The Product Design Methods Driven by the Meaning, by Xuesong Wu

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The Product Design Methods Driven by the Meaning KEYWORDS : Meaning; Product; Design method; Could be ;Should be; Sociality ; Problem leap; Problem interpret; Problem epiphany The basic theoretical problem of the study is about: the essence of design is innovation. One side design is to create new and unknown thing, another side it must be understandable and recognizable otherwise design could not be communicated to the user. The former emphasizes that new design from nothing to everything while the latter emphasizes the understandable and recognizable communicative design. In the development of design, more and more attention was paid to the understanding and cognition of product, but giving a new meaning to the product is the essence of product development actually. Hence, it is guidance significance to clarify the product meaning to design innovation. Seen from the innovation. The study of product design method driven by meaning is to make meaning discussion as the key part of product design development. The meaning is different from product shape, structure, color and material. It is hard to be observed and it would be

Name / Surname

ignored normally, but people have demand of product meaning and product meaning can be guider to product

Xuesong Wu

development. So it is very important to explore the product design methods driven by meaning in theoretical and practical level. There are two main questions to the research: 1. What is the meaning of product?

Research field/area

What is the meaning of product from the point of view of product ontology?

Design systems & product

What is the meaning of design from the point of view of design activity? 2. What is the method of obtaining the product meaning in the design practice?


The study starts from design phenomenon to carry out the research gradually. In study strategy, The paper uses double evidences method, theory evidence and factual evidence, in order to reach the reliability and


usability of the design study. Also, there are five phases in this research. Please refer to figure 1.

Prof. Jianghong Zhao






Figure 1

Bibliography Krippendorff K. On the Essential Contexts of Artifacts or on the Proposition that Design is Making Sense(of Things).Design Issues. 1989.5(2)ďźš9-39.

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