An introduction to keyword research by ericwelke

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Articles from An Introduction To Keyword Research by Eric Welke

Just wanted to give you a quick tip on how to start your online marketing campaigns. One of the things I do before I write any blog post is keyword research. Keyword research gives you a good idea about how many people are actually looking for information on that topic. If you are not sure what a keyword is, its nothing more than a search term or even a search phrase you type into Google. Keywords can actually be phrases so keep that in mind. Google has a free tool you can use to help make sure you are getting more traffic to your blog posts and other content. Its called the Google Keyword Tool. Here is the link to it: When I have a subject in mind I want to blog about or create a video for, I go to the Google Keyword Tool and type it in. I then look to make sure that it has at least 1000 or more monthly local searches. Local searches actually refers to the country you live – not a state or city. The keyword tool will give you suggestions based on the keyword you type in. If the one I type in does not have 1000 or more searches, I look through the suggestions

to find one that does. You always want to focus your blog posts around 1 primary keyword. Be sure you use that keyword in the title of your blog post as well. That will help it to rank higher in the search results. Secondly, you also want to use your main keyword in the text of your blog post. Don’t use it too many times though – once every 100 to 150 words is plenty. Beyond just using the main keyword in the title and text, you should also add it to the tags along with other related keywords. Keyword research should be the basis of everything you do in internet marketing. Always remember to start there first!

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