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The Salaam Group
from ICLI 2012 Journal
by Hamza Byas
ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD The Salaams Group
Salaam Group initiative Learning, sharing, caring
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, The Salaam Group was championed by Br. Sirfraz at least a decade ago. After a long hibernation, it was revived and is now under the coordination of Sr. Ferozan Noori, Sr. Shakirah Idris, Br. Sirfraz Khan, and Sr. Kiki Byas. The group expects to realize the following
Vision: Planting roots, nurturing, and establishing organized and efficient religious, extendedfamilial and social supports for the new Muslims.
Mission: To create and provide a strong support system and a welcoming environment to facilitate the new Muslims and their families in their transition In 2012, we have done the following program and activities: On-going
Committee Meeting. We hold biweekly meeting to discuss issues that require actions and to plan events. Jum’ah social. We hold weekly informal gathering of any Salaam group members who attend Jum’ah prayer, except during ramadan.
ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD Salaam Group Bi-weekly program. We will start bi-weekly meeting on Friday evening. One meeting of the month will be a lesson on Islam, while the other meeting will be to attend Mufti Farhan’s session. Supports. We initiated a pantry of dry /can food to support our members who might need supports. During the Eid-ul- Adha celebration, we also provided them with some of the Qurbani meat. In addition, we also developed a procedure to assist them in applying for the zakat fund. Events 2012
The events that we have planned and completed this year include: ICLI Fundraising dinner at Antun’s (march 31, 2012) Pre-Ramadan Brunch at Mediterranean Kabab House on Post Avenue (July 14, 2012) Salaam Group Iftar at ICLI (July 27, 2012). Lauren Booth at ICLI (October 14, 2012). Eid-ul-Adha gathering (October 27, 2012) Field Trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts (November, 2012*)
We would like to invite any ICLI community members for comments and suggestions in improving our programs. We also invite everyone to support our initiative to ensure that our new brothers and sisters will have the supports they need in their period of transition. Jazakumullahu khairan. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Kiki
Trikartikaningsih (Kiki) Byas
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