BOYS + GIRLS unit 7

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Erin Buckman

In today’s society fashion is one of the most followed and talked about topics. Fashion to me is an extremely important part of my life and is definitely something that I will always enjoy talking about, with this magazine I wanted to include people I personally look up to and things I personally enjoy! clothing/accessories are a huge thing to me, I try to dress in exactly what I love, which sometimes can get frustrating because I never want to judge someone on what they wear but we are all guilty of it and it is a thought that comes naturally. The way people dress and present themselves can be so powerful and always a conversation starter, I definitely take time to recognise and praise people for how they dress being comfortable in your own skin takes time and it is truly inspiring for people to really say whatever this is what I like deal with it! As a young person right now there is a lot of pressure so even the simple task of being yourself is so scary and extremely intimidating but as fashion progresses and huge brands like Gucci, Louis vuitton release some crazy pieces to outfits it’s becoming more empow-

ering to dress like you and show who you are through colour and pattern.

CONTENTS 6-13 14-17 18-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-39 40-41















J O H N S ON After meeting Rosie Johnson I instantly clicked with her! It was one of those moments where you feel like you were supposed to be there with this person at this exact moment talking to them. Even before we’d met I always admired the way she dressed, her colour coordination and chunky boots with dresses always looked so good? After speaking to Rosie I am completely in love with her whole mind. How she thinks, creates even speaks. Our conversations could last forever she is charismatic and creative a stylish beauty with an exciting future awaiting her. When shooting with Rosie for the first time admittedly I was nervous but she soon poured out a bag of dresses asking ‘which one first?’ and instantly the comfort came home. Her colourful selection ranged from blues to reds a little black dress and my all time favourite réalisation par ‘Devon dress’ head to toe covered in daisies a summer dream all in fabric.


We spent two hours shooting, talking and changing outfits. After admiring her style for so long this tiny glimpse of her wardrobe was to die for, I only wish she would style me. She is one of the most passionate, hard working women I have ever met. Everytime I talk to her I feel inspired being able to connect with someone I have always liked is so amazing and so rare, I would love to work with her on a project in the future as I feel like we are so similar and could create something so special. I am so lucky to have someone I look up to so close to me. I’ts always so lovely to feel a connection not just as friends but as potential creative partners. I had so much fun shooting with Rosie and learnt so much about her, whilst observing her gorgeous style of course! I truly believe that someone as special as her has exciting things on the way. Rosie Johnson vs the world.






'I wanted to make something that is universal and human at the core.' Virgil abloh is a 38 year old american fashion designer, Well known for being the chief executive officer of the Milan based brand ‘off white’ he has recently become Louis Vuitton’s artistic director and there is no doubt that his Louis collection has taken the world by storm especially online. Since the release of his men’s collection with Louis Vuitton there has been so much press surrounding his colourful products especially after actor Timothée Chalamet’s outfit at the Golden Globe awards earlier this month. After Chalamet was spotted in a bejewelled LV bib the internet went crazy wondering who designed it and what it was. Abloh’s collection is definitely one of Louis best living up to the brightly coloured trends of today. Vuitton is known for their accessories so keeping with the tradition Abloh took signature bag silhouettes such as the large Keepall, the Runner and the Petit-Malle and completely re-invented them, some in red, green and iridescent plastic, others in matte leather with the traditional metal detailing. Hanging off each were multi- coloured ceramic chains, which also were used as bracelets and necklaces on the runway.

At his own Off-White show Abloh expressed how he sees his brand as the teenager to Vuitton’s adult. While there was plenty of tailoring to please adults, there was equal splashes of teen spirit. Tie-dye jacquard smocks, hooded anoraks and oversized shirts displaying a Wizard of Oz theme, with the face of Judy Garland’s Dorothy re-created in sequins and surrounded by poppies. He is really creating something fresh and completely unheard of. He is focused on diversity and inclusivity. At the show in Paris there lay a spray-painted rainbow catwalk (matching the palette of the collection) the catwalk was lined by students he had invited from Paris. The model line-up, meanwhile, had representatives from every continent in the world (minus Antarctica) that were shown on a map that read “We are the world”. As his collection becomes more prominent in media It’s exciting to see how a black man for once is being given the recognition he deserves and inspiring how he is using his platform to create something beautiful.






Erin: Introduce yourself how you wish to i’m taking note of what you’re saying! Don’t hold back with your answers also because i’m bored of reading tame stuff. Erin: Obviously I know you super well so i’m gonna pretend I don’t right now. All I know is your name is Lonnie….. This is so funny to me hahahah…… okayyyyyy uhhh what are you currently studying? Lonnie: Level 3 graphic design and illustration. Erin: do you enjoy it? ........... Hahahaha quiet as soon as I ask that Lonnie: I enjoy the concept of graphic design and illustration in the sense of actually creating inspired work that i’m proud of, but in relation to the course itself and what it entails I don’t really enjoy it because of the f**ked system that means what I create and my actual artwork is majorly undervalued compared to the piles of boring and seemingly pointless written work we are given to do. Erin: very fair answer i think it’s sad how a creative subject is manipulated for you, it really kills creativity :( but! create what you wish outside of your course too. Erin: do you consider yourself a man of fashion? in the way where clothes are important to you Lonnie: i’d say yes! I take pride in looking nice and wearing clothes that fit my style and what I like. Erin: I do really like the way you completely switch up what you wear, very cool being diverse and not sticking to one genre? if thats the right word hahah. Erin: Favourite item of clothing/accessory? why? Lonnie: My Louis Vuitton lock pendant because it was given to me by my girlfriend! Erin: it’s me. I’m the girlfriend!!!!!!!! for real though not just because it’s from me, but the lock pendant trend was hardddd. Erin: Any clothing trends you’re kinda scared of or unsure of but intrigued by and would try them? Lonnie: Not particularly to be honest I don’t really mind how anyone dresses as it’s not really any

of my business, but there are some fashion trends that are outdated and cringey

Erin: Yeah I get that, you can’t help but think that way though. I think a part of our brin just instantly thinks negative, but fairs to that!

Erin: Any brand’s you cannot stand/super love? Lonnie: I love Supreme because al of their pieces are super innovative, creative and because of their awesome history and contibution to the skateboarding scene. I cannot stand hype purely because all of their stuff is cheap backpacks that look like they’ve been ****** on and t-shirt’s for 13 year olds. Erin: hahahahah not gonna lie I see Supreme i see them, they’re making some cool pieces and yeah Hype is definitely the wrong name for that brand. Erin: Hardest piece of clothing you’ve seen this year? Lonnie: well we’re quite early on into this year I haven’t really seen much yet, but last year I think it was FTP who did a fluorescent green Bin Laden tee with him as a cartoon with crossed out eyes, it was sick! Erin: I’ll google that later sounds....... controversial Erin: Are boys afraid to dress they want? Lonnie: I think so yeah, everyone’s worried about fitting in. Erin: Yeah I 100% agree boy’s are scared, it’d be nice this year to see some of them leave their comfort zone, but whether that’ll happen who knows. Lonnie: Doubt it. Erin: Final fashion question of these Q’s, what do tou think will be a fashion trend in 10 years time? After seeing some of th crazt s*it about already. Lonnie: I think light up shoes will come back at some point, but not as cheap shitty electronics, but properly done lights in a futuristic style. Erin: That would be cool! Have you seen the LV light up bags? Lonnie: Yeah exactly !!! Light up sh*t’s alreay starting.

‘Everyone’s worried about fitting in”


Erin: if you could change anything about yourself what and why? Lonnie: Probably my weight and posture I’m too skinny and I slouch a lot.

Lonnie: I just wish to have a job that I’m happy in and have a good creative outlet, one that allows me to live a nice life and I want to have a cosy flat somewhere with super cool decor inside :)

Erin: You do you just be healthy! one thing you are proud of?

Erin: I beg the universe brings that to you <3 Who inspires you?

Lonnie: My relationships and how I conduct myself towards others.

Lonnie: I’m not really inspired by anyone persay I just come up with ideas based on randomstuff I see troughout the day, but if there was one person i’d be inspired by It’d probably be Mark Gonzales who’s known as Gonz and designed loads of sh*t in the skateboarding community and of course had the supreme Gonz line based on his work.

Erin: :)) you’re true to yourself love that! Do you feel pressure being young right now? when do you feel most pressured? Lonnie: yes i do feel pressure, but not at any particular times I feel pressure to succeed in a world where it’s quite difficult to do, so I can live a worry free life. Erin: Being young in the world we live in right now is so hard I wish as young adults we were taken seriously and allowed to dictate our future it’s sad not knowing if we’ll ever be stable. Do you feel pressure being a boy?

Erin: Good for you!It makes me happy when people are like you know what I can do this. The next question is last thing that inspired you? But now I’m not so sure if there is anyhing hahahaa Lonnie: I’m not too sure to be honest I just see things randomly that inspire me like photos and daily life stuff.

Lonnie: No not particularly I feel like I actually have it easier as a man, but I feel like a lot is expected of us purely because of our gender, in the same way girls might say men expect them to do things purely because they’re women.

Erin: Hmmmmm..... okay! question number 18, i really only picked 18 because my favourite number is 8 haahaah ANWAYS! really give your all for this one. Where is your happy place? physically and a place in your head so mentally.

Erin: Yeah I feel that I think theres an instant hate towards men now purely because of an example other men have set, but all men aren’t the devil i’m sure of it! Some of the best people I know are boys but I am glad society is becoming slowly more equal. Also no offence, but the stuff i’m creating is f*cking sick and I deserve the recognition for it even if I am a girl!

Lonnie: I don’t really have a ‘happy place’ in my head I just try to calm myself down logically if I’m ever upset or stressed but physically the place im happiest is at my Nan and Grandad’s house, they live far away so i rarely get to see them and going to their house is like a treat because it’s so homely and such a lovely environment.

Lonnie: EXACTLY!!!

Erin: That’s the sweetest answer. If thequestion was reversed I think my mental happy place is summer in Italy, thinking about Italy just excites me so much I must go! I am a child hahahaah and physically really anywhere with people that I love, after struggling for such a long time exploring and being around people who love me is my favourite. Super soft of me but! That’s everything thankyou very much for talking to me :)

Erin: F*CK YEAH!!! Erin: Best song on your playlist, why? Lonnie: Probably Biggie Smalls ‘who shot ya’ due to it just being a sick beat with some of the best lyrical flow in hip hop ever. Erin: Nice choice, hip hop is making a big comeback I feel it’s not my usual taste but my playlist is the messiest thing. If a songs good then it’s good. Future plans? Goals?


Lonnie: I’m always happy to help out!






lLuke Hewett



MARESTRUM Summer Crane


‘Marestrum’ is a local UK based independent clothing brand created by my lovely friend Summer Crane! Summer has designed and drawn each piece herself like the ‘passing time’ t-shirt design below. Aswell as t-shirts summer has also created tote bags with her designs on them! When reaching out to potential helpers for this issue I instantly thought of Summer as her designs had just been stuck in my head. Being able to support local brands and small artists is a huge thing for me especially someone like Summer whos using her art to talk about important subjects such as mental health. Her colourful, creative designs are something i’ve never seen before, the shapes and characters faces are completely abnormal adding so much more effect and I’d say meaning to the designs.


For someone as young as Summer to be putting out art like this with the meaning behind it is truly amazing! Using her voice and platform as a young person to raise awareness and being able to create at the same time is so special. It’s really quite mesmerizing to see young people take control and create something they’re passionate about and want other people to see. As Summer’s friend and fan I’m excited to see what she is going to create in the near future. Her designs are so original and fun with hidden meaning that adds to it making them even better. Summer is a wonderful human with a kind heart and an extremely colourful mind and deserves more recognition for her work. Wishing her all the best for the future!







So I think the idea stemmed from a drawing I did in early 2017 that was just a really simple line drawing of a screencap from a film I liked with some text underneath! I just looked at it and thought the design would look cool on a T-shirt and some of my friends seemed interested in buying it and told me to do it so I did! I used big cartel where you can add up to 5 designs with the free account, so I chose some other drawings I’d done to put on T-shirts because I thought ‘why not!?’. I started to get lots of friends and people I knew buying them but after a while, as my art style changed, got bored of/started to dislike some of my designs so I was removing some and adding new ones. Then one day I decided I’d like to take it a bit more seriously and decided I wanted to possibly create a collection of some more cohesive looking stuff. I only ended up designing two pieces but they’re my definite favourites to date! My most recent 3 products are sort of about mental health.

It’s something that’s very important and personal to me and I’ve realised that actually everything I create ends up being focused around it wether that be drawing or film or anything art-based really! I like to execute it in a subtle way though so that it can be relatable for anyone and people can find their own meanings in it! For example the ‘Handle With Care’ tee is about people taking energy and love from you and giving nothing back and leaving you feeling a bit lifeless and drained. The ‘Passing Time’ tee is about the bad habits you can pick up when you’re in a bad place and about how time seems so impending and as if you’re just wasting it all and it’s coming so quickly!! Bit deep there but it’s true! It’s sort of a nice way of expressing the things that scare me and turning them into something I really love! And I love how people can either read into it and relate to it or just simply like the design! I like to keep the costs as low as possible- my rule is that if I wouldn’t buy it at that price I won’t sell it at that price. I make about £5 profit from each product which if I invested a bit more time, effort and money into it- could make me some good cash! But mostly I just like the feeling of when someone buys something and it makes me so happy and proud to know that they’re out there walking around with my design on their chest!






‘Massively improved my confidence,which has helped me succeed in goals and aspirations’ - JOSIE ‘Fashion is a channel of expression! the most visible and changeable way to show who you are’ - MAYA ‘Fashion has given me the attitude to be daring and different, ive stopped caring if things clash’ ‘Best way to express - TEGAN yourself and such a good outlet to meet people’ ‘Fashion helps people to -LOUIS express themselves in a way that words can’t’ -LONNIE ‘Wearing clothes that look good in my opinion, gives me so much confidence’ -THANDEKA ‘I’m often influenced by strong independent characters, in real life and on screens. I aspire to be like them and often try to dress how they do.’ -JAMES ‘I feel more ‘me’ and so much more comfortable dressing my own way.’ -ELLA ‘I use fashion as a route to feeling confident and empowered’ - REBECCA

DEVON CARLSON ‘D For Dream Girl’


‘i’ts a girls world’ USA’s sweetheart Devon Carlson is a rolemodel for everyone! Living up to her boyfriend (Jesse Rutherford) was no task for this powerful woman, from creating her own business to dressing how she likes, Devon is a ray of sunshine to brighten anyones day. After creating Wildflower cases 4 years ago Carlson has not stopped growing and making a name for herself in the media, with 500k followers on instagram and a contract with the huge clothing brand ‘Réalisation par’ she is completely unstoppable and is quickly becoming everyones fashion icon. Having a creative career is very challenging and definitely draining but by keeping good people and staying positive Devon continues to succeed. From thrifted looks to Designer bags Carlson can really create outfits out of nothing, shes super inspiring in the world of fashion as she does not stick to any particular looks, but continues to spit new ideas for outfits onto the internet daily. She has become such a rolemodel and fashion icon and i’ts so clear why. For someone who’s always tried to find someone to look up to Devon is 100% my fashion icon.

‘Being a woman in contemporary society means opportunity’ As a young girl It’s important for me to have someone to look up to especially a female. i’m so happy that someone like Devon has the platform she does, as her positive and hard-working demeanor is a treat for everyone. Finding someone who inspires you is so important and definitely something I have tried to look for in the past. Someone like Devon is perfect for me as there is really no way to describe her, which is what I really like. She’s my go-to person when deciding what to wear or looking for inspiration and no one deserves her success more than her. I hope she continues to blossom and inspire more girls like me in years to come.

TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET Nations 'Beautiful Boy'


‘The world according to Timmy’

As a female it’s super exciting to me to watch how men dress and what different routes into the world of fashion they take to represent themselves. As a film star and all round star Timothée Chalamet becomes more prominent in the world of media, we are seeing more of him at award shows meaning we are also seeing more of his outfits and style choices. At the recent 2019 Golden Globe awards Timothée’s all black ensemble was the topic of discussion all over the internet. His outfit consisted of a clasic black collared shirt and smart trousers but on top an original Louis Vuitton bib created by designer Virgil Abloh. The bib was a completely new take on how to spice up an outfit and even added an amount of substantial class to what he was wearing. Once again he shocked the internet at the critics choice awards in his splashes of colour Alexander Mcqueen suit, the outfit appeared as a simple black suit, which had then been completely painted in a rainbow of strokes and patterns. from OFF white to Louis V to velvet and silk Chalamet has really and definitely can pull off anything!

‘If someone tells an artist they’re brave they’re really telling them they’re crazy’

I think because I’m a girl it’s expected that I look up to other females and how they dress, their style etc. For me though seeing how men dress and the way they present themselves fashion wise is exciting and something I really enjoy getting to look at. I’m so used to seeing boys dress ‘safe’ and by that I mean the same clothing on all of them no daring colours or pieces. Growing up around boys I think theres a lot of pressure for them to look and dress a certain way so i’ts amazing that big names like Timothée who are in the eye of the press a lot can push boundries with clothing and feel comfortable wearing something different. Boys who are not afraid to be daring have a special place in my heart! Nothing is more important than feeling comfortable with who you are and not pretending so you can fit in. Once you come to terms with who you are and what you like its a huge weight lifted, as our generation progresses and morphs into something new it will never get boring watching fashion change. I truly believe we should look up to people like Timmy not just boys but everyone and respect how he uses his platform to be outgoing and completely himself. I hope in the future more boys and men can feel comfortable with who they are!

MAGAZINE HISTORY Magazines have been around for several centuries tracing back to the 1600s. in 1731, Edward Cave published a periodical named ‘the gentlemens magazine’. He took ‘magazine’ from the arabic word ‘makhazin’, meaning storehouse. magazines became a wider form of media during the 1800’s. currently the oldest magazine still in publication is the illustrated London news from 1842. The printing press was invented in 1440 and so it was easy to print text. Images were more difficult to put in magazines though.

As time has progressed magazines became more prominent and adored. Magazines, such as Vogue and other large fashion outlets have become a regular purchase by many people. However today as most things are viewed and read online Magazines are not as important as they used to be as any information and articles can be found online. A lot of the time these days people only purchase an edition of a magazine when it has significant meaning to them, other than that many tend not to bother with the paper copies.

MAGAZINE LAYOUTS/COVER ANALYSING COVER The bold, white logo for this magazine is so simple yet holds so much meaning, the white lettering is also so pleasing against the red background. The name of the magazine ‘I-D’ instantly makes you think of identity and what that word means to you. Typically this magazine company is known for really ‘stepping outside the box’ and creating unusual eye-catching content, which is why identity is such a good connotation as the contents inside just shows that you shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself and really present who you are. The logo on its side is also a wink face, which adds a more playful feel instantly. The front cover of this mag features Timothée Chalamet who is an upcoming fairly new actor, who is become very successful extremely quickly. This would create recognition for this magazine as people interested in him and the other celebrities they feature would straight away want to read it and look at the portraits. The wine red background contrasts nicely with the black hair/clothing on the model this makes it stand out more. The use of colour is often helpful for magazine attraction as it creates something to look at, colours are pleasing to humans and so it would attract readers. I like the minimal writing on i-D magazine covers its leaves more attraction to the image, which is great as a lot of their covers are beautiful, unusual photos that deserve more attention. The simple use of the ‘mad about the boy’ leaves a mystery and doesn’t give away the story all on the cover so you almost have to buy it to find out more. What’s clever with the ‘boy’ being in bold is that this particular actor is starring in a new film ‘beautiful boy’ which has created lots of attention and so that word definitely links to the film and will capture the attention of those who want to see it or have seen it. The front cover image is very eye-catching. A portrait is something super persuasive for me in magazines. The shadowing and the contrast of his eye colour being completely different to the rest of the image really stands out and creates a bold statement. In my opinion this was a good choice of image for a front cover.

ANALYSING LAYOUT I particularly like the layout of i-D magazine as they always manage to keep the picture to text ratio perfect. I really love the idea of a page with big writing across the whole of it i think that really makes a statement and instantly attracts attention as its really in your face. Text like this is perfect for when you have a really powerful point to get across as there is no way the reader would miss it. This also applies for the opposite side and having a full page of just an image. This is again very effective if the right image is used. For a fashion mag its best to have very little text as you want the images to stand out, like the front cover simple text with an image is so effective and really adds character to the pages. When deciding how to design my layout i spent a lot of time looking at Magazines like i-D, Dazed and wonderland as I wanted to focus more on photos not so much text, in a fashion magazine the photos are more important as often a lot of people will flick through to look at the pictures, which is why I went with what i-D does and filled multiple full pages with just images as I believe that’s what interests a reader. I also decided to use a lot of pull quotes in the writing sections to pick out interesting parts or particularly quotes I thought were important that might entice a reader to actually read the article instead of flicking by. The reoccuring theme throughout is the white backgrounds for each article I chose these to make the content stand out, I thought that although having a background colour might be fun it would once again distract you from the actual content of the magazine


At first I was unsure of what font’s to pick for my magazine and I spent a lot of time looking at fashion magazines seeing what would catch my eye, what I liked etc. In the end I decided the best thing for me was to pick a simple bold block font and ended up choosing ‘arial black’. Although it’s quite a boring font I think it fit well with the look I was going for and definitely works as titles and pull quotes

As well as Arial black I decided to make it a little more exciting by using other fonts for titles. I really liked the messiness of Lakestreet it reminded me of handwriting and added a personal element to the magazine. I also chose this distortion font after the page I was working on needed something to make it stand out. The distortion font just added character to the page and was definitely the thing missing to make it look good.

At first I was going to use the font ‘Astina’ on my opening page but I decided not to as it was very hard to read and would have just not looked great if I had used it to type out the whole article, however I did use it for one of my titles and again it added a personal touch to the mag. Overall I am quite happy with the font’s I chose, although they are very simple they work effectively with the type of magazine I’ve created, I wanted to make sure you could read what I had typed and so I definitely succeeded at that.


At first I was unsure how to add photos and text, but When deciding what type of after being shown how to magazine I wanted to create I include that the process of spent a lot of time looking at difmaking it was completely unstressful and actually ferent genres and companies. I really fun! The main thing knew pretty much straight away that I had a problem with that I wanted to create a fashion was downloading fonts and magazine as it’s something im particularly interested in and a lot putting them into indesign. It was quite a lengthy proof my idols are featured in cess as you had to move the magazines. I’ve always liked i-D font to different files and exand the content they create so this opportunity to create art like port it in order for it to work theirs was very exciting to me. inside the computer softWhen deciding what content to ware. Out of all the software include I spoke to a lot of my we have used so far indesign friends and tried to incoperate definetely is my favourite, them in my work ie the pages not because its the easiest about Summers brand, the whole but because I really enjoyed shoot with Rosie, the interview making this magazine and etc. Planning the magazine to me its 100% something I’d do was part of the problem solving again. as thinking of good and more importantly new content was hard but spending hours reading magazines inspired me with what I was including inside. When it came to problem solving unlike the last unit I didn’t really have many problems using this software although it was completely new to me.


When choosing what to include in my magazine I wanted to make sure I included my own content so almost all of the photos are my own apart from a few, which were taken by other very talented photographers. I planned to Shoot with Rosie in the white studio and we decided mutually on what outfits to include and she very kindly provided them on the day of the shoot. When it came to shoting I used my own sony camera with a portrait lens, which I decided would be best as I was particularly focusing on Rosies face so using this lens meant the best quality pictures were produced for what the end result was. In the studio I focused on only using two lights both directly in front of her making sure she was the complete focus. I decided not to use a back light as I didn’t want the photo’s backgrounds to be completely white and I’m very happy with how they ended up looking.

When it came to adding original content I decided an interview would be very fitting for a fashion magazine and ended up doing a rather informal interview with my boyfriend over text, which I wanted to do as I prefer interviews which are very real and friendly. I researched the best questions and some challenging ones to get the best answers out of him. I also reached out to one of my friends to ask her about her own clothing brand and chose to include a segment about that as I’ts something I suport and want to share.


EVALUATION To summerise Unit 7 as a whole, I really enjoyed creating this magazine. Throughout the whole process of creation i really felt like I had my own platform to completely create something I loved and wished to make. Having complete control over something can be very scary as it’s completely up to you what the end result is, but the level of independence that came with this task was amazing and I particularly liked being given a sentence long brief and really taking the task in my own direction. I got to focus of photography, which is my favourite part of digital arts, not only photography but portraiture. It was very fun to work with people and shoot them, it gave me a small insight into what I want to do in the future. Overall I did not have many problems using Indesign and I found this software rather easy so it definitely made the task less stressful meaning I could focus more on content and not on how to figure out the software I was using. If I were asked to do this project again i’d focus on finding more interesting content and trying to only use my own photos to make it as personal as possible. I’d also try to arrange more shoots and interviews with new people to branch out and remove myself from my comfort zone. This has 100% been my favourite project so far and I hope we get to do more like this in the future!


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