BLITZ • The British movie Blitz was funded by the BFI (British Film Industry) BFI meaning it was Financially aided due to the fact that the UK Film council no longer exists. • As we can see from the Production Companies involved, it was an undoubtedly large production. • But lack of a large enough budget provided by Lionsgate prevented it from being a big production value film such as Transformers, Star Wars, and Inception.
• We can clearly see this in the amount of box office returns the movie made. • An overall Gross of £542,981 was brought in after the movie was released on the 29th of may 2011 • With a total £79,565 made on the weekend.
On the other hand, Transformers raked in A whopping $402,11,870 which is equivalent to £269,299,672 although we see a huge difference, the movie was respectively funded by a stronger Production company in Paramount DreamWorks pictures Who are owned by the third biggest film production conglomerate “Viacom” This essentially meant that, their Distribution policy would have been global due to their Status in the industry.