Table of Contents Arch 272
ncept in Architecture thAt comes in mAny shApes And sizes.
Aces or mAsses thAt Are defined by A spAce Around.
project 4 eric white
in forms
this project Aims
ng out this concept in Architecture by experiencing forms And spAces
d in drAwings
(2-d), models (3-d), And through time (4-d). in this
ence there will be giVen An experience to the Viewer to reAct to the size
hApes of spAces creAted in moVement Around them.
Much of my education and research for design has happened within the urban landscape with some concern of rural landscapes to learn more about what architecture does and is. Through my own evolution of design ideas of architecture I feel that having an enthusiasm for design and problem solving is key. Also, studying sites and information immensely will produce a concept to approach problems presented in a logical and ideal fashion. Much of my own design is pertains to revealing the structure and showing what architecture is at the core of design with masses and voids to find out interaction between pedestrians and visitors that are within and passing by the structure. Making structure perform in multiple ways with water collection and energy production and social interaction truly motivates me in design and I try to incorporate these tactics within projects to find the balance of design and performance of the structure.
Above: Site Context
Structural Typologies
Arch 373
Within smaller towns and cities there are many places of undeveloped land and parks that possess interest. I was to analyze a site on Bradley Ave. in Champaign, Il. With this site brought particular problems and enthusiam with a small ditch and sloping land that housed a muskrat habitat that is clearly cared for. I progressed with the idea of the muskrat and how I could bring people to enjoy this network of tunnels and layered lifestyle of the muskrat. After these analyses, I was given the problem to make a pavilion with the structural components I had designed to any landscape and atmosphere available. In this senerio, I wanted to make a canopy that flowed with the landscape that allowed people to have a layered experience above and below the structure that possesses the idea of water collection and use for possible drinking and shower usage. Also, a pixelated design is implemented to allow indirect and direct sunlight to pass into the structure to create ambiance within the space.
Prof: Kevin Erickson
Eric White
Photo: Site Picture
Above: Site Studies Structural Typologies
Program 1/4”=1’
Above: Interactive Section
Above: Site Below: Section of Site
Eric White
Above: Progression of Network Study Model Bottom Left: Connection of Materials Botom Right: Model of Connection
Structural Typologies
Above: Connection Drawing with Lighting Options Bottom Left: Study of Folding Structure with Landscape Bottom Right: Section Study of Water Drainage
Eric White
Above: Model/Perspective Top Right: Model Photo Structural Typologies
Left: Model Right: New Landscape with Structure Bottom: Section with Water Collection
Eric White
Structural Typologies
Above: Sectional Perspective
Voids: drawings Arch 272
Project 4 Eric White
Arch 272
Top Left: Elevation thAt comes in mAny shApes And sizes. Top Middle: Perspective Top Right: Perspective Bottom Right: Elevation
re defined by A spAce Around.
Arch 272
Project 4 Eric White
project 4 eric white
in forms
this project Aims
n Architecture by experiencing forms And spAces
, models (3-d), And through time (4-d). in this Voids
Arch 272
en An experience to the Viewer atomovie reAct to the size Sophomore year presented project that was to question
architecture through various dimensions with the second dimension showing elevations, third dimension using 3-D views, and through the ted in moVement Around them . project, I wanted to take my focus on fourth dimension of time. In this masses and voids in architecture as I feel they are a necessity and importance in every project to create space for people to interact with and experience. This project became about these various polygonal forms that fit together and could be intertwined within another to see the connection. Also this project was to find out the interaction of people with the simplest of geometry and to understand more about a person’s feelings in various types of spaces being larger or smaller.
Prof: Lawerence Hamilin
Eric White
Below: Storyboard of Movie
Voids Film Project
Above: Site Photographs
Arch 475
In Edgewater, is a highly residential area with a mix of high rise apartments with lower income apartments and houses with a few historical houses left. This problem was to put a boutique hotel at the site of 5948 N. Sheridan Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Through analysis and research of the site the emotion and interaction of the building is needed to grab the interest of city visitors and local residents, by incorporating masses for living spaces wrapped in steel louvers while keeping public areas enclosed with glass and adding an elegant garden within the site of the hotel. The key was to blend in with the urban environment while making the statement of incorporating landscaping within the building for an experience of guests and neighborhood visitors.
Prof: Art Kaha
Eric White
Above: Site of Edgewater
Top Row: Sketch Process Bottom Left: Ground Floor Sketch Bottom Right: Analysis of Where Visitors Will Go From Site
Eric White
Windows Open For Air Flow
Steel Louvers Close for Privacy
Above: Structure Diagram Top Middle: Window Diagrams Left: Section Perspective of Envelope Below: Diagram of Energy Uses
Top Left: 1st Floor Plan Top Middle: 2nd Floor Plan Top Right: 3rd Floor Plan Below: Site Front Elevation
Eric White
Above: 4th Floor Plan Top Middle: 5th Floor Plan Top Right: 6th Floor Plan Below: Section A-A
Eric White
Above: Exterior Perspective of Building
Small Garden Room
Luxurious Lakeview Room
Family Lakeview Room
Top Left: Three Types of Units Top Right: Perspective Sketch of Room Bottom Left:Light Rendering of Room Bottom Right: Day Rendering ofRoom
Top Left: Perspective of Model Top Middle: Elevation of Model Top Right:Back Perspective of Model Bottom Left: Day Rendering ofRoom
Eric White
Below: Exterior Perspective (back)
Arch 271/272
Studio Sophomore year consisted of creating architectural drawings of precedence to some low scale design of space. This consisted of the Robie House in Chicago, Herne-Sodingen Academy in Ruhr,Germany, and drawings/ sketches of various places of interest to us while having the ability to create collages and models to represent our ideas through many variations. This is where I learned to put my collage and drawing skills to the test and push them further for furture studios.
Prof: Lawerence Hamlin and Allison Warren
Top Left: Robie House Top Right:Sketch Bottom Right: Collage Drawing
Eric White
Left: Plans, Elevations, Axon Top Right: Model of Sophomore Year Project Lower Middle:Model Closer Up Lower Right: Section Model of H-S Academy
Graphics / Models
Spacial Structure
Arch 374
What is space? Space is usually known as the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. On the contrary, the film, Brazil, describes space as a dominion for sharing and individual activity. Furthermore, this is described through alterations in the space throughout the movie with the perception of one’s mind. This experience is created throughout the film showing how structure and system creates space for the individual to use. Though individuals perceive space differently with ownership of personal space and overlap within space to create sharing. Shared space versus individual space is shown by stills throughout the movie with spot color showing systematic space versus the change into the new boundaries created by individual mind. This film review led into the research of structural distortion within architecture in the following project.
Partner: Mariana Caballeros
Far Left: Office Space Clip Middle Left: Elevator Clip
Prof: Julie Larsen
Eric White
Top: Movie Review Study Board Middle Left: Sharing Space Study Middle: Big Executive OfficeClip Middle Right: Large Execution Asylum Clip Below: Final Construct of Spacial Structure
Spacial Structure
Above: Random Elevator Found on Site
Above: Structured Personal Networking Space Study
Structural Distortion
Arch 374
An elevator is a very intriguing piece of machinery that is able to take people to various levels of interest like a transporter where the internet is a hub to take people to various levels of information. With both of these core ideas in tact, we approached Wacker Drive in Chicago, Illinois next to the Illinois River with a need of integration of these level changes and hubs of communication with people while creating a hostel hotel environment for both guests and public to enjoy on the riverwalk. The lower levels of Wacker are quite rundown and throughout the site of Lake Shore East, we wanted to incorporate various hubs and transporters to carry between Michigan Ave. and Lakeshore Drive to the Wacker Drive River walk. Boundaries were of huge importance between public and private as we infilled a hostel with transporters cutting through a structure that carries out the grid from Wacker. This hostel presents transportation and communication interaction between buisness people and regular travelers to experience the city on Wacker like never before.
Partner: Mariana Caballeros
Prof: Julie Larsen
Photo: Wacker Drive Study
Eric White
Upper Left: Map of Site Used Upper Right: Study of Pedestrian Transportation Lower Right: Property Study
Structural Distortion
Above: Existing Elevator Study on Grid
Above: Transporter Study Below: Combined Exisiting and Proposed Transporters
Eric White
Above: Transporter/Hub Prototype
Below: View down Michigan Ave. from Transporter
Above: Sight of Transporter on Site
Above: Hub on Illinois River connecting two Transporters
Below: View down Illinois River from Hub
Structural Distortion
Above: Form Studies of structure and cirrculation
Eric White
Upper Left:2nd Floor Hostel Room Middle Left:1st Floor Hostel Room Below: 3-D view of transporter lockers for hostel guests
Structural Distortion
Above: 1st Level/Site
Above: 2nd Level
Above: 3rd Level
Eric White
Above: 4th Level
Above: 5th Level
Structural Distortion
Above: Top Level
Eric White
Above: Elevation Close-up
Above: Elevation
Below: Longitudinal Section
Structural Distortion
Right: Plexiglass Study Model
Above: Perspective of Hub on top of Hostel
Below: Perspective of Hub within Hostel
Eric White
Above: Perspective with Transporter Below: Plexiglass Model
Above: Plexiglass Model
Structural Distortion
Above: Sectional Perspective Below: Plexiglass Sectional Model
Below: Sectional Perspective
Eric White
Structural Distortion
Above: Sectional Perspective
40 44
Putting together this portfolio has been a challenge. Organizing all of the information and putting it into a presentation form that would appropriately express my personality and all that I’ve learned didn’t seem possible at first. In all my projects, I evaluate the site and start to find a solution and approach it through design. I would like to give my appreciation and thanks to my studio partner Mariana Caballeros during my Arch 374 project. Without a professor I feel most projects at the undergraduate level would not reach their full potentials and for that reason I want to give thanks to Kevin Erickson, Lawerence Hamlin, Art Kaha, Julie Larsen, and Allison Warren for all there encouragement and help to further my education and design process. Also, I want to give a big thanks to my family for always being behind my decisions and encouraging me to push myself to continue to do better.