Articles from An Introduction to SEO content writing by Eric Welke
SEO content writing is basically article writing that is optimized for SEO. SEO of course is the process of making your website or blog search engine friendly. It aims to make your site easy to find and index by the search engines which should result in getting front page placement on the results. SEO content writing requires familiarity with observed search engine behavior relating to content. It also deals with the way which a summary of the content is displayed on the results page. A properly optimized content’s summary on the search page should display enough information to make it a compelling choice for users to click on. Before you write - Research and read up on the topic you want to write on. If it’s a personal story, try to list down the correct names and dates. Prepare the required pictures for posting on the blog. Notes are crucial even if you’re just writing from memory. Article writing is like crafting, you need to have the materials on hand before you start. If you’re not writing a fiction or personal experience piece, you may want to check on the most popular reference sites online. Wikipedia,, Yahoo answers are great resources if you’re writing about something that’s totally new to you. Expose yourself to good writing - There a lot of excellent well written blogs on line. Try to read a 1 or 2 each day and compare their writing style to yours. Try to read blogs that target the same audience as you. For example; News sites generally have good written English, but their language might be too formal for the audience you are writing for. Get a feel for the writing style but do not copy it outright.
Be aware of content optimization rules and apply them to your article and blog post. Try not to force your keywords into your sentences just to get the desired density. Remember you are writing for people and not machines. Besides, with Google’s bias towards quality content, more informative, less repetitive and easily understandable articles have a better chance of getting higher ranks. One of the techniques I employ when I do SEO content writing is to create a rough framework of the article. I write general ideas in a logical sequence, then under each line item put in the sentences, phrases, and words I want to use. This is not even a rough draft but a skeleton of the rough draft. It acts as an outline of how you will discuss your article’s main idea. Once you’ve put in everything you can think of then it is time to make coherent paragraphs. Stick to 2-3 sentences per paragraph and avoid overly long sentences. To check if a sentence is too long, try to read it aloud. You will know if it sounds too long or convoluted when you do this. A sentence is too long if you feel breathless after reading it. Even when you’re done with writing, do not post your work immediately. Take at least an hour’s rest (or more) before you finalizing the article. You will notice that some of your grammar, sentences and spelling will need to be fixed. The work you’ve done earlier will feel like its rubbish to you – which is good as it will make it easier for you to fine tune your SEO content writing.
After you’ve published your work, it is recommended that you get some feedback about it. This feedback will help you in future SEO content writing projects.
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