The benefits of public relations for start-ups and SMEs

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The benefits of public relations for start-ups and SMEs by Nkosinathi Eric Mkhunjulwa First Edition November 2014

Self Published

This e-book is based on the fact that start-ups and SMEs as well as other organizations could see improved returns when they opt to incorporate public relations strategies in their daily business approaches.



mall and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) and start-up businesses are the cornerstones to our economy. Entrepreneurs establish their ventures for a number of reasons. Amongst these reasons, I am confident that we would concur that entrepreneurs have a hunger to find innovative ways to sustain the economical growth of their ventures as well as creating jobs. In order for entrepreneurs who owns start-up businesses and SMEs to witness economical growth and the creation of jobs, they need to implement good marketing strategies and have brilliant sales skills—also they could witness immeasurable benefits from the implementation of public relations strategies. Regarding these public relations strategies, there are highly adept PR agencies waiting to help entrepreneurs to achieve their marketing and publicity needs—of course, these agencies do charge a fee for their services. But a lot of entrepreneurs have a perception that the services rendered by these PR agencies are only meant for larger organisations and that are not relevant for their start-ups and SMEs. But this is not so! Thing is, PR campaigns could range from (1) being free—where agencies carry out pro bono work, (2) very low cost, (3) medium cost, and (4) higher cost—where multinational

agencies take on your communications efforts with truly global reach. Having said that, in this ebook, I intend to bring attention to aspects of PR that SMEs and start-up businesses could benefit from. Business owners and leaders in organisations should not fear to approach PR agencies that are available to render their services to them. Again, they should not be hesitant in employing PR practitioners in their organisations—unless if owners and leaders are confident that they are PR competent. SMEs and start-up businesses face a number of challenges in South Africa. Some are currently petrifying us in our ventures, leaving us with lingering tinge of wanting to give up—but I am glad that many entrepreneurs and business owners have not decided to quit. These challenges would include lack of planning, failure to create the right organisational culture, lack of innovation, getting clients as well as poor marketing strategies. But a good PR practitioner is able to assist an entrepreneur with planning and conveying the right message regarding their offers, getting them good publicity and creating awareness as well as putting up beneficial business relationships with customers and other businesses. Implement PR strategies, your bottom line might grow!


Communicate your product benefits


any of the small and mediumsized enterprise, including startup business owners, would question whether they need public relations support. Others would even say, “PR agencies are meant for the Big Dogs, not for small businesses like ours.” But in this section, I intend to change that perception and leave you with a new realisation. First, as a litmus test to measure whether you do need PR support, run your business offer (service/product) as well as the benefits thereof to a family member, close friend, one of your targets or even your pastor. When they have superb understanding at your first attempt—whoopee, you do NOT need PR support. But if they find it difficult to understand, then you do need to i n v e s t i n yo u r o w n P R department, a PR officer or even in the services rendered by a PR agency near you. Valuable PR is about developing a compelling and straightforward story about your business and then creating ways to deliver that particular story to your customers. The modern times in which w e l i v e , c o m m u n i c at i o n s platforms are rapidly evolving— meaning businesses are now

exposed to a horde of options to choose from. But the bottom line is making sure that all your communications approaches and strategies are targeted adequately. On your Facebook page, you may be getting 20 to 50 new “Likes” daily. Your Twitter handle may hold a “Verified” stamp with an army of 100 000 followers. Though this could prove positive brand awareness, the question you should ask is, “How many of these people would actually buy my product/service?” Successfully landing a spread in your specific industry magazine comes with great satisfaction. But how confident are you that your customers are reading it? Sound PR therefore is about ensuring that your message reaches your intended audiences. Also, it ensures that your message reaches your particular audiences in a swift and successful manner. “PR agencies are not meant for me, I am just a start-up.” Right? Wrong! Public relations agencies are not only meant for big and established organisations. PR agencies are proficient at communicating the benefits of your product/service clearly, by creating quick and cost-savvy solutions that delivers fast results for SMEs and start-up businesses as well.


Build durable business profile


our business profile is important. As important as what I shared with you in the previous and coming sections. Profile is what people get to see, the message is what people get to hear—when the two are tied together at high standard, tremendous results are what you will reap. Hence they say you must dress the part. To have a durable business profile online and offline does wonders in keeping your business and your product/ service at the back of the prospects’ mind. Most especially at the right time when they might be considering their options on a particular aspect that involves your product/ service. Again, having a strong business profile helps you to keep up with your existing customers— you evolve as they evolve, vice versa. Therefore, how you are profiled is thus important. By using the services rendered by a PR agency—where you get to benefit from utilizing their contacts and insights—you will definitely be ensuring that your business maintains an appealing and attention-grabbing profile on a number of social media platforms—and most importantly,

even secure a valuable media coverage in local media outlets to help promote your business product/service. Ending up with regional, provincial and maybe national media coverage. But I always say, it is best for a brand to be known locally, in a community within which you are operating you earn opportunities of becoming a household name. Inventive PR will certainly make sure that you continuously deliver insights and opinions that attract customers. Meanwhile continuing to ensure that you definitely stand out from your competitors. It simply sets you apart entirely. You will only be left with delivering a product/service that meet such standards. But for many organisation leaders, the idea that comes with the opportunity of being profiled (or being featured) in the media (papers, television and radio) is accompanied by a heavy flavor of anxiety. As a leader, the media should NOT find you in a state where you are lacking confidence, and that could be visible when you are anxious. But the support that you will receive from a PR agency of your choice will most definitely advise you that st ic kin g your he ad confidently above the boundary walls only result in success.


Build, Maintain business relationships


elationships are so VERY important in any business, no matter the type, no matter the industry, no matter the target and most importantly, no matter the size! This then is the “it” benefit of public relations. In your business, the help PR brings to the table is immensely in the developing of new relationships with other businesses and the lifeline of every business, the always–ever-right customers. Relationships with other businesses means you have more reasons to expand your current business as well as growing your clientele. The same with relationships with customers. They perceive you as being active, responsive and valuing their contribution into your business. Also, their relations with you helps to broaden you product/service’s variety and diversity. Meaning, more variety more money! When you employ effective communications tools such as company magazines, newsletters, press releases, websites, feature articles and events, you will find that they bring value in building and maintaining relationships. This is also part of PR. The production of communications

materials such as brochures, videos and websites. Planning special events such as open houses and trade shows. Researching, creating, writing and editing content. All this forms part of a PR specialist’s duties list. One other advantage of hiring a PR agency is that they will ensure that you maintain an ever active and responsive social media presence. This will assist you to quickly make new contacts and develop shared understanding with contacts. You will also be able to identify potential new targets and start conversations to help commence the process of buying. Company magazines and newsletters are powerful tools in keeping your business product/ service in the minds of customers as w e l l as o f c o nt ac ts . Furthermore, not only focusing on external aspects of c o m mun i c ati on s, c om p an y magazines and newsletters which profile both professional and personal as well as outstanding performances in the workplace could help profile your business in a better light and thus, opening doors for other businesses and new customers who want to do business with you because you would have displayed your staff as achievers, movers and shakers.


Gets you known, noticed and referred to


here are many brands out there, a vast number of products and services offered and rendered to consumers out there. But the fact is, people always go for the brand (product/service) that is well known or popular—this should tell us that these brands are well publicized by their respective companies as well as customers. Truth is, they do not pay us to talk about them. But we do talk about them. We recommend these brands to our friends and colleagues. We do this without receiving commission from these brands. With this realisation, you should therefore be able to realise that despite the costs you incur for making that call, telling your friend about a particular brand prefer, that brand receive publicity for free—your friend will most likely shout it loud while sitting in a taxi and everyone else is listening. Therefore, take note, publicity is free and exponential—for start-ups and SMEs as well. Every start-up business, every small and medium-sized enterprise, anywhere in the world, could benefit greatly from good publicity. As managing directors of start-ups and SMEs benefit from PR agencies by been profiled as experts in their specific industries,

the more good publicity they receive, the more authenticate their efforts as experts become. Because publicity causes one to be noticed, you will one day be referred to, mentioned and referenced as a notable expert in your field. This will, in turn, portray you as admirable and worthy to do business with in your community and elsewhere. Your chances of doing business with other businesses thus increases, because publicity will certainly help you to build strategic partnerships and relationships. Celebrities are known and celebrated in our communities. That is because of publicity they receive. I could go on about how beneficial publicity could be for you and your brand, product and service—like, how it can enhance your identity, help construct brand credibility as well as boost effective competitiveness. Remember that public relations has a number of subcategories—namely publicity, promotion, advertising, lobbying, development, media relations as well as crisis communications— and all these guarantees that businesses have advantages to be influential, persuasive and build mutually beneficial lasting relationships as well as mutual understanding. PR is for you!




ll the games starts with the same moves, but the strategies tends to change along with each game—the most strategic player comes out the winner. “Could we look into the head of a chess player, we should find there a whole world of feelings, images, ideas, emotion and passion,” Alfred Binet once said. Business management and entrepreneurship are concepts similar to the game of chess. Players in these fields yearn to outsmart their competition or rise above the odds of the challenges. Therefore ideas are formed, emotions felt and passions are constantly buttressed to yield strength to carry on—thus strategies rigorously implemented to outfox the competition. With the right combination of strategies—business plan first, followed by marketing plan then employing those meticulous sales strategies down to a fat bottom line—businesses still need great support that compliments their strategies. Most importantly, they need the kind of support that will talk the same language as their brands, help assemble and nurture valuable relationships as well as get good exposure and be their communications link to the business targets. There is a variety of different techniques and tools which can be used to achieve a large number of different objectives. Top of the list is

public relations, followed by advertising, sales promotions, sponsorships, personal selling and direct marketing—complimented by tools such as exhibitions, trade shows, word of mouth (or mouse), blogs, social media networking sites, packaging and branding. Back in the 19th century, an entrepreneur and a showman dubbed “Icon of American Spirit,” PT Barnum, once said “Without promotion something happens, nothing.” The roots of public relations in business could be traced back then. Though it is a relatively new profession, it is fundamentally about engaging communication tactics to influence public— empl oyed by governme nts, dictators and other key influencers including business owners for many years. For every business, start-up and SME alike, including large companies, though not at the same level of sustainability continuum, or the understanding thereof, there is a dire need for them to be aware of their position as entities. This will help them to be able to position, or reposition, themselves in their respective markets by employing effective strategic and operational decisions. PR becomes effective more under these circumstances. Also, PR is able to change and influence consumers’ thoughts, feelings and actions. Which will have an impact on how consumers view your product/services.


About the author


n a m e i s Nkosinathi Eric Mkhunjulwa. I was born June 6 1988 in Ladybrand, a then small but now growing town in the Eastern Free State, just 10 minutes from the border of Maseru. Growing up I was involved in a number of youth development groups as well as being active in youth politics. I then learned a lot about business as w e l l a s entrepreneurship through the Youth Enterprise Society (YES) programme powered by the Education With Enterprise Trust (EWET). It was through this programme that my love for business grew—as a result, I sold snacks from my grandmother’s house as my first business. Like a trial and error method in mathematics, I have been starting businesses which failed along the way—but the most important thing I am proud of is that I learned from all those failures. Every entrepreneur takes pride in each and every failure they encounter along the way. I now own a PR and marketing consulting business which aims to assist other

businesses to achieve their publicity and marketing objectives. I draw from my years’ worth of experience in marketing, publicity, media relations, communication and relationship building— including skills and knowledge drawn from practicing and studying journalism, working as a Media Relations officer. I am also part of the V a al I n c u b at i o n Support Project (VISP), in it I offer marketing and publicity advisory support to those whose businesses are u n d e r g o i n g incubation. This e-book, is my first ever—I realise that I have mentioned this throughout the book—and I intend to write many more in the future. With it I intend to establish rapport with you—Enzani PR and Marketing (#ePRM) Consultancy current and future clients, current and future mentors, mentees, partners, family and friends—now because the road ahead is long. I trust that you have enjoyed this e-book and that you have found it useful. Most importantly, I trust that you will circulate it through you network of friends. I thank you!

About #ePRM


PR and Marketing (#ePRM), is a publicity and marketing consultancy that renders (1) publicity, (2) media relations, (3) promotion, and (4) copywriting services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as start-up businesses in Vanderbijlpark. Businesses in the entertainment, fashion, financial services, high tech, manufacturing, professional sport, retail, transportation, health care, politics, including NGOs and churches will benefit from #ePRM Consultancy services.

We uphold customer interaction as our philosophy to ensure customer satisfaction. This approach helps with the development of relevant approaches in juxtaposition of the size of our clients’ respective organisations. For more information, contact us on; 0783551590


Thank You

for reading this e-book. It is my first ever. I am hoping to write many more in the future. And I would personally love you to read as many of them as possible. But for you and I to make this possible, to maintain and strengthen our relationship, we need to keep to the ends of our deals and honour them. My end of the deal is to deliver you quality content to you. And your end of the deal is to let me know of your every question, query, qualm, comment, compliment and concern regarding my work. Send them to: Twitter @EOMkhunjulwa

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