When the world gets a bit much, where do you go? ‘Escape into…’ is the theme of this year’s festival. Escape beneath the Earth’s crust Geophonic’s geology walk, or under the ocean’s surface with The Living Coast’s virtual underwater tour.
You can escape into a world of words with British author Lemn Sissay, or revel in a realm of heartfelt hilarity with ICON presented by Timberlina.
Younger audiences can follow
Garlic Theatre’s senior citizen, Oldilocks, into the forest, or go where the
dragons dwell with Cressida Cowell, author of How to train your Dragon.
Local artists Zeroh continue the theme with a dragon-inspired digital installation. Our cover illustration is by Lauren Child, author and illustrator of the Charlie and Lola books. Join Lauren and Emma Carroll for a feminist retelling of The Little Match Girl at St Mary in the Castle. To round off the week, families can escape to The Stade for the riot of storytelling, drumming, parades, performances,
and workshops that is Children’s Day and Carnival.
Throughout the festival, 100s of local school children will enjoy workshops with Storytellers-inResidence Bali Rai and Tola Okogwu and art workshops. Thanks to all our funders including Magdalen & Lasher Charity who have funded our work in nurseries this year We’re delighted to welcome Lauren Child, Inua Ellams and Thomas Taylor as new patrons. Read more about them on page 20. Huge thanks to Dick Edwards mbe, Festival Chair for the past ten years, who has recently handed the role to Trustee, Sandra Garner.
hastingsstoryfest.org.uk #hsf2022
We target our work in the communities that need help most, working with local partners to deliver place-based solutions. National Literacy Trust Hubs create long-term change in communities where low levels of literacy are entrenched, intergenerational and seriously impacting on people’s lives.
Parents and the home learning environment have the greatest effect on how a child develops language and literacy skills. Our site Words for Life gives developmental milestones, tips, fun resources and advice to help parents support their children’s literacy development.
Thirteen-year-old Joelle Breton stumbles across Indian-born RAF pilot Mohinder Singh when his plane crashes in occupied France during World War II. It’s up to Joelle and her parents to hide him from the Nazis.
Bali Rai is an award-winning author who has written over 40 novels for children and teenagers. Born in Leicester, his writing is inspired by his workingclass, multicultural background. As one of our Authors-inResidence, Bali will also be visiting schools during storytelling week.
11am Hastings Library 3 Claremont TN34 1HE FREE (limited space – arrive early)
A site-responsive performance piece and sound walk by Lorna Rees. Listen and observe the geological processes of the Earth at 12 points along a guided ritualistic journey. Tune into the Anthropocene and remember that that humans are part of nature. Some of this unique experience’s sonic content is naturally occurring, some made by human voice and others with augmented sound and field recording. With music inspired by British folk, psychedelic funk and ’90s rural rave culture. 1pm and 3.30pm Meet at Warrior Square Gardens St Leonards TN37 6BS
“A unique and moving event. Loved the music and dancing at the end!”
“I’m still thinking about this piece days after –thank you.”
Join educators Alex Etchart (they/ them) and Ruth from 18 Hours (she/her) as they share stories and resources. This creative session is open to all educators, and will reflect on what’s important to us! The session will explore LGBTQIA+ stories told by Amelia Armande and Alex Etchart, as part of 18 Hours and Global Learning
London’s You, Me, Story! Project, with an accompanying learning guide for educators. Whilst developed for ks3, these sessions will be of value to all teachers and educators. 4–6pm There is also a session on Monday 10 October at 4pm FREE Workshop run via Zoom Register online: hastingsstoryfest.org.uk
Bestselling and award-winning creators Emma Carroll and Lauren Child introduce their powerful feminist reworking of the Hans Christian Andersen classic. Victorian match seller Bridie strikes her last three matches, and each flame sees her tumble into visions of a brighter future. A bold new heroine emerges in this story of courage, unity, and defiance. Followed by a book signing (books are available to buy).
Mary in the Castle
and under
The tantalising Timberlina introduces glorious guests in an uproarious LGBTQIA+ feast; Barbara Brownskirt, Poet in Residence for the 197 bus stop in Penge and Tom Marshman with playful performances, talks and surprises inspired by heroes and heroines in celluloid. Memorable, trashy, moving and avant garde. 7.30 for 8pm St Mary in the Castle 7 Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF £20 – includes fish, chips and pickled onions – as requested by Barbara Brownskirt! With pay bar. Book online: hastingsstoryfest.org.uk
global understanding
22 october: how to train your dragon film screening (2010, 90min, pg) This American 3D computeranimated action fantasy film by DreamWorks is based on the 2003 book of the same name by Cressida Cowell, In a Viking village, an undersized teen dreams of becoming a dragon slayer. When he injures a rare Night Fury dragon he is unable to bring himself to kill it and instead befriends it.
Two best-selling authors come together in a one-off conversation, especially for Hastings Storytelling Festival. Lauren Child, Festival Patron and author of the Charlie and Lola books and Cressida Cowell, author of How to Train Your Dragon, discuss their friendship, writing about friendships and the craft of writing and how they create characters. The conversation will be followed by a book signing. Books will be available to buy).
Talk: 12.15pm Adults £5 / 11–16s £2.50 / 10 and under FREE Special offer: Film & talk: Adults £8 / 11–16s £4 / 10 and under FREE Soft drinks, tea, coffee and snacks are available between these two events St Mary in the Castle, 7 Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF Book online: hastingsstoryfest.org.uk
Film: 10–11.40am Adults £5 / 11–16s £2.50 / 10 and under FREE
Local artists ZEROH have created a magical one off digital creation.
Keep an eye out on the streets and estates of Hastings and St Leonards on the night of 22 October. A curious beast is in transit to an undisclosed location and will be passing through the area.
The communities of the town will be informed in advance if the transport vehicle will have to
park up in their area as the beast is not used to travel and the driver will have to stop intermittently to let it take short breaks from the movement of the vehicle.
Members of the public will be allowed to view the beast from a distance but caution is advised. FREE 4–8pm across town Visit hastingsstoryfest.org.uk for details
stade, rock-a-nore road, tn 34
An amazing array of live performances, workshops, stories and a lively and noisy parade through the old town.
Anusha Subramanyam: Choogh Choogh All aboard for a delightful train journey through India. For very young children
Autin Dance: Out of the Deep Blue
sea giant emerges from the deep and meets a girl called Violet
interactive installation that engages people with poetry through visual art and performance
Circo Rum Ba Ba Are you ready to be chased by the small, sprite-like Whizzers?
stories from the Indian subcontinent
There’s a tiger in the garden
Based on Lizzie Stewart’s award-winning book. Nora is bored, so she heads into the garden in search of a tiger.
Hastings Storytelling Festival welcomes three new Patrons in 2022. Poet, playwright, performer and graphic artist Inua Ellams was born in Nigeria and lives in London. Inua’s work is now included in the secondary curriculum. Displacement and destiny are reoccurring themes.
Local author Thomas Taylor’s imaginary town, Eerie-on-Sea bears an uncanny resemblance to his hometown, Hastings. This mysteriously chilling place, where strange stories seem to wash up, features in his three books Gargantis, Shadowghast and Malamandar, which won the Awesome Book Award, 2021. The three new patrons join Founding Patron, author and illustrator
Award-winning writer and illustrator Lauren Child’s books have sold over 15 million copies worldwide and feature much-loved characters Charlie & Lola, Clarice Bean, Ruby Redfort and Hubert Horatio.
Sir Quentin Blake, who has supported the festival since 2012.
Sat 15 Oct 11am
Bali Rai: Mohinder’s War Hastings Library TN34 1HE FREE – arrive early Sun 16 Oct 1pm & 3.30pm Gobbledegook Theatre: Geophonic Warrior Square Gardens TN37 6BS FREE Booking advised Mon 17 Oct 4.30pm Garlic Theatre: Oldilocks and the Three Bears Sandown School TN34 2AA FREE – arrive early Tue 18 Oct 7pm Lemn Sissay St Mary in the Castle Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF £12 (+ Pay Bar) Booking advised
Wed 19 Oct 4–6pm You, Me, Story! – Teachers and educators event FREE – A Zoom event Booking required
Weds 19 Oct 7pm Women who gave no F**KS Hastings Museum & Art Gallery TN34 1ET £7 Over 18s Booking advised
Thurs 20 Oct 7.30pm Dr Catherine Kelly: Blue Spaces Stade Hall TN34 3DW FREE (donations welcome) Booking advised
Fri 21 Oct 4.30pm
Emma Carroll & Lauren Child: The Little Match Girl Strikes Back St Mary in the Castle Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF Adults £4 / 11-16s £2 / under 10s FREE Booking advised
Fri 21 Oct 7.30 for 8pm
Timberlina hosts ICON Over 18s only St Mary in the Castle Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF £20 (includes fish & chips –and a pickled onion!) (+ Pay Bar) Booking advised
Sat 22 Oct 11am–4pm
The Living Coast: Undersea Experience Stade Hall TN34 3DW FREE (donations welcome) Booking advised Sat 22 Oct 10am–11.40am
Film: How to Train Your Dragon (2010, 98min, PG) St Mary in the Castle Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF Adults £5 / 11-16s £2.50 / under 10s FREE Booking advised
Sat 22 Oct 12.15pm
Author talk: Cressida Cowell with Lauren Child St Mary in the Castle Pelham Crescent TN34 3AF Adults £5 / 11-16s £2.50 / under 10s FREE Booking advised Sat 22 Oct 4–8pm ZEROH Caught a Curiosity FREE – across town See website
Sun 23 Oct 12–4pm
Children’s Storytelling Day & Carnival
The Stade TN34 3FJ FREE