BRACKEN BRIEF Glorifying God by Building Bridges to Christ. I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name for ever and ever. Every day I will bless you, and praise your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; his greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:1-2 November 1, 2016 Dear Friends, What a blessing it is to be in ministry with you at Bracken! Last month I shared with you some results from the leaders and staff who participated in the first Casting the Vision session we had with Rev. Cheryl Broome. As we move into this season of thankfulness and generosity, I’d like to share the top few results of a few of the questions in which we were invited to respond.
In this Issue: Bracken Preschool
Tips for the Home
United Methodist Women
RACAP and You
RACAP Pantry Needs
United Methodist Men
Friendly family place
All Church Event –1 Service
Adult Spiritual Formation
Loving foundation reaching out to the world.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Pumpkin Patch Situation Report
Vine Wellness Ministry
Need for meaning and hope
Traveling from Grief to Grace
Love of Christ.
Focus on Ldrs: Royce Simmonds
Children’s Ministries
Continuing Ed Opportunities
Confirmation Class News
Welcome Sue and John Blair
Youth Ministries
Be committed
Love Christ.
An Easy Way to Giving/Tithing
Monthly Calendar
The main benefit of membership at Bracken is:
One important reason Church makes sense: Safe place/comfort and support Belonging
In order for the church to bless people the members must: Serve and give generously Love and respect each other Agree on [a] common goal and how to reach it Serve others Live their mission
Please keep these questions and your responses in your prayers as we look toward the future to which God is calling Bracken. It’s an exciting time in the life of the church! Thank you for loving God and loving the Church. Blessings, Chris Pastor Chris
~Mission Statement~ We will meet the faith and spiritual needs of the community by inviting and growing disciples. We will provide an environment that promotes Christ’s mission through worship, education, and outreach.
Bracken Brief
Page 2 Bracken Children’s Team Mission Statement Together we will dream, plan, and implement ministry opportunities designed to further the faith and spiritual growth of our children, their families, and our neighbors. We will foster an environment that provides continuity, respect and awareness of differences for all who choose to serve our children.
October was such a great month here at Bracken Preschool. The arrival of the pumpkins brought such joy and excitement. The Pumpkin Patch is a great, natural learning tool for young children. The environment is the child’s textbook at this age and it sure did teach them many things. They counted, made observations, discoveries, comparisons and creations, to name a few.
Bracken Preschool
Tips for the Home from Scholastic: Good Clean Fun! Germs spread many illnesses. The best way to keep your child healthy is to teach good personal hygiene habits. Start by teaching them how to wash their hands, and why hand washing is so important. When to Wash Hands: Teach your child that germs may be on your hands even when they don’t look dirty. Talk about how washing hands properly can stop germs from spreading. Here are some important times to wash your hands thoroughly: Before preparing food Before eating After using the toilet After playing outside After playing with pets After coughing or sneezing into hands or into a tissue After visiting a sick friend After cleaning up a mess. Books you might enjoy reading with your child: Phoebe Dexter Has Harriet Peterson’s Sniffles by Laura J. Numeroff Germs Make Me Sick by Parnell Donohue Clean as a Whistle by Aileen Fisher I Hate to Take a Bath by Judith Barret
Blessings - Michelle DeLeo, Director
Bracken Fire Department at the PS!!!
UMW: Our November 7th program will be Candy Rattray with Stampin Up. She will help us replenish our card ministry. Thanks to everyone who helped with the Semi-Annual Rummage Sale. We made over $2,200. Our Christmas party will be December 5th. (Chinese gift exchange.) Come join us! Becky Davidson,
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The Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program (RACAP) invites you to its annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at 7 p.m., Thursday, November 17th at the Universal City UMC, located at 90 Winn Avenue. This service is a special time for RACAP to thank God for His guidance and all the blessings He sends our way. We will have wonderful music, an inspiring message, and refreshments. Please mark your calendars and join us on November 17th, one week before Thanksgiving. RACAP needs your help with its Thanksgiving and Christmas Programs. Last year during the holidays, RACAP provided over 600 food baskets for needy families in our area. We expect the need to be even greater this year. There are several ways you can help: first, you can refer families who are in need to RACAP to complete an application for a food basket. The application deadline for Thanksgiving is Nov. 4th, and for Christmas is Nov. 10th. Next, you can donate non-perishable food items. Some of the items needed most are: chicken broth, flour, sugar, canned vegetables, evaporated milk, canned pumpkin, stuffing mix, yams, fruit cocktail, Jello, cranberry sauce, and Crisco. Money is also needed to purchase turkeys, bread, eggs, and perishable items. Perhaps you have a couple of afternoon hours to volunteer at RACAP: sorting donated food, stocking shelves in the food pantry, reviewing applications, etc. Your help would be greatly appreciated at this busy time of the year. For more information, please call Jessie or Dorothy at 210-658-1613, or visit our website at Moses Lost in the Desert… Year 40 RACAP is located at 307 Pfeil Street in Schertz, and is open from 1-3 p.m, Monday thru Friday. Thank you for helping RACAP show God’s love to the needy in our area, and remember RACAP’s Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on November 17th. Elaine Smith, Your RACAP Representative
RACAP Pantry Needs: Jello, canned fruits, mixed vegetables, soups, rice, boxed potatoes, jelly, spaghetti sauce, pasta, toilet paper, personal hygiene products, canned and dried beans, canned meats, macaroni & cheese, hamburger and tuna helper, peanut butter, canned tomatoes, ramen soup, and baby diapers, plus items mentioned in article above. Monetary donations for fresh produce and meat.
All men of Bracken UMC and their guests are welcome at our quarterly meetings. UMM continues to cook pancakes for Fellowship Time on 4th Sundays. Helpers are always needed – just show up at 8:15 a.m. Donations collected for pancakes go into the UMM Members’ Emergency Fund. Blessings, Russell Bistline, President
Bracken Brief
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All Church Event - Capital Campaign Informational meeting
November 13th at 10:15 AM in Fellowship Hall.
We will have 1 Worship Service that day at 9:00AM followed by a Pot-luck brunch.
Come and hear the exciting news of the third phase of our current building campaign: the Multi-Purpose Building.
Adult Spiritual Formation by Suzanne Broussard “Resist the devil and he will run away from you."” James 4:7 The adversary is like a dog that barks and growls and makes as if to attack and actually does attack if one shows fear; but, when one turns on him, he runs away to yap at a safe distance, irritating but harmless. The conclusion is: take heart, be bold, go contrary to the direction of Satan’s temptations. Do so not merely with blind determination but with conscious trust in God, aware of God’s might, wisdom, and love: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, though the mountains shake into the heart of the sea; though its waters rage and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult. (Psalm 46:1-3)
Before a person with such a spirit, Satan will back off.
Twelfth Rule of Discernment (guidelines dealing with spiritual desolation) Rule 12: The evil spirit often behaves like a spoiled child. If a person is firm with children, children give up petulant ways of acting. But if a person shows indulgence or weakness in any way, children are merciless in trying to get what they want, stomping their feet in defiance or wheedling their way into favor. So our tactics must include firmness in dealing with the evil spirit in our lives. There are endless ways in which the evil spirit plays the imposter, offers counterfeit good in order to swindle us, offers a lesser real good for a better, distracts us, or allures us into a trap through our inadvertence or rationalization. In any artful human swindles or seductions, a principal point of method is to play the “confidence game.” Through a false sense of intimate trust, through fear or avarice or some other motive, the victim is persuaded to keep quiet about what is going on unless it be to consult another whose own ignorance of the ways of the world makes such a person incapable of giving sound advice, and perhaps even allows for his becoming an unwitting accessory to the crime. Once a knowledgeable and honest person is consulted, the deception is uncovered. So also in the evil spirit’s fraudulent enterprises, it is essential to his purpose that the victim should speak to no one about the matter--unless it be to another who is inexperienced and unlearned in spiritual matters, and who may be counted on to give bad counsel--perhaps even to get burned himself.
—— **** ——
Suzanne Broussard is a highly trained full-time spiritual director and member of Spiritual Directors International. Offering spiritual direction to Clergy, Pastors, Priests, Seminarians, Religious Directors, Spiritual Directors, Lay Ministers, and Lay Persons across twelve faith traditions for over 12 years. For further information about the ministry or spiritual director, or to make an appointment, please call or email Suzanne Broussard at (830) 832-3714; email; Listing of Spiritual Directors: Spiritual Directors International
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Prayer Shawl Ministry: A Shawl Prayer: Nothing in this world is as comforting as prayer Nothing draws us closer as when the Savior’s near As you wrap this shawl around your shoulders tight May you feel the love and prayers that have poured out day and night Prayers for your happiness, for joy, hope and peace
Prayers that God’s blessings for you will increase So as you wrap this shawl, and feel its comfort there May you always feel assurance that the Savior, Jesus, is near. Contact Pastor Chris, Pastor Brad, the church office or a prayer shawl member to chose a shawl for someone who needs comfort. Our joint Nov/Dec meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 29, to collect the hats/scarves for RACAP. Pat Helmken, Chair “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17
Pumpkin Patch SitRep Picture by Janie
Total sales up to Saturday, 10/22: $49,310 (almost $9K ahead of last year/rainouts). Thanks to those who turn out to help us sell p’kins! SteveR & Russell for the Patch
Bracken Brief
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VINE WELLNESS MINISTRY Five Questions to ask instead of “How was your day?” Do you have trouble getting your child or teenager to talk to you after you pick them up from school? The typical “How was your day?” question isn’t usually met with much enthusiasm after a certain age. Instead of asking this standard question and getting a one word answer, try mixing things up by asking different questions. Here are a few examples: 1.
What was the funniest thing that happened to you today? I love this question because no matter what mood you’re in, thinking of something that made you laugh always cheers you up!
When did you do something you were proud of today? Not only do you get to see areas your children are growing in, this is also a great question to help adolescents develop confidence in themselves.
What were your friends like today? It’s never a bad thing to learn more about your kid’s friends. And because friends during the adolescent years are so important, this gives you an opportunity to talk about what’s potentially most important to them.
If you want to mix things up and get silly ask a “would you rather” question. Like, would you rather be attacked my 50 house cats or a grown lion and why?
And lastly, what’s been your favorite part of your day? This opens the door for discussion without getting a one-word answer.
Changing things up works great in marriage, too. Sometimes a “How was your day?” can be too openended of a question. Asking something that requires someone to answer with more than one word and gives him or her freedom for creativity can create fun conversation! You can modify questions based on how your family member is doing. For example, on certain days maybe asking, “What was the hardest thing you did today?” The questions you can ask are endless! Written by: Lauren Settle, MA, LPC-Intern Supervised by Grady Yarbrough Jr., LPC-S Boerne Counseling Center
Traveling from Grief to Grace: Living Your New Normal Grief Retreat - We will explore all losses and what comes to life from these times in our lives. Sat, Nov 12, 9 to 4 p.m., The Rock House, Oblate School Of Theology, 285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio, 78216 Illnesses, death, empty nest, loss of a job or relationship are forms of loss that require time to pause, tend, and be for a while. Though forms of loss may be different, there is something new and wondrous that is spiritually being birthed within each of us. Some of us loosen or let go of identities, roles, and ways of service that are no longer needed to begin to walk a new direction, with a new awareness that God is paving the way for us. This annual, experiential daylong retreat offers a time to rest and to explore what is giving life to you during this time. We will gently explore spiritual detachment and redirection, relaxation and prayer, and share through writing, collage, relaxation, and group spiritual direction. FEE - $35, until November 1st ($40 after). Includes materials and light lunch. Mail check to: Christina M. Guerra, 23802 Baker Hill, SA, TX 78258, or PayPal: email request to Contact: Christina M. Guerra 210-912-7526
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Focus on Leaders — 2nd Installment: Royce Simmonds; member since 2012 We are happy to present Royce Simmonds, Chair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) as this month’s “Focus on Bracken Servant Leaders”. Royce was raised by his divorced mother, grandmother and aunt in Cordele, Georgia. Due to increasing medical bills from his grandmother's and aunt's long-term illnesses, he quit the 10th grade and went to work to help his mother pay the bills. For a year, he pressed pants in a clothing factory in Cordele and at the age of 17, entered the Air Force as an enlisted man. If you asked Royce about his 35-year Air Force career, he will probably tell you he could not keep a job. In reality, he locked onto every educational and career-field opportunity that came along as he progressed through the enlisted and officer ranks. Early on, he obtained a High School GED, BS in Business, MA in Healthcare Administration, and an MS in Production Engineering and Operations Research. As an enlisted member, he was an honor graduate of the AF Air Traffic Control School and was a tower and radar approach controller at Moody AFB in south Georgia. Due to vison limitations, he was disqualified from the air traffic duties and retrained into the medical laboratory field. An honor graduate again from this long, intensive school, he was assigned to medical lab instructor duties at Wilford Hall USAF Hospital in San Antonio where he taught Phase II lab students and young incoming medical interns, and reviewed courses in diagnostic microbiology. He then moved to Wright Patterson USAF Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, where he taught AF students in clinical chemistry. Moving on, he became the Chief of the medical labs at RAF Bentwaters, England, and Kunsan Air Base, Korea. After 15 years enlisted, he was selected for Officer Training. On graduation, Royce was assigned to the Strategic Nuclear Missile launch training facility in California and later appointed to the Titan II Missile Wing at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas. During this time he considered purchasing a condo. Instead, he met a young and vivacious realtor, Debra Bailey. He immediately forgot about the condo and took Debra instead. (Great Decision, Royce!) In the missile field, Royce was assigned as the Senior Instructor Commander for the 308th Strategic Missile Wing at Little Rock. After a four-year tour, Royce moved to Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, as Chief of the Military Personnel Office and then as Base/Wing Executive Officer under General Jim Higham. After three years, he was assigned as Director of Assignments at Stuttgart, Germany, for AF NATO enlisted personnel. Later, Royce was appointed Aeroporto Commander for Air Force NATO personnel at Dal Molin Italian Air Base in Vicenza, Italy. After 3 years, Royce, Debra and family went (...reluctantly, dragging and screaming) to his new assignment as Director of Enlisted Assignments for the entire Air Force at the Air Force Personnel Center at Randolph AFB. After 35 years’ service, and an assignment to Fort Walton Beach, FL, Lt. Colonel Royce Simmonds decided enough was enough. After 8 days in retirement, Royce and Debra opened a two-room real estate office in Schertz. In 2003, they moved to their current location on I-35 in Schertz and built the office from, initially, three to 50 Realtors and 6 full-time administrative staff. During all of this, Debra and Royce‘s growth in the church was set, pretty much from the years attending chapels on the military bases worldwide. About four years ago, they were attending a very large church in far NE San Antonio. One day, while coming home from a service, Debra spotted the small Bracken UMC sign at the corner of FM 3009 and FM 2252. Debra, a lifelong Methodist, pointed to the sign and said, Bracken is our new and final church home......and as always, she has been absolutely right.... Royce has been extremely active in our Church lives, taking on missions and service as Trustee, UMM, Chair - SPRC and Chair - Church Council. Royce and Debra are commended to all, please “meet and greet”.
Bracken Brief
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Children's Ministries:
Children's ministry programs are gearing up for the
November 16th we invite youth and children's families to join us for dinner at 6:00 p.m. for our Thanksgiving family potluck and game night (in place of WOW and Youth Group). All are invited! December 10th is our children's Christmas Pageant (ages 3-5th grade). More info to come; contact Kathy Roden. Sunday school and W.O.W. are continuing strong. I would love for you and your children to join us. If you should have ANY questions about our children's ministry, please contact me. Shalom, Nicole
Continuing Education Opportunities The Mystery of My Story: A Writing Retreat by Paula Sullivan September 26-28, 2016 —and — May 1-3, 2017 Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton Tuesdays, September 20 - November 15, 2016 — and — Tuesdays, January 10 March 7, 2017 Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and Mystics Tuesdays, September 20 - November 15, 2016 — and — Tuesdays, January 10 April 4, 2017 Contact Janie at the Office for more information. Thanks!
Confirmation News! Confirmation classes for students Grades 6 and above begin Jan. 8th, Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 8 PM in Fellowship Hall! Orientation for Youth, Parents and Mentors is Dec. 11th at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. What is confirmation? It is the time in a person's life when he or she makes that important spiritual decision to claim the name of Christian for him or herself at the Confirmation Worship Service on June 4, 2017. Please register in advance by contacting Pastor Chris.
Welcome our new members! Sue and John Blair
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Hello and welcome to all Bracken and surrounding area parents and youth (grades 6-12)! The purpose of this section of the BUMC Newsletter is to let you know of upcoming events and accomplishments of our youth. Youth meet on Sundays from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Wahl House. We are currently studying how the Spiritual Disciplines serve as means to open ourselves up to God and His transforming power in our lives. Youth also meet regularly on Wednesdays from 4:30-7:30 p.m. during the school year; these meetings include free time, games, dinner made by the talented John and Gwen Covington, and Bible study. This year we are participating in a study that will highlight key passages spanning from Genesis to Revelation. I am incredibly proud of these students’ desire to grow deeper in their relationships with the Lord and with this community. Enjoy the photos of Hannah Keller participating in a Future Farmers of America event and of Lauren and Kaitlyn Anderson leading Steele High School’s See You at the Pole! Upcoming Events: Families are invited to a Thanksgiving meal in Bracken’s Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, November 16, at 6:00 p.m. during United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF).
All are encouraged to serve at the Food Bank Distribution on Wednesday, November 23 at 8:45 a.m. at Pickrell Park.
There will be no UMYF on Wednesday, November 23, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Look out for information about a post-pumpkin patch party!
Feel free to pick up a printed calendar from the youth bulletin board outside of my office or the youth bulletin board in the Ed. Bldg. Events are on the church website calendar at
Check your email for the “Weekly Youth Update” where you can find more information. If you would like to be added to this email list, please let me know!
God bless, Caleigh Smith, Youth Director
Hannah Keller
Lauren and Kaitlyn Anderson
Page 10
November Birthdays Sabrina Mitchell Adam Niles Nancy Rathburn Jessica Nichols Luke Stuller Bob Pullin Rachelle Keller M.J. Sanjuan Jenny Boyd Ronnie Harris Clay Stuller Eva Arnold Robert (Bob) King Glenda Akers Ernest Miller Ryan Powell Stephen Stephens Dee Jagge Sandy Faro Pat Gathright Steve Keller Taylor Dalton Mary Jo Fuller June Hensley McKenna Martin Carol Classen Marielena de la Cruz Patricia Jobe
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18
Jennifer McGovern Ally Wideman Conrad Abee Trevor Smith Amy Luther Brianna Brumfield Allen Dorsey George Drake Emma Mitchell Glenda Williams
20 20 22 22 27 29 29 29 29 30
Richard and Julie Mejia Royce and Debra Simmonds
Finances as of September 31, 2016 Month
Ahead (Behind) ($5,681.64)
Church emails go out several times a week to advise on the latest Bracken Church news. If you’d like to be added, please call the church office or send via email. Also, if you’d like to receive the monthly newsletter via mail or be taken off the mailer list, please contact the church office at 830-606-6717 or
Member Commitments Capital Campaign Contrib. Campaign #1 $ 340,926.22 Campaign #2 $ 394,746.92 Income (w/Interest): $ 808,340.14 Expenses: ($ 1,004,695.78) Debt with TMF: ($508,459.77) Incl. renovations @
Weekly Church Emails
September Presence Total Membership
Average Worship by service:
8:00 a.m. Traditional 43 9:45 a.m. Traditional II 67 11:15 a.m. Contemporary 30 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 38 Sunday School 11:15 a.m. 12 Total Visitors for month 30 Avg. Sunday Worship 140
An Easy Way for Giving Tithes or Special Offerings Bracken has implemented an e-giving system. It is very simple. Just go to the church web site, click DONATE and follow directions. Options include a debit/credit card or simply have funds periodically drawn from checking/savings. It is user-friendly and secure. Several members already use this and find it convenient and time saving. You can make one-time donations, such as VBS or pay Preschool billings. If you have questions, call Janie at the church office.
Have you moved? Has your phone # or email address changed? Do you wish to receive church emails? If so, please email or call the church office. You can inform us of new contact info when signing weekly church attendance sheets. Please indicate the new info with asterisk or stars, this will help when entering data.
NOVEMBER 2016 Sunday 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:00 & 10:45 a.m.
Gathering Breakfasts
9:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:45 a.m. SS for all ages 9:45 a.m. SS Awareness Ed#1 10:45-11 a.m. Tiny Tots Choir 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:15 a.m.
Adult SS – Under
November 2016 Monthly Calendar
9-2 Preschool CC 9-2 Preschool CC
10-11:15 a.m. Staff Meeting - FH
1:30-3 p.m. Hand Bells - FH 5-9:30 p.m. Eagle Scout Review Board Ed Bldg 3 & 4 6:30-8:30 p.m. Contemp Music Practice - S
CC = Connection 8-8:45 Center Contemplative Prayer Service - Ed = Education S Building
5:30-7:30 p.m.
9:45- a.m. - noon Ladies Bible Study -Ed #5
1-3 p.m. Staff Office Hours - FH
6:30-8:30 p.m. Contemporary
Worship Prac – S
4:30-7:30 p.m. UMYF (Youth) - Y 5-6 p.m. Children’s Choir FH 6-6:50 p.m. Men’s Gospel Group - S
7:30-8:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 828 - FH
7-8:30 p.m. Joyful Noise Practice - S
6:30-7:15 p.m.
Trustees - FH
Ladies Bible Study-Ed #5 6-7:30 p.m. WOW—FH
12:30-1:30 p.m. 6:30-8 p.m.
UMW Monthly Meeting - FH
13 2nd Sunday 14 Heritage Sunday/ Veteran’s Day ONE SERVICE 9am then Brunch
8 9-12 a.m.
9 9-12 a.m.
Preschool Stomp & Play Ed Rm # 4
Preschool Stomp & Play - Ed Rm # 4
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sr Ministry - FH
WOW—FH 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mens Bible Study— Ed Bldg #4
4:30-7:30 p.m.
16 6-7:30 p.m.
Newsletter deadline
10:15 am Finance - FH
6:30-8:30 p.m. Mens Bible Study Ed Bldg #4
2-3 p.m.
Church Council - FH
20 3rd Sunday 21 Taco Sunday
11:30-1 p.m. Music Planning -
23 PS Closed 845-11 a.m. FoodBank - Pickrell Park 11-12 NL Fold - FH 6-7:30 WOW - FH 6:30-8:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study - Ed Bldg # 4
27 4th Sunday 28 PS Closed 29 PS Closed 30 PS Closed Pancakes-UMM ADVENT begins
12:30-3 p.m Combined Nov/Dec Shawl Ministry meeting - FH
6-7:30 WOW - FH 6:30-8:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study - Ed Bldg # 4
FH = Fellowship
CC: Connection Center Hall FH: Fellowship Hall P = Parsonage P: Parsonage S: Sanctuary S = Sanctuary Y = Youth Bldg W: Wahl House 5 8-9 a.m. UMM - FH 8-11 a.m. Maintaining God’s House
6:30-8:30 p.m. Mens Bible Study—Ed #4
Youth Volunteer Meeting—Y
9-2 Preschool CC 9-2 Preschool CC 9-2 Preschool CC
6 1st Sunday
Page 11
5:30-6 p.m.
5 p.m.—>
Worship Cmtee FH
Parking Lot Line Painting
All Day —> Parking Lot Line Painting
7-7:30 p.m. RACAP Thanksgiving Service (at Univ. City UMC)
24 PS Closed 25 PS Closed 26 10-4 p.m. Wuest Txgiving Dinner - FH
6:15-7:30 p.m.
4-6:30 p.m. Fall Festival Church Grounds
Cub Pack Mtg— FH
Charge Conference is December 4th.
Weekly opportunities are highlighted at the top of the calendar. Additional opportunities listed on the calendar.
Bracken United Methodist Church Rev. Chris Bistline 20377 FM 2252 San Antonio, TX 78266-2615 Office: 830-606-6717 Preschool: 830-624-1429 Pastor’s Cell: 512-743-9587 Email: Website: Office Hours: Monday 1 - 3 p.m., Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
November Newsletter
Come and Worship with Us! Worship & Fellowship Opportunities 8:00 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m. ~ Gathering Times with & 10:45 a.m. Fellowship & Food 9:45 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship 9:45 a.m. ~ Sunday School for all ages 11:15 a.m. ~ Contemporary Worship 11:15 a.m. ~ Adult Sunday School
Church Staff Senior Pastor ~ Reverend Chris Bistline Associate Pastor ~ Reverend Dr. Bradley DeHaven Church Administrator ~ Janie Franz Children’s Ministry Director ~ Nicole Powell Youth Director ~ Caleigh Smith Director Traditional Music ~ Mark Hall Director Contemporary Music ~ Kyle Lanford Special Music Ministries ~ Kathy Roden Preschool Director ~ Michelle DeLeo Bookkeeper ~ Carol Dukes Media Manager ~ Eric Bonar Special Projects ~ Steve Rice