[blogging tips] targeting the right people with the right content by ericwelke

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Articles from EricWelke.com [Blogging Tips] Targeting The Right People With The Right Content by Eric Welke

One of the biggest issues I have seen when people first start out online is that they do not understand how to target the right people with the right message. This is CRITICAL to your success so I wanted to devote this entire blog post to it. Getting the RIGHT message to the RIGHT person is EVERYTHING in marketing. And I mean EVERYTHING. I simply cannot stress this point enough. To explain why, I am going to use the Empower Network (which I am a part of) as an example. This lesson can be applied to any other niche though. The Empower Network is an internet marketing business opportunity. Therefore, if I am going to successful in it, I will want to target people that are interested in starting an online business. This is the niche I am working in. However, this is not good enough. To really be successful, I will want to drill down to a sub-niche and target them specifically.

It is always easiest to target someone that you can relate to personally. To keep things simple, I am going to target people similar to myself with similar interests. While you can certainly target areas that you do not have a direct personal interest in, it is always a good starting place since you will naturally relate to other people that have shared interests and demographics. I am a young American adult male that is interested in never having a job and making an online living. So that puts some specific demographics into play but that is still not enough. We must also understand the true motivation behind why I am even interested in making an online living. For me and other people in my sub-niche, that is freedom. The freedom to not have to wake up and go to a cubicle every morning. The freedom to take vacation whenever I want. The freedom to set my own schedule and path in life.

So this is what we know about the sub-niche I am targeting: Online business opportunity seekers Young adults Males Americans Ultimately want freedom as the final result Now we have to answer the ultimate question in marketing: How do I provide a viable solution to their pain while delivering a relevant message to them in a way they understand? Ok that was a mouthful. So here it is in another way: What is the RESULT my subniche wants and how do I deliver it to them effectively? Notice that we are marketing a result – not an actual product or service.

While I am going to be marketing the Empower Network as the solution, the people that will buy in really want the RESULT of joining the Empower Network. When I look at myself as the customer, I only joined the Empower Network for the opportunity of increasing my own freedom. I could really care less what the actual product or service is as long as I know it will work to get me what I want – more freedom. So now we have a framework to craft our message within. Namely this: The customer is only concerned about freedom, not the Empower Network We are only bringing the Empower Network into the mix because they have the ability to solve this problem of not having enough freedom – it is simply a means to an end The way the message is presented has to resonate with young American adult males who are actively seeking more freedom OK, now that we have an overall understanding of what the message needs to do, we have to craft the actual message. So now the questions becomes, what do I talk about specifically? Luckily that’s easy for the Empower Network. All I have to do is listen to one of the audios in the Inner Circle or watch a training video from one of the other products. While I am absorbing the information I take a few notes on the more interesting points. I then take those notes and develop them into a blog post. As I write the post I will focus on a few specific points and expand on them with my own analysis and insights. I always work to provide relevant and useful information so my target sub-niche takes the blog post seriously. This builds my credibility in their eyes and also serves to educate them a bit about the Empower Network. It gives them some concrete information to work with. They can then begin to determine if the Empower Network will give them the freedom they are looking for. You always have to remember that people hate to be sold – but they love to buy. You hate going to a used car lot because you know you are going to be force fully sold. But you love to go to the mall to buy that new pair of jeans you have been thinking about for months. In order to facilitate the natural buying process, you want to provide information relevant to the results your target audience is looking for. But you don’t want to come across as too salesy. You also want to use a writing style that will relate to your target sub-niche. I like to

target people like myself because then I can just pretend I am the customer and write to myself using my own personality. Keep it simple. When you understand WHO you are writing to and WHAT result they want, HOW to deliver the message becomes much easier. And that is when you will really start having success.

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Originally posted at: http://ericwelke.com/blogging-tips-targeting-the-right-peoplewith-the-right-content/

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