Legitimate ways to make money online network marketing by ericwelke

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Articles from EricWelke.com Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online: Network Marketing by Eric Welke

Its 2013 and Network Marketing is still a very viable online business model. Its staying power proves that it’s a working system. It’s one of the few proven and legitimate ways to make money online. Another reason for its popularity – It’s a great way for smaller business owners to spread word about their products and gain loyal customers. You don’t need to have a large advertising budget to get new customers. Your network does that for you. Each new customer becomes part of your network and becomes a potential new source of leads. The biggest investment required would be the one you spend on building and training your network. Unless of course, you’re building the network marketing system itself, then you’d need plenty of capital to start it up and launch it. However, most people online who do network marketing usually join an existing company. There are several variations on the payout program inherent in all network marketing systems, but the size of your earnings still depend on the number of people you brought into your network. You earn from a share of their subscription or their initial purchase. A typical network marketer’s goal is to reach a point where his network generates a respectable amount of passive income. A lot of innovations in the payment system have made network marketing a lucrative choice. For some companies, it’s the payment system itself that is the biggest draw. A word of advise though, if a company focuses more on getting people into the system rather than offering something of value to its customers, then it’s very likely that the company won’t last. No matter what product or service is being offered, integrating it into a network marketing system is a good way to make it reach a lot of people in a shorter amount of time and for comparatively less cost. While standard advertising requires initial

payment to get the word out to the market, products sold and distributed using a network of contacts pay for their advertising upon being sold. Instead of paying an advertiser, a portion of the payment goes to the member of your network who made the sale. They get a share of the profit as you do too, being the one who signed him up. This goes for several levels in most systems with some companies even paying out a share from all the earnings collected by everyone recruited into his network. Selling is a skill that can be taught. It’s the main skill required for success in this online business. Unfortunately, there is a steep and punishing learning curve for people who have no selling experience, but then again there is no lack of lessons online. Some network marketing companies even sponsor free sales training for its members.

To sum it all up, network marketing is one of the best options out of several legitimate ways to make money online. You just have to do your homework when it comes to choosing the right company to join.

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Originally posted at: http://ericwelke.com/legitimate-ways-to-make-money-onlinenetwork-marketing/

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