On Simulation Spaces by Erik Parr

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On Simulation Spaces - temporary islands of the real “Reality is nothing but a well tempered harmony of simulation.” - Brian Massumi As I entered the warehouse that houses the Ice Tank simulator at Aalto University in a wooded suburb of Helsinki, I was presented with an olympic-sized pool of tepid algae-green water. I instinctively removed my knit cap as the space took on an unexpected atmosphere. The lights were dimmed and to my left was a series of miniature concrete pillars running the length of the wall. Above, an array of metal grid panels complicated the brutalist pillars, followed by a network of large pipes snaking to the ceiling. To the right a massive orange scaffold stretched across the pool. The surface of the water had a sheen from the algae that turned it into a reflecting pool, giving the space an added layer of horizontal symmetry. The architecture of simulation spaces is always temporary. The Ice Tank is in the process of being renovated when I visit, a million Euro restoration that would keep the 30 year old facility from becoming obsolete. When functional, the Ice Tank uses its constellation of apparatuses to create a perfectly homogenous layer of thin surface ice. The artificial ice sheet is used to test scale models of icebreaking ships—such vessels are of increasing importance in the northern seas where unprecedented arctic ice melt has created

a new superhighway in ship transport. There are many acting forces that bring this space into being. Embedded in a cycle of research and development, simulation spaces are never complete but exist in a continual state of renewal based on the systems design that controls it. The governing principle behind the organisation of simulation spaces is based on the cybernetic idea that complex systems can be reduced to a system of inputs, outputs, and controls. Therefore, with each technological improvement, the fidelity of the simulation space is improved and each input thus becomes a better simulation of the real. In gradually building up complex systems like those found in nature, isolation plays a crucial role. As a simulation space operates by filtering out the noise of the world, each technological innovation offers the successive promises of improved signal-to-noise ratio. The Ice Tank’s isolation from the outside world gives it a certain transcendental quality like those found in cathedrals. Simulations create a space where the noise of the world is finally silenced and replaced by pure rationality—triumph over entropy—at least for a while. Eventually in these refuges of simulated order, corrosion and chaos seeps in through the crevices.

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