Over the rainbow. Postcards from Heaven.

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Artbook of Heaven

OVER THE RAINBOW Postcards from Heaven

Erika Fossati Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved

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I make my book available for free so this message of hope can reach the greatest number of people and can touch the heart on the reality of Paradise. The Lord several times made me understand, while I was writing the text, that he wanted to use gratuitously because I have received these things for free. The paintings you will see in the book are the result of four years of drafts, tests, studies and intense prayer to God the Creator. The written part, on the other hand, was composed in 22 years of research in the field of near death experiences. This text has a further purpose: to provide “Artists for God” with a small dictionary of symbols and subjects to be created to represent the Celestial Realities.

Artbook of Heaven

OVER THE RAINBOW Postcards from Heaven

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved

To You Father, Son and Holy Spirit, these humble lines and these color-stained sheets; for You, for Your glory

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved

Think ... to land on a shore and discover that you are in Heaven; to grab a hand and discover that it is God’s hand; to breathe new air and discover that it is that of the sky; to feel invigorated and discover that it is immortality; to pass from the violent storm to an unknown calm; to wake up and find that you have arrived Home! Bruno Ferrero

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved


" I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. " 2 Corinthians 12,2

The experience I want to share happened when I was 16 years old. 21 years have passed since that night, one night before Easter 1999, and yet not a day goes by that I don't remember it in my heart. You may wonder, perhaps, why I am writing a book about an event so far away. There are two reasons: the first is that no text has ever reported experiences of this kind using pictures; the second, more personal, is the desire to add my testimony to the numerous others relating to the existence of Heaven.

Saint John wrote: “We proclaim to you what we have seen… We write this to make our joy complete.1”.

I want to be the eyes of those who have not been able to walk by me on this journey, an opportunity to be able to do it through my drawings.

Erika Fossati


1 John 1,1-4

Copyright © 2021 Erika Fossati

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved


" These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word " Isaiah 66: 2

It was 3 in the morning, I was 16 years old. I woke up with a strong tremor and my body felt heavy, as if something was holding it firm against the bed. I felt hot, feverish. I was sweating a lot. From my back I felt waves of heat spreading throughout my body, which felt like it was on fire. I was trying to get out of bed, to react, but a weakness that gripped my bones had paralized my body. As soon as I managed to move, I headed for the bathroom, which was right in front of my room. When I switched on the light, my mother got out of bed to ask me how I felt and why I was up at that time of night. "Mom, I don't feel well ... everything is black" "How can everything be black if your eyes are open?". I thought I was dying and that no one, not even my mother, could save me. It was all dark, and a darkness that no longer had any relation to light. Or so I thought ... I began to see a light; first in the form of lightning, then in what seemed to me a starry sky. I was no longer afraid, a great peace had entered me.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved


“The LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.” Genesis 2,8

I felt like I was grabbed, pulled up, but it wasn't my mother's hands that lifted me. They weren't the hands of a woman, the delicate fingers of a mother, - as the ones that a little while before had tried to hold me up and not let me fall; but they weren't even the hands of a man, the strong fingers of a father; it was none of this, because I felt lifted, but not from my body. The body, my body, laid on the bathroom floor, limp and pale. Yet I was rising, I was breaking away from the ground and from he heaviness of the body that covered me. I was carried up, my lower extremities ̶ I don't remember if they had the shape of feet ̶ they flew past a white fence: the latter was made up of many wooden boards arranged next to each other, each of which had a tip similar to an arrow. I was placed in a place similar to a garden, in front of a bush of white flowers about fifty centimeters high. They were beautiful. The petals were iridescent. I can't tell you how long I watched them in amazement, maybe hours, days ... in that place it seemed like time did not exist and that everything was eternal.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved

LIGHT “God is light” 1 John 1,5 “There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light" Matthew 17: 2 I turned towards the end of the garden, I could see a very pale sun in front me, its brightness was strong, but it did not dazzle the eyes. Everything in that garden, from the grass to the flowers, was enveloped by that glow that had a density, it was an impalpable fog of light. I could see the grass, the stems swaying in the breath of the wind; I could see the flowers, millions of white corollas that covered the garden up to the horizon. And I could see and hear myself without needing to look at myself anymore, since I too was part of the Whole, a flower, a blade of grass, a plant that opens to welcome the Light ... that Light.

LOVE " you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live" Exodus 33:20 “Godi s love” 1 John 4,8 I knew that in that light there was Someone. In fact, He began to speak to me, not with the word, not through the mouth. This Being spoke from within me, into my heart, into my mind. He told me: «Do not be afraid, in this place you will not be harmed, because here everything is LOVE». After these words I felt a breeze, like a warm wind, and I had the sensation that that light and that Being had embraced me, pervading my being with an Infinite Love.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved


“ For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ" 2 Corinthians 5:10

“The books was opened…the dead were judged According to what they had done as recorded In the books” Revelation 20,12 I felt deeply loved, loved in a way I've never felt before. That Being of light emanated love and was Himself Love. When he said to me, "Turn around," I looked back and started to see some past events from my life. It was like watching them on a television screen, but in much, much sharper and neater way. I could watch the scenes as if I had infinite points of view, I could choose where to look and I could participate in them because I was able to experience the feelings, thoughts and sensations of all those involved. I saw myself from behind, running on a meadow. As I ran I knew that in that place there were also my parents, my paternal grandmother and my brother. I still remember how I was dressed: I had a white jumpsuit, my long blond hair tied with a white lace ribbon. I was young and happy. That was the last clear scene of my life that I remember.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved


“The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.” Revelation 21,21

I have caught up again in spirit. I looked at everything in front of me as if I was walking backwards, as someone was pushing me from behind. In front of me, as I flew, a white gate, three meters high, slowly closes like a curtain. I remember it as a sequence of three frames: open, half-open, closed. The gate was made of a rigid material, its color was pearlescent: it gave off brilliant pearly reflections. I remember exactly how it was made. In the upper and lower part it had decorations and swirls, while in the central part it had vertical straight lines. At its sides I saw a wall made up of square cream-colored stones. Later I found out from a picture that the type of rock and the regularity of its cut belonged to Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Copyright © 2021 – All Rights Reserved

PARADISE “Better is one day in your courts Than a thousand elsewhere” Psalm 84,11 I found myself sitting on the floor, in my bathroom at home, with my parents screaming and shaking me ... When I opened my eyes they cleared up and calmed down. They helped me get up and get me back to my room. My mother told me I was "absent" for about ten minutes. I thought “How sad

it is to be back”. My spirit had experienced unspeakable freedom and now I was

again imprisoned in my body. My body was still heavy, hot, and I continued to be in a cold sweat and I felt a strong ringing in my ears. While my mother held me up, I said to myself: "If I had died today I would have gone to Heaven". I was profoundly certain, even if no one there had told me clearly. I felt like a tourist who had returned from a wonderful trip. Once in the bed I remember telling my mother, who was looking at me in amazement. At that time she was pregnant with my sister, it had been a few months since she had discovered it and she had not yet said anything to me or to my brother. She believed that the blond girl I saw was my sister who was yet to be born. It really couldn't be my sister. She had already been conceived, at that moment she was in my mother's womb and not in the garden. As proof of this, I found two photos in the family album where everything matches exactly: the place, my family, my clothes, the white ribbon in my hair (see the photo below).

What I saw cannot be defined as a dream, it was a living reality. If you allow me this expression: "what I saw was more real than reality itself". I don't know any other term to define my experience other than to say that it was hyperreal. Later I asked myself: what does HEAVEN mean? In fact, I believe that every word contains in itself the deep and ultimate meaning of the thing itself. What a surprise for me to discover that the latin term for heaven, Paradise, is composed of two parts from the Iranian language: PAIRI = around and DAEZA = wall, that is "enclosed place" and takes the meaning of "enclosed garden" in different languages.

© COPYRIGHT – All Rights Reserved The contents in this book, "Over the rainbow", in digital and paper version, of which Erika Fossati is the author and owner, are covered by Copyright and other rights relating to intellectual property and by all similar rights, therefore they can not be copied, reproduced, published or redistributed because they belong to the author.

It is forbidden to copy and reproduce the contents (logos, trademarks, text and images included) in any way or form, even partial. The publication and redistribution of the contents not expressly authorized by the author through the publication of the same on any other platform, both online and offline, on paper or through any other method or technology, current or future, is prohibited, except only after written request.

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Copyright © 2021 Erika Fossati

All Rights Reserved

INDEX 1. PREFACE ……………………………………………………………...……..…..…...…9 2. TREMBLING.………………………………………………………………....….…..…12 3. THE GARDEN..……………...…………………………………………….….………..14 4. LIGHT.…………………………………………………………………….....…………..16 5. LOVE.………………………………………………………………….…..…….………16 6. LOOKING BACK.…………………………………………………….……..….……….18 7. THE GATE OF PEARL...…………………………………………….………....………20 8. PARADISE……………………………………………………….……………….…..…22 9. COPYRIGHT…………………………………………………………………………….24 10. INDEX……………………………………………………………………………………25

Art and Faith to save Lives

Buy a print of an illustration from the book, you can hang it at home in a frame or give it to whoever you want. I will allocate part of the proceeds to one of the Foundations that treats children with leukemia. Thank you for your contribution!























If you are interested in the original watercolor painting or a printed copy, ask for information at the email: artevangelist@outlook.com or the various social channels you find on the following page. Thanks so much!

@erika.fossati https://www.instagram.com/erika.fossati/?hl=it

@diosegni https://www.instagram.com/diosegni/?hl=it

Erika Fossati https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3TjjM q_l9buNJACb2Eh3dw

Erika Fossati Channel https://t.me/erikafossati

Gruppo “Erika Fossati” https://www.facebook.com/groups/6414054132 20264

Share the book’s link with your friends if you liked it, help me spread this message of hope. I would like to receive your comment or feedback on the book, I would be grateful. Write me to the email box: artevangelist@outlook.com

Through watercolors and artistic works, the author shares the reader with her personal discovery: behind the scenes of life there is a kingdom of love and color. The King of this Kingdom is the Creator of life and His embrace of infinite love is for everyone.

Erika Fossati is a watercolorist in her spare time. Her work is construction engineer-architect. She is married and lives in Abruzzo, in Italy. The experience she had when she was 16 changed her life. In her the passion for art and faith in God go hand in hand.

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