Articles from Blog Network Marketing by Eric Welke
If you already have a blog and want to get more traffic, joining a blog network might be a good bet. Blog network marketing can be a significant source of sales for you and your team. There are requirements of course. Some are owned by a corporation or business entity and will only have bloggers who work for them. Others are very specialized and you’ll need to have the requisite experience and knowledge to join them. What are blog networks? There are several definitions online that try to describe what it is. It can be a network of blogs owned by an organization or company. The owners earn off the advertising revenue from the blog. The writers are generally employees of the organization. It can be used to call a network of blogs that are connected to form a community that deals with a common interest. The blogs are usually owned by the people who post on them. Your blog network marketing efforts will benefit from the targeted traffic especially if you are considered an authority in your niche. It can also apply to a network of blogs that are owned by the bloggers but use a third party service or intermediary that provides ads and advertising revenue. In this setup you not only earn from blog network marketing, but also from the ads on your site. This requires that your blog is able to attract a significant amount of traffic though. However you define it, a blog network can help you get a much needed boost to your traffic and income. How can I utilize them and what are the benefits?
To put it simply, Blog Networks have existing traffic. Joining one gives you access to that traffic. Traffic yields leads for your blog network marketing. Networks by their definition, consists of several members. This exposure within a blog network and its audience can drive customers to you. Not only that, these customers are likely to be more interested on whatever you have on offer since they’re from your target niche. Join or subscribe to established networks that deal with topics within your chosen niche. If you’re offering a marketing product then join a blog network that specializes on marketing. Weight loss, gadgets, gardening – there are blogs and blog networks that tackle these topics. Some blog networks may host your blog instead. The learning curve is easier in these networks since they generally have everything prepared and you can start blogging immediately. If the network has established itself and has been up for a long time, you will get the benefit of existing traffic. The downside to this is that you will be stuck selling only the items supported by the network. You’re basically a part of the company’s overall blog network marketing implementation. Blog networks can also help their members out by sharing updates from each member’s site. This helps in increasing search engine rankings. A word of caution though, this practice if done improperly or excessively, can cause de-indexing by Google. It’s always best to keep yourself updated about the latest in SEO news.
You won’t go wrong joining a blog network. You just need to make sure you’re joining the network that is in your target niche and doesn’t engage in any unethical SEO practices.
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