Articles from Network Marketing Advertising Introduction by Eric Welke
A marketer’s time will be occupied mostly with finding new customers. Because of this, it is vital for a marketer to invest in advertising. Money and time spent on network marketing advertising can reap huge dividends especially if it is done correctly. First of all, you need to choose a product that fits your core values and have some working knowledge on. Your belief in the benefits of your own product will make it easier for you to offer it to others. Your knowledge will make it easier for you to explain and overcome resistance. Both get you closer to sealing the deal. Make sure you choose the correct advertising channel. This requires a bit of trial and error since not all channels may work for the type of product you are marketing. You need to find the most cost effective channel and build that up first. Network marketing advertising is critical to getting more sales prospects. Possible Network marketing advertising channels – Offline This was how most marketing was done before the internet came into wide spread use. Although not a complete list, I’ve tried to list down the more popular methods for network marketing advertising. Door to Door – this is time consuming and requires a lot of legwork, but it has the advantage of creating the strongest impression of all the channels available. Going door to door to chat with decision makers in person is the most effective way to communicate your message. Direct mail – a packet containing your sales pitch sent through the post. Definitely
costlier compared to online channels, but is harder to ignore if done right. Traditional electronic media – radio & TV have a wide reach and still produce good leads but they are usually very expensive to run and maintain. Print advertising – including billboards, banners and newspaper ads; all have a good reach in the community or locale they cover. Costs are still high but not as prohibitive as electronic media. Telemarketing – depends a lot on the expertise of your telemarketer. A more targeted approach since you can choose a list of people to call.
Possible Network marketing advertising channels – Online There are a myriad of ways to do network marketing advertising online, but all have the advantage of having the potential to reach more people at a lower cost than electronic or even print media. Mailing lists – takes time to setup a quality list but once established they can be a steady source of sales and new network marketing connections. Blogs – usually works in combination with mailing lists to create a captured market. You’ll need to spend some time doing SEO before you get the traffic that can become sales leads. Banner ads – can become expensive, but established & high traffic websites can reach the target audience you want immediately. There are a variety of payments options available here and usually costs are based on the amount of clicks received. Social media campaigns – possibly the best channel for network marketing advertising. It offers you a way to build relationship directly with your customers who in turn may recommend you to other people in their contact list without any cost to you. Mobile – is a very challenging channel to use for network marketing advertising. Smart phones work like extensions to your online presence but advertising through SMS may not be as productive as the other methods. SMS advertising messages have the less popular (intrusive) aspects of telemarketing combined with the capability of being easily ignored like with email.
No matter what method you choose, always make sure that you are measuring its effectiveness in terms of time and resources spent. You will probably use more than one at anytime. Find what works for you and build your strength there. Keep in mind that other channels are always emerging that can be used for network marketing advertising.
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