The lifecycle of a home based worker’s career by ericwelke

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Articles from The Lifecycle of a Home-Based Worker’s Career by Eric Welke

Here’s my take on how a home-based worker’s career progresses from start to retirement. Take note though, that it’s an ideal picture and not the reality. The purpose of this article is to help you map out your own path based on these observations. 1st Job or the “Honeymoon” phase Any work at home woman or man always starts out excited and highly motivated. This is true for anyone working on their first job, but it is especially true for someone starting with his first home based job. There is something special about working at home for the first time. Everyone who has worked hard at getting his first home-based job knows how satisfying it is to finally get one. 2nd phase or the “Build Up” Ideally in this phase the work at home employee or contractor has become used to his daily routine. He is now able to maximize his time and may opt to get a 2nd contract or study new marketable skills. It’s also the time when the worker is increasingly more productive. 3rd phase: “Cruising “ Barring any major issues with the employee or the business itself, this phase can continue on as long as the business stays profitable. This is the best time for a home based worker to learn new responsibilities and get more involved in operations. There is a danger of becoming too complacent in this phase. Work becomes routine and boredom may set in for companies that don’t have a heavy workload. On the other hand, for companies that do have a constant daily buzz of activity, the home

based employee may start to get stressed and distracted due to the workload. If the home-based worker wants to improve further, he should take the initiative to take in more responsibilities or increase interest in work. An employer can help out too by providing course corrections and focus for his workers. It’s either that or let burnout or boredom cause demoralization among the ranks. 4th Phase: “End” No business relationship enters this phase willingly. There are usually significant problems with operations or boss-worker relationship for a home based worker’s term to end. It isn’t necessarily a salary related issue as there are several other factors that could cause it.

A work at home woman or man, same as regular employees, are also affected by concerns about advancement, job security worries, and the fear of being overwhelmed. When all of these pile up, they lose the primary benefit of home based work which is work-life balance. Sometimes a worker on his first contract may experience a “failure to launch”. This can be caused by a lot of factors but most noticeable is the lack preparedness. Even if the first contract doesn’t turn out well, it doesn’t mean that the next will end up the same way. The best thing for a determined work at home woman or man is to upgrade skills and learn new tasks. The more skills a person has the higher the possibility of getting a job and thriving in it.

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