Reaching for the Best

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Reaching for the Best

I have written this story as it unfolded and have added each next occurence so it has been a work in progress and I have edited it many times to read better for you. I needed to buy a new computer and I was only looking at getting a cheap computer for under $200 as I'd never really considered buying a new high tech computer as I felt this wasn't possible, way out of my reach! So then I had the idea why not go for the best, one I would love to have and forget about how and limitations and just go for it, allow it in! We have had problems all year with the one I have I paid $80 for and lately its been playing up and we have been doing alot of backups and restoring work and its been touch and go a few times and alot of work for my partner. So I checked out the store that had one I had seen and wanted and realised this wasn't going to be available for much longer and already alot of stores had sold them out. I had seen one on special near my parents in the country recently on a visit to them and asked my Dad could he see if they still had it as I didn't like the full price tag on the one I found locally, the next thing I know he calls and says yes they have it at the special price still and it can be sent to my local store. Now this was amazing as Aldi stores are very basic service and this they don't normally do . I have now said many Most Benevolent Outcomes for buying it so I wil only get it if its right for me and now I have asked for an MBO for paying for it when it arrives. I am just going to trust the universe that I will be able to pay for it and that money will come. This has been a big thing for me to do as I have had 4 computers so far that didn't cost much and they haven't lasted too long even though they have given me great service in the meantime. I do alot of work on the computer and I envision this new one will mean I can expand what I do to a higher level. So maybe its as simple as reaching for the best and allowing it in and not being limited in your thinking of how it can happen. I am now waiting on its arrival and trusting all will be well and only the best is for me. And saying Thankyou, thankyou , thankyou. How to say an MBO ~ "Guardian Angels, I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for ......thankyou!" you write them or say them outloud !!!! Here is a link to learn more about MBO's click here: Most Benevolent Outcomes . I also did Jo Dunnings Pulse technique on my computer situation which cleared the way to manifest a better one for me.To experience the Pulse Technique which is on my blog click here. A week later I go to the store and find out there is no way for the computer to come from Hamilton to Bayswater, but I got a great MBO in that the store person rang around for me and found one locally, but at the expensive price so after some more quick MBO's she talked to the guy at the FTG store who agreed to let me buy it at the $100 off price the Hamilton store had been selling them at. there was only 1 store that had one left so I was very lucky and that I got it cheaper.

Now the thing is to pay it off and so I said More MBO's for this as I was concerned how I would manage to do this and then my daughter gave me some money towards it so I added some to and I have worked out regular payments til its paid for completely. I am telling any family or friends for Xmas I'd love a gift of money to my computer fund! So now I have realised if the Aldi Hamilton storeperson hadn't said yes it could be sent to Melbourne I woudn't have gone to Aldi's Bayswater and had the person there helping me cos of the mixup! A big MBO! gotta love them and the Angels who help behind the scenes thankyou Angels !!! Now I have it home and we have transferred everything over to it and its a dream using it so high tech and I love it and I am so glad I stretched myself to get past my limitations I had.I even got a new computer screen at a great price and a webcam so I can do Skype readings now. I have advanced in more ways than just a computer. A computer is a representation of a state of consciousness and I had to let go of old ways of lack and limitation to go to a new level of operating . Helped spiritually by my spiritual helpers and by wonderful human angels I achieved a miracle for me. And having it lets me do my work with more ease and grace and serve others ! 2011 update At Xmas time I realised that my dream of receiving gifts of money from family was probably a pipe dream as there were only a few gifts being exchanged among a few of us . Then we saw my mother­in­law Xmas night and she gave us a huge gift of money enough to pay off my computer, we were so amazed and grateful for this gift. At first I was having alot of fun running through all the things we could do with the money and afterwards I realised I'd asked for this so I could pay off my computer that I’d put on my credit card. I had written here that I’d like to receive money from family to help pay for my new computer but I didn't say this to many family members and certainly not my mother­in­law so the Universe works out your request for a great Most Benevolent outcome. Whatever it is you dream of you can receive under Grace and I wish for you all your heart desires, thankyou


May the Blessings Be

Erika L Soul Angel Channelling Guide Spiritual Counsellor Soul Energy Healer Transformational Healing Readings

Melbourne, Australia WWW. Rainbow Healings. Com *

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