Work from home income for virtual assistants by ericwelke

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Articles from Work from Home Income for Virtual Assistants by Eric Welke

Telecommuting or working from home has become quite popular. With the widespread penetration of cheap and reliable internet connections, a lot of people are becoming aware of this type of work. There are a lot of obvious benefits but most people still shun it because of the relatively low pay. Most work from home jobs are generally contractual or project based, but there are a few companies offering permanent employment. Even bigger firms are seriously considering telecommuting on a larger scale because of the potential savings for them and their employees. There have been a few informal surveys that indicate the willingness for home based workers to accept lower pay. The primary rewards mentioned were: not having to commute and more time to spend with family. Work from home jobs can range from customer support to programming. However, there is a class of remote worker that falls under the umbrella of “Virtual Assistants”. They tend to perform a lot of varied tasks. The small odd jobs that are needed in day to day operations – these are what they’re usually in charge of. Generally, more technical tasks or one those that need expert knowledge merits a higher pay. The simpler and repetitive tasks tend to skew towards the lower end of the scale. Work from home income, for virtual assistants at least, have very wide range. A few authoritative websites quote a salary of $7 to $10 per hour. If you check the most popular freelancer sites, employers pay out $3 to $5 an hour for a new assistant. This is at the lower end of the scale and typically involves low-value and repetitive work. The work from home income is low but they are useful for building up hours worked. Experience workers tend to leave this type of jobs to those who are new to the industry.

Virtual Assistants who are based in the US or have English as their first language can command upwards of $10. It’s still lower than what most regular employees receive but remember these rates are generally acceptable because of the savings of working from home. Besides, most full time assistants actually work on more than one project. Here are a few tasks that are usually expected from a Virtual Assistant: Link building Forum Posting Writing reviews Article Writing Appointment setting Blog Posting Social Media Profile Management Scheduled Posts Forum Posting Basic Photo Editing Article rewriting Basic transcription

A great Virtual Assistant can do all of these things and can usually be trained in tasks specific to your business. They are usually the most experienced and the rate they expect reflects that. They are worth it in the long run since they still save you on labor costs. This is especially true if you’re in the US and you’re hiring from off shore. There are Virtual Assistants that work remotely from the US. They tend to focus more on the writing and content generation jobs. Pay for someone onshore is generally at the higher end of the scale but you are guaranteed content that reflects actual experience from someone in the US.

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