EDUC 214

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E-Portfolio Erica Perdomo University System Ana G. Mendez Facilitator’s name: María Sevillano EDUC 214 Workshops 1-5 Date: November 11, 2011

2 Introducción En este portfolio electrónico estaré presentando todas las tareas, presentaciones, ensayos individuales y diarios reflexivos, que fueron realizados en la clase llamada Sistemas de Computación en la Educación impartida por la profesora María Sevillano. Esta asignatura fue desarrollada en 5 semanas las cuales fueron muy interesantes ya que discutimos temas sobre la integración de la computación en la educación que son muy importantes. Todos los trabajos asignados fueron realizados con mi mejor esfuerzo y dedicación, algunos trabajos están en ingles y otros en español según las indicaciones del maestro. A continuación le presento mi trabajo.

3 Table of Content Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………2 Workshop 1 History of Computers…………………………………………………………………………....4 Computer’s Justification………………………………………………………………………...8 Journal…………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Workshop 2 Microsoft Office programs……………………………………………………………….……..13 Graphic…………………………………………………………………………………….….....16 Brochure…………………………………………………………………………………………19 Topic Mapping…………………………………………………………………………………..20 Journal……………………………………………………………………….…………………..21 Workshop 3 Power Point Presentation…………………………………………………………………….…23 Journal…………………………………………………………………………………………...28 Workshop 4 Types of Communications………………………………………………………...……………30 Journal………………………………………………….………………………………………..34 Workshop 5 Final Project……………………………………………………………………………………..36 Power Point Presentation……………………………………………………………………….41 Final Test……………………….……………………………………………………………….44 End of Assessments……………………………………………………………………………..49 Tell Me More Program………………………………………………………………………….51 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………....52


Computer’s History Erica Perdomo University System Ana G. Mendez Facilitator’s name: Maria C. Sevillano Del Rio EDUC 214 Workshop 1 Date: October 14, 2011

5 Introduction The history of computers is very interesting because as time passes, computers are updated more and more each time. Man throughout history has invented computers as a tool to meet all his needs. At first it was used to perform mathematical operations and calculations, and according to research provided by Blaise Pascal (1964), it indicated that the computers history started in 1642 with the invention of the mechanical calculator that was created by Frenchman Blaise Pascal (Rubio Quintanilla, Francisco, 2000). Therefore; in 1822 the first computer was invented and it was called the "Analytical Engine", this computer was invented by a mathematician named Charles Babbage. The creation of this unit arose due to the elaboration of the tables and the mathematical operations, and the main objective of this computer was to avoid the error prone while performing these tables (Rubio Quintanilla, Francisco, 2000). However; As the years passed new projects have emerged to innovate computers because of this fact in 1941 the first programmable computer was built, and it was invented by Konrad Zuse, followed in 1943 we have the creation of the first fully electronic computer which was created by the ENIAC. This computer was fully operational on a large scale and was completed in 1946; it took the name ENIAC which stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, which had the ability to operate at higher speeds (Rubio Quintanilla, Francisco, 2000). “Today, one of the most notable characteristics of a computer is the fact that its ability to be reprogrammed allows it to contribute to a wide variety of endeavors, such as the following completely unrelated fields: the creation of special effects for movies, the compression of music

6 to allow more minutes of music to fit within the limited memory of an MP3 player, the observation of car tire rotation to detect and prevent skids in an anti-lock braking system (ABS), the analysis of the writing style in Shakespeare's work with the goal of proving whether a single individual really was responsible for all these pieces”(John Kopplin, 2002).

After all, during the development of computer history many types of software have been created; this software’s have allowed computers to become indispensable tools for society. These software’s such as: Windows XP, Windows Vista, DOS, Windows 3, among others. All these programs have revolutionized the world of computers, underscoring the importance of this amazing invention. Thanks to constant innovation of software and hardware, today we have these wonderful machines that allow us to travel through the amazing world of technology and the Internet.


No doubt, computers are important elements in our society and while time continues to pass, this wonderful invention will continue to be innovated. Furthermore, computers are the complement for everything that we do in our daily life, because we use technology that helps us to make life easier. It is very impressive to know how this magnificent machine is changing our world. In today’s ever changing world the personal computer proves its efficiency day in and day out. For this reason, computers today are an essential devise not just an accessory


References: Rubio Quintanilla, Francisco, 2000. L铆nea del tiempo de la computaci贸n. (Historia de la computaci贸n). Retrieved on October 14, 2011 from the World Wide Web: John Kopplin, 2002. An Illustrate History of Computers. Retrieved on October 14, 2011 from the World Wide Web:


Effectiveness of Integrating Computers in Science Erica Perdomo University System Ana G. Mendez Facilitator’s name: Maria C. Sevillano Del Rio EDUC 214 Workshop 1 Date: October 21, 2011

9 Introduction The objective and effectiveness of integrating computers in the area of science is very beneficial for all kind of students in the education field. The ability to have access to different areas of science through a computer provides instant knowledge, skills and abilities. Now days students have the ability to learn about the environment and are able to become familiar with different worldwide challenges and benefits related to science. Computers are a fast and exact electronic machine that authorizes the processing of data. The word computer comes from the term “Computare” which means “calculate” (, 2008-2011). Through computers students can learn the benefits and challenges of science. Students can conduct researches that expand their horizons. Through computers you are able to learn about the world and about different subjects such as medicine, anatomy, animals, weather, and oceanography. Students can have the opportunity to explore nature and the different natural resources that exist around the world. Through computer science a person who is sick can learn about their condition through a computer and get the necessary treatment, but sometimes this can lead to a problematic outcome when people make a wrong decision and do not get professional help. The ability for students to learn anatomy through the computer is also important because they become familiar with how the body works and how it develops. Some students learn better using visuals and through a computer they are able to learn and explore about different animals and habitats. Students have the ability to discover the importance of saving animals from extinction. In fact, animals such as dinosaurs exist on Earth about 200 million years ago and are no longer around (Oard, Michael, 1997). Thankfully

10 although there are animals that no longer exist we can learn about them due to the data in computers. In conclusion there are many scientific elements that we can gain knowledge. The weather and oceanography are other aspects in which people in general can learn and be prepared for climate changes such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, tsunami etc. This is a clear justification of the importance of integrating computers in the science area.

11 Reference, 2008-2011. Definicion de Computadora. Retrieved on October 14, 2011 from the World Wide Web: Oard, Michael J,1997, The Extinction of the Dinosaurs, Rubio Quintanilla, Francisco, 2000. Linea del tiempo de la computaci贸n. (Historia de la computaci贸n). Retrieved on October 14, 2011 from the World Wide Web:

12 Reflective Journal Workshop 1 During workshop one, I felt very curious about everything that I was going to learn in the class. I imagined a class that would be a bit theoretical, but I wrong because I realized this is just the opposite. I honestly love the way the class is organized and structured. I think that technology and computers are two very important elements that today help us to do many things, not only personally but also professionally. On the other hand, I love the energy and positive attitude with which the teacher develops the class; I feel her energy motivates me to realize my goals with passion. I expect to learn many new things in this class, so I can enrich my knowledge and transmit it to other. Opinion about the informative link for workshop 1/Discussion board In summary of what I read in the link posted, I think that computers are very important for our society. While reading I realized that computers are made up of four parts that have different functions, such parties are: Input, Processing, Output and storage. Basically these four types of hardware allow a computer to run the right way. On the other hand, computers also use software and this is what allows us to perform any task. An example might be the software Microsoft Office program is now widely used in any situation. In conclusion, computers are composed of two major elements which are: hardware and software and these two works together to making the wonderful device that is the computer, which helps us carry out our work.


Ensayo del taller 2 Erica Perdomo Sistema Universitario Ana G. MĂŠndez Profesora: MarĂ­a C. Sevillano Del Rio EDUC 214 Taller 2 Fecha: Octubre 20, 2011

14 Qué ventajas o beneficios, si alguno, proveen los programas de Word, Excel y Power Point a las tareas administrativas y educativas? Existen muchos programas que ayudan a la realización de un trabajo educativo, estos programas son Word, Excel y Power Point. Cada uno de estos tiene una función importante para la elaboración de un trabajo profesional. Por ejemplo; el programa Word, con este programa podemos escribir de manera correcta y clara utilizando un formato especial y organizado. El programa Word nos permite elaborar nuestros trabajos con una buena presentación, ya que tiene muchas opciones tales como: tamaño, tipo, y color de la letra, espacios y márgenes y además de todo y lo más importante que podemos corregir nuestra ortografía. Por otra parte, tenemos el programa de Excel y con este programa tenemos el beneficio de crear tablas, gráficos, formularios, formatos, etc. Este programa nos va a ser útil en el momento que nos desempeñemos como maestras porque tendremos la oportunidad de realizar planes de estudio, tablas o formatos para evaluar a nuestros futuros estudiantes. Este programa también nos ayudara a mantener un orden en cualquier proyecto que realicemos. Por último, tenemos el programa de Power Point y este programa tiene muchas ventajas ya que nos ayuda a realizar presentaciones. El Power Point es una herramienta valiosa que nos sirve y nos orienta en el momento en que estamos exponiendo un tema; además con este programa podemos captar la atención de la audiencia en el momento de la presentación, ya que se puede integrar imágenes, videos e información relacionada con el tema a discutir y por lo tanto también ayuda a clarificar cualquier duda que tengan los demás. En conclusión, de los tres programas antes mencionados el que más me gusta es el programa de Power Point. Me gusta mucho porque con este programa puedes transmitir tus ideas

15 y opiniones y ademรกs puedes remitir un mensaje visual a la audiencia. Finalmente, los tres programas son de vital importancia al momento de realizar una tarea o trabajo administrativo y educativo.


Trabajo de Grupo Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Profesora: María C. Sevillano EDUC 214 Taller 2 Fecha: Octubre 21, 2011 Integrantes de Grupo: Fiorella Huerta Juan Huerta Miriam Gómez Erica Perdomo


Sistema Operativo Descripción DOS

Sistema operativo modular que consiste de múltiples componentes con funciones especiales cada uno.

Windows 3X

Conjunto de programas que se le agrego la tarjeta de video a diferencia del DOS.

Windows 95/98

Esta versión fue lanzada en agosto de 1995. Versión mejorada del Windows 3x agregando al sistema operativo las multitareas y las multimedios. Cambio completamente su interfaz y se hizo más fácil de usar. Este Windows fue lanzado en Septiembre del 2000. Fue una de las versiones más criticadas del Windows por sus debilidades en la estabilidad y la compatibilidad. Este Windows fue lanzado el 30 de noviembre de 2006 para clientes de negocios. El Windows vista trajo mejoras en la seguridad, características más avanzadas en sus gráficos con una interfaz opcional llamada Windows Aero, además de múltiples nuevas aplicaciones. Este Windows fue lanzado en Julio de 1993, basado en un nuevo Kernel. NT es considerado de la línea profesional de los sistemas operativos Windows

Windows 2000

Windows Vista

Windows NT MAC

Esto es una computadora hecha por APPLE.


Es un sistema operativo que admite múltiples usuarios, así como también múltiples tareas; que permite que en un único equipo o multiprocesador se ejecuten simultáneamente varios programas a cargo de uno o varios usuarios. Este sistema fue desarrollado por Ken Thompson en 1965.

Esto nació como un producto de Linus Torvalds, La primera versión de LINUX, enumerada como 0.01 contenía solo los rudimentos del núcleo y funcionaba sobre una maquina con el MINIX instalado, esto es, para compilar y jugar con LINUX era necesario tener instalado el MINIX de Tanembaum. *Source: Refer to references page with multiple websites.


18 References ALEGSA, 1998-2011, Diccionario de Inform谩tica, Retrieved on October 21, 2011 from the World Wide Web: Jeff, 2008, Introducci贸n a los Sistemas UNIX, Retrieved on October 21, 2011 from the World Wide Web: Meneses Amilcar, 2002, El Sistema Operativo DOS, Retrieved on October 21, 2011 from the World Wide Web:




Diario Reflexivo Erica Perdomo Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Profesora: María C. Sevillano EDUC 214 Taller 2 Fecha: Octubre 27, 2011

22 En la clase del viernes 21 de octubre aprendí muchas cosas acerca del programa de blackboard, este programa es excelente para realizar cualquier tipo de trabajos relacionados con las asignaciones e investigaciones que tenemos que presentar en las clases. Además, con este programa aprendí a crear un wikispace, de verdad yo no tenía ni idea de cómo se hacia este proyecto, pero con la asistencia y los consejos de mi maestra y mis compañeros tuve la oportunidad de aprenderlo. Este wikispace es de verdad interesante, en mi opinión es como crear tu propio programa, de verdad es muy impresionante ver como la tecnología te ayuda a aprender y te ensena muchas técnicas y opciones para realizar un trabajo profesional a nivel educacional. Por otra parte, también aprendí mucho sobre los diferentes tipos de Windows que existen y como estos programas han ido avanzando conforme el tiempo pasa, es notable el avance entre cada uno de estos Windows y como estos programas seguirán avanzando e innovándose cada vez mas. En definitiva me gusto mucho la clase; creo que a pesar de que no teníamos el acceso a internet esta clase fue muy productiva y aprendí muchas cosas importantes.


University System Ana G. Mendez

Output and Input Devices Erica Perdomo EDUC- 214 Workshop 3 November 2, 2011

Output and Input Devices for the Handicapped Population


People with disabilities meet barriers of all types. However, technology is helping to lower many of these barriers. By using computing technology for tasks such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet, students and employees with disabilities are capable of handling a wider range of activities independently.

Type of Devices ďƒ˜O u tp u t: screen ou tp u t d oes n ot p resen t a ch al l en ge,

b u t i n d i vi d u al s w i th mob i l i ty i mp ai r me n t s w h o h ave d if f icu lty ob tain in g ou tp u t f rom p rin ters may n eed assi stan ce f rom oth ers. ďƒ˜In p u t: i s an eq u i p men t w h i ch p rovi d es f l exi b i l i ty i n

th e p osition in g of mon itor s, k eyb oard s, d ocu men ta ti on , an d tab l etop s i s u sef u l f or man y i n d i vi d u al s w i th d i sab i l i ti es


Types of disabilities Blindness Input: Most individuals who are blind use standard keyboards, however, Braille input devices are available. Braille key labels can assist with keyboard use. Output: Speech output systems can be used to read screen text to computer users who are blind. Special software programs (called screen readers) "read" computer screens and speech synthesizers "speak" the text.

Hearing or Speech Impairments Input: Students with hearing or speech impairments typically use a standard keyboard and mouse. Output: Alternatives to audio output can assist the computer user who is hearing impaired.


Other Devices for Handicapped Population

All that a person with disabilities need is:


References: S h e r y l B u r g s t a h l e r, 1 9 9 4 - 2 0 1 0 , Wo r k i n g To g e t h e r : P e o p l e w i t h D i s a b i l i t i e s a n d C o m p u t e r Te c h n o l o g y. R e t r i e v e d o n N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 11 f ro m t h e w o r l d w i d e w e b : h t t p : / / w w w. w a s h i n g t o n . e d u / d o i t / B ro c h u re s / Te c h n o l o g y / w t c o mp . h t m l A 1 4 - mi n u t e v i d e o , Wo r k i n g To g e t h e r : P e o p l e w i t h D i s a b i l i t i e s a n d C o m p u t e r Te c h n o l o g y ma y b e f re e l y viewed online at h t t p : / / w w w. Wa s h i n g t o n . E d u / d o i t / v i d e o / w t _ d i s . H t m l


Reflective Journal Erica Perdomo University system Ana G. Mendez Facilitator’s name: Maria Sevillano EDUC 214 Workshop 3 Date: November 1, 2011

29 In this class I learned a lot about all different types of devices that exist for people with disabilities, honestly I felt very well in class because I had the opportunity to clarify again my questions or concerns and also because they perform an activity in class helped me relax a little and learn how to create a memory game. This was a wonderful experience because I had never created a memory game, and I feel very content because these activities have the opportunity to create and experiment with new programs that will help us in our future as we will be good teachers. On the other hand, I think that with the integration of these activities can motivate our students to learn in different ways. Honestly, this class is very interesting and important to learn, memorize and apply everything we learn practice because with this knowledge we can educate others. In conclusion, what I like about the class was the video that the teacher showed us the end of the class, this video made us think and we really showed that there are programs that care for people with disabilities, and I realized that unfortunately sometimes they do not have all the resources needed to create a perfect program and to provide unlimited support to all people in need.


Essay Erica Perdomo University system Ana G. Mendez Facilitator’s name: Maria Sevillano EDUC 214 Workshop 4 Date: November 4, 2011

31 Introduction

There are many different types of communication that we use every day. Therefore, we can find two main parts of communication channels. One is verbal communication and the other is non verbal communication. We can categorize verbal communication into two parts, oral communication and written communication. Oral communication is when two or more person communicates verbally with words (Bizymoms, 1997).

In addition, the conversation can be short or long it depends on the topic discussed. Spoken conversation is of a short range and communicating through a telephone or voice chat over the internet. The other type is written communication. Written communication can happen through normal mail, e-mail, or any other form of documented writing. Normally we use this type of communication at work, school and at home.

However, there are other types of communication as well the non verbal communication, through this type of communication we can communicate with the body language. Sometimes we don’t need to say how we feel, we just tell everybody through the face. The face is the first thing we notice in a person and the facial muscles give out most of the human expressions. Pictures, sign boards and photographs are also a part of non-verbal communication.

On the other hand, we also have the formal and informal communication. The formal communication is when we are working and we have to write a memo, official letters, formal written document and office meetings. Normally this happens at work with the supervisor or boss. Another example of formal communication is when we are doing a presentation of a project at school or university.

32 Furthermore, informal communication is the opposite of the above; this is a type of casual conversation between friends, family, peers, etc. In this casual communication we don’t need to plan a topic for the conversation, it can be any topic. This type of communication usually happens at the supermarket, school, home, parties, park, church, gym, etc. In fact, now day’s computers are important tools that help us to communicate with everyone else. Through this wonderful machine we can send emails, have video chats with friends, write letters, memos, or official documents, etc. This great invention makes possible the opportunity to communicate with family and also can help us to meet new friends. Thanks to computers we can communicate with different peoples around the world.


In conclusion, communication is very important because through this we can communicate with others. I think it's a clear way to understand and to express to each other and through effective communication can be able to solve any problem or situation presented to us in our lives. On the other hand, Communication is essential as we say what we think and feel, and we must be grateful to God for this beautiful gift as part of our development as individuals in society.

33 References: Bizymoms, 1997. Computers and Technology. Retrieved on November 4, 2011 from the World Wide Web:


Diario Reflexivo Erica Perdomo Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Profesora: María Sevillano EDUC 214 Taller 4 Fecha: Noviembre 4, 2011

35 En la clase del viernes pasado me sentí muy bien ya que fue una clase que me permitió aprender nuevas palabras y nuevos programas que me ayudaran en mi futuro. En esta clase tuvimos la oportunidad de realizar una actividad en grupo, la cual fue una experiencia verdaderamente especial, ya que pude aprender de una nueva herramienta escolar tal como lo es el Prezi, con este programa podemos resumir en palabras claves lo que queremos decir en un tema complejo. Este programa es parecido a un mapa conceptual que nos ayuda a memorizar mejor y a organizar nuestras ideas. En otras palabras, esta clase fue muy interesante porque a través de esta actividad tuve la oportunidad de desarrollar mi creatividad, paciencia, pensamiento crítico, dedicación y el interés por hacer bien las cosas al momento de realizar una actividad en grupo. Este tipo de programas me ayudaran en mi vida profesional y personal, ya que los puedo aplicar en mi trabajo y en mi futuro educativo. Finalmente, esta asignatura fue muy intensa y al mismo tiempo fue muy importante, ya que aprendí muchos programas que nunca había oído mencionar, de verdad me quede muy asombrada de lo que podemos hacer con la tecnología. Muchas gracias profesora Sevillano, gracias por todo su arduo esfuerzo y dedicación y sobre todo por su inmensa paciencia hacia nosotros. Fue un placer haber tenido la oportunidad de aprender con su ayuda.

36 Integrating Computers in Language Area

By Erica Perdomo

Training to the school Faculty Submitted to Ana G. Mendez University System In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for EDUC 214

South Florida Campus November 9, 2011 Integrating Computer’s in Language Area.

37 The integration of computers in Language class help the teachers to improve the learning process; and to be able to prepare the students to use the computers and gain knowledge through activities that help them to learn another language. The objectives of this training are the followings:  Define sounds in specific area and using computers.  Identify individual phonemes (sounds in words) with digital lessons.  Define curriculum in language arts and integrating new technology.  Explain changing in instructional strategies. Population to be addressed: this training is addressed for the faculty of language class in second grade, focusing to improve the academic skills of the students. These projects have several goals, and some of these goals are the following:  The teachers are able to develop skills through technology.  The teachers can use technology to the academic development of students.  The students can improve their language with the guidance of the teacher through the computers. Activities: The activities are very important because it develop sensor motor and cognitive skills of students. Some of these activities are:  Use the Vocabulary as a tool to improve the students learning.  Think and reading aloud to recognize sounds to better memorize.  Another activity can be the audio and visual (music, videos and films) that help the students to better understanding.

38 ďƒ˜ The role play and modeling that help the student to improve their learning through experiences and repetition; and the last activity can be the laboratory hours that help the students to create a schedule and they can practice frequently. Assessments: Formative Evaluation: The function of this evaluation is to obtain information about the status of each student's learning, and from this, make decisions that help improve the development of this process. The information that casts such an assessment, however, is not only useful for the teacher, but must be delivered to the students so they too can take charge of their own learning process.

Feedbacks: Providing the right kind of feedback to students can make a significant difference in their achievement. There are two key considerations. First, feedback that improves learning is responsive to specific aspects of student work, such as test or homework answers, and provides specific and related suggestions. There needs to be a strong link between the teacher comment and the student's answer, and it must be instructive. This kind of feedback extends the opportunity to teach by alleviating misunderstanding and reinforcing learning. Second, the feedback must be timely. If students receive feedback no more than a day after a test or homework assignment has been turned in, it will increase the window of opportunity for learning. Feedback is a research-based strategy that teachers, and students, can practice to improve their success.

39 URL’S Recommend:

This is the animoto link:

40 References: Educar Chile 10, 16 de Noviembre de 2005. Formative Evaluation. Retrieved on November 10, 2011 from the World Wide Web: Florida Department of Education. 2005. Retrieved on November 10, 2011 from the World Wide Web: OECD, 2009 Retrieved on November 10, 2011 from the World Wide Web:











This training is addressed for the faculty of language class in second grade, focusing to improve the academic skills of the students with the integration of the computers. These are some of the areas that we can integrate the computers and help the students to gain knowledge: Phonics Bilingual Vocabulary Reading and Writing

42 Objectives and Goals of this training:

Objectives: ďƒźDefine

sounds in specific words and using computers. ďƒźIdentify

individual phonemes (sounds in words) with digital lessons. Goals: The teachers can use technology to the academic development of students. The students can improve their language with the guidance of the teacher through the computers.

Integration of Activities with Computers

Importance of the inclusion of Assessments


URL’S RECOMMENDED: ntenido.aspx?ID=97665


Examen Final Erica Perdomo Sistema Universitario Ana G. MĂŠndez Profesora: MarĂ­a Sevillano EDUC 214 Taller 5 Fecha: Noviembre 11, 2011

45 Contestar las siguientes preguntas: 1. Que puede hacer un educador con las computadoras? Un educador tiene el beneficio de realizar muchas actividades con las computadoras. Algunas de estas pueden ser las siguientes; los educadores pueden administrar sus clases utilizando registros electrónicos y base de datos. Por otra parte, también pueden automatizar la creación de cartas y documentos de carácter administrativo, además con el uso de las computadoras pueden darles acceso a experiencias de aprendizaje a sus estudiantes con necesidades especiales o también pueden tener una comunicación o interacción con los estudiantes por medio de las computadoras. 2. Consideraciones antes de usar computadoras en el salón de clases? Una de las consideraciones que se deben tomar en cuenta al momento de integrar las computadoras al salón de clases son: En primer, debemos tener un ambiente adecuado en el salón de clases para la instalación de estas maquinas, seguido tenemos que tomar en cuenta las habilidades del maestro y el entusiasmo de los estudiantes y la calidad de los programas a ser utilizados para garantizar el aprendizaje. Sin embargo no se debe esperar obtener de inmediato resultados extraordinarios en el manejo que le dan los estudiantes a las computadoras, ya que ellos también se están adaptando a esta nueva tecnología. Y por último, se deben determinar metas y objetivos medibles previos a la selección de la tecnología y asegurarnos que esta tecnología sirva a esas metas. 3. Son realmente esenciales las computadoras en la enseñanza? Si, las computadoras son esenciales ya que se pueden utilizarse para apoyar las estrategias de aprendizaje constructivistas, además podemos crear módulos que lleven al estudiante a desarrollar destrezas y habilidades en la resolución de un problema que tendra como

46 resultado el aprendizaje por medio del descubrimiento y el razonamiento critico. Por otra parte, las computadoras también pueden ser herramientas en las modalidades de educación individualizada, aprendizaje en grupo, aprendizaje en línea y educación a distancia. 4. Menciona una aplicación de programa para aplicarlo en el currículo? La aplicación de programa llamado “Web 2.0:Cool Tools for Schools” es muy bueno porque este programa ayuda al educador a utilizar muchas herramientas tales como video, música, mapas, imágenes, herramientas para dibujar, para hacer búsquedas, para estimular la creatividad y lograr la elaboración de diferentes actividades en el salón de clases. Además con la integración de esta aplicación podemos lograr que los niños con necesidades especiales puedan integrarse por medio de la inclusión al salón de clases. Estas herramientas motivan a los estudiantes a compartir, a ser independientes, a trabajar en equipo y a comunicarse con los demás de una manera efectiva. Por lo tanto, es muy importante integrar esta aplicación en el currículo educativo para lograr un mejor rendimiento académico en los estudiantes. 5. Menciona cinco referencias y lecturas recomendadas sobre el tema de clase “Computadoras en la Educación”. Las siguientes son páginas electrónicas que tienen valiosa información sobre el tema de las computadoras en la educación:

47 Todas estas páginas electrónicas y lecturas hablan de la importancia de integrar las computadoras en el salón de clases y de los beneficios que se logran con la utilización de estos programas en la educación de los estudiantes. Por otra parte, estas páginas electrónicas también hablan de cómo la tecnología ayuda a los estudiantes a que aprendan de una manera práctica y fácil con la integración de programas y la resolución de problemas utilizando el razonamiento y el descubrimiento; y con esto aprender por medio de las experiencias obtenidas.

48 Referencias: Computadoras en la Educaci贸n. Informaci贸n revisada en Noviembre 11, 2011 obtenida de la siguiente p谩gina electr贸nica:


End-of-Course Assessment Now that you have finished your course, write a short journal reflection about your experiences. Thank you 1. What I did in this course? (write what you did in this course) I did a lot of new projects that was very interesting to learn and to develop. I learned a lot about different programs such as Animoto, Prezi, Worldle, Voky and Issu. All these programs taught me to do homework and learn new technology.

2. What I enjoyed? (write about what you liked most about this course) What I like about this course was to work with the program called Voky, because this program helped me to develop my creativity when I was creating my own character, I really thought it was hilarious.

3. What I found difficult? (write about any area of this course you found hard to do) What I found very difficult was the program Prezi, because I can’t put my words in the little circle that they have. But finally I figured out how to do it.

4. What really worked? (write about any area that you though worked well) I think that what really works for me was the JING project. I love it! I enjoyed work with this program.

5. Strength and weakness (write what you would do differently in this course, strength in this course and weakness in this course) I think that everything was ok but the only weakness that I found in this course was the time. This class is very interesting and I think that 5 weeks is not enough to develop it.

6. What are your recommendations to this course? Are improvements needed? I don’t think that this course needs improvements but I think that the university should put this class on a different day, so the internet works much better.

50 7. Your final thoughts... I learn a lot‌ thanks to the teacher Maria Sevillano. It was a pleasure to be your student.


52 Conclusión En esta clase aprendí muchos conceptos e información interesante acerca de la tecnología y la integración de las computadoras en la educación, en mi opinión personal creo que fue una clase muy buena y practica. Me gusto mucho poder aprender cómo usar el blackboard de la universidad para opinar, en realidad no sabía de ese programa hasta que lo pude utilizar en esta clase. Esta clase tuve la oportunidad de conocer programas en la educación que no conocía, como los programas Voki, Animoto, Worldle, Jing e Issu que me ayudaron a ser más creativa y eficiente al momento de realizar un trabajo. Muchas gracias profesora por hacer de esta clase una clase interesante e inolvidable.

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