Architecture Portfolio // Eric Folli // 2017

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Architecture Portfolio Eric Folli

Enter in my Brain

Architecture is the drug of past, present and future.

Storia FM Electricians (Tavazzano - Italy) Apprentice : assinstance in the contruction of electrical system ( home and industrial), after I worked in sales office for maximizing sales Studio Associato De Vizzi (Lodi) Interneship Architect 2011-2012 I have planned several buildings with different functions and sizes. I designed a Gym, the interior of some apartments; I did surveys of several buildings and re-drawn them. In this interneship I also designed the furniture: wardrobes, chairs, bookcases. Studio Guido Siviero(Lodi) Interneship Architect 2014-2015 Assistance in executive project of buildup of Manor House in Lodi countryside. In addition of Architectural design I also did the rendering for more customers. I designed the interior of some apartments in central Milan and after I did surveys of several buildings and re-drawn them. Ultimate experience in this interneship was the partecipation in an international competition for building a bridge. ASSISTENT SHOP (Combo Cove fashion store Milano) february 2012 Responsible for maximising sales and providing excellent customer care to shops. Mgn party (Lodi - Milano) Ceo e co-founder Mgnparty: Event planner in Lodi and south Milano. MGN: Crew born since 2012, with passion of black culture and hip - hop. In this years this party became the main Event in the nightlife of Lodi and south Milano. MGN is a symbol of heartedness, worldliness and glamour. Mgnsqvad (Lodi - Milano) Ceo MGNSQVAD, Italian independent brand born in 2016 in Milan. Mgn it’s not only party but in 2016 it also became a clothing line. Mgnsqvad is a street brand 100% made in italy, always careful to set new trends. Freelance Graphic designer and videomaker (Italy) Always passionate about graphics, I collaborated with several customers for the realization of graphics for their companies. Co - founder Studio Poko (Milano - Italy) // 3 Competition Oct 2015-Present Co -Founder of Studio Poko, a group of young architects who participate in various competitions of architecture, design and art.

Since when I was a child I fell in love with the british culture. I left my hometown and moved to London because I mean it’s right there for me, the mix of cultures, good life and vanguard. My goal is to improve my english first so that it helps me find a job as an architect, the job I’ve studied for. I’m a smart guy, who loves to make new experiences; I’m a great dreamer who loves to set new goals. This is an important step in my life and I want to learn as much as possible to establish myself professionally and culturally. I’m exuberant and very sociable in fact love being sorrounded by people and work in a team to reach a common goal. The University and the passion for architecture have made me the man I am. I’m multitasking, able to solve problems and work under pressure. The essence of my life are organization and public relations: beside my job as an architect, I organize events with my crew and I am the owner of a clothing brand (Mgnsqvad) you can follow on instagram and Facebook. In London, I want to challenge myself and learn new parts of me and I’m sure I’ll be embraced by this city with all its good vibe.

Born : 29/03/1989 Vizzolo Predabissi (Mi)

Account Istagram: Richmondrich youtube: Mgn night facebook 1 : Eric Folli Facebook 2 : Mgnsqvad Brand

Now live in London

Contact tel: skype: erichmond (Eric Folli)

EDUCATION Industrial Technical Institute Diploma (100/100) at I.T.C.S.G. “A.Bassi” - Lodi Sep 2008-Sep 2011

B.Arch - Bachelor of Technical building architecture at Parma Statal University

M.arch - Master of Science degree Building Architecture ( Civil Arch.) at Politecnico of Milano. Thesis: Minimize Maximum (stadium) // thesis

SKILLS Autodesk Autocad Graphisoft Archicad Mcnell Rhinoceros Google Sketchup Cinema 4D Chaos Group Vray Artantis Abvent Illustrator Adobe Premier Apple Imove Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom Adina Pacchetto Microsoft Macintosh









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PUBLICATION Recycling EXPO (project I)




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Minimize Maximum (project II)




Recycling EXPO, 2013/2014 PUBLICATION ON KOOZARCH.COM New urban planning of Cascina Merlata

The project consist of a tower ( hotel low cost ) and a footbridge who linking the site Cascina Merlata and the Expo. The thinking behind the tower is recycling. The hotel - residence tower is 130 meters high, with a very interesting functional program: emeroteca, sacred spaces, market ad many leisure and relax. The foobridge is 170 meters long and under there is a coverred parking.

Masterplan Cascina Merlata

Masterplan/Zoom centro Organization

Urban Merket

Centro amministrativo parco Agricolo


Retraining Cascina Merlata

Development of the flooring: back to the nature

View entrance market and Auditorium

View gym and viewpoint

Sacred space

view hall

View type plan

Configuration type plan

View footbridge

View footbridge


Minimize Maximum A.A 2014/2015 Publication on KOOZARCH.COM New urban planning of site after Expo

The project for the site after Expo includes contruction of a new stadium for the Milano Soccer team. The stadium is large enough to hold 45.000 peolple, an architectonic object reported to the great architecture of Pierluigi Nervi. It is designed in reinforced concrete, modern forms form and flexible casing. The relationship between architecture and nature is very strong, indeed in the masterplan there are many nature materials: water, trees, meadows, cultivated fields ecc.

Masterplan Cascina Merlata

Agro technology park 1

Building 1: It’s the entrace at prison system and the administrative center


Building 2: It’s an Expo Legacy, center of collection of grown products. There are also office and the managment center of park.

Masterplan left

Modern prison system 3

Building 3 : It’s a center of collection of exhaust products from the agro technology park.


Building 4 : I’t’s another Expo Legacy, it’s a gate and landmark of our project. It’s the administrative center of the soccer team.

Masterplan right

Urban plan

View from the park of the stadium

VIP type plan

View skybox entrance

View balcony

Popolar plant

Popolar level, view point

View tribune , popolar level

Plant cover

Panels of a cover

composition scheme cover

Structural depth

View park

My granfather is not George Best


Surfing Aalto Concorso 15/16 Candidati alla presentazione nel Museo Concorso che prevede la realizzazione della connessione tra i due musei.

This project is a connection between Alvar Aalto Museum and Museum of central Finland. They were both built by Aalto and have whit differnt architectural shapes, they are located at the beginning of a small hill. The project was to create a connection able to armonize those two different buildings. Our project is had a minimal approach ( according to Aalto’s idea). Playing with curvilinee lines we wanted to recreate the concept of waves; developed by Aalto.

Masterplan Project

Pianta Urbana

View oval core

Cross section

View aisle

Longitudinal section

IV Lighthouse Murro di Porco Competition Concorso che prevede la realizzazione della connessione tra i due musei.

this project consists of the requalification of FARO of Murro di Porco in Syracuse . The building’s new function is a LIGHTHOUSE SEA HOTEL . The project name is 3Angle: the name derives from the concept of a triangle whose angles formed 3 different areas : camping , luxury rooms and recreational use.

Masterplan Lighthouse

View Camping modules

View project

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