,310 Northfield 25,406 267 2,453 Norwood 7,836 46 371 Park Oak Park 9,518 2,166 393 Orland 24,044 500 879 Palatine 21,394 325 1,810 Palos 14,535 371 345 Proviso 30,408 10,725 834 Rich 17,762 9,055 168 River Forest 2,416 52 40 Riverside Schaumbur g Stickney Thornton Wheeling Worth Cook County Suburban Cook County
3,330 25,804
84 372
21 4,339
2,782 4,569 47 1,498 9,515 139 881 14,357 94 665 1,007 41 77,694 169,849 3,483 5,635 2,373 27 1,020 16,134 165 534 10,303 179 1,925 10,424 125 109 4,652 30 3,193 13,807 135 1,984 19,318 136 1,949 26,818 288 233 11,728 102 1,199 21,222 353 400 22,109 177 385 7,003 32
2024 Estimates Asian Latino
White, Other nonLatino 154 4,106 40
12,616 2,053 520 6,283 3,732 27 21,215 10,758 190 2,270 7,799 197 26,786 8,748 519 2,579 14,807 132 4,469 2,924 7 944 577 17 465,845 165,931 32,459 102,827 162,754 1,874 12,296 1,616 108 9,271 1,298 3 21,918 561 2,308 2,109 16,796 144 16,836 2,864 832 933 12,085 121 24,319 590 6,234 4,731 12,615 149 8,032 209 186 320 7,290 27 21,235 893 1,074 5,571 13,655 43 26,940 1,367 658 3,945 20,870 100 38,751 988 7,006 3,470 26,987 300 14,103 125 1,314 413 12,123 128 33,551 1,428 9,141 2,156 20,452 374 28,879 335 3,723 762 23,883 176 8,406 86 524 798 6,982 16
466 834 856 628 3,340 374 57
6,432 21,798 18,309 13,112 15,363 7,894 2,262
62 34 94 79 147 271 5
12,134 33,018 26,127 16,863 35,857 26,154 2,846
3,172 1,355 465 870 13,564 18,680 144
431 1,412 2,809 480 839 133 88
725 1,801 1,591 1,234 6,774 691 160
7,715 28,358 21,136 14,218 14,560 6,405 2,431
91 92 126 60 120 244 24
195 1,403
3,021 19,406
9 285
3,694 32,123
82 844
55 6,669
368 2,428
3,162 21,748
26 434
8,142 150 150 1,290 6,508 45 12,156 2,424 244 3,376 6,083 28 32,779 20,024 274 1,847 10,415 219 40,686 30,596 261 2,752 6,870 207 35,921 224 2,579 1,172 31,843 102 40,991 348 3,943 2,530 33,995 174 33,343 2,972 484 2,148 27,705 34 42,236 7,518 755 4,867 29,019 77 965,534 227,695 61,548 116,761 552,567 6,963 1,116,744 281,559 86,265 178,833 564,512 5,575 529,331
69,277 34,789
39,066 382,719 3,480
650,899 115,628 53,806
76,006 401,758 3,702
Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County The change in senior population by race/ethnicity for each township. Estimated Population Change Between 2012-2016 and 2024 by Cook County Township and by Race/Ethnicity Township
Barrington Berwyn Bloom Bremen Calumet Chicago
Total 60+
1,554 4,355 3,609 4,478 522 29,643
Numeric Change Black Asian Latino
-20 1,607 4,480 2,311 696 7,513
674 88 104 3,501 14 772 -19 1,698 3 279 5,700 25,133
White, Other Total 60+ nonLatino 794 18 38% -836 -20 53% -1,716 58 20% 450 38 20% -430 -25 13% -7,094 -1,609 7%
Cicero ElkGrove Evanston Hanover Lemont Leyden Lyons Maine NewTrier Niles Northfield NorwoodPark OakPark Orland Palatine Palos Proviso Rich RiverForest Riverside Schaumburg Stickney Thornton Wheeling Worth Cook County
3,813 1,310 -34 3,636 -1,075 -24 2,701 313 658 1,089 662 -21 2,702 232 347 399 1,782 -57 9,074 291 3,762 2,805 2,191 24 3,107 174 87 211 2,638 -3 2,945 417 394 2,378 -152 -92 3,877 292 109 1,961 1,551 -36 4,483 442 2,339 1,521 169 12 1,125 1 522 180 395 26 3,695 655 2,831 957 -770 21 3,473 68 1,270 361 1,775 0 569 40 153 413 -21 -16 2,615 1,005 38 259 1,283 29 8,974 855 533 967 6,560 58 4,733 141 999 735 2,827 32 2,327 499 135 607 1,106 -19 5,449 2,839 6 3,435 -804 -27 8,392 9,625 -35 318 -1,489 -26 430 92 48 103 169 19 364 -2 34 173 141 17 6,319 472 2,330 1,025 2,343 149 4,013 2,274 93 2,086 -424 -17 7,907 10,572 -13 905 -3,545 -13 5,069 124 1,363 1,358 2,152 72 8,892 4,546 271 2,719 1,314 42 151,210 53,864 24,717 62,072 11,945 -1,388
45% 14% 19% 60% 63% 16% 17% 13% 9% 12% 14% 7% 27% 37% 22% 16% 18% 47% 18% 11% 24% 49% 24% 14% 27% 16%
Suburban Cook County
121,568 46,351 19,016 36,939 19,039
Pct Change Asian Latino White, Other nonLatino -49% 101% 133% 24% 79% 360% 25% 126% -18% -42% 71% 8% 52% -18% 42% 36% -4% 193% 3% 41% 31% 66% 42% -43% -59% 5% 21% 32% -4% -46%
428% -24% 126% 40% 9% 71% 97% 152% 509% 88% 88% 58% 27% 20% 81% 50% 1% 66% 85% 45% 25% 52% 87% 41% 46% 10% 171% 61% 43% 55% 134% 39% 26% 1% 106% -21% 177% 122% -2% 164% 127% 54% 1519% 62% 53% -5% 56% 53% 153% 56% 24% 40% 67%
65% 107% 75% 146% 194% 74% 99% 78% 77% 80% 90% 107% 56% 116% 86% 97% 103% 85% 182% 89% 73% 162% 49% 116% 127% 53%
-45% 4% 17% 21% 57% -1% 8% 1% 3% -4% 8% 0% 20% 30% 15% 8% -5% -19% 7% 5% 12% -7% -34% 7% 5% 2%
-88% -13% -32% 19% -9% -68% -27% 4% 25% 6% 0% -49% 48% 172% 34% -24% -18% -10% 357% 180% 52% -37% -6% 70% 123% -20%
Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County The senior population by age for each township for 2012-2016 and 2024 estimation. Estimated Population between 2012-2016 and 2024 By Cook County Township and by Age Category Ages 90+ 112 229 617 895 116 14,596
Ages 60+
4,112 8,261 17,606 22,308 3,946 436,203
2012-2016 Population Ages 60- Ages 70- Ages 8069 79 89 2,401 1,144 454 4,696 2,256 1,080 9,376 5,071 2,542 12,044 6,138 3,230 2,222 1,118 490 232,002 126,835 62,770
Cicero Elk Grove Evanston Hanover Lemont Leyden Lyons Maine New Trier Niles Northfield Norwood Park
8,482 19,217 14,134 15,245 4,924 18,290 23,063 34,268 12,978 29,856 25,406 7,836
5,003 9,483 7,252 8,855 2,520 9,662 12,271 16,730 6,707 14,706 11,127 3,699
2,191 5,802 3,728 4,113 1,396 5,035 6,562 9,915 3,704 8,491 7,491 2,182
1,040 3,214 2,368 1,845 780 2,844 3,402 6,006 2,011 5,151 5,255 1,521
Oak Park Orland Palatine Palos Proviso Rich River Forest Riverside Schaumburg Stickney Thornton Wheeling Worth Cook County
9,518 24,044 21,394 14,535 30,408 17,762 2,416 3,330 25,804 8,142 32,779 35,921 33,343 965,534
5,485 12,891 12,072 7,154 15,754 9,443 1,285 1,682 14,632 4,247 17,305 17,553 16,620 506,879
2,576 6,789 5,976 4,324 8,785 5,006 668 873 7,290 2,276 9,591 10,179 9,705 277,211
Suburban Cook County
Ages 60+
Barrington Berwyn Bloom Bremen Calumet Chicago
5,666 12,616 21,215 26,786 4,469 465,845
2024 Estimates Ages 60- Ages 7069 79 2,540 2,148 7,346 3,715 11,475 6,598 13,631 8,663 2,219 1,586 243,396 149,111
Ages 8089 808 1,300 2,522 3,426 504 58,530
Ages 90+ 169 256 620 1,066 160 14,809
248 719 785 433 228 748 827 1,617 556 1,509 1,534 434
12,296 21,918 16,836 24,319 8,032 21,235 26,940 38,751 14,103 33,551 28,879 8,406
7,011 10,466 7,827 13,324 3,867 11,261 13,621 17,913 6,947 14,799 11,878 3,732
3,653 7,087 5,540 7,506 2,532 6,742 9,074 13,043 4,748 12,100 9,418 2,979
1,247 3,324 2,753 2,824 1,367 2,555 3,437 5,971 1,896 5,112 5,537 1,249
384 1,041 715 665 265 677 808 1,824 512 1,540 2,047 446
1,162 3,502 2,737 2,460 4,714 2,589 364 579 3,225 1,300 4,784 6,377 5,640 145,437
296 863 609 598 1,155 724 98 195 658 319 1,098 1,813 1,379 36,007
12,134 33,018 26,127 16,863 35,857 26,154 2,846 3,694 32,123 12,156 40,686 40,991 42,236 1,116,744
6,270 14,999 13,068 7,703 17,820 12,517 1,494 1,900 15,203 5,384 20,923 18,848 21,487 560,869
4,085 12,051 8,869 5,692 11,526 9,008 895 1,151 10,786 4,513 13,100 13,650 13,785 365,356
1,475 4,626 3,321 2,670 5,131 3,631 364 510 5,000 1,788 5,204 6,348 5,476 149,904
304 1,341 869 798 1,380 999 93 132 1,133 470 1,459 2,145 1,488 40,616
Population Projections for Seniors in Suburban Cook County The change in senior population by age for each township. Estimated Population Change between 2012-2016 and 2024 By Cook County Township and by Age Category Township Barrington Berwyn Bloom Bremen Calumet Chicago Cicero Elk Grove Evanston Hanover Lemont Leyden
Ages 60+
Numeric Change Ages 60- Ages 70- Ages 8069 79 89
Ages 90+
Ages 60+
Percent Change Ages Ages Ages 60-69 70-79 80-89
Ages 90+
1,554 4,355 3,609 4,478 522 29,643 3,813 2,701 2,702 9,074 3,107 2,945
3,265 7,921 11,838 14,742 2,246 233,843 7,292 12,435 9,584 15,464 5,511 11,573
1,396 5,089 6,404 7,492 1,101 116,561 4,820 4,664 4,099 9,212 2,471 6,225
1,694 2,636 4,056 5,433 1,096 86,342 2,613 3,873 3,172 5,661 1,752 3,898
696 1,070 1,904 2,531 389 43,934 999 2,605 1,968 2,391 1,139 1,806
38% 53% 20% 20% 13% 7% 45% 14% 19% 60% 63% 16%
6% 56% 22% 13% 0% 5% 40% 10% 8% 50% 53% 17%
88% 65% 30% 41% 42% 18% 67% 22% 49% 83% 81% 34%
78% 20% -1% 6% 3% -7% 20% 3% 16% 53% 75% -10%
50% 11% 0% 19% 38% 1% 55% 45% -9% 54% 16% -10%
3,877 4,483 1,125 3,695 3,473 569 2,615 8,974 4,733 2,327 5,449 8,392 430 364
14,669 22,021 7,396 18,845 17,753 4,707 6,649 20,128 14,055 9,709 20,103 16,711 1,561 2,012
7,059 7,997 3,243 6,308 4,387 1,550 3,694 8,210 7,092 3,379 9,035 7,511 826 1,026
5,672 7,037 2,737 6,949 4,163 1,458 2,924 8,550 6,132 3,232 6,812 6,418 531 572
2,610 4,355 1,340 3,603 4,003 815 1,179 3,763 2,712 2,072 3,977 2,907 265 315
17% 13% 9% 12% 14% 7% 27% 37% 22% 16% 18% 47% 18% 11%
11% 7% 4% 1% 7% 1% 14% 16% 8% 8% 13% 33% 16% 13%
38% 32% 28% 43% 26% 36% 59% 78% 48% 32% 31% 80% 34% 32%
1% -1% -6% -1% 5% -18% 27% 32% 21% 9% 9% 40% 0% -12%
-2% 13% -8% 2% 33% 3% 3% 55% 43% 33% 19% 38% -5% -32%
Schaumburg Stickney Thornton Wheeling Worth Cook County
6,319 4,013 7,907 5,069 8,892 151,210
17,491 7,908 23,381 23,438 25,616 609,865
7,913 3,108 11,332 8,670 11,782 283,658
7,562 3,213 8,315 7,273 8,145 219,919
4,343 1,469 4,106 4,535 4,097 113,897
24% 49% 24% 14% 27% 16%
4% 27% 21% 7% 29% 11%
48% 98% 37% 34% 42% 32%
55% 38% 9% 0% -3% 3%
72% 48% 33% 18% 8% 13%
Suburban Cook County
Lyons Maine New Trier Niles Northfield Norwood Park Oak Park Orland Palatine Palos Proviso Rich River Forest Riverside