Articles from Finding Your Own MLM secret by Eric Welke
A quick search for “MLM Secret” yields a lot of interesting results. Most of the results are blogs and websites that discuss the topic. Others offer their “secret” in exchange for a fee or joining their mailing list. You will probably ask yourself it’s worth the trouble. As with anything being offered on the Internet, you should always be critical and proceed with caution – let the buyer beware. The truth is, there is no silver bullet that will make you a killing in network marketing, MLM or direct selling. There is no “one size fits all” process or formula. Each marketer has to make an effort to find that sales activity, channel or tactic that will yield the best results and do it consistently. Because even if you are shown a proven working strategy, can you consistently apply it to reap its benefits? You can’t run a successful campaign without a good foundation. Start from the basics and work up from there. Learn everything you can about the product or service that you’re offering. What are you selling? What market would best fit this product? Bear in mind that it is harder to sell intangible products than it is to sell actual goods. At the very least, you need to have had experienced using what you’re selling. Selling is a form of communication. You have to make sure that you are able to communicate clearly with your leads. Try out all the channels available to you to reach your potential customers. Go ahead and cherry-pick from your selection of communications channels. Choose the one that yields the most replies and genuine interactions. Consistency is crucial and this is certainly mentioned by a lot of veterans. It’s no MLM secret, just plain common sense. Do it often enough and you will get good at it. Consistently adapt to new situations and modify your approach. Consistency doesn’t mean being boring or futile.
Find out how much time you need to dedicate to get a good chance of success. Try to keep interactions within that set time. Remember that time spent on bantering with a customer means less time prospecting and looking for leads. Efficient time management is also not an MLM secret. So what is the use of all these experts online? They provide you with a case study of what works and what doesn’t. You can learn from their mistakes – which is what smarter people do. Your ideas will rarely be unique and it would be great if you have a sounding board for those ideas.
Save yourself time and trouble. Learn general strategies that actually work. Don’t copy the details though, since each product, lead and even seller is unique. I’ll stress it again; the strategy that yields the best results is the one that allows you to communicate clearly with the lead, reaches the most number of people for the effort invested and one that you can do consistently.
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