Johny and Ken's Spiritual Adventure

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♥ Chapter 1~ Johny and his mate Ken asked each other "Are you up for a lark?" to which they both said Yes for Sure !!!! They both wanted to be sure they were committed to doing what they had planned for so long. No one else knew what they were going to do but them and they wanted it to be a surprise they would find out afterwards, as they had left a note behind. Ken sure was excited and eager for this adventure and wanted to get going straight away. They went to the train station and waited for the train to come to begin their journey....... ♥ Chapter 2~ As they embarked on the train they saw a little old man sitting alone in a compartment so they decided to join him. They got a real surprise when up close it was a much younger looking man with deep blue eyes that really bore right into you and seemed to see into all of your innermost thoughts and feelings. This man was somewhat disconcerting so they tried not to look at him which proved difficult because his eyes seemed to follow them wherever they looked. Finally this proved too much for both of them and they asked him “So what are you doing on this train?” for want of a better question. He said “I am just travelling through, what about you two, where are you headed?” They told him they were off on an adventure and had left their old lives behind them and wouldn't be returning for some time if at all. The intense stranger then said with kind reflection that this seemed to be a wonderful time to be doing such a thing and he wished them God Speed on their journey. He then asked their names to which they replied Johny and Ken and he told them he was called by his middle name JOE-KAI. Ken and Johny both thought what a strange name it sounded like Joykai. Well they decided he was all right to be travelling with and told them all about themselves and their plans............... ♥ Chapter 3~ So they travelled together on this train bound for God knows where talking with Joe-Kai just happy to share and learn some new things about life and what is possible to experience. Together they all journeyed into the night until the train pulled into a small village and it looked so inviting they alighted from the train to check it out. They found a small hotel they could stay the night in and went to their rooms to sleep. While they were sleeping three men came to both Johny and Ken in their dreams with some very deep insights and messages for them. In the morning they each shared what they had experienced in the night and what had occurred was amazing. They had visited incredible cities far and wide and met the most enlightened beings while in the company of these three men. The funniest thing was one of the three men was Joe-Kai and he had disappeared overnite from the hotel. They realised this was the start of their travels into the unknown which they had thought was only in the physical. A surprise awaited them outside the hotel ......

♼ Chapter 4~ There was a circus of people all clamouring outside the hotel shouting the name 'Joe-Kai' over and over. They wondered how these people knew him and how they had all got here to this sleepy little village in the middle of nowhere. Johny walked up to one man who he felt looked ok to talk to and the man looked at him and said are you Joe-Kai ? And Johny said no we travelled with him on a train and he came here with us but overnite he has disappeared. "How do you know him and his name?" The man replied " We all dreamt of him last nite and were told to come here to this village as he would be the one to lead us to a special place that is sacred and holy and we could reach a Golden Bridge from this place. So this morning we have all got up at sunrise to travel here to find him. We met each other on the road and shared our stories and now there is a whole group of us very very keen to meet with JOE-KAI." Johny told him they had dreamt of him too and then in the morning they had discovered he had vanished from the hotel. Johny went back to Ken to tell him what he had found out and Ken said yes this girl told me the same thing. The crowd were still chanting the name 'JOE-KAI' and all around the village was stirring and coming to life and children were running over to see what was going on .. Soon the hotel keeper came out and told them he had a note to read out that Joe-Kai gave to him before he went up to his room the night before and on it were instructions to follow to find the sacred holy place. They were to all travel there helping each other to find the signposts along the way and cook their meals and camp together. It would take over 20 days and nights to reach the place and there he would meet them all in person !!! "Good luck and God Bless you All " said the hotel keeper who seemed a very kind and thoughtful man.... Johny and Ken walked away from the crowd together and said well we thought we were doing this Adventure together just the two of them and now we have a whole group to travel with, do we want to do this ? Ken said why not it is still an adventure and I saw this sweet lovely girl in the crowd and she smiled the most beautiful smile looking straight into my eyes and I nearly lost my balance as I felt myself disappear into her mysterious blue green eyes. So yes why not, let's go and get our things !!!! And let's make sure we get a copy of that note to take with us as our Map for this new Journey !!!

♼ Chapter 5~ Most of the people gathered were willing to leave their homes and lives for 3 weeks to travel to this unknown destination, they went home to pack up what they would need for the journey. Most were excited and looking forward to the adventure ahead. Johny and Ken took no time at all to be ready and met the people at noon in the middle of the village. They all sang songs as they left the village and began their special journey. What was ahead wasn't important but the moment they were in and discovering much along the way. They easily found signposts that were in the note from Joe Kai and camped at the side of the road each night in a circle of tents. There was much camaraderie and lots of singing into the night around the open campfire. They hadn't had so much fun since they were kids. The stars shone brightly and one seemed to really shine and twinkle very strongly and when Johny looked up at it he felt a jolt of recognition as he saw the face of Joe-Kai in the STAR above, how can that be he thought and told Ken about it. Ken said well we know we are on track if he is up there watching us from the stars, maybe he is a starman and that is his secret ! On and on they walked each day into the hills beyond never growing tired or hungry, just eager to see what was around the next bend in the road. Some of the villages said they were meeting with Joe-Kai in their dreams and being shown many things that were revealed to them one by one and they awakened in them spiritual longings to be more than they had ever realised was possible for themselves. They were happy and content to be as they are now, not longing for the future to be shown to them and just happy to be. On the 20th day they arrived at a strange crossroad, it seemed to be a five ways but each time you tried to choose a road to go on it would shift into a small path. The villagers and Johny and Ken consulted with each other on what to do. They got out their instructions and saw that they were to choose the road by the large tree. They found the tree and it was a magnificent tree, so they camped under it and soon fell asleep after their lunch. When they awoke the scenery had changed and they were now in new country. The plants and trees were so colourful, the air was sweeter and the sky an azure blue. They all wondered how they had got here and what to do next. Then Joe Kai appeared and said to follow him in single file down a track leading into a valley so this is what they did. Johny and Ken were the first behind Joe-Kai and they were very happy to see him again. How he could do this they were not sure but trust him they did for some reason they couldn't fathom. There was a special light all around him he just glowed and you felt warm and safe and loved in his presence. So in wonder and amazement they walked behind him willing to go where he led them now.

♼ Chapter 6~ Along the path they all trailed behind Joe-Kai in single file as the track was very narrow and steep. As they descended they became very quiet and peaceful and a wonderful energy started to fill them completely. Joe-Kai was silent and seemed lost in his own world. Nevertheless they felt happy and filled with curiosity about where they were all going. After an hour of walking they came to the valley and found it was a huge area covered in by hills all around, and there were dwellings here that were so different from those they had seen before, they took in the strange new surroundings as the walked through the village. They followed him thru the village and down a small road into an area that was secluded and divine. They were so surprised to see a Temple in the distance glowing with a radiant Light. It was vast and very tall and majestic and seemed to reach up into the sky. Joe-Kai led them all inside and they found themselves in a beautiful entrance hallway with many rooms leading off it. They were greeted by a man who was the Temple Guardian and taken to a part of the Temple reserved for accommodating visitors. They each had rooms with beds and could stay together with others of their group. They were told to rest and they would come and escort them to see the Temple later. First they needed to become comfortable in these surroundings and rest they said would achieve this. They laid down to rest and soon fell asleep, having very interesting dream experiences that when they awoke had a good effect on them as they were now very attuned to their surroundings as if they had always lived there. ♼ Chapter 7~ All of them found they felt lighter and freer than they had ever experienced before. Joy and anticipation filled them. Johny and Ken both felt more awake and alert and ready for new experiences. Some Temple attendants came to take them into a large spacious room filled with Light and immense beauty. Love enveloped them and the group they were now together with in this spiritual journey. Joe-Kai came in and said you may eat and drink here if you would like it is very different food and liquid so just take a small amount to start with. Each of them were served beautiful goblets of liquid that sparkled and shimmered. One mouthful set their hearts and minds into a whole new level of consciousness. The food melted in their mouth and warmed them from the inside out. They were quickly satiated and felt no hunger for anything. One by one they were called to go with different people and went into special healing rooms. Here they were given various treatments for their bodies and wellbeing. They could feel old pains and health problems releasing and now they were able to move as if they were youthful and ageless. This was preparing each one of them for the next session later in the day.

♼ Chapter 8~ Johny and Ken had realised their dream which was to travel to far distant lands and experience wonderful adventures. They had not imagined they would meet Joe-Kai and then the other fellow travellers who joined them in their spiritual quest. They wondered about falling asleep and awakening in this new land. So they asked Joe-Kai about this when he came to see them. He told them that their earthly bodies were well cared for and that they were in the Light bodies now in a spiritual realm close to the earth but not on the earth. They were in a spiritual city within a Temple of Light. Wow they said are we so worthy of this and Joe-Kai said of course you all are, as you all are spiritual seekers on the path of Truth and Wisdom. Your desire for this adventure and willingness to trust me and follow where I have led you was the key to this experience. The others came and joined you as they were also ready. When the student is ready the Master appears and that is I. As they realised that Joe-Kai was a spiritual Master they felt very humbled by his presence in all of their journey and many experiences with him. ♼ Chapter 9~ Each day they felt more strengthened in mind body and spirit. They knew they would return to the normal waking world but much deeply changed, they could never sleep through their life again. They had no more fear of death and the unknown worlds. Each day they attended classes with their group and were given spiritual instruction. They could all ask questions and learn many truths they had been unaware of before. One of them was how Divine their very soul and being truly is and how loved they are by the Divine. They saw through the Veils of Illusion and saw each other as all one family all connected by the Love that they truly are. This totally shifted all their old perceptions. They were given special training so that when they returned to the earth plane they were going to show others the Way also to find the Truth and Love that they had awakened to. Love overcame them and they found there is nothing but this Grand Sublime indwelling of Love that is God in everything. They lived in total JOY in their whole Being. Their spiritual training was intense and they learnt so many spiritual tools and exercises to practice for the rest of their life. They knew in their dreams and daily contemplation they could return to this world and visit whenever it was beneficial to come. It was a part of them now and totally real and the Way here was to simply soul travel here directly which now they could do. Johny and Ken were transformed into a new way of Being and their old selves were gone forever. Now they wanted to serve and Love all their companions in Life and all those they would encounter. Selfishness had dropped away replaced by kindness and compassion for all. The journey was now complete and they were in this spiritual retreat for what seemed like months however when they returned to their bodies hardly any time at all would have elaspsed. Johny and Ken had both kept a journal, a spiritual notebook of all their dreams and experiences since they had left home and it was with them in this world also somehow.

♼ Chapter 10~ Joe-Kai came one morning to tell them their time here was now complete and they were all ready to return. They would all remember all of their experiences and time they had spent there and each one of them was now a spiritual family and could meet up in the physical world to share and keep their spiritual awakening alive and constant for them. A place was being prepared for this and each one of them would find themselves drawn to go there and it would be the same for them all, a dream or note would come to say A special Meeting is arranged now please do come. Joe-Kai would then attend and give them all spiritual darshan and new teachings. In between they would meet him in dreams or in their contemplations as he was now their spiritual teacher. IF they all held to this they would only come back into another earthly life if they chose to serve this way. As each one of them was in training for spiritual mastership. They would live in the spiritual worlds after this lifetime. AS Joe-Kai finished telling them all of this they found themselves spiralling through a Tunnel of Light and lying under the Tree in their physical bodies. Johny and Ken had their dream journals of all their experiences and all around them were the group of travellers they had gone with. They all were happy and looking forward to returning to their homes and all they would experience. They travelled for many days together one big happy family discussing all they had learnt and spiritually experienced. Johny and Ken talked together and realised they would keep travelling and return at intervals to meet with the others and to visit their own families. They both had the wonderlust for travel to far distant lands and finding others who would love to hear their story of what they had discovered. The journey of a lifetime had begun. Eventually they wrote a book about their spiritual journey into the far worlds and got it printed so they could give this to many hungry for Truth, Love and Spiritual Adventures. Divine Love glowed throughout the pages of the book and Joe-Kai featured in all their stories, which grew and grew until they had written a number of books between them. They met many wondrous souls who loved hearing about where they had gone and how real it was and they also met JoeKai in their dreams and contemplations. He was real and they both knew IT.

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