Editing Techniques (ClassNotes)
Reel Time Length of the film we control. The rhythm and pace of the movie by the duration of the shots. Long Duration shots give us time to engage and observe the Mise En scene How doesEditing Control Space?
Multiple Angles Locations in Conjunctions which make us feel as if we are in the meanwhile Line of Action / 30 Degree Rule We don’t cross the 180 degree line Stories and strategies come to life Shoot for Edit 1. Master Shoot – Ideal shot (Wide Angle / CloseUp 2. Variety of Different shots without breaking the 180 rule Screen Time The Amount of time something is on screen Apocalypse Now Continuous CrossDissolves / Overlays Graphic match between helicopter blades and fan blades. Montage editing Russia / Soviet Montage editing Kuleshov Pudovkin Juxta Posed|Juxta Positioning – Side by Side Eisentein’s Battleship Botemkin OdessaSteppesSequence Short Duration ImagesDoesn’t have to be continuous Intellectual montage – We have to create the meaning of the images, by linking together. Montage – Action split into segments