Civic Choices Make it happen. Vision Book
Civic Choices
is about helping people.
Sally Strong is a mother of two children who love to play basketball.
Unfortunately, the neighborhood park was torn up after a storm ripped through town destroying all the equipment.
But Sally’s kids are clever. They fashioned their own basketball goal in the back section of the parking lot of their apartment complex. This worked‌for a while.
One day some yahoo driving too fast almost hit one of her kids. Sally determined she was going to change things because it’s not just her kids at risk.
She called the city and spoke to the City Manager who explained that the storm damage had wrecked much of the city infrastructure.
And the cash strapped city was struggling to make repairs. They have been forced to prioritize projects and the city parks were low on the list. The next thing Sally does is very important. She asks, “What can I do to help?� The city manager threw some ideas at her not thinking anything would come of it: grants, donations, sponsorships, etc.
Civi Cho
So Sally was armed with to get started. This is where C
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h ideas but she did not know how Civic Choices comes in.
She checked the website and found information on how to create an petition. It walked her through the process of filling out the proper paperwork and the information shed need to speak to the city council. Now she had a road map.
She started in her apartment complex gathering signatures and donations. Soon she had a team of volunteers that canvased the neighborhoods and the kids started collecting pocket change. When it came time for the next city council meeting Sally had 8000 signatures and $12,000 in donations, information on 3 different grants and a room full of people who showed up in support of the park improvements.
Civic Choices provided her with the information she
needed to get things done. The tutorials and testimonials bolstered her confidence that she could indeed make a difference. The materials are simple and easy to follow. Each holds the underlying positive message of encouragement and pride empowering people to make a difference and knowing they are vital ‌ Sally’s entire neighborhood, adults and children alike, learned something incredibly valuable from her example.
It only takes one person to start something amazing and Civic Choices is there to help.
Civic Choices Make it happen