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Philadelphia University 4201 Henry Ave. Philadelphia PA 19144 College of Architecture + the Built Environment College of Health Science + the Liberal Arts Thesis Research Paper Prof. Susan Frosten Prof. Daniel Chung Prof. Christopher Boskey Dr. Frank Wilkinson Architecture Thesis + Research ARCH-591-1 Fall 2012




Abstract With current estimates predicting a peak in fossil fuel resource extraction occurring within this century the need to continue developing alternative energy sources is becoming increasingly more dire. Fossil fuel usage has also lead to increasing levels of dangerous greenhouse gases within out atmosphere slowly raising the temperature of the planet and creating an uncertain future for our children and way of life. While it is increasingly necessary to find alternative fuel sources that will reduce the quantity of fuel used, as well as the amount of emissions that are produced, it is equally important to look at different energy production methods that improve the efficiencies and output of the resources that we have left. In this notion various alternative energy sources present themselves including solar, geothermal, wind, hydroelectric and others and while these energy production methods do provide a cleaner source of energy they do little to combat the levels of existing greenhouse gases within the atmosphere as these systems still just focus on reducing the amount that is produced. While it is notable to continue to develop these systems and these alternative energy sources do provide an extremely relevant solution its time that we started looking at systems that not only reduced the amount of greenhouse gases that are generated, but could also begin to reduce the amount of existing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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01 Introduction 02 Problem 03 Precedents 05 Proposal 06 Site 07 Resources

Introduction An increased global concern on the availability and impacts of fossil fuel use has lead the world to endeavor to embrace new sustainable and ecologically minded systems within their daily lives. Current strategies for reducing carbon footprint and energy demands involve more efficient systems and utilization of recycled materials as well as embracing alternative energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal. These strategies utilize natural processes to generate energy though in actuality only provide a small portion of our national energy demand. In order to make a more realistic change new systems need to be looked into that are more efficient and that utilize natural systems to generate energy in new ways. Nature has various single celled organisms that are able to generate not only their own energy through processes like photosynthesis and glycolysis which use readily available materials from the environment to create energy for themselves. Various bacteria are capable of producing methane gas from the breakdown of organic materials in landfills. While this methane gas is typically released into the atmosphere where it becomes a detrimental greenhouse gas it could also be possible to harness this energy and utilize it as a renewable fuel source. Other bacteria groups are also capable of other extraordinary occurrences one such bacteria is a capable of turning this same type of gas into visible light which could ultimately become a revolutionizer within buildings and building lighting systems. While much research is needed these bacterial processes and systems are already naturally occurring and with proper investigation and research it is possible to begin to utilize these systems in new and radical ways within our buildings and built environment generating the energy and light we need as a the byproduct of the chemical processes that keep these bacteria alive.

Problem Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to be on the rise. Each year thousands of tons of harmful and damaging gases from are released into the atmosphere that protects and controls the climate of our planet. These emissions are also continuing to pollute the air that we breath and leading to detrimental living conditions that shorten life expectancy and the quality of the lives that we live. Much of the issues that we face currently stem from an outdated societal perspective that has placed an emphasis on disposability and a cheapened product whether it be in our architecture or the products that we buy on a daily basis to even the food we eat and consume. The globe and more specifically the United States is on the verge of a tipping point in our economies and lifestyles as we continue to reach ever closer to the peak production point for the fossil fuels that do everything from heat and cool our buildings, provide us with light, power our appliances, allow us to travel, and almost everything in between. While a shift in ideology is beginning to occur as people begin to acknowledge the necessity of changing the way in which we live and consume many wonder if these revelations are occurring to late. To begin looking at this issue of consumer waste and energy inefficiencies it may be helpful to look at the end result or the final resting place of all the things from electronics to food scraps that we throw away usually without even a second thought. Landfills are a unique feature across the landscape of the United States. Every year nearly 250 million tons of municipal solid waste are put into the 3,092 active landfills that have accumulated across the country which is on top of the nearly 10,000+ inactive or “full” landfills that have been created since 1932 when the first US landfill was opened in California. Not only are landfills detrimental to the water tables and soil through the pollutants they leak, but also generate a large amount of greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide and methane gas which happen to be the top two gases contributing to global climate change. So the question becomes why do landfills generate such large amounts of such harmful gases? The answer can be found by looking at a breakdown of the types of items and materials that are put into landfills each year especially focusing on the nearly 155 million tons of organic waste materials like food scraps, yard trimmings, paper products, and wood. Unlike the other 95 million tons of non-organic waste that is dumped these organic materials will ultimately begin to decompose and rot as billions of bacteria feed and absorb the nutrients that can be found in these items. As these products are broken down and decompose much like the rotting tomato seen on the preceding page these bacteria produce large amounts of byproducts as they consume including such harmful gases like Carbon dioxide and methane gas. Based on the quantities of organic waste materials these landfills are able to continuously produce these gases for decades even after they are “sealed up” and covered over with earth. While landfills do generate a large amount of greenhouse gases they are just one piece within an otherwise broken system of inefficiency

and non-renewable energy dependency that produces large amounts of pollution as well as greenhouse gases. In the grand scheme of greenhouse gas producers landfills and waste products only account for roughly 3% of the total greenhouse gases produced annually. In fact one of the biggest consumers and producers of greenhouse gases exists within Architecture and the Built Environment. Architecture within the US has slowly begun moving in a sustainable direction implementing various programs to improve the efficiency and design of buildings in the US. Current studies by the US Department of Energy give an idea of the depth and scale of this issue these studies also provide predictions based on current trends as to what the impact will be within the next 20-30 years. With the most recent study of US energy and electricity consumption done in 2010 buildings accounted for nearly 41% of all energy consumed within country as well as consuming 72% of the US electricity produced3. Extrapolating into the future electricity consumption is estimated to increase to 75% by 2025 and and nearly 18% of that will be used in building lighting alone. Not only do these systems utilize a large amount of energy and electricity, but they are also directly linked to and responsible for the release 38.9% of US CO2 emissions into the atmosphere per year. Emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2 are key proponents of climate change which is causing dramatic changes to the environment and ultimately how building systems will interact with environment and its users. Not only is architecture a large contributing factor in greenhouse gas emissions and production it also showcases the tremendous level of dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels which as many experts estimate will soon reach the end of their economic viability. Currently the United States as well as much of the world is unprepared for this collapse and the side effects could be disastrous as currently nearly 86% of energy production comes from the three major fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal which all have estimated peak production estimates of 2012, 2010-2020, and 2020-2030 respectively3. Nelder in a Forbes magazine article goes on to put this into perspective of the US which currently consumes nearly 25% of the world’s energy. Many would be quick to blame this energy consumption demand on inefficient cars and the American lifestyle of a commuter culture which involves driving long distances to commute to work or go to the grocery store, harvesting produce and transporting them half way around the globe. While these inefficiencies are definitely an issue that will need to be addressed within the coming years, our real energy issue comes from our buildings, our built environment, and the plants that provide this energy. Through further exploration of this issue it is also necessary to look beyond the buildings themselves and look to the actual facilities that are generating the electricity. Throughout the United States Energy system nearly 90% of the electricity produced comes from non-renewable sources including coal, natural gas, and nuclear power which many experts still classify as a non-renewable fuel source based on the fact that after nuclear fission takes place the uranium can not be reused. Based on the same current estimates by the Department of Energy only about 2.4% of our electricity comes from renewable sources like wind and solar power. While the greenhouse gases generated from landfills and the decomposition of organic material may today be an issue that is warming our planet it is also possible that with the correct applications and necessary research to begin to utilize these same gases as a new renewable source of fuel. The need for new renewable sources of energy is critical to the ability to be able to continue to maintain a semblance of the lifestyles that we live today in terms of being able to heat and cool our houses as well as provide us with light and power to use the various tools and appliances we have grown accustomed to.


4.6% Glass

12.4% Plastics

8.4% Rubber, Leather,

13.9% Food Scraps



Paper + Paperboard

Million Tons MSW*

+ Textiles


Yard Trimmings

9.0% Metals


6.4% Wood


*Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

4.6% Glass

12.4% Plastics

8.4% Rubber, Leather,

13.9% Food Scraps

28.5% Paper + Paperboard


Million Tons Organic

+ Textiles


Yard Trimmings

9.0% Metals

3.4% Other

6.4% Wood

Through chemical processes generated by a variety of bacteria types organic material begins to breakdown with landfills. As these bacteria break down the organic compounds and extract nutrients from these once living materials various gases are generated including notable greenhouse gases like Methane (CH4) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) two of the most impactful and detrimental gases to our atmosphere. A diagram showcasing the top four greenhouse gases contributing to global climate change can be found on the following page as well as their common causes and producers. The chart below shows the typical composition of landfill gases that will continously leak out of a landfill sometimes for nearly a century after the landfill may reach capacity and be closed.

Building + Energy

While many would view the millions of trucks and cars that drive on our roads as the largest energy consumer and producer of greenhouse gas emissions in actaulity this is not the case. Transporation is only piece within a much larger system of greenhouse gase producers and energy consumers. Throughout this portion of this book diagrams will look at just this issue of greenhouse gas production by source and energy consumption by source. Looking back at the notion of energy consumption by source the diagram on right and blown up portion below look at the various sectors that are directly impacted by buildings through greenhouse gas production numbers to enegy and electricity consumption rates. Data Supplied by: United States Department of Energy + the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Most experts while arguing about specifically when it will occur mainly agree on the fact that within this century most likely within the next few decades the world will reach the peak production levels for the three main fossil fuel types including Natural Gas, Coal, + Oil. Based on this information this chart by WUWT tracks the history of these fossil fuel productions and hypothesizes the future of these vital fuel sources. With fossil fuels availablity decreasing and with prices sure to skyrocket in direct correlation it is necessary to begin looking at various viable alternative energy sources like biogas to help not only bridge the transistion between fuel sources, but also to provide a stable and constant fuel sources for centuries into the future. US Envirionmental Protection Agency

Right page chart: Based on the information gathered form the previous charts and through the basis and understanding that the vast majority of Energy production comes from three major fossil fuel sources it is possible to begin to look at this information from the perspective of renewable to non-renewalble sources in the chart on the right. In this adjusted chart Natural Gas, Coal, and Petroleum are combined together to get a better understanding of just how much of the United States Energy supply comes from non-renewable sources. This chart places non-renewable fuel useage around 70%, though many experts also include Nuclear power within the context of non-renewable forms of energy do to the large quantities of radioactive waste products that are created as well as the fact that the necessary input elements are not still usuable after production. If we adjusted the chart to these statistics the amount of energy produced by non-renewable sources would increase to nearly 90% of all energy produced within the United States. This issue showcases the extreme gravity of our national dependence on fossil and nonrenewable fuel sources and futher gives reasoning why the need to develop and utilize alternative renewable sources of fuel is so critical.

Following page charts: The charts on the following page spread look at the percentage of greenhouse gases that are generated by various groups and producer systems. In the first chart it is clear to see that Energy Supply is the greatest producer though not far behind it is Industry and Forestry. While this chart does show the gravity of this one portion of the producer chain it fails to correlate this information with the correct route causes. While buildings both residential + commercial only produce about 8% it is critical to realize that this is the amount that is produced directly by buildings. Since buildings account for nearly 40% of all the energy produced within the United States each year it is clear that a large portion of the Energy Supply producer really is directly linked to buildings. Also industry would be included within the category of buildings though it is not considered a commercial or residential type so it is therfore placed into a seperate category. The chart on the right page of the following spread accounts for the amount of greenhouse gases that can be linked to buildings directly from energy supply increasing its total from 8% to roughly 20%. While this statistical change does not include industry it would also be plausible to add the industry total to the buildings category which would further raise the percentage up to nearly 40% which is what the Environmental Protection agency catagorizes building greenhouse gas levels at which can be seen in the first diagram of this section.

US Envirionmental Protection Agency

US Department of Energy

Precedents [01]

Olympic Sculpture Park Seattle, Washington [02] Highline New York City, New York

[03] I-70 Wildlife Bridge Competition I-70 Highway, Colorado [04] Phillips Bio-light Denmark

[05] New York University New York City, New York


Seattle Art Museum: Olympic Sculpture Park Olympic Sculpture Park is the winning design of an international competition. Envisioned as a new model for an urban sculpture park, the project is located on a industrial site at the water’s edge. The design creates a continuous constructed landscape for art, forms an uninterrupted Z-shaped “green” platform, and descends 40 feet from the city to the water, capitalizing on views of the skyline and Elliot Bay and rising over the existing infrastructure to reconnect the urban core to the revitalized waterfront. An exhibition pavilion provides space for art, performances and educational programming. From this pavilion, the pedestrian route descends to the water, linking three new archetypal landscapes of the northwest: a dense temperate evergreen forest, a deciduous forest and a shoreline garden. The design not only brings sculpture outside of the museum walls but brings the park itself into the landscape of the city. Location: Seattle, Washington Year: 2007 Consultant Team Structural and Civil Engineering: Magnusson Klemencic Associates Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: ABACUS Engineered Systems Lighting Design: Brandston Partnership Inc. Geotechnical Engineering: Hart Crowser Environmental: Aspect Consulting Aquatic Engineering: Anchor Environmental Graphics: Pentagram Security and AV/IT: ARUP Catering & Food Service: Bon Appetit Kitchen: JLR Design Retail: Doyle + Associates Architectural Site Representation: Owens Richards Architects, pllc Information Coutesy of: Weiss/Manfredi


Inspired by the melancholic, unruly beauty of the High Line, where nature has reclaimed a once-vital piece of urban infrastructure, the team retools this industrial conveyance into a post-industrial instrument of leisure, life, and growth. By changing the rules of engagement between plant life and pedestrians, our strategy of agri-tecture combines organic and building materials into a blend of changing proportions that accommodates the wild, the cultivated, the intimate, and the hyper-social. In stark contrast to the speed of Hudson River Park, this parallel linear experience is marked by slowness, distraction and an other-worldliness that preserves the strange character of the High Line. Providing flexibility and responsiveness to the changing needs, opportunities, and desires of the dynamic context, our proposal is designed to remain perpetually unfinished, sustaining emergent growth and change over time. Design Group Field Operations, Team Lead, Landscape / Urban Design / Project Management Project Director: James Corner Project Manager: Tom Jost Design Manager: Taewook Cha Senior Designer: Lisa Switkin Designers: Michael Flynn, Justine Heilner Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Architecture Principal: Elizabeth Diller Architect: Charles Renfro Designers: Hayley Eber, Matthew Johnson Piet Oudolf, Horticulture Principal: Piet Oudolf Olafur Eliasson, Artist L’Observatoire, Lighting Design Principal: Herve Descottes Designer: Zac Moseley Technical Group Buro Happold, Structural Engineering / Sustainable Engineering Principal: Craig Schwitter Structural Eng: J. Cohen Sustainability: Byron John Stigge Robert Sillman, Structural Engineering / Historic Preservation Principal: Robert Silman Philip Habib, Traffic Engineering / Zoning and Land Use / Civil Principal: Philip Habib Williams Group, Commerical Viability / TDR Analysis Principal: David Williams GRB, Environmental Engineering and Testing Principal: Richard Barbour


[04] BioLight In 2011 Phillips Design, a Dutch lighting company unveiled the Phillips Bio light. This system utilizes a bioluminescent bacteria housed within a series of glass blown containers to create a lighting system that generates light without electrical input. While this system is intended to be utilized as an emotive and experiential lighting system it does provide insight into creating a closed loop system. The system makes use of a bio-digester which pipes methane gas that is produced by compostable organic material into the individual glass containers that contain the bacterial cultures. This system provides the bacteria with a food source that allows the bacteria samples to produce light on a consistent basis emitting a soft green visible light. This system also showcases one of the weakness this form of lighting as there is no attempt at directing the light in any direction as well there is considerable light loss to the wall behind the light system further reducing the useable light output. By utilizing and exploring various elements within this lighting system design while pairing the system with different approaches to efficiency and directing the light this system could begin to create a more meaningful and sustainable future for lighting within architecture of the future.



Diesel Supply + Services

eco[bridge] V i n e

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Proposal By observing the various issues and problems that are generating large amounts of greenhouse gases as well as looking at the various dependencies that the United States holds to non-renewable energy sources it is possible to begin using this data to start generating solutions. First we must look at the ways in which nature and natural organisms function. Almost all natural systems functions as unionizers creating functions that create symbiotic relationships that allow for additional organisms to benefit from one singular entity. It is in this way that we need to start approaching and developing our energy production systems and buildings of the future. By finding ways in which we can maximize the production potential for not only the remaining fossil fuel sources that remain, but also using this ideology as a generator to develop new sources of fuel and how to best implement them into a more sustainable energy system. Similar to where this conversation began earlier it is necessary to determine a viable and renewable fuel source as a generator for this energy production system. As discussed previously in the problem section of this paper various elements produce large amounts of methane gas which is a less potent form of natural gas that naturally is created by decomposing organic material as well as by various types of bacteria. Currently there are nearly 360 landfills across the country that utilize this form of biogas to produce energy to power their facilities and in some cases the vehicles that are used within the facility (EPA). Currently this small percentage landfills that are utilizing this type of energy production are the main beneficiaries of this source of fuel as the majority of landfills are predominately located away from large populated areas where this energy source could begin to be used as power source for everything from homes to businesses. Various types of energy plants would be able to convert methane gas into a useable energy source, but the best option would be a cogeneration type plant. Cogeneration plants have seen utilization throughout the United States mainly on a smaller scale within large industrial complexes as well as University campuses like New York University and Princeton University.

These systems utilize natural gas as a fuel source and uses this fuel to power various turbines which in return generate electricity similar to a traditional coal or natural gas power plant. Unlike traditional power plants which then release large amounts of waste energy in the form of heat these cogeneration plants utilize this waste heat energy to heat water which can then be used create additional energy solutions for both heating and cooling of buildings. These types of systems greatly increase the efficiency levels of the energy being utilized resulting in plants that around around 75-80% efficient in energy conversion compared to traditional energy production systems which have efficiencies around 33-40% (2G Energy). While current cogeneration facilities mainly utilize natural gas it could be adapted to run off of biogas which is primarily made up of methane gas. Which is readily produced along with carbon dioxide by bacteria breaking down organic materials so the question becomes how to utilize these processes to generate a sustainable source of biogas to power a cogeneration plant. The solution does not come from simply placing a cogeneration power plant on top of a landfill as the this would still result in large amounts of energy still being expended shipping this waste out of the cities and suburbs as well as it would be less efficient in design as the electricity and energy would then have to be transported all the way back to the sources. Therefore the simplest and most efficient system would involve bringing the landfill and plant to the source which would greatly reduce the travel distances on both sides of the equation resulting in the most efficient iteration of the system. It is also important to revisit the various components that are found within landfills as nearly 60% of landfills are filled with organic material. By realizing this a better solution would involve coupling a composting facility with a cogeneration plant that would be able to take the organic waste and turn it into energy for the city. While composting facilites to produce large amounts of methane gas which can be readily converted into a biogas fuel they also produce large amount of carbon dioxide which is by far the most dangerous and influential greenhouse gas. In order to address this issue and concern it is possible to turn to the those same bacteria that produce these gases in order to find the solution. Looking at nature as a model and realizing that most relationships are symbiotic at least to some respect with the wild it is plausible to extropolate that there is a process or type of organism that can help combat ths issue. Within the wild there are various types of both bacteria and algae that naturally turn carbon dioxide into the more usuable fuel source of methane gas. If these bacteria and alage were introduced at a certain point within the composting to cogeneration plant process it would be possible to not produce more methane which could be used as a fuel in the plant, but also begin to look at developing alternative methods of carbon dioxide capture which could help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So the question then becomes how does one place a composting facility and cogeneration plant within a city or highly populated areas. Addtional program and elements within the cogeneration facility and composting facility will include experimental lighting and energy design systems including bioluminescent bacteria whose potential will be explored in forms of lighting for the proposed program and energy production For one these types of facilities and plants would require large amounts of land that are not usually easy to come by within the city as well as there are often detrimental noises and smells that are associated with composting facilities and power plants. In order to successfully implement these types of systems into a city all of these issues would need to be addressed through both the programming of the sites being used as well as the site itself.

This diagram looks into the potetial of system design through the exploration and diagramming of the scientific method. This system looks at the evolution from problem identification to research and finally data collection and presentation of findings.

Symbiosis As much of the program as well as facilities within the eco[bridge] project proposal will look at a variety of different projects and systems it is important to identify the goals and relationships of these projects and facilities. By looking at the ways in which these systems currently funciton within a certain set of parameters it is possible to deterimine the best places to implement them into a new project. Similar to how symbiotic relationships occur within nature these variuos programs will need to be able to supplement and build off of each other in order to create a richer and more sustainably viable solution to the proposed problems. The diagram on the following right page looks at just these issues for the four main elements being explored: production, bacteria, buildings, + landfills and looks at each one from the perspectives of various paramters including growth potential, sustainablility, symbiotic potetnial, energy useage, + others repersented by the various colored spheres attached to each sub group.

4 Systems 5 Environmental Impact 6 Symbiosis









bacteria 18



7 4


landfills 15







buildings 24



Site + Programming Selection In the selection of a site various elements were considered from site location to size and programming potential within the city of Philadelphia. Siting this program within the city of Philadelphia was impacted in large by its close proximity to the University making it possible to get more in depth research and study of the existing issues and potential sites that would be beneficial for the city and its citizens. It was also selected as it is in the process of actively trying to re-invent itself as one of the greenest and most sustainable cities within the United States making it an ideal research site. Once the city was selected it was necessary to begin looking at various large scale sites that not only offered a large space to provide the necessary room for the program of the facilities, but also provided a unique issue to the city that could be addressed through this program and through additional program requirements. Through the selection process various sites were looked at including a site on dickinson and christopher columbus boulevard on the Delaware River. This site was explored based on its relationship to the river where there would be ample access to both water as well as a fairly large site for construction and program. This site was ultimately abandoned based on its proximity to the city being along the water caused it to be fairly isolated as well as it was further cut off by the city by I-95 a multi-lane highway. From this exploration the notion of how these multilane highways have fragmented the city and while causing the ability for continued economic growth for the city have ultimately led to large amounts of fragmentation of neighborhoods. While I-95 does cause a fair amount of urban fragmentation the I-676 Vine Street Expressway that cuts nearly directly through center city Philadelphia has been far more detrimental. Sitting nearly 25-30 feet below grade the lowered Vine Street Expressway consists of a multi lane highway that connects I-76 to I-95 on the other side of the city. Based on the fact that the Vine Street Expressway is a lowered system that is below grade the program and project would be built over top of the expressway thus turning the expressway into a tunnel as opposed to what it is currently which is a partially covered partially open to the sky system. Various bridges currently attempt to connect the North and South side of the expressways, but while marginally successfully in connecting vehicular traffic these bridges do little to connect the pedestrian and engage the bordering neighborhoods. The central location of this site allows for a high level of exploration of program uses and opportunities for ways in which to engage the community not only through a composting facility and energy plant, but also through various recreational and commercial avenues.

eco[bridge] I-676 Vine Street Expressway Project Running down the center of the image on the left is the Vine Street Expressway Project that currently cuts through the center of Philadelphia creating urban fragmentation between the North and South Sides of Philadelphia. This project which was undertaken and finished by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways in 1991 was planned by the Philadelphia Planning Commision in the 1950s. With an emphasis on connection between I-76 and I-95 the Vine Street Expressway cuts a swath through the center of the city creating a connection to both I-95 and the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. While the expressway does provide benefits of less congestion and better economic viablity for the city of Philadelphia the cost to the neighborhoods and general feel of Philadelpha has been jeopardized. The eco[bridge] seeks to help restich back together thes disjointed portions of philadelphia through a variety of programs and functions that not only target this portion of Philadelphia, but also the city as a whole.

Data provided by: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Programming In programming the site it was important to first look at the necessary items of program that would be the anchoring facilities to the construction and would create the largest benefit through the utilization of the Vine Street Expressway Site. The first programming elements look at the ways the main goal of this project which is energy production and greenhouse gas reduction while at the same time setting up a system that is capable of adapting to a new alternative energy source. Since the Vine Street Expressway will still remain in use as a tunnel the programming of that portion of the system will remain virtually unchanged in terms of function and use. While the programing use of the expressway will remain unchanged the programing and siting above ground will be where the project will come to life and will seek to engage the pedestrian and surrounding neighborhoods. With a close proximity to Farimount Park a linkage between the running and biking recreational aspects lends itself to a large sprawling master plan that would allow for an uninterrupted linkage from one side of the city to the other something that does not exist anywhere else throughout the city. The proximity also allows for the potential of linking up with additional recreational program as there have been serious talks for the past few years of redeveloping the Reading Viaduct into a similar function and program. Additional programming could involve access to urban farming and agricultural plots for individuals as well as neighborhoods as one of the by products of a composting facility is nutrient rich soil as well as fertilizer that could be utilized on site as well as by transported out to the rest of the city creating an epicenter for the urban gardening boom within the city of Philadelphia. Urban gardening and farming would also allow for a higher level of community involvement and usage of the site helping to ensure its success and viability. Additional elements could evolve into looking into connecting with established public transportation systems as well as outdoor performance spaces and a new master plan for this area of Philadelphia that revolves around community engagement, energy production, sustainable lifestyles, and economic growth for the city of Philadelphia.

Resources Biello, David. “Has Petroleum Production Peaked, Ending the Era of Easy Oil?: Scientific American.” Has Petroleum Production Peaked, Ending the “Bio-light.” Philips. Phillips Design, 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. “Cogeneration Power Plants and CHP Energy Solutions | 2G - CENERGY Power Systems Technologies.” Cogeneration Power Plants and CHP Energy Solutions | 2G - CENERGY Power Systems Technologies. 2G Energy, n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. “Cogeneration Technology.” Basics. Diesel Service + Supply, n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. Era of Easy Oil?: Scientific American. Scientific American, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

“Fossil Fuels.” Fossil Fuels. University of Michigan, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. “Fossil Fuel and Energy Use.” New York University, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. “Global Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions.” Global Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. “Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Greenhouse Gases Overview.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. “I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition.” North Cascades. Northwest Wildlife, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. “James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio Renfro.” The High Line. High Line + Friends of the High Line, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. “LANDFILLS.” LANDFILLS. Zero Waste, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. Lee, John, and Eugene Vysotski. “STRUCTURE and SPECTRA in BIOLUMINESCENCE.” STRUCTURE and SPECTRA in BIOLUMINESCENCE. University of Georgia, 20 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. Marcus, Andrew, and Bruce Rittmann. “Making Electricity From Bacteria - Progress Toward A Microbial Fuel Cell Made From Sewage.” Making Electricity From Bacteria - Progress Toward A Microbial Fuel Cell Made From Sewage. Scientific Blogging, 24 Oct. 2009. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. Nelder, Chris. “The End Of Fossil Fuel.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 24 July 09. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. “Olympic Sculpture Park.” Weiss/Manfredi. Weiss/Manfredi Architects, n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Staley, Bryan, and Morton Barlez. “Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States and Implications for Carbon Sequestration and Methane Yield.” JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, Jan. 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. Yen-Cheng Lin, Leo, and Edward Meighen. “BACTERIAL BIOLUMINESCENCE.” BACTERIAL BIOLUMINESCENCE. McGill University, 25 Jan. 09. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

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