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Weekend School

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The Salaam Group

The Salaam Group

ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD Weekend School

Teaching Our Islamic Identity Over three decades ago, it all began with a simple vision and a commitment; to provide children of our community a well rounded knowledge of our wonderful religion, Islam. The religious education of children is a central activity at ICLI. The Sunday School now has 325 registered students. The faculty members comprise of 30 individuals who come from teaching backgrounds many at the Masters level. ICLI Sunday School has classes ranging from four years old to 12th grade at high school. Generally, the teaching at Sunday School is both on religious and social matters. The younger grades are acquainted with simple Islamic principles such as “Kindness in Islam” and are taught the Arabic alphabet alongside stories of Prophets. In addition, to this basic foundation the School strives to make the learning of such concepts easy and fun. In order to do this Nasheeds are added to the curriculum as well as many creative crafts that help our younger students learn in a way to which they are used to at their secular school. At the middle level of the school for students from 2nd Grade to 7th Grade Islamic history, surah, sirah as well as social awareness become more carved and predominant. All the teachers are encouraged to invite discussions and help students clarify in their minds what it means to be a Muslim. Grades 8 through 12 concentrate heavily on how Islamic behavior translates into every day life here in the United States. Controversial subjects such as the place of financial interest in everyday banking, gender roles, dietary issues are discussed in depth. The aim of the Sunday School is to prepare these youngsters to be well informed individuals about such topics so that they may put these teachings into practice in their personal lives as well as teach others. In addition to the core classes there is a Salah Program which emphasizes the importance of performing the Salah. The Sunday School strives to ensure that all graduating students at a minimum know the recitation of the Salah and the technical differences between types of Salah. Each student is tested in written form as well as practical to ensure that this vital part of our faith is embedded in the hearts and minds of our current generation and generations yet to come. Overall, the Sunday School Administration has a vision to build a school where Islam thrives alongside


ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD ICLI Annual Report 1433AH / 2012AD American principles. The Sunday School wishes to teach Islam in its purist form following the Qur'an and the Sunnah disregarding any infusions of culture that may taint the beauty and simplicity of a religion that teaches love, patience and above all tolerance. We like to thank our present members of the Education Committee for all their hard efforts in making ICLI Sunday School successful. These member are as follows: Ennjai Bennahou, Faisal Mirza, Sohail Nabi, Nadia Pervez, Aliyah Pirzada and Samra Zafar. May the Blessing of Allah be upon all. Noreen Kazi


Photos of Hajj Program

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