Articles from Advertising Network Marketing on a Budget by Eric Welke
There are a lot of important tasks when starting out as a network marketer. Advertising is one of them. You need to get started with advertising network marketing products or services that you offer as early as possible. You don’t even need to have a product yet. You can establish your brand first. Establishing your brand and presence requires time and resources, but you don’t have to spend a lot to get started. Cost Effectiveness is one of the main advantages of internet marketing over traditional ad channels. You also need to have a good plan in place. One you have that it’s time to act and get the ball rolling. Here some of your available free options for advertising network marketing products. Local SEO- this is the bedrock of your brand marketing effort and is important for those advertising network marketing products. You really need to have this done first especially if you’re distributing physical products and want to concentrate on a specific locale. Tasks involved include: blog & article writing, back link building, forum and directory posting Cost – Domain name registration and hosting fees. There are even some sites that host for free although you might want to pay to get more reliable service. There are also plenty of usable free templates that you can modify for use on your site. Most of the task involved don’t require any payments,
however if you want to save time you can pay a virtual assistant to do the repetitive tasks. Time to setup – fast, but maintaining and building up momentum and getting 1st page ranking on your keywords can take at least several months. Success rate – given enough time, effective strategy and consistency in doing the required steps, getting to 1st page is very likely. Try as much as possible to avoid practices that can penalize your rankings or get you black listed by the search engines. Measure of success – getting 1st page results on the search engine results for your webpage when someone searches for your chosen keyword and location.
Email Marketing – involves the collection of subscribers and engaging them directly via email for the purposes of making sales offers. Interactions here are usually considered to be more personal than interactions through social-media. Tasks involved- list building, dedicated email campaign creation, auto response software management, squeeze page creation Cost – Free initially but will require purchase of auto response software for increased functionality and capacity. Time to setup – relatively easy to setup but does require an effective way to get people to sign up. Measure of success – aside from the size of the list, their responsiveness and the conversions rate of your offers are a good metric to check. Advertising network marketing products used to rely on this channel very heavily. Social Media Marketing – This should be done hand-in-hand with your Local SEO efforts for advertising network marketing products. Since the two efforts complement each other. The activities in this channel are quite different and require more efforts to engage people to have them stay as fans and interact with your site. I’ve spun this out of the Local SEO tasks since its usefulness for advertising network marketing products has expanded beyond just increasing traffic and search engine rankings. Tasks involved – fan gating, running contests, uploading photos and interesting content. Fan engagement and comment response is also a very important task.
Cost – Free for the most popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Linkedin does require a subscription if you want to expanded functions. It’s highly recommended that you train and get someone to manage your social networking sites for you since building up and running an engaging social network profile requires a big investment in time. Time – Building up a fan base will take a few months but once you reach a critical number of followers you can utilize them to help you get more fans by conducting contests and promos. Measure of success – the number of followers you’ve acquired, their level of engagement and reach. The amount of traffic that your fan page sends to your website. There are tools that can be used to measure social media metrics but you will need to pay to use the features that you need.
Advertising Network Marketing products need not be expensive. You can run very effective campaigns if you can devote time to it. The availability of free to use advertising channels online can help you get established and then you can add more to your marketing budget once you’ve got some extra funds lying around.
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