Erin Hicks Portfolio

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iar 301-01: interior architecture : fall 2006

Historic Preservation - Burlington North Carolina

M i l l s G l e n c o e

The Glencoe Mill Historic District is located on the east bank of the Haw River, three miles north of Burlington, North Carolina. It is a typical well preserved example of the nineteenth century industrial villages that once flourished in North Carolina’s Piedmont region. The district covers a more than 100 acres and consists of three parts. 1) a manufacturing and commercial complex, 2) power and water system and 3) a residential and social unit. -National Registry of Historic Places

main building - restaurant

iar 301-01: interior architecture iii : fall 2006

M i l l s

Historic Preservation - Burlington North Carolina

In the space I had placed tables that had a rustic look to them, to continue the idea of historical features, and along the waterfront I have placed couches that allow the user to appreciate the beautiful setting in which Glencoe is placed.

G l e n c o e

In the Main Building of the Glencoe Mills Textile Factory, I had wished to create a restaurant/cafe/night club, so that the space could be multifunctional. I tried to create a design that would appreciate the natural materials used in the space, leaving most of the existing floor after being reinforced, and so taking the floor boards that were weak in the center of the space out, to place a stair case that will allow access to the lower level. Art work was distributed throughout to enhance the appeal of the brick walls.

M i l l s

iar 301-01: interior architecture iii : fall 2006

Historic Preservation - Burlington North Carolina

G l e n c o e

main building - restaurant

iar 301-01: interior architecture iii : fall 2006

Historic Preservation - Burlington North Carolina

G l e n c o e

M i l l s outer wing - salon

In the remaining spaces of the outer wings, I decided to create other functional spaces for the nearby community such as a salon. Since the community is isolated from common luxuries, I decided to begin making common places that would hold the neighborhoods needs, later expanding in other marketplaces.

iar 301-01: interior architecture iii : fall 2006

Historic Preservation - Burlington North Carolina

M i l l s G l e n c o e

Expanding from the Salon area, would be a retail store that could adapt to the needs of the community. This is continuing this idea of bringing common luxuries, that often take so long for the residents to commute to, and bringing it closer to the residents. outer wing - retail

iar 201-01: interior architecture ii : fall 2005

Vegetable Delight - UNC - Greensboro Campus

S t a n d P r o d u c e

The Produce Stand was an assignment in 2nd year studio, called Vegetable Delight. We examined the importance of fresh and organic produce being available to consumers, as well as how Farmers Markets across the United States having difficulty competing with Super Markets. As the studio divided into two groups approximately 26 people on each team. Each team then created designs, to be approved by professors, and then constructed each design. This design was executed by using two by fours, and canvas materials. The class competed for a design that the chancellor would examine and possibly create for the University to have fresh produce available for the student who lived on campus. The designs were then executed, and stood on campus for two weeks.

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

H o m e : t o C l o s e

These perspectives were accomplished by using Sketch Up to get the initial model; then hand rendered using Tria Markers, and later placed into Photoshop to add the context for the model.

Maud Gatewood Studio Art Building Process

Maud Gatewood Studio Art Building Model

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

H o m e : t o C l o s e

This model was built with a team of 6 students (including myself as the team captain). The model was to demonstrate to a panel, which was formed of professors, deans and sponsors of the Loewenstein project, to explain the intentions of how we wished the exhibit to look.

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

H o m e : t o C l o s e

After careful observation of the architecture Loewenstein had produce, many design concepts came from ideas Loewenstein had incorporated in his own designs.

Maud Gatewood Studio Art Building Final Presentation

t o

H o m e :

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

C l o s e

Maud Gatewood Studio Art Building Final Presentation

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

H o m e : t o C l o s e

Along with the Maud Gatewood Studio Art Center, another exhibition was created for the Elon School of Law; a building which Loewenstein had designed to be a community library, also commemorating the work of Loewens tein, in a hallway installation presented to the school.

Elon School of Law - Greensboro NC Process and Final Presentation

iar 301/411-01: interior architecture i/iii : fall 2007

Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro

H o m e : t o Mod Kiosks in Greensboro

C l o s e

Other installations were called Mod Moments. These “Modular Kiosks” were to used to advertise the presentations as well as giving the user, information about the project and Loewenstein. Once again the design came from the sleek and clean lines that Loewenstein had used in his designs. Playing with the idea of “push and pull”, as well as positive and negative spaces, with respect to particular design elements.

iar 450 : interior architecture iv : spring 2008

Warren Architecture Internship - Winston Salem, NC

D e s i g n O f f i c e

As an intern for Warren Architecture, in Winston Salem, I was asked to create a layout of the office, using software program, AutoCAD, and then later using Sketch Up to show the three dimensional aspects of the office. After producing the drawings both principals had then mentioned how they would like to update the office to be more inviting to the clients. I then, created several ideas that were pitched to both principals for their evaluations of moderations that the office could undertake along with an estimate of the materials used. When cleaning through the material library, I suggested using materials, from sample boards of brick and stone, as a veneer to the existing walls, and using the large samples of vinyl wall coverings and wall paper, to create the warmth in the space desired.

iar 450 : interior architecture iv : spring 2008

Warren Architecture Internship - Winston Salem, NC

D e s i g n O f f i c e

Since Warren Architecture desired to become more sustainable, I had looked at materials, which they had collected from sales representative over the years, and tried to find applications for each material that was destined to be thrown to the dumpsters. This created several ideas to apply to the lobby, and still able to create the warm inviting atmosphere they had wished to create.

iar 450 : interior architecture iv : spring 2008

O f f i c e

D e s i g n

Warren Architecture Internship - Winston Salem, NC

Since architecture is a collaborative effort among colleagues, I had wished to get rid of any barriers to create a more open layout that would encourage interaction.

april 2008

north carolina sustainable building and design competition

N C S B D C The North Carolina Sustainable Build and Design Competition, was based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The competition was to create an independent living duplex, that would be an addition to the existing campus. Each duplex was required to have two bedrooms and at least one and a half bath, with a den. The fourth year studio split into several groups, each team containing , I participated in this competition with three other women, McKenzie Gates, Alissa Hamalainen, and Megan Harris.

april 2008

north carolina sustainable building and design competition


The following perspectives were used to express the exterior views of the duplex. As a group we had decided that each duplex would still allow the tenants to feel a sense of uniqueness or originality, since most tenants would be leaving their personal homes to be around a nursing facility due to health concerns. Much of the campus was created of traditional red brick duplex, and we decided to create a more modern design, that embraced how things came together, showing the truss system, with other minimalistic design aspects.

Living Room View


april 2008

north carolina sustainable building and design competition

Living Room View


april 2008

north carolina sustainable building and design competition

Kitchen View

Kitchen View

summer 2008

Cars Under the Stars

While completing my studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, we were required to complete a thesis project. The project I had undertaken was “Cars Under the Stars�, which was taking a look at the Drive In Movie Theatre, and how this lost tradition could be renewed. The three theories that I chose to explore, where sense of community, entertainment and mobility. As the Drive In was created for those in a recession, studies had shown the last thing I person would give up, due to economy was entertainment.



summer 2008

Cars Under the Stars

P r o j e c t T h e s i s

The Shelby Drive In Movie Theatre, had been a place for the locals to enjoy movies, in the privacy of their own vehicles but also getting to enjoy the great outdoors for decades. Over time the Shelby Drive In Movie Theatre started to become dilapidated, due to the collapsing structures, such as the concession stand, the ticket booth and the wall, which by code must obstruct the view for the outside community. This has caused the drive in, to lose its ma jestic atmosphere. This is something I had wished to recreate, by modifying the original structure to look “open� and lightly placed on the surface.

Final Presentation

Final Presentation

summer 2008

Cars Under the Stars

P r o j e c t T h e s i s

Through the section of the site as well as the perspective below, I had wished to express what I would intend for the site. Which was to create a deck system for parking near the back, which eliminated the wall needed to conceal the area, and stadium like seating in the front area, that would resembled those ideas set forth by Vitruvius in Book five of the Ten Books of Architecture, w h i c h elaborated on theatre design.

december 2008

rendered floor plans - by design conference

I n c S F C S ,

To the left is an image from a retirement facility, I had worked on named Vincent Hall. Above is an image that would express the intentions of the interior living quarter, which were to remain traditional to create cozy and homelike feeling for the tenants.

december 2008

rendered floor plans - by design conference

I n c S F C S , These two images represent just a two of the many colored floor plans I had rendered while working as an architectural intern. The colored floor plans were to serve as a key for the users to understand things such as room layouts and material selections


summer 2011

[re]learning las vegas

V e g a s This course began by examining the Las Vegas strip and how it has manifested itself into a spectacle for over half a century. By creating Nolli maps representing figure/ground, we began synthesizing is this an effective means of mapping today. The next project was to overlay this information in mapping, to another city, shown above, using the city, Dallas, TX.

spring 2012

Trex Decking Parking Porch

D e c k S o u t h e n d

The objective of this course was to take an unusual material, to create a seating area, for the Southend District of Charlotte. In the near area, many people congregate for Food Trucks on Friday evenings, but have limited seating. This form needed appeal to the public as well as be functional for seating. The material that my partner, Allison Schaefer and I were assigned, was Trex Decking. We orchestrated many tests, that showed the flexibility of the material, that told allow us to create constraints that would hold the forms shape.

D e c k

spring 2012

Trex Decking Parking Porch

S o u t h e n d


fall 2012

S t a t i o n T r a i n N Y

This 16 week course focused on learning the popular program, Revit. Rather than starting with a series of separate drawings such as plan, elevation, and section that describes how our concept will exist in real 3D space, one now produces a unified digital 3D model that can generate all necessary presentation, analysis, and technical documentation. BIM is the culmination of parametric design, computational thinking, 3D modeling, and 2D drawing developed during the computer age.


T r a i n

fall 2012


S t a t i o n

fall 2012

Topical Studio

E a t e r y U r b a n

Urban Eatery was a proposal for an Urban Design studio. With a predetermined site, in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina, we were instructed to create a unique program that would be inspired by “Learning from Las Vegas”. In teams of two, my partner and I created a satellite studio for a culinary school that would allow the community to participate in their education. Students could showcase their work in cafes and restaurants that would be open to the public. Also because South End does not have a hotel we proposed a hotel, giving tourist a “taste” of Charlotte.

U r b a n

fall 2012

Topical Studio

E a t e r y

U r b a n fall 2012

Topical Studio

E a t e r y

objective: objective education: education

To obtain a position with a firm; where superb design can help further my knowledge of the field of architecture. This opportunity would help gain experience while utilizing the skills developed from my education, and will fulfill NCARB requirements for the Intern Development Program.

Area of Study: School: Dates: Area of Study: School: Dates:

Masters of Architecture University of North Carolina, Charlotte. NAAB Accredited Graduated: May 2013 Bachelor of Human Environmental Science, Interior Architecture University of North Carolina, Greensboro. CIDA Accredited. Graduated: August 2008 Dean’s List

personal personal skills:


Digital And Visual Representation Experience With: Both Windows And Macintosh Operating Systems

Charlotte, NC, February 2012 Current, Court Reporting Firm Shelby, NC, Summer of 2005 and Summer of 2006 Textiles Gaffney, SC, Summer of 2004 Assembly Line Software Programs Include: Adobe CS6 : Acrobat Professional, Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design AutoCAD, 2000, 2006, 2012 SketchUp Revit 2012 (novice) Combined With a Versatility in Variety of: Hand Rendering Media | Sketching Model Building Drafting Techniques

Huseby, Inc. Performance Fibers Timken Company


Warren Architecture Competitions

Roanoke, VA, September 2008 - February 2009, Architectural Intern Winston - Salem, NC, January 2008- May 2008 Internship Participated in the Land Art Generator Initiative Competition, for Freshkills Park, April 2012 Participated in the North Carolina Sustainable Build Competition, April 2008

H i c k s



E r i n

work work experience:

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