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Eric Bendler
How many soldiers per gallon is too many? What if anthropocentric climate change is wrong? Well, first, of course, I am thankful we have no catastrophe at hand to contend with. Then, since many of the measures needed to deal with climate change have a lot of positive benefits, I will think: I am glad we created 5 million or more new jobs here in the United States in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable generation. I am glad we created a culture that relies less on foreign oil, so that our children can live secure lives, knowing that the energy rug can't be pulled out from under them. I am glad we have found a way to save people and industry billions upon billions of dollars by making the use of energy more efficient. I am glad the millions of children who suffer from asthma can now breathe easier thanks to the fact that we aren't pumping the air full of toxins from our exhaust pipes and smokestacks. I am glad that, by no longer burning oil and coal into our air, we've