Articles from Choosing the right MLM book by Eric Welke
If you’re truly interested in learning about network marketing, you’re probably thinking of purchasing an MLM book. There are multitudes of these available. MLM book writing and publishing has become more or less an industry of its own. A good book will not just fill you up with knowledge but also point you to the right direction. Getting the right MLM book can go a long way to inspire and inform you about the rewards and realities of network marketing. There are also a large number of free MLM books online. These are usually e-books that are written by network marketers themselves. The good ones will give you some useful insight on how you can improve your MLM skills. A lot of these free e-books are written to capture more leads or traffic. There also those that offer a little bit of information then goes on to up-sell the rest to you. Be wary of latter approach. You can learn what you need to know with in depth research in the right places. A few e-books will contain repetitive information. These usually are repackaged public domain articles. If you’ve read one of these you probably didn’t gain much. That’s why you have to really choose and pick the MLM books you want to spend your time with. Not all MLM books are equal. That is why I have my own criteria for choosing them. You might want to check this list before you buy an MLM book: Content Is what being discussed related to your goals? Is the book written for your knowledge and experience level? Is the language and vocabulary used easy for you to understand?
Writer’s credibility Is the author a credible resource for the niche you’re marketing in? Is this his field of expertise? How much experience does he have in the network marketing industry? Book popularity Has the book done well on sales? How long has it been on the best seller list? Are the reviews mostly positive or negative? Does a friend recommend it? Better alternatives Is there another MLM book that covers the same topic? Does it pass the criteria that you’ve set? Is there a newer edition of this book? Included Case studies Does the author include any real life case studies or testimonials? Does he mention any real life experience that is applicable to your situation? You can easily go to the books store and scan the books you want to purchase. Try to find a preview on line, some publishers put up excerpts of their books. It’s a pretty straight forward process – review, purchase, read and apply lessons.
If you find and MLM book that you like, you should recommend it to your colleagues or team members. Any useful lesson you pick up and share will be appreciated. Any time you share something useful and valuable you also motivate someone to else to share. In its simplest form that’s what a book is all about – a record of lessons learned that is written in a format that can be shared.
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