Articles from Basic Modes of Marketing Communication Used in Sales by Eric Welke
When you’re talking to your prospects or your clients, it’s best to know which mode of marketing communication will be more effective. It’s also important to know their situation, level of knowledge, and tendencies. Knowing these factors will help you hone your message and make it more effective. Your listener or reader’s preconceptions and prejudices can be used to help you tailor the delivery of your message. Choose the right channels for the message you want to send. Generally, formal messages should be sent through formal channels and vice-versa, however this isn’t true for all situations. Here are the basic modes of marketing communication and the best scenarios to use them: 1. Face to Face: Explanations; Introductions; Getting Buy-in. This is considered a formal mode of communication because of the presence of both parties. “Seeing eye-to-eye” is a good way to describe this mode. Whatever is discussed or decided, can become the basis of a decision. However, talking by itself can’t seal the deal. Documentation must be present to ensure that any agreement becomes binding and not subject to distortions. 2. Letter, Printed Material: Convey detailed information; finalize an agreement or sale.
In contrast to face-to-face meetings, written letters are considered to be more permanent and binding because the message is printed out. It’s no longer a bunch of electronic signals recorded on magnetic media. Agreements made on paper can be considered legally binding. There is no room for any distortion. This impermanence also has a drawback of course once the message has been passed on there is no chance to change it or reply in real time. Your message has to be well crafted to make-up for you not being there. 3. Phone call: Following up; giving updates; introductions. A phone call used to be considered even less informal than it is today. This was the time before email and SMS became widespread. At that time, cold calling was the most used form of marketing. This mode of communication is great for giving real time updates and asking short questions. 4. Email: Giving updates; asking for confirmation; announcing new products. Email use has rapidly evolved in the last few years. What was once considered a tool for inter office communications has become sort of your “base” ID online. Email correspondence, is considered less formal than a written letter. This makes it the perfect medium for delivering a friendly and chatty message. This is the primary communication mode I use to announce new products or promotions. This is where I get the most number of people who want to buy Twitter followers.
5. Chat, SMS and Social Networks; maintaining relationships with customers. These modes are generally considered to be informal forms of communication, much like email but with a very short format. They do become useful once you’ve established a relationship with your contact. Their main benefit lies in their short format and real-time interactivity. You can easily respond to a customer’s inquiry using these tools. Short message do have their own pros and cons. The size of the message is great for quick updating of several contacts but short messages aren’t generally ineffective for use in problem solving.
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