KNOWLEDGECHECK1 1. The two main forms of research undertaken by the media industries are Market research and Production research; Market research being the analysis of information about the market within a particular product which would normally compete with various other products with a similar audience. Production research is related to the production processof the product itself. 2. a) The full names of the following research organisations are: NRS(National Readership Survey) ABC(Audit Bureau of Circulation) BARB(Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) RAJAR(Radio Joint Audience Research)
3. Segmenting the audience into different categories allows the identification of the various groups of people with the same needs to be easier. The different ways in which a media audience can be segregated are usually by age, gender, culture and ethnicity or income and social class. 4. The advertising to media production is quite significant. It is an important source of income for many media products we watch, listen to, read and interact with. 5. The role of a researcher is to find out background information about various features such as the themes covered in a particular show and to contact and interview potential guests to find out their stories which would tell them if they are suitable for the show. 6. To asessthe viability of a media product, you have to consider the following: - Is the product financially viable? - Do you hold certain skills to undertake production process? - Do you have the correct equipment and technology? - Is help and support needed? Advertising is a crucial source of income for many of the media products that we watch, listen to, read and interact with. Eg, if you turn on any radio or TV etc, you will notice the amount of advertising space available. Also, many websites use pop ups to advertise various things. Sponsorships come into play here, for many individual products, by commercial competition. It has become very popular. The cost of producing product research is also something to understand. The expenditure on certain products can vary but is made common to all forms of media production. Eg. launching a magazine, you would need to employ the right people to help get it up and running. The staff would have to be creative and have technical expertise to assist in the production stagesand marketing people would help sell the product. Considering the right equipment to have is also essential. Recording and editing equipment with a range of hardware and software options available for print and multimedia production. However, skills to be able to use these efficiently will be important. Also, any skill gaps which are noticeable in staff may require extra help and support. 7. A SWOTanalysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities, and Threats involved in either a project or in a businessventure. It involves specifying the objective and identifying the internal and external factors that are advantagesand disadvantageswhen achieving that objective. 8. The meaning of the term copyright is a type of intellectual property that cannot be used without the
permission of the owner. It is an important factor in media production becauseit gives the owner the opportunity to either sell their rights or even buy off others. They can even choose to license others to use their work while retaining copyright ownership over the rights themselves; it gives the owners a senseof control and power.
KNOWLEDGECHECK2 1. The four main methods of research are Primary (research which consists of original data using methods such as interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and observation), Secondary (research based on the use of data which already exists which may have been gathered by other people or organisations, which is normally found in books, the internet etc), Qualitative (the type of research that is based on information produced by numerical and statistical data) and Quantitative (research that is gained via people’s attitudes, opinions and preferences rather than legit facts). 2. Many factors need to be considered when planning, designing and carrying out a survey. For instance, you have to understand who you will be targeting on the survey ie. target audience. Making the survey as straight forward as possible but still adding those crucial details will help the audience to be able to undertake it with more comfort and understanding. Consider the aim of the survey; what do you want to gain from it? Who will it help? What will be the impact? All these questions are significant when distributing a survey, post and pre action of it. 3. A focus group is a pre-selected panel of people who are to represent the target audience. They are usually used by marketing and advertising agencies to test the likely response of the target audience towards the chosen product. They are there to allow the companies of these so-called products to gain a somewhat effective insight on how people they are targeting, feel about the product which will enable them to, if need be, make positive changes to make a better product. 4. Issuesthat you would need to consider when undertaking your own secondary research are the reliability of the source you got it from. You may also need to check main facts and figures you would need, ensuring your research will be sufficient.
KNOWLEDGECHECK3 1. Key areas a presentation of your research should cover are the product, target audience and your explanations as to why it is all relevant. Theseare the most important aspects as they will initially reveal all the little extra details you will need to have a successwith your presentation. You have to be convincing that you know very well of the product you are trying to pitch. This will emphasise your enthusiasm and show those you are pitching to your understanding. Including the target audience will show you took regulations from places like 'ASA' (Advertising Standards Authority) into consideration, following the appropriate guidelines about advertising. By giving convincing explanation the information used in the presentation you will be able to justify your argument efficiently. 2. Explanations of the following terms: a) Intrapersonal Communication is the communication within you and includes thoughts, fears and anxieties which you may have regarding your presentation. If controlled, your presentation can go well. b) Interpersonal Communication consists of face-to-face communication between two or more people and includes aspects of spoken and non-verbal communication. c) NVCis the use of body language, which occurs mainly in interpersonal communication. It includes all sorts of features, which vary from the clothes you wear to your posture and facial expressions.
d) Paralanguageis normally the theory of 'not what you say, but how you say it'. Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously, and it includes the pitch, volume, pace and tone and, in some cases, intonation of speech. e) Visual Aids usually range from objects, props, posters and examples that relate to the product of research. They allow you to use them in ways that will help structure your speech and you many also apply these in your presentation. 3. To try and make your oral presentation as professional as possible you should put into consideration all the aspects that make a great presentation. Things such as non-verbal communication, which ranges from your body posture and orientation, your dress and appearance, hand and arm movements and your eye contact and facial expressions. All of these could determine whether your presentation goes well or not. One of the most important aspects however I feel, is the clarity of your voice, which also refers to your paralanguage and also your register. You need to be able to speak confidently and in some cases,using the correct expressions when possible. 4. To make your written report as professional as possible you should make sure your report is presentable in the casethat you check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Your report should always include an introduction,explanation of research methods and what you found out whilst analysing the results of your research, the research data itself and a conclusion.