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Vol. 76 No. 30 (USPS 340-100) Merrick, NY 11566

The Community Newspaper

Thursday, July 25, 2013


THE MERRICK MOCKINGJAYS won the 10U Division in the First Annual Summer Storm Tournament sponsored by Franklin Square Thunder Girls Softball. The tournament was held July 13 and 14. From left, in bottom Kaylie Joosten, Kerri Keener, row, are Meghan Vecchione, Morgan Tesser, Laila Savoca, Isabella Ward and Lindsay Brown. In the middle row are Chloe McGuire, Mikaela Tucker, Lauren Chin, Lindsay Roman, Allison Sfiroudis and Francesca Ward. In the back row are Paul McGuire (coach), Rich Roman (manager), Rick Vecchione (coach) and Mark Savoca (coach).

Frustration mounts for homeowners affected by superstorm Sandy By Colin Hekimian Wantagh resident Peter Bauer expressed anger and frustration last week during a superstorm Sandy meeting at the Knights of Columbus because of the continued lack of help he has experienced since the superstorm. He was just one of many upset attendees at the meeting held by Legislator Dave Denenberg and Freeport Mayor Robert Kennedy at the revitalized Knights of Columbus building on Bellmore Avenue in Bellmore. Superstorm Sandy struck in late October and, as evidenced at the meeting, people are still coping with the devastating effects. Mr. Denenberg told this newspaper, “It’s been eight or nine months since Hurricane Sandy, and this

is still half of what I do every day.” Mr. Bauer detailed the substantial damage wrought upon his life due to superstorm Sandy. He said his house was destroyed, forcing him to move into a one-room apartment in Bellmore with his wife, daughter and two dogs. His ire is toward insurance companies and FEMA who refuse to give him relief funds because they say the damage to his house was caused by “shifting of the earth,” and not the storm. Rebecca Furst, a flood plain manager at the Town of Hempstead’s Building Department, explained to those in the audience that words such as “shifting earth” have come to replace words such as “scouring” and “flood water” within reports from investigators within these agencies.

Mr. Bauer said, “My house is completely destroyed. I have not been in my house since the storm. I’m still paying my mortgage for a house that’s not even there. I’m also paying rent. Every time I send my stuff into FEMA, they say they didn’t get it. I’m getting estimates for $340,000 to raise my house and bring it back to code. I have flood insurance and [it] only gave me $60,000. “I feel like I’m on an island.” Wants new law Within this context, Legislator Denenberg told those in attendance of his proposed county law requiring banks and insurance companies to give homeowners their money being withheld to use for (continued on page 2)

NAMES MAKE THE NEWS: Read about your neighbors! 93 local people’s names were in your community newspaper this past week. Maybe yours is in this week! See inside.

Merrick Life closes the book on an era page 2

Laura Schofer publishes first book pages 6

Host a lobster luau this summer page 12

Kennedy calling all graduates page 15

The recent news that Merrick Life and its associated newspapers have been sold to the Richner Communications has prompted—for many of us—a veritable ocean of thoughts and memories. For me, as a historian, I revel in the service given to our “family,” and by that I mean all of us who inhabit the Merricks, over the lifetime of that journal. It has been more than any other societal

entity a chronicle of who we were and what we became. There in the pages are the birth and death announcements, the Little League scores, the prices of our upfor-sale homes and the grocery store ads, the articles highlighting our youngsters passage of life as they were confirmed, as they graduated, as they went off to college and as they married—sometimes each other, which gave us special positive pangs, and sometimes with an outsider who very often came to settle in the

Merricks afterward. Personally, there is our life in the highlights of others – the Gilleys, the Kruhs, our neighbors the Hlavaceks, senior and junior, and the Keirnans – it was the latter who accompanied the Pieta to the [196465 New York] Worlds Fair for the Vatican Pavilion. There are the salutes to the likes of the Prosonos and the Astaritas and the Dickensons and the Medowars of our community, each of whom – like hun-

dreds of others – did something to make our life more uniquely Merokian. If it were not for the hundreds of Merrick Life issues, where oh where would these important tidbits of our existence be in the media world? There were the special editions that helped us recall the distant and the near past—illustrations and photographs that were only ours and not belonging to the world beyond our borders. These are not (continued on page 5)

Frustration mounts for homeowners affected by superstorm Sandy from page 1

Help through an emotional time Project Hope was at the meeting to continue to offer and provide support

for residents still in shock after superstorm Sandy. Its work focuses on helping homeowners through feelings of desolation from the storm, and who may also be experiencing feelings of overwhelming fear, anger and frustration. Counselors hold group meetings, offer advice to people and will meet with residents virtually wherever they wish. They have 12 agencies assisting them and have a team in each town. Project Hope will be on Long Island until end of the year 2013 or into early 2014. Its service is completely free and confidential. Counselors have spoken to tens of thousands of people in Nassau County alone. Still to rise New York Rising is gearing up to provide grants of up to $50,000 and $100,000 or more, if justified, to residential homeowners or rental property owners who experienced a structural loss. The prerequisite is that homeowners must register for a pre-application and must have a licensed engineer or architect sign off on the project. At a recent meeting Matthew Nelson, president of the New York State Office of Community Renewal, told the audience that the program could make residents “more whole” than before. He said someone with a bill of $300,000, having received $200,000, may be eligible for the extra

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Freeport mayor talks Freeport Mayor Robert Kennedy spoke of a private company in Freeport that will elevate houses at $35 per square foot to build a new foundation. Dennis Bulkheading can be reached at 633-2277. The mayor told this newspaper he is in the process of evaluation to get his house raised the FEMA-required 12 feet because his house got flooded with three feet of water. He noted that the village has been successful with a new pump-flow mechanism that has helped remove water from traditionally flooded Freeport neighborhoods during rains. However, he cautioned that it would not work for storms that cause flooding over the bulkhead. Annmarie Farrell of Freeport told this newspaper she is still living in Lynbrook because she has a letter of determination saying she needs to have her house elevated. “More than 50% of my house was damaged,” she said. “And it will take

two-four years before it can be elevated,” she added. Looking for financial assistance, she said so far that she has been disappointed in NY Rising, because she hasn’t gotten any response. She has gotten some rental assistance, but she is still paying her mortgage. Meanwhile, her children are going to another school district. “I’m seriously considering leaving the home,” she said, saying others in the neighborhood have done precisely that. Federal Emergency Managment Agency representative Danielle Hill said that FEMA entered into a partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development with the Disaster Housing Recovery Program. Recently, U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand announced that HUD would issue new guidelines giving more flexibility for Sandy victims who turned down Small Business Administration (SBA) loans because they couldn’t afford to take on more debt. Ms. Hill said the program has not kicked in yet because there are not enough participants who have exhausted all other measures at their disposal to receive the increased funds. Summing up the feelings of the evening among those who attended, Mr. Bauer concluded, “I’m tired of people not doing what they are supposed to do. I’m tired of being Mr. Nice Guy. I do the right thing and in the end I get taken advantage of. I’m tired. Period.” – with additional reporting by Douglas Finlay

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$100,000 to pay expenses. He added that two NY Rising offices were to be opened, one in Freeport, the other in Seaford. One is already open in Island Park. New York Rising Recovery helps manage the disaster recovery award from the State of New York. Another program to elevate homes is available that may fill the gap between the $31,900 for Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) and the overall cost of elevation. The third program available will make destroyed homes available for purchase at fair market value. For information you can visit

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repairs. He said that banks have begun instead to use repair money to apply it to mortgages, to make sure the banks are getting their mortgage money. In a story in Bellmore Life on March 27 (“Proposed county laws could help retrieve homeowner funds”), Republicans said the county has no jurisdiction because banks and insurance companies are state or federal issues. “If we could get authority over the banks, any legislation might work,” remarked Brian Nevin, counsel to County Executive Edward P. Mangano. But Mr. Denenberg countered at the meeting that the county does have jurisdiction because they are businesses run in Nassau subject to the fairpractice rules of the jurisdiction they are in. Under fair trade practices, insurance companies have to pay within 30 days. Mr. Denenberg said, “Banks cannot withhold checks necessary for repairs to apply to mortgages instead.” Mr. Denenberg said also that “FEMA has to improve its individual assistance. If the town’s building department requires raising a home then the local government will require an increased cost of compliance in flood insurance, which would allow people to get $31,900.”


Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 2

Merrick Life closes the book on an era by Lawrence S. Garfinkel

by Laura Schofer

nation. Instead, the decision was made, despite the ostensible ‘primary concern’ of the district to pursue excellence in education, to rescind deserved tenure.” Deirdre Gilligan, speaking on behalf of CHSD, provided Merrick Life with a prepared statement. “Stefan Serie submitted his letter of resignation to the district on June 26, 2013, and the Board of Education accepted his resignation at the July 9, 2013 meeting.

“As this is a matter of personnel, the district cannot disclose any further details,” she said. Meanwhile, Mrs. Grassman is pressing to have Mr. Serie reinstated. At press time, Mrs. Grassman was organizing a rally for Wednesday evening, July 17, in the Brookside School parking lot. “I can only hope that this situation can be remedied justly and equitably,” wrote Mrs. Grassman.


“Long Island Princesses,” a reality TV show about young affluent women from Great Neck (and one from Freeport), may have sunk the teaching career of Stefan Serie, a health teacher at Merrick Avenue Middle School. According to school board minutes, Mr. Serie, also a wrestling coach, was granted tenure on May 8. But after the pilot of “Long Island Princesses” aired, Mr. Serie’s tenure was rescinded and he resigned. “Stefan Serie made a mistake,” said Christine Grassman, a Merrick mother and attorney, who is advocating for Mr. Stefan. “He was apparently approached to participate in the show under the pretext of it being called Gold Coast Highlights. He was told it would ‘feature life on Long Island.’ When he realized this, in fact, was not the true premise, he declined to participate further.” In a telephone interview with Merrick

Life, Mrs. Grassman said that Mr. Serie had greatly benefitted her son Braden, who is blind, and helped to coach him as a wrestler with the Merrick Avenue Middle School team. “Although several fine coaches have contributed to Braden’s confidence and development as a wrestler, this teacher is special to Braden. My son has benefitted greatly from Mr. Serie’s presence in the district. It is because of my son’s deep hurt that I decided to find out what this is all about,” said Mrs. Grassman. After investigating, Mrs. Grassman learned that the board voted 8-0 to rescind the tenure on June 17 and that he was “forced to submit a letter of resignation under duress rather than be terminated,” she said. “Mr. Serie could have had a reprimand placed in his file,” wrote Mrs. Grassman in an email to Dr. Mara Bollettieri at CHSD. “Mr. Serie might have been required to submit a statement of expla-

ALL THE LITTLE BIRDIES GO TWEET, TWEET, TWEET. These fledglings are tree swallows born several weeks ago at the Lufbery Aerodome, Cedar Creek Park in Seaford. photo by Harvey Schwartz

Birds of a feather flock together They are birds of a feather – members of the Meroke Radio Control Club and a family of tree swallows who have set up house in the eaves of the shelter on runway one at the Lufbery Aerodrome at Cedar Creek Park in Seaford. Like the birds, these humans have a passion for flying; they build and fly radio control model aircraft. “We’ve melded with nature,” said Harvey Schwartz, a member of the Meroke Radio Club, who explained that the tree swallows turned up in June to build a nest and lay their eggs. Now the happy couple have three fledglings who make sweet music while club members tweak their radio-controlled airplanes and chat with each other. “There is a cut-through near the plant that has a large flock of swallows,” explained club member Mel Brenner, who added that tree swallows have black heads, a brown splash across their necks, and a split tail. “The parents took turns sitting on the eggs and then about a week ago three babies were born,” said Mr. Brenner, pointing to the nest. “Do you see how their little heads are popping up. Mom and dad fly back and forth, bringing their babies dragonflies and other insects.” “Pure protein,” added Ron Berg. “It’s good for them. The tree swallows are pretty smart, building their nest where it’s inaccessible to predators.” And then right on cue, either mom or dad came swooping in to feed the babies without concern for those humans near the nest. This is not the only bird that hangs out with the guys at the aerodrome. John Occio brings his parrot down to

chat with them and, finally, there is Ralph the Seagull, adopted by Mr. Schwartz about two years ago. “I share my sandwich with him,” said Mr. Schwartz, a Merrick resident. “He likes pizza and loves Snackwell cookies. This is his home away from home and he makes sure he is the only seagull down here. “We have a symbiotic relationship [with these animals]. They keep the insects away and other pests and we coexist in a good way,” said Mr. Schwartz.

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by Laura Schofer

Page 3 Thursday, July 25, 2013 Merrick Life

Reality TV sinks Bellmore-Merrick teacher

Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 4

MERRICK LIFE USPS (340-100) 1840 Merrick Avenue, Merrick, L.I., N.Y. 11566 Telephone 378-5320 FAX 378-0287 Subscription Dept.: e-mail: Classified Dept. Display Ads Editorial Dept. Website: AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER FOUNDED SEPTEMBER 22, 1938

Member Of Chamber of Commerce Since 1928

Publisher Linda Laursen Toscano x 19 Editor Paul Laursen x 20 Supervisor Nicolas Toscano Assistant Editors Erin Donohue x 29 Pat McKay x 29 Sales Manager Jill Bromberg x 16 Production Manager Marilyn Loheide Staff Writer Laura Schofer Webmaster: Erin Donohue Classifieds Manager Olimpia Santaniello x 11 Circulation Assistant Ann Johnson x 14 Circulation: Kathleen Murphy x 25 Account Executive Elaine Spiro x 17 Bookkeeper Etta Rosenberg x 15 Office Staff Mattie Shalofsky x 12 Kathleen Murphy x 25 Elaine Groder x 10 Joyce MacMonigle x 12 Graphic Artists Judy Ammerman, Pat McKay x 22 Jermaine Chase Periodicals postage paid at Merrick, N.Y. Price 75 cents a copy, $25 a year, $39 for two years, $59 for three years; (outside Nassau County $40 per year). Postmaster: Send address change to: 1840 Merrick Avenue, Merrick N.Y. 11566. Composition responsibility: Not liable beyond cost of space occupied by error. Not responsible for return of materials submitted for publication. All editorial submissions are subject to editing. Materials submitted may be used in print and online editions.

The community newspaper - the glue that helps hold a community together, and the spur that helps keep it moving forward

Why community newspapers still matter That is the issue Assistant Editor Douglas Finlay has our high school and college interns tackle each year for our graduation and Back to School issues. They usually tell about the journalism education and writing skills they honed as part of the Senior Experience program or while earning college credit. We also have had interns from the high school graphic arts and clerical programs, accompanied by their teachers, practice their typing and design skills. Over the years, trainees who were hearing or visually impaired participating in programs sponsored by various foundations and service agencies have more than proven their capabilities as well. So, yes, community newspapers can be an educational experience where both trainees and their mentors learn something valuable. But community newspapers mainly exist to serve their readers and the advertisers seeking their audience. They are a conversation between residents, an opinion platform and a bulletin board. They provide a keepsake of important moments in our lives. In every important news story, we look for the local angle and for relevance. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Edward Kosner, a past editor of Newsweek, said, “The essence of old-school journalism is making order out of a chaotic world.” News reporters try to sift through all the gossip and rumors, go directly to official or recognized sources and track down the facts of any matter. Even more important, they try to find out why it should matter to you. As former New York Press Association president Leah Dunaief once wrote, your community newspaper in print and online strives to be a “responsible, though by no means always perfect news source.” And that is why community newspapers matter. As your community newspaper prepares to join forces with Herald Community Newspapers, we have received several inquiries from readers and advertisers. They ask should they renew their subscriptions and will they still be able to be part of our big Back to School issues. We are assured the answer is “yes.” Of course, the newspapers will evolve under the new ownership. But change is a part of life and would have happened anyway. We fully expect that now they will evolve for the better. And our advertisers will have the dual advantages of pinpoint marketing and the opportunity to reach a regional audience of almost a million.

What am I hearing? by Bob Trentlyon More and more people ask me why Mayor Bloomberg won’t look at building storm surge barriers from the Rockaways to Sandy Hook and at Throgs Neck. I say I don’t know. I don’t know why we are committed to building more new buildings in the flood plain. Is this a King Canute complex? One friend whose business is on Warren Street told me he is spending $4 million to make his building secure from flooding. The new Whitney Museum west of the High Line in Greenwich Village will spend $40 million more due to fear of storms and flooding. A photographer I know who lives west of Tenth Avenue lost a lifetime’s work in his basement and is busy spending money to try to seal his building. In the new opus, “A Stronger, More Resilient New York,” on the first two pages the authors give a definition of resilient, and there is a statement by the mayor saying New Yorkers are tough. I believe that, but then I ask myself, are they smart? If they were smart, they would realize they will be spending their own money

HELLO, ROBIN REDBREAST: Momma robin watches over her fledglings with the zeal of a hawk as they cr y asunder for more food. The birds remained all season atop a light fixture next to the front door of a homeowner, requiring the occupants to enter their home through the garage – keeping wild nature intact. photo by Robert L. Harrison

meandering around merrick HEARING ADJOURNED UNTIL SEPTEMBER: Estate Pawn Brokers Ltd. hopes to open a business at 1391 Jerusalem Avenue in North Merrick. The owner will go before the Town of Hempstead’s zoning Board of Appeals to ask for a special exemption permit on September 12, at 2 p.m. The public is invited to attend this hearing and voice its opinion on whether a pawn shop should be allowed to open in North Merrick. Some area residents have voiced their concerns that this establishment will negatively impact the community. © © © THE MUSIC UNDER STARS at Merrick Road Town Park for a special evening of music! on Thursday, August 22, “Beginnings,” a Chicago Tribute band, will perform. Show begins at 8 p.m. © © © NEW BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Beginning this month, Circle of Hope will offer an eight-session support group at 2174 Hewlett Avenue, Suite 209 (second floor), for women diagnosed with breast cancer. The group, led by social worker Jill Levine, MSW, will pro-

vide a supportive and positive environment. Participants will learn coping skills and receive emotional support in a warm and welcoming group setting. Pre-registration is required. For information, contact Michele Krebs Moscovitz at 833-3057, or you can email CircleOfHope Circle of Hope will also present a Community Health Seminar on Tuesday, August 6. 7-9:30 p.m. A mammography van will be available in the morning from 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Appointments are required. Circle of Hope, a project of the Chabad Center for Jewish Life of Merrick-BellmoreWantagh, is a nonprofit organization that provides financial and emotional assistance to all breast cancer patients of all races and religions, their families and the community. © © © VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Merrick United Methodist Church of Merrick will offer Vacation Bible School on August 13-25 and August 20-22 Tuesday-Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the church, 1425 Merrick Avenue. Day camp program is for children grades K-6.

to shore up their buildings. If they rent, their landlords will raise their rent to cover the cost of making their residences more resilient. If storm surge barriers were to be built, then the federal, state and city government would be paying the tab and getting a much better result. What is so wonderful about being tough and year-after-year suffering from higher tides and more violent storms? The people of London were certainly very tough when the Germans were bombing them every night during the Second World War and they had to sleep in the subways. But when they had a major storm in the last century, they decided to build storm surge barriers across the Thames to safeguard Central London. No water has come into Central London since. The London Environment Agency is constantly strengthening London’s

To register call 378-9222. The cost is $15 for one child, $25 for two children and $35 for three children from the same family. Early Bird Registration ends August 1 (for late registration after August 1 add $5). Send registration to 1425 Merrick Avenue, Merrick 11566. © © © NORTH MERRICK BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS: 2013-2014 meeting dates for the North Merrick School District Board of Education are as follows: Meetings for 2013: August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12 and December 10. Meetings for 2014: January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, April 24 (Thursday) – BOCES special meeting; May 13 – budget hearing/regular meeting; May 20 – budget vote/trustee election; June 10, June 24 – end-of-year meeting. © © © ATTENTION: Curé of Ars parishioners, don’t forget to get your tickets for the summer parish BBQ (rain or shine) this Sunday, July 28, 26 p.m. © © ©

embankments with their 50-year plans. You want smart, for every one pound of cost there is a costbenefit ratio of 164. How about the people of St. Petersburg, which was named Leningrad during World War II? They certainly were tough. They fought off the Germans at unimaginable losses to the civilian population. Last year they completed their storm surge barriers across the Neva River Delta and the North Sea. This year was the first in over 300 years with no flooding in St. Petersburg. We are using the Army Corps of Engineers consistently on small projects. Let us stop the patchwork that we are engaged in and adapt a regional plan. I can see us slowly using up all the $60 billion that the federal government has promised us after Sandy, and not doing the major projects that will protect us for the next 50 to 100 years.

(continued on page 7)

Merrick Life closes the book from page 2

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replaceable and among other artifacts have been saved and preserved by the Historical Society of the Merricks, which always gave newspaper space to not only this group’s goings and comings but to those of the clubs and organizations reflecting the diversity of our almost ideal town. Within those pages were the heroes such as Ronnie Gies and the government officials (did any other small town such as ours give so may public servants to the state, the town, the county?) I am a mediaphyte – the Newsdays and the New York Times pile up and I devour them, but Thursdays were devoted to retrieving Merrick Life from our mailbox, and it is still hard for me to realize that no matter how many devoted readers there are, many have not subscribed and yet what can be of more concern to us than this mirror held up to our community? The Laursens deserve such credit for their familial talents, their perseverance, their special vision that married the wants and needs of the Merricks to the mission of their publication. It would be hard to find a significant venture in the Merricks that was not spearheaded or vitally supported by this

family and their enterprising newspaper. Again, for me personally, my visage has grown and aged within its pages—50 years in the Merricks saw my photos, my articles and two years worth of editorial cartoons published therein. the family of Recently, Francis Savona turned over a scrapbooklike collection to our historical society. There were dozens of neatly clipped newspaper articles, laboriously and lovingly dated and often written upon. The family helped to “create” North Merrick, and several Merrick Life letters to the editor had also been saved. They tell us about North Merrick’s earliest days and what brought about its invention. Again, almost the entire folder was a compilation of what Merrick Life did for them as well as for our future. There are few such detailed accounts of this history in our storeroom and, again, Merrick Life shows us their enduring – and – endearing qualities. Fortunately, the plans thus far are for the newspaper’s continuance under the flag of the Richner organization. Nevertheless, we remember well the Laursens who are our own Currier and Ives, and who helped us get through the beauties of our own lives as we lived them in the Merricks.

A SUCCESSFUL CYSTIC FIBROSIS “FLAPJACK BREAKFAST”: Above are Lori and Thomas Charkowick, Michele Walsh and Legislator Dave Denenberg. At right is the reason for it all: Greg Charkowick of Team GMan Group suffers from CF.


We want to say thank you to our family and friends and to many amazing merchants in the Merrick, Bellmore and surrounding area such as Wyld Chyld Tattoo, R.S. Jones, La Strada, Fro Yo Frenzy, Snaps Bistro, and more for their generous donations. A thank you to Nassau County Legislator Dave Denenberg for stopping by with a Proclamation for us and our work, and the biggest thanks of all goes out to the amazing staff at the Bellmore Applebee’s for allowing and assisting us to have what we consider a most suc-

cessful Cystic Fibrosis “Flapjack Breakfast” for our son Gregory’s team “The G-Man Group.” We were the largest party that they have ever hosted in this location, and we are proud to say that we raised over $4,500 to add to our team total of over $9,000 raised in our Great Strides Walk for a cure last month. We look forward to doing an event such as this from now on, and enjoyed a fun and emotional day with the wonderful people that we are blessed to know and be surrounded by. The Charkowick family


Thank you, Merrick and Bellmore

Page 5 Thursday, July 25, 2013 Merrick Life


Johns Hopkins Honor Program Member of Nassau Music Educators Association (NMEA) Member of New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA)

junction with the “Women and Work Performance Project” by NEAR Theatre in Huntington. Ms. Schofer has a Master of Fine Arts degree in dramatic writing from New York University and a Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, The Pen and Brush, and is an associate member of the Dramatist Guild. The following is a description of her book: In the small suburban community of

family are born with a small red Hope’s Point, Long Island, something birthmark on their left arm, a signahas gone horribly wrong. A series of called the ture arsons in landmark homes, Fingerprint of Destiny. now run down and overrun In a series of flashbacks by Latino immigrants, is interspersed throughout the destroying the community. novel, we learn about the Ellie Sinclair, the trouviolent fate of the other bled publisher of a smallwomen in Ellie’s family. town newspaper, struggles These stories are filled with to make ends meet. The adventure, magic, murder, arsons are just another retribution, love, war and story until Ellie’s estranged an obsession that spans the mother, Hortensia Borgias centuries and takes the Sinclair, returns to town reader from the jungles and and dies in the latest fire. plains of Venezuela to subEllie wonders if it is desurban Long Island. tiny, as Hortensia always Laura Schofer Can Ellie resurrect her life claimed, or something or will she, too, succumb to more insidious? Now Ellie the Fingerprint of Destiny? must find out who is behind the arsons For copies of the e-book visit and why. She must shine a light in the places of her town – the slums and Destinyebook/dp/B00DOG9XLE/ref=s factories, where Latino immigrants strugr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13741 gle to make a life in suburban America. 61794&sr=11&keywords=The+Finger Then there is a larger mystery to be print+of+destiny. solved. All the women in Ellie’s

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Laura Schofer, assistant editor of L&M Publications and award-winning journalist who has covered the news in our South Shore communities for 17 years, published her first novel. “The Fingerprint of Destiny” is available exclusively in e-reader format. The publisher is her newly created press called Hope’s Point Press Ltd., which will publish books written by women from Long Island, about Long Island. Ms. Schofer has won journalism awards from the National Newspaper Association and the Press Club of Long Island for environmental and investigative journalism. She also has written about Long Island’s rich history, and the people and places that make America’s first suburb a unique place to live. “Fingerprint of Destiny” is her first novel reflecting her experience as a journalist as well as her family’s Latin American background, which hails from Venezuela and Argentina. Additionally, Ms. Schofer has written several plays: “Silent History,” a play about famous women from Long Island, and “Cleaning Lessons,” a two-character play about a cleaning lady on Long Island. “Silent History” was produced at the Speigel Theatre at Hofstra University in conjunction with a conference on Long Island Women. “Cleaning Lessons” was produced in con-


Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 6

Laura Schofer publishes first novel

by Robert L. Harrison Nassau County Executive Mangano recently issued a proclamation naming it Commodore de Kay Day in Nassau County. At St. George’s Episcopal Church graveyard in Hempstead, dignitaries, the Hibernians from Wantagh and historians gathered to honor this hero of the Irish famine. On June 19, 1847, Commodore de Kay sailed out of New York Harbor aboard the frigate Macedonian filled with grain and food for the Irish and Scottish people. George Coleman de Kay was given the title of Commodore after fighting with the Argentine navy in its war against Brazil in 1826. Mr. De Kay requested a ship from

the United States Navy to help feed the Irish people due to its famine. The U.S. Navy loaned the warship Macedonian to him after taking all the weapons of war off of it. The Macedonian itself was captured from the British in the War of 1812. Commodore de Kay was said to affect the lives of more than 25,000 Irish/Scots victims of the famine with his noble relief activity from America. This was the second salute to our Long Island hero, who is buried at St. George’s Church. Nassau County Legislator Dennis Dunne, Jr., read the proclamation from County Executive Mangano, and Rev. P. Allister Rawlins gave a prayer to those who attended. Afterwards, a lone piper played as dusk descended on the graveyard.

JENNIFER KOTLER of Merrick, a four th-year medical illustration major at Rochester Institute of Technology, led a team of RIT students to develop an educational game “Sky Time” for the White House Champions of Change program. She was the leader of the project and will represent the team in Washington, D.C. as they were honored at the White House event on July 23 for their development. Sky Time is an educational game designed to teach young students — roughly K-2 — how to tell time. It was made for the Sugar Learning Platform, which was originally developed for the One Laptop per Child XO computer. It also runs on conventional laptops and PCs. Sky Time began as a class project Jennifer Kotler in a Humantarian Free and Open Source Software course by Professor Stephen Jacobs and taught by Justin Sherrill through the School of Interactive Games and Media.


Page 7 Thursday, July 25, 2013 Merrick Life

Nassau County marks Commodore de Kay Day

REMEMBERING COMMODORE DEKAY: From left are county Legislator Dennis Dunne, John Pinto of North Merrick, county Comptroller George Maragos and Richard O’Neal of the Ancient Order of Hibermians, Division 7, Wantagh.

lifeletters from page 5

MFD gets resolution To Merrick Life: I am writing to express my gratitude to Supervisor Kate Murray and to the Town Board of the Town of Hempstead for their resolution of a new three-year agreement with the Merrick Fire Department. As a volunteer firefighter and engine captain in Wantagh, I have seen firsthand the daily dedication and commitment volunteer firefighters make to their communities and it is a credit both to the Town and to the officers and members of the Merrick Fire Department that this agreement both

protects taxpayers and provides the equipment and training necessary to ensure the safety of the volunteers who protect and serve the Merrick community. We continue to owe Chief Michael Gargan, his department and all our volunteers a debt of gratitude for their outstanding service. Steve Rhoads Steve Rhoads is the Republican candidate for Nassau County legislator in the 19th Legislative District this November.” (continued on page 10)

(continued on page 10)

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Page 8 Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013

League Fun Night held at Merrick Road Park on Merrick Road in Merrick. On hand for the event is Joe Rocco, president of Merrick/Nor th Merrick Little League.

CPC announces arrival of new pastor The Community Presbyterian Church announces the arrival of its new pastor, the Rev. Dennis Carter. To quote Pastor Carter, “My entire ministry centers around the simple phrase ‘life is too short for sad-faced religion.’ If our religion is not filling us with the joy of the Lord and offering us strength and guidance for our day-to-day lives, something is wrong.” P a s t o r Dennis comes to the Merrick congregation with impressive credentials and experiences. A Long Island Rev. Dennis Carter native, he initially taught high school and college before attending New York Theological Seminary. During his spiritual journey, he has served several Christian denominations, ranging from Roman Catholic to Lutheran, Episcopal, Congregational, United Church of Christ and, of course, Presbyterian. Prior to his calling here to Merrick, he had served as pastor at another Presbyterian Church on Long Island. An avid bagpiper in the Gordon Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band he, along with his wife, Teresa, co-founded the Long Island Scottish/American Society. He is also a member of The Fellowship of Christian Magicians. Dennis and Teresa have two children. And while Pastor Dennis’ first official Sunday “in the pulpit” is not until Sunday, September 8, you’re welcome to attend a “Meet and Greet” BBQ in his honor on the front lawn of the church on Saturday, July 27, starting at 3 p.m. Contact the church office to RSVP at 378-7761 for details and directions.

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MERRICK/NORTH MERRICK LITTLE LEAGUE FUN NIGHT: Hempstead Town Councilwoman Angie Cullin (back row, second left) joins Little Leaguers and neighborhood children at the Merrick/Nor th Merrick Little


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Page 9 Thursday, July 25, 2013 Merrick Life

FREE SENIOR ID CARD PROGRAM: Senator Charles J. Fuschillo Jr. (RMerrick) and Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano recently sponsored a free Senior ID Card Program at the Merrick Librar y. The program offered seniors ages 65 and older a free wallet-sized ID card, which includes a photo, the holder’s personal contact information (name, address, phone number, date of bir th), and an emergency contact name and phone number which could be useful to emergency responders. Senator Fuschillo (third right) is pictured with Merrick resident Nicholas Kelsey (center) at the free senior ID program. They are joined by Assemblyman Dave McDonough (second left) and staff members, from left, Liz Cotton, Laura Schreiner, Lainie Altman and Jill Dayney.

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by Laura Schofer Joyce MacMonigle, 71, of Baldwin died after a brief illness on Wednesday, July 17. She was an employee at L & M Publications for 27 years, specifically for The Freeport-Baldwin Leader as an office administrator. Publisher Linda Toscano said “Joyce came to us with The Leader in 1987 and was one of its biggest assets. Readers, village staffers, advertisers, all ask for her fondly.” Mrs. MacMonigle had a keen interest in people. She greeted everyone who came to the newspaper’s office, first in Freeport, and later in Merrick, with a broad and welcoming smile. She had a way of putting people at ease and knew how to get even the most reserved person to talk about themselves.

lifepassing Ann E. Peterson

Ann E. Peterson (nee Murphy), 60, of Monroe, died suddenly on Saturday July 20, at her home. Wife of the late John Peterson. mother of Bryan, Shannon and Michael Peterson. Grandmother of John Peterson. She is the daughter of Loyola (nee Green) and the late Charles Murphy. She is also survived by her brothers Charles, Daniel, David and Donald Murphy. Ann was born in Schenectady, New

lifeletters from page 7

“We have a right to be here” To Merrick Life: On Sunday, July 21, in the early afternoon, we decided to take our eight-year old daughter to the playground of Julian Lane Park in Merrick. Upon exiting our late model minivan, we overheard a middle aged woman walking her dog saying to a companion who was with her, “I don’t like these people coming to my neighborhood, using this park.” We replied, by stating audibly, we live in this community, “We have a right to be here.“ However, she ignored our words, and walked away with her nose up in the air. Needless to say, we were appalled and angry. For starters, we have been homeowners in South Merrick since 2002, and are paying the same town property taxes this ignorant woman pays. Secondly, Julian Lane Park is a Town of Hempstead park, open to all people, regardless of what neighborhood they live. We parked on a public street next to the park gate, that contains no signs or restrictions. We were not committing any crimes, causing any disturbances, or detracting from the peace and calm of a beautiful summer day. We can only wonder ff this snobby, ignorant, and misinformed woman would have uttered this drivel had we pulled up in a BMW or a Mercedes. Having lived in Merrick previously, graduating from John F. Kennedy High School in 1981, I have encountered this type of attitude from time to time over the years. It is people like this woman, who help to perpetuate certain misconceptions and stereotypes of people in our community. Thankfully, our little girl was oblivious to this obvious insult, and was happily running to the playground, where she enthusiastically ran into one of her LevyLakeside classmates. They enjoyed play-

Joyce MacMonigle Even small children were drawn to her warm and pleasing personality. My now grown daughter, Morgan, still

York, and grew up on Long Island. he previously resided in West Windsor before moving to Monroe four years ago. Visitation will be held on Friday, July 26, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Earle Funeral Home, 122 West Church Street, Blackwood, New Jersey. A memorial mass will follow at Our Lady of Hope Parish/St. Agnes Church, 701 Little Gloucester Road, Blackwood, Condolences may be viewed/posted at

ing together. The morale of this story is that some people in this community need to get over themselves, and start putting things to into perspective, especially in the world we live in today. People need to stop making assumptions, and get rid of the “holier than thou” attitude. Name withheld by editor

recalls the days she spent at The Leader’s office. There, Joyce permitted my daughter to spread out her dolls all over Joyce’s desk. Joyce would busily answer the telephone, file or type and play “dolls” with Morgan. “She helped so many people in so many ways,” added Mrs. Toscano. “When my daughter, Cristina, needed a nursery school, Joyce told me about St. Peter’s Early Learning Center, which was the best choice ever.” Joyce was born in Brooklyn, but spent most of her life in Baldwin. She was a 1960 graduate of Baldwin High School. She is survived by her husband Richard, son, Gary (Tess) and daughter Sharon Fritz (Chris) and three grandchildren Jeffrey, Kevin and Jason Macmonigle. She is also survived by her twin June and sister Muriel. A funeral service will be held today, 10 a.m. at St. Peter’s Evangelical Church in Baldwin. Interment is at the Long Island National Cemetery, Pinelawn.

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studentlife The following students graduated from Hofstra University: North Merrick Robert Meiselas earned a MSED degree in higher education leadership and policy standards; Patrick O’Brien earned a Bachelor of business Administraion degree in accounting; and Tao Ren earned a Master of Business Administration degree in information technology. The State University of New York at Potsdam named Anne Rappaport of Merrick to the Dean’s List. The following Merrick students graduated from the University of Delaware: Anthony Armao, Jennifer Gutsin, Julia Mehlman, Lindsay Mondragon, Robert Serpico and Karin Weidlein. David Etringer of Merrick graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administraton with concentrations in Finance/ Information Technology Management from SUNY Albany. Christina Strezenec of Merrick was named to The College of Saint Rose Dean's List for Spring 2013.

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Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 10

Longtime L&M office manager dies

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PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: NASSAU COUNTY. CRESTAR CAPITAL, LLC, FORMERLY KNOWN AS CCTS CAPITAL, L.L.C., Pltf. vs. BRENDA M. COLEMAN, et al, Defts. Index #12-002973. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated July

3rd, 2013, I will sell at public auction in the Calendar Control Part (CCP) Courtroom of the Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Dr., Mineola, NY on Aug. 27, 2013 at 11:30 a.m., prem. k/a Section 55, Block 522, Lot 12. Sold subject to terms

and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. KEITH LAVALLEE, Referee. LEVY & LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #82897 ML 950 4T 7/25, 8/1, 8, 15

by Kristen Buckley The Long Island International Film Expo’s Friday opening night ceremonies at the Bellmore Movies included both 7 and 9:30 p.m. opening film blocks. Bellmore Life reviewed the 7 p.m. block, which included a music video, two short films and a feature film. The block opened with a music video for 13-year-old Levittowner Kyla Silk’s song “Don’t Cry for Me,” a modest production shot in Seaford that featured some distinctive creative qualities. A strong singer/songwriter sensibility manages to attract casual listeners as she sings about an omnipresent but always relevant sub-

ject: the pain of lost love. However, the message of the song is clear and uplifting: I’m in a happy place, so don’t cry for me anymore. It is an easy tune to latch onto, a formidable quality for any piece of musical production. The music video offers an elementary but capable first step forward into the potential career for Kyla Silk. The first short film, “Time 2 Split,” from Paris, France, was a brilliant and emotionally poignant representation of separation. Director Fabrice Bracq primary uses split-screen to show the lives of a couple who have split up and share custody of their young child. The short makes tight artistic use of its split-screen and has a deeply

Free vendor expo hosted Integral Ballet, at 1842 Merrick Road, will host a free vendor expo for women and girls featuring women-owned local businesses on Thursday, August 29, from 5-9 p.m. Integral Ballet is a nonprofit ballet school and pre-professional training company in Merrick. The event is free for attendees and will feature representatives from Pampered Chef, Scentsy, Rodan and

Fields, Boutique Noir and many other well-known brands. Wine tasting, gourmet treats and refreshments will be served. Massage and acupuncture trials will be available. RSVP for this free event by August 25. Follow Integral Ballet on Facebook at, or on Twitter at Visit for expo exhibitor/attendee information.

We’re in your neighborhood

satisfying finale. The second short was a trippy tale of time travel from Belgium titled “Bona Nox,” which deals with a boy in a wheelchair who wants to go back in time to prevent the car accident that disabled him and killed his mother. The best component of this short is the candid perspective of its young protagonist. Shorts such as these demonstrate how filmmakers tell effective stories in only a fraction of time by removing all filler and focusing on the plot’s most basic elements, letting the story move at a brisk pace. The feature of the night was “Wet Behind the Ears,” a light-hearted coming-of-age comedy directed by Sloan Copeland and starring the film’s

co-writer Margaret Keane Williams, a likable actress whose energy and charm is reminiscent of Kristin Chenowith. The film is about a recent college graduate who struggles to make a living and gets a job at a local ice cream shop. The low-budget film was made in two months and shot around East Islip and Manhattan. The film is full of good laughs, enjoyable performances and a hilarious array of subplots and colorful caricatures. “Wet Behind the Ears” emphasizes the benefits of combined amateur and independent filmmaking, making it a most-valued spokesperson for the entire film festival.

Jennifer Ryan joins law practice Merrick resident Jennifer Ryan has joined the Garden City law firm of Reisman Peirez Reisman & Capobianco LLP as an associate in the commercial litigation practice. Ms. Ryan’s practice focuses on commercial litigation in federal and state courts, including matters involving contract, bankruptcy, real estate and corporate disputes. Ms. Ryan received her bachelor’s degree from Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, and is a graduate of St. John’s University School of Law.

Jennifer Ryan


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Page 11 Thursday, July 25, 2013 Merrick Life


Time machines and ice cream shops: LIIFE’s opening night films

Merrick Life Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 12

Host a fresh lobster luau this summer! by Kevin Halton, Jr. Planning to have the gang over for a summer soiree and stuck for a knock-out dining idea? Guess what? Your family and friends love lobster! Sure, a great many refrain from ordering lobster when dining out. Why add damage to an already pricey check at dinner’s end? And many do not prepare and serve lobster at home. But the truth is most people would anticipate sitting down to a home-cooked lobster dinner as one of life’s more pleasing – and enjoyable – experiences. So here are step-by-step, can’t-fail directions to preparing and serving lobster, whether boiled, steamed or grilled, to the guaranteed dining delight of one and all. What to buy, and where? First, make your lobster purchase a wise one, while getting some sound advice. Visit the folks at your local fish market (logically, one near the waterfront). Inform the sales associate of the number of guests you’ll be serving so they know how many fresh (never frozen!), high-quality hard-shelled North Atlantic lobsters you’ll need. Let them know you’re a novice; they’ll place you on a smooth preparation path. Now, there are two can’t-fail, nobrainer stovetop methods for cooking lobster: boiling and steaming. The key is

to use a pot large enough to hold, say, two or three lobsters at a time, while allowing them to “swirl.” For steaming your lobsters While not necessary, a “steaming rack” is ideal for this method (go ahead and purchase one, you’re gonna love this!). Into the pot pour approximately two inches of water and a handful of salt, then bring water to a full boil. Now, place the steaming rack into the pot to hold the lobsters above the boiling water. Steam lobsters for 12 minutes per pound, for the first pound, plus three minutes for each additional pound. So, a two-pound lobster will steam for 16 minutes, while a 1.5-pounder should take 14.5 minutes. When done, remove; place on a platter and cover with foil until all lobsters are done and ready to serve. For boiling your lobsters Fill the pot with water, about half-way (no more than 2/3) full. When water is in full boil, place lobsters (head first) into the pot, completely submerged. Boil at 10 minutes per pound for the first pound, plus three minutes per pound for each additional pound. A two-pound lobster will cook for 13 minutes, while a 1.5-pound lobster should boil for 11.5 minutes. See how easy? But wait. Here’s a lobster-prep idea everyone will love: lobster tails on the grill!

For grilling lobster tails If ever there was a made-for-tails invention, it’s your backyard grill. With its easy-to-control even heat, today’s gas grills allow for perfect results! First, halve the tail, then lay the tails bottom-side up on a cutting board. Using a large knife, cut the tails in half lengthwise. Use kitchen scissors to get all the way through the shell if you need to. Using a brush, thoroughly baste the flesh side of the tails with olive oil. Now, clean and oil the grill grate to prevent sticking. Turn the grill to mediumhigh heat. Once the grill is hot, give the lobster tails one last baste, add a bit of salt and pepper and place them flesh side down on the hot grill.

Be careful of flare-ups from the dripping oil. Cook fleshside down for 4-5 minutes until light grill marks show. Flip the lobster tails to shellside down. Baste with olive oil several times during the next 3-6 minutes until the lobster meat is firm and opaque. So, get the lobster bibs out, heat up some butter and dig in. Better yet, throw a few steak fillets on that grill and serve the beautiful surf-and-turf summer supper your family and friends will love. Bon Appetit! Kevin Halton Jr. is a sales associate at Two Cousins Fish Market, 255 Woodcleft Avenue, on Freeport’s Nautical Mile. Call 379-0793.

SCHOLARLY AWARDS: Nicolina Torchia recently received the Walter P. Johnson Scholar-Athlete Award 2012-2013, and the George Walsh Student Involvement-Scholar Award 2012-2013, both at Grand Avenue Middle School. With Nicolina is Grand Avenue Middle School Principal Carlo Conte.




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by John Paeth Recently, five young men from Merrick were awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouting, has been earned by young men for 100 years. To earn the rank of Eagle Scout, a boy must demonstrate citizenship and caring for his community and others, leadership qualities, and outdoor skills that show self-sufficiency and ability to overcome obstacles. He must also have developed and carried out a service project to benefit his community. At the ceremonies to present the Eagle Scout awards, the boys, their families and other Scouts all looked back at not just the merit badges and work that was done to achieve Eagle Scout, but of all the other activities that the Scouts took part in from first grade through the present day. As Cub Scouts, they may have taken their first hike at Levy Preserve or had their first camp out at Nickerson Beach, Battle Row Campground or Schiff Scout Reservation. As Boy Scouts, they hiked and camped at various Scout camps, state parks and national parks and, if lucky, in the mountains of New Mexico, at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron. As Cub Scouts, they learned how to use tools to make their Pinewood Derby car, or worked on other awards. As a Boy Scout, working on merit badges, other activities and helping with projects provided a platform to teach them more skills with tools. As a Cub Scout, some boys went to Boston and were able to walk the Freedom Trail and visit the U.S.S. Constitution. Later, as a Boy Scout, some went to a Florida sea base and lived aboard a sail boat for a week. Throughout their Scouting programs, the boys learned other things that ranged from simple first aid for a cut, to more advanced first aid to prepare for high adventure camping trips. If you go to Levy Preserve, Nickerson Beach or just around town, there are several examples of service projects performed by various Boy

Scouts for Eagle Scout projects over recent years that have benefitted our community. There are other Eagle Scout projects that benefitted our community through collections of needed goods. Each year, as part of Scouting for food, Scouts of all ages collect food that is used to help local organizations. In recent years, one local unit has spent a few hours on Thanksgiving morning doing its own food drive. The proceeds then went to a local food pantry. Scouting offers the opportunity to have fun and learn by doing a wide variety of activities. Scouting also provides family members with memories for a lifetime. It is said that a Scout is lucky. Scouting offers distinctive opportunities that boys or their families would not have otherwise. It is said that a boy who achieves the rank of Eagle Scout is truly lucky, because he has taken advantage of all that Scouting can offer. In Merrick, there are three Cub Scout Packs and three Boy Scout troops sponsored by local organizations. Each unit (Cub Pack or Boy Scout Troop) has its own character or personality, and meets at a different location. Their goals are all the same. To join, you need not be a member of the organization that sponsors the Scout group or where their meeting is held. You don’t need to be a resident of Merrick. You just need to be someone who is interested in joining and being involved. Cub Scouts is for boys in grades 1-5, ages 710. Boy Scouts is for boys ages 11-17, grades 6-12. Where the troops meet The following is a list of Scout units and contact information in Merrick: • Cub Scout Pack 123 – meets at Sacred Heart Church. Contact Lori Ann Spilabotte at 414-0435, or Bob Berkowitz at 781-2417. Or visit • Cub Pack 206 – meets at Camp Avenue School. You can visit • Cub Scout Pack 277 – meets at Community Presbyterian Church. Contact Cubmaster Bill Kranmas at 425-

6901, email • Boy Scout Troop 123 – meets at Sacred Heart Church. You can visit • Boy Scout Troop 225 – meets at Birch School. You can contact Jerry Foster at 546-4375, or email • Boy Scout Troop 351 – meets at St.

John’s Church. Visit • Nassau County Boy Scouts, Theodore Roosevelt Council, Massapequa. Visit John Paeth is assistant district commissioner of the Pequott District, Boy Scouts of America.

HEMPSTEAD TOWN SCOUT RECOGNITION DAY: Hempstead Town Super visor Kate Murray, third left, and Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, four th right, honored young men and women who have achieved the highest ranks in Scouting, the Eagle Scout and the Gold Award. The Scouts were recognized at Hempstead Town’s Scout Recognition Day, held at the Norman J. Levy Park and Preser ve in Merrick. From left are Theodore Roosevelt Council of Boy Scouts executive and CEO Jay Garee, Girl Scouts of Nassau County CEO Donna Ceravolo, Super visor Kate Murray, Eagle Scout James Harrington of Merrick, Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, Girl Scouts of Nassau County President/Chief Volunteer Of ficer Wanda Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt Council BSA Council Commissioner Salvatore Ciampo and Council Commissioner Eric Anderson.

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NASSAU BOCES BARRY TECH VIDEO Production Instructor Robyn Cavalieri, Nassau BOCES District Superintendent Dr. Thomas Rogers and Nassau BOCES Board President Stephen B. Witt congratulate SkillsUSA award winner Kevin Reicher t of Nor th Merrick – and Heather Jankowski of East Meadow. Both were par t of the Nassau BOCES Barr y Tech team at this year’s SkillsUSA New York Leadership Conference and Skills Championship, held in Syracuse. The mission of SkillsUSA is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. Nassau BOCES Barr y Tech is a state-of-the-ar t career and technical education center in Westbur y. Visit for news, information and educational updates and like Nassau BOCES on Facebook,


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Five Merokians attain Eagle Scout status

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Kennedy High School will hold its multiyear reunion on Saturday, September 21, at Mulcahy's, 3232 Railroad Avenue, Wantagh, starting with a buffet from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and a cash bar for graduation years 19682010. A minimum of 1,000 alumni are expected to attend. All alumni, guests, teachers, coaches, advisors and staff are invited. Kennedy High School has been the foundation of education to many world renowned and famous people who have made a difference. Some of these alumni have been inducted into the Kennedy High School Hall of Fame and they will be at the multiyear reunion. Here are just a few of Kennedy’s alumni: Michael Kors, fashion designer; Paul Krugman, economist, Princeton University professor and columnist for The New York Times, Nobel Prize in economics; Spencer Eig, attorney for former Cuban refugee Elian Gonzales; Doug Ellin, creator of Entourage; Bill Freiberger, Emmy-nominated writer and producer of “The Simpsons,� “The PJs�


Merrick Library Line Dancing-Electric Slide Today, July 25, 7:30 p.m. Dance instructor Elena Iannucci is back for a fun evening! Come learn how to do the Electric Slide, which is the basis of many of today’s most popular line dances. There is no fee for this class. Registration has begun at the reference desk. I Love Lucy – Lucille Ball From Hollywood to Television Friday, July 26, 2 p.m. This program is a delightful examination of the career of comedienne Lucille

and “Drawn Together�; Steve Levy, host of ESPN Sports Center; Scott Lipsky, tennis player; Adam Schefter, ESPN football analyst; Jason Smilovic, writer and producer; Steven Walfish, Global QARA statistician at GE Healthcare; Harry A. Goodman, engineering director, Exelon Corporation. Also Colonel Steven D. Hunte, USA (Ret.), who is also the most decorated wrestler in the history of Kennedy High School; Artie Kempner, assistant wrestling coach at U.S. Military Academy at West Point, “Gators� football squad, USA Network – director of U.S. Open tennis, FOX sports director for the NFL, NASCAR, NHL, director of Super Bowl XXXIX and XLII, eight time Sports Emmy winner, founder and past-president of Autism Society of Delaware; Joan Littman Landry, first female from Kennedy to attend and graduate from the USMA at West Point; Larry Scott, graduate of Harvard College, professional tennis player (ATP Circuit) and commissioner of NCAA PAC-12 Conference; Kenny Dichter,

founder of companies Alphabet City, Marquis Jet and Jonathan Fish, and executive vice-president and chief financial officer of the Advertising Council, Gold Medalist, 1986 Goodwill Games, Russia, Olympian in Seoul, Korea, 1988; Lori E. Horowitz Moran, former chief counsel, Nassau County Board of Supervisors, chief prosecutor for child abuse, Nassau County, chief of operations for Nassau County Executive Thomas Gulotta; Eileen Korey, recipient of six Emmy awards recognizing excellence in news and public service reporting and a two-time winner of the UPI United Press International News Leader Award; Suffolk Supreme Court Justice Arthur Pitts, former supervisor, Town of Babylon; George E. Manaskie, graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, and commanding officer of U.S.S. Bergall submarine; Dr. Thomas Pappas, cardioloDavid gy-St Francis, Roslyn; Bernstein, CFO of Carnival Cruise Lines; Dr. Wayne Gersoff, team physician for the Colorado Rockies baseball

team; Dr. Ellen Gendler Salik, famous dermatologist; and Dr. Jonathan A. Haas, Winthrop University Hospital, chief of radiation oncology. Come for old friends, food, music and memories. The alumni bands such as The Kamelot Alumni Band, Friends To The Ends Alumni Band, Dana Ritacco of the Band LaBouche, and JFK Alumni Choir will keep the night filled with music. There will be private areas for 1973 grads 40th Reunion, for ‘83 grads 30th, ‘93 grads 20th, and ‘03 grads 10th year reunions. Discount tickets can be purchased through Saturday, August 31, for $35 per person.

Ball, from her humble beginnings in Jamestown, New York, to her rise to stardom in Hollywood. Keith Crocker will explore her entire career, but focus on her “I Love Lucy� days. He will share a rare episode of the show using a 16mm projector. Come back in time and enjoy an afternoon of laughter. No registration necessary. All are welcome to attend.

awarded to all participants. Please bring a doll to the class. Registration has begun.

spectacular carousel overlooking the water and charming boutiques. You’ll have free time to explore and select an interesting place to lunch (on your own) before the next stop to a local goat farm, where you’ll enjoy a tour and some samples of their famous cheese. The day is not finished yet, as the tour continues on to one of the newest microbreweries on Long Island, where you’ll learn about this new tasting sensation (six varieties) on the North Fork before heading home – with some freshly baked bread and a small surprise! Registration has begun. A check for $64 payable to All Around LI Inc. is due at this time.

Babysitting and First Aid Workshop for Teens Monday, July 29, 6-8 p.m. Attend our popular workshop with Registered Nurses Joann Tanck and Georgette Basso, and become a professional babysitter. Certificates will be

North Merrick Explore hidden backyard treasures Friday, August 9, 8:45 a.m.-6:30 p.m. A brand-new, one-of-a-kind trip! Begin the day with a visit to Long Island’s only Friary – a Franciscan community of Friars on the North Shore who bake their own bread! With an on-board guide, you’ll tour and learn about the surrounding historic area. We’ll then head on to the deepwater port of Greenport, home to art shops, a

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Kennedy calls to all graduates for reunion


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