The essential tool to assess property and business interruption risk exposures
a PoWErfuL aND usEr frIENDLY aPPLICaTIoN Maptycs is an advanced property exposure assessment application that allows professionals who are responsible for identifying and assessing property and business interruption risks exposures to visualize and evaluate their portfolios with power and sophistication. This high performance application provides greater detail in the analysis of the portfolio by integrating a substantial amount of internal values and data, (primary and secondary criteria) as well as external historical data. Maptycs can integrate risk zones from market standard sources such as factory Mutual, Cresta and us Zip Codes, with the risk manager’s portfolio data to calculate the accumulated risk exposure in a given zone.
While risk exposure assessment often consists of proprietary methods, Maptycs provides a comprehensive set of data along with easy to use tools essential for risk managers and underwriters to make more informed decisions in risk exposure management. The application leverages the latest technologies to complement the risk management process by offering compelling data visualization capabilities along with advanced filtering and aggregation features. These features allow the user to create a variety of custom catastrophe risk scenarios, taking EQ Zones, flood Zones, and Tier I & II windstorm exposure areas into account, to determine the risk. overall, Maptycs assists risk managers and insurance professionals for improved risk assessment.
DaTa VIsuaLIZaTIoN Maptycs creates a visual representation of combined data sets to communicate all relevant exposure information clearly and effectively. The data visualization approach is a modern technique to better understand and analyze high volume risk data in order to make more informed decisions. Risk managers and underwriters can view standard risk zones or create their own customized polygons to identify key individual or aggregated areas of business and risk exposure. Maptycs leverages visual thinking by displaying all available data in the most impactful way with markers, heat maps, and clusters. The application also offers the ability to create custom views through ďŹ lters on a variety of underwriting characteristics such as property damage values, business interruption, ood zones, etc. Any selection and results delivered by Maptycs can be downloaded as a spreadsheet for further analysis. The application allows users to attach additional COPE data and pictures for reference, and embeds Google Street View, allowing them to visualize properties and the surrounding area. Maptycs data visualization capabilities are highly productive tools for inspection reports and accurate assessment of exposure. This helps identify and plan for risk exposure in order to either avoid or consider risk transfer alternatives.
• Maptycs provides the data and tools necessary to help the risk manager evaluate the risk exposure of a portfolio more accurately. It also helps the underwriter derive premium ratings. • Data visualization makes it easy to identify, assess, analyze and prioritize the spread of risk.
IMProVE rIsK assEssMENT ProCEss
• Maptycs streamlines the geocoding process. The application automatically defines each assets individual longitude and latitude and adds the corresponding hazard zone. as a result, the risk manager can download the portfolio augmented with crucial information such as fM, Cresta, or us ZIP Codes zones associated with each property • Risk zone’s parameters are visualized on the map. users can simply select a zone, and aggregate all property and business interruption values to define the accumulated risk in the selected zone.
BIG DaTa Maptycs handles high volume data sets as large as 500,000 properties/ locations along with their associated information, processing millions of data points in sub seconds. External data sources are widely recognized by the Insurance industry. They include: • Risk zones: Cresta Zones, FM Zones, and ZIP Code specific data • Flood zones: FEMA flood zones and associated data • Historical Data: Millions of historical data points for events such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and cyclones can be overlaid on the map to decipher high and low risk areas.
assIsT IN MfL & PML EVaLuaTIoNs • Underwriters can easily identify highrisk zones in Maptycs and gain a better understanding of their asset portfolio
risk exposure. • Users can customize risk scenarios for accurate planning, decision making and allocation of capacity.
• Asset data fields are completely flexible and can be customized to maximize detailed portfolio evaluation, with no limitations. • Create a ventilated profile view using multiple filters at once to view and aggregate properties by various criteria such as values and spread of risk by country, city, county, state, or ZIP Code. • Calculate the accumulated risk value within a risk zone or create a customized area to view statistics of any portfolio subset. • Selected scenario data can be saved for future use and be downloaded as a spreadsheet for further analysis and reports.
Maptycs’ state of the art security system enables international access while keeping information safe. all transactions are ssL encrypted and protected for maximum security. The files are stored in Amazon S3 or hosted locally which prevents data loss from malicious action and infrastructure errors. administrators have the ability to remotely wipe out the entire application on any device in case of an employee departure or any other type of riskassessed occurrence.
• All historical data is presented as overlays and can be viewed as heat maps, markers, or clusters. • View historical flood, earthquake, and windstorm data overlays to identify high risk areas and combine with asset overlays to identify the accumulated risk exposure.
Maptycs incorporates natural catastrophes information feeds and sends custom email notifications to alert the user when an imminent event enters the predefined geographical radius of an asset location(s). Proximity radii are defined by the user.
Maptycs is a powerful application for risk managers and underwriters whose responsibility is to identify and assess property and business interruption risk exposures. It visually presents the potential threat of natural catastrophes to their insured property and improves the risk management process. The combination of external source data with portfolio data provides users with the most detailed information available to identify high risk areas and plan for physical threats to their business. Operating under a state of the art security system with SSL encryption and S3 to protect confidential information, the straightforward and easy to use interface is entirely web-based and does not require any additional software or infrastructure to function. With Maptycs, risk managers and insurance professionals can significantly improve their portfolio analysis and better protect against threats posed by natural catastrophes. Maptycs helps do that proactively, faster and more effectively.
Contact us for further information: Phone: 1 914 600 7227 Email:
Š 2014 WEBCBG New York