Friends of
The museum gift shop is your local source for high quality Oklahoma themed goodies. Be sure to check out our signature line of 46-Star products, perfect for all the proud Okies in your life. We have classic wooden children’s toys like Jacob’s ladder and pick up sticks and other fun stuff for the kids. We stock a full bookshelf of adult and children’s Oklahoma and local history books, many by local authors.
Postcards - Rose Rocks Books - Toys Jewelry - Souvenirs T-shirts Hats
All purchases in the gift shop support exhibit and educational development at the museum
Friends of the
Oklahoma Territorial Museum & Historic Carnegie Library 406 E. Oklahoma Ave. Guthrie, OK 73044 (405)282-1889
Free admission For self & guests $100 Value
Invitations to Special Events $100 Value
Discount in Gift Shop 20% off purchases
Free pair of Guest Passes $20 Value
Group Tours $60 Value
Supporting your local history Museum
$10 annual dues
Black-eyed peas & Cornbread dinner
Make & Take Valentine’s
Musical Afternoons
89er’s Day Luncheon
History Never Dies Halloween carnival
Victorian Walk Christmas in the Carnegie
Friends Christmas Party
Group tour to other
BENEFITS & OPPORTUNITIES The Friends group is a vital partnership ensuring the continued success of the Oklahoma Territorial Museum & Historic Carnegie Library. Friends are invited to attend all events at the museum and individuals are encouraged to volunteer. The Friends’ members assist the museum staff in many ways. It is entirely up to the individual. Volunteer examples: Making treats for special guests/events Greeting patrons
Assisting in gift shop
Running the cash register Assisting researchers
Hosting Events
Marketing & recruiting donations
museums and more...
JOIN TODAY _____________________________________ Name _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City, State, zip code _____________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Email Method of payment:
_____________________________________ Name on Card _____________________________________ Card # _________________ Billing Zip code
________________ Security code
Mail this form to the museum with payment information. Make checks payable to the Friends of the Guthrie Museum Complex or give us a call at 405-282-1889.