Conquering your network marketing team challenges by ericwelke

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Articles from Conquering Your Network Marketing Team Challenges by Eric Welke

Your network marketing challenges are not unique. Previous marketers have encountered similar issues well before the popularity of network marketing. The solutions are still the same but there are now many ways to implement them. However, it does take a bit of effort and patience to learn what works. Communications technology, the Internet and the web have supercharged marketing efforts. It has also complicated interactions with prospects. The upside to this is that your team can potentially reach a lot of potential leads easier at a lower cost. The downside is that there are a lot of misinformation about MLM online which makes convincing leads much harder. Here are some challenges your network marketing team might encounter: Cynical Leads – We normally avoid these sorts of interaction. A lead that’s been previously disappointed, or worse, scammed by a network marketing opportunity will be a hard to sell to. However, if you can gauge their mood and interests correctly, you can likely get them over to your side. A good sign that the lead is interested is if they still maintain a connection with you. Unscrupulous Affiliates- It doesn’t matter if you’re marketing a legitimate product, if you have one of these on your team they can spell trouble for the rest. Word of mouth travels at the speed of light and reputations can be destroyed overnight. Keep

your dealings transparent and ensure that your team members are on the same page with you when it comes to accountability. Never regret removing dishonest people from your team even if they are the top sellers. Your network marketing team won’t last long if its sales come from questionable tactics. Communication Lapses – Even with the ubiquity of mobile phones and internet access, these lapses still happen. Generally, this is caused more by a lapse in will rather than technology. Keep everyone updated, schedule meetings and training sessions. Everyone should acknowledge receipt of any communication that they’ve received from you. Keep lines of communications open between you and your team. This is especially important for team members working in different locations. Difference in the level of selling skills- The best way to get new team members familiarized with the ins and outs of your marketing team is to pair them up with a mentor. Let them learn the ropes from the senior team members. It is vital for you to ensure that new members of your network marketing team will be able to produce sales as early as possible. Duplicating Success- This is another challenge that, if surmounted, produces very big dividends. Once you have a working formula, sales tactic or lead capture process, you will want to make sure your team can do it too. Consistent documentation, collaboration and refining will help you with your improvements. Involving your team every step of the way will ensure that they also pick-up best practices from you.

Your network marketing team may also encounter problems that seem unique to a particular product or service you’re selling. Most of the time, these are related to product knowledge. This is also an item you need to make sure your team excels at.

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