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Literature: (... continued)


Literature: (... continued)

E. Jappe / Performance Ritual Prozeß On Ritual (Performance Research) Richard Schechner / Future of Ritual Kunstforum Bd. 34 / Plastik als Handlungsform Victor Turner / The ritual process (book) Victor Turner / The Anthropology of Performance (book) Richard Schechner / Between Theatre and Anthropology (book) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! chap. Performance and the social sciences Conquergood Dwight / Poetics Play, Process and Power – The performative turn in anthropology Janelle G. Reinelt, et al. / Critical Theory and Performance (book) A.David Napier / Foreign Bodies – Performance Art and Symbolic Anthropology A. Artaud (ethnological studies) W. Pfaff u.a. / Der sprechende Körper Sylvia Sasse / Zur Anatomie kollektiver Körper in der russischen Performance Theatre for Social Change (PSi7)

Walking through society (yearbook) ! Eugenio Barber (anthropological view) Camille Camillieri (athropolog. view; important for Patrice Pavis) James Clifford (ethno-historian) Roger Caillois (athropological theorist) Erving Goffman P. Bourdieu (Hexis- u. Habitus-Konzept) Victoria Best & Peter Collier (Ed.) / Powerful Bodies – Performance in French Cultural Studies Milton Singer (ethnologist) / cultural performance (developed as concept) A. Nebelung / Zwischenräume (Methode u. Ästhetik einer ökologischen Soziologie Herbert Mead => J. Butler Prof. Christoph Wulf <= P. Bourdieu C. Wulf (article) / Die Familie als performative Gemeinschaft C. Wulf (projects): Die Hervorbringung des Sozialen in Ritualen ... / FamilienRituale / Rituale in der Schule / Geschlecht und Rituale U. Wuggenig -> Pierangelo Maset David Frankel / Workshop in Performance Studies Ethnography (PSi7 Mainz) Magic Maori, Artificial Savages and Martians: (De)constructing Indigenous Identity

Judith Butler !! / Bodies That Matter Performative Acts and Gender Constitution (article 1988!) / Judith Butler Performativity and Performance (book) ! Andrew Parker & Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Symposium: Cross Gender/Cross Genre Performance and Performativity Graz 99 Geraldine Harris / Staging Feminities. Performance and Performativity (article) David E.R. George !! / Performance Epistomology (in: Performance Research) Dwight Conquergood / article: The Performative Turn in Anthropology Victor Turner / The Anthropology of Performance Elisabeth List / article: Leiblichkeit, performatives Selbst u. Geschlecht article: Kultur als Handlung Gertrude Koch (C.S. Peirce) Homi Bhabha / article: Of Mimicry and Man Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Michael Issacharoff & Robin F. Jones / Discourse as Performance (book)

Victoria Best & Peter Collier (Ed.) / Powerful Bodies – Performance in French Cultural Studies !! Geoffrey Leech / Principles of Pragmatics K. Marcia Moen / Peirce´s Pragmatism as a Resource for Feminism (article) Jean-Francois Lyotard / The postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (book) T. Sarbin & V. Allen / Role Theory (book) Michel de Certeau / The Practice of Everyday Life Kate Ince / Between the Acts: Orlan, Performance and Performativity (in: Powerful Bodies) !!! J.-F. Lyotard / Das postmoderne Wissen Nietzsche Performance Research Vol.1 No.1 1996 D.George / Performance Epistemology Pierangelo Maset, Hubert Sowa (Ed.) / Ästhetisches Dasein. Perspektiven einer performativen und pragmatischen Kultur im öffentlichen Raum D. Böhler et al.(Ed.) Die pragmatische Wende Rorty, de Certeau, ... Liturgie und Ästhetik (event Münster)

Literature: (... continued)


R. Shusterman / Kunst leben – Die Ästhetik des Pragmatismus Mieke Bal (lecture) / Performance and performativity M. Foucault: Wissensarchäologische Diskursanalyse W. Hempfer / Performativität u. episteme anders Denken – M. Focaults >performativer< Diskurs (article) M. Foucault / Archäologie des Wissens M. Foucault / Die Ordnung des Diskurses M. Foucault / ... Reader Diskurs u. Medien Sybille Peters / (PSi7) Towards a Theory of Fake / Towards a Fake of Theory Theorising the Performative (PSi7) Anja Musiat, Dorita Hannah / (PSi7) Writing Gesture: Performing Words, or, "How to dance with words“ Jackie Smart / (PSi7) Processing Language in Physical Theatre Ola Johansson / (PSi7) From Stage to Page Stephen di Benedetto / (PSi7) Mutable Modes of Perception: Approaching Performance as Visual Art

article: Kultur als Handlung Gertrude Koch Mary Ann Doane / Film and the Masquerade: Theorizing the Female Spectator (article) Valie Export Peter Weibel Philip Auslander / Liveness (book) Ihab Hassan / process/performance/ happening (Essay) Victoria Best & Peter Collier (Ed.) / Powerful Bodies (book) Claudia Liebrand / Kinematographische Gender-Performanzen (lecture) P. Dubois / Der fotografische Akt (book) Thomas Dreher / Aktionstheater und Intermedia (article) Paolo Bianchi (Video lounge at O.K.) / Die Transformation der Kunst zum "Performative Turn“ Max Schumacher / (PSi7) Grotesque Food -

Kunstf. Bd.137 / Atlas der Künstlerreisen Kunstf. Bd.136 / Ästhetik des Reisens Zeit – Die vierte Dimension in der bildenden Kunst Kunstf. Bd.150 / Zeit – Existenz – Kunst Kunstf. Bd.151 /Dauer/Simultaneität/Echtzeit Matthias Schäfer / Mediennutzung und Zeitfaktor in der Aktionskunst (Bd.151) Daniel Charles / Zeitspielräume – Performance, Musik, Ästhetik John Cage / Für die Vögel – Gespräch mit Daniel Charles (book) ! U. Krasberg / (PSi7) Ekstastetanz und Performance ... (Sufi rituals) Kinetographien (project) / Inke Arns, Mirjam Goller, Susanne Strätling, Georg Witte

Literature: (...continued)

Literature: (...continued)


Richard Kostelnatz / The Theater of Mixed Means. An Introduction to Happenings, Kinetic Environments ... ! R. Koberg / Die Kunst des Gehens Mosche Feldenkrais / (Lit. on: Feldenkrais Method) Dr. Walter Siegfried (dance theorist) Willy Jansen / (PSi7) The Dancing Saints Gender and Trance Ritual in Different Culters Freddie Rokem / (PSi7) Ritualisations of Repetition in Performance Translating Dance (PSi7) Julia Witworth / (PSi7) / Translating of the Body: Physical Theatre Trainings, ...

Butoh – Die Rebellion des Körpers

Crossings (catalogue) Zeitspielräume. Performance Musik Ästhetik / Daniel Charles Musical Performance (book) Stan Godlovitch - a philosophical study Klangkunst (catalogue) Music and Performance (PSi7)

music theory theory of perception on architecture (B. Leitner) technoculture discourse

From Film to Stage

dance performance

(Xavier Le Roy) (Yvonne Rainer, Trisha Brown (Judson Dance Theater), Merce Cunningham, Monica Klinger, Rose Garrard, Lucinda Childs)

film projection combined with

everything in dance is gesture (LE) sculpture in motion

performativity thrust

performativity discourse

performative turn

Literature: Kunstforum Bd. 25 / Schamanen J. Raap / Kunst u. Schamanismus (article) Hartmut Kraft / Über innere Grenzen Initiation in Schamanismus, Kunst, Religion und Psychoanalyse (book) Performance of Healing (book) Carol Laderman (Ed.) J.L. Moreno / Psychodrama (book) Joachim Hersinger Waldegg / Der Künstler als Märtyrer – Skt. Sebastian in der Kunst des 20.Jahrh. Mary Ann Doane / Film and the Masquerade (masquerade theory) Marianne Kesting / Das Happening als pseudo-religiöse Opferhandlung (article) Christa Lichtenstern / Metamorphose. Vom Mythos zum Prozeßdenken (book) Aristoteles / Katharsis-Begriff Theresa Smalec / (PSi7) Healing Shattered Subjects: Ron Vawter´s "Roy Cohn/ Jack Smith" as a Performative Means of Translating and Transforming Cultural Traumas Elizabeth Köpping / (PSi7) Charismatic Healing as Transformation Translating Difference: Performance and Disabillity (PSi7)

see: prediction

Cf. magical theater = Theater of Cruelty

Literature: Kunstforum Bd. 87 / Kunstgeschichte des Feuers Erika Billeter / Mythos und Ritual in der Kunst der 70er Jahre Transition to Modernity (PSi7) Bonnie Eckhard, Frederick Corey / (PSi7) Missed Callings: Myth, Middle Age, and Memory M. Serres Udo Wid

Search for the sacred (A. Artaud)

mythic view m

Alchemistic theater (Antonin Artaud) (Kees Mol) Aesthetic alchemy (Rimbaud, Mallarmé)

Alchemy of the kitchen Transformation (2) (PSi7) Art as site of transformation (Attila Kosa)

J.-F. Lyotard (event, performativity, language games, ....) J.-F. Lyotard / The Unconscious as Miseen-scène (in: Performance in Postmodern Culture – 1977) Hassan Hannah Arendt / Vita Activa (book) Johanna Malt / Performative Constructions of Meaning (article) Dorothea von Hantelmann / Der andere Schauplatz: Theatralität u. Performanz in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Bonnie Marranca & Gautam Dasgupta Ed. Conversations on Art and Performance Philosophie in Aktion / P. Bourdieu, Hakan Gürses, O. Marchart, Chantal Mouffe, W. Pircher, R. Pfaller, G. Raunig, Slavoj Zizek (book) Hans-T. Lehmann (LE) / Postdramatisches Theater (book) ! Kathy Rosalyn / Toward a Theory of Performance Art (book) Transition to Modernity (PSi7) Hans-Friedrich Bormann (PSi7) Dieter Mersch (PSi7) Sophia Totzeva (PSi7)

(Dieter Appelt)

Lying naked in the water

Temple sacrifice and fire rituals (Siglinde Kallnbach) (minus delta t)

Group and family myths (highly emotionally charged)

Ancestor cult

reminiscent of archaic roots

Archaic forms of expression (Arnulf Rainer)

Bedded on archaic frameworks (Dieter Appelt)

(Rosa Galindo, Pedro Garhel)

Postmodern: (Hassan, Lyotard) process / performance / happening work-in-progress, incomplete, fluid open, playful, optative, disjunctive, displaced, a discourse of fragments Modern: performative quality art object / finished work of postmodern work

Individual mythologies

Mythical mystical dance play

Performance as (BBB Johannes Deimling) fundamental characteristic of postmodernism (Chantal Pontbriand)

P.M.: play, game, contradiction, process, performance (D. George) In postmodern times "performance" is the ideal medium and model (D. George)

Philosophical terminal (as service)

Legitimization (of research) through its performativity (Lit.: Lyotard)

art studies view

Professor of philosophy as performer

cf.. (art) historical view

lectures (2)

Lecture performance

Lecture as performance


performing arts

32 theater studies view

Notes as performance Theory as/of Performance

(Karin Beck, Elsbeth Böninger & Norbert Klassen)

the black drawer

(chapter in Victoria Best & Peter Collier)

Performance art as pre-art (Z. Warpechowski)

Encyclopedic delusion Philosophical and metaphysical concepts

Forms of organizing and executing culture


(Eva Fuhrer, Janet Haufler, Vereana Schwab, Jürgen Fritz, Norbert Klassen, Stefan Kurt, Charles Richardson, Matthew McGuire, Andrea Morein)

(Black Market)

Theatrical scenes

Movement theater (LE)

(Atty Bax)

Socio-cultural roots

Performativity as the constitutive feature of all cultures Performatively negotiating and establishing culture

the function of performance within a culture (M. Carlson) The culture is the body The secrecy of body codes

cultural performances

Culture-forming energy of performance

culturally engaged performances

The simultaneity of high & low (critical art and pop)

Context-conscious strategies: surprise, alienation, distortion, ... de-formations

Three-dimensional narrations

+Performance as socially marked role play Performance as social practice +Performance as ritual +Performance as mimesis

(A. Artaud)

... What is commonplace is torn from its familiar context, subjected to incongruous examinations

Poor theater – what is left is the body (W. Pfaff)

Theatrical staging (Knopp-Ferro & Frank Köllges) (Günfer Cölgecen) (Dan Senn) (Stuart Sherman) (Böröcz & Révész) (Yolanda Segura) ( Angelica Schubert)

(lt. Zakravsky)

The grand gesture as performance

(Julian Beck, Judith Malina, Kenneth Brown)

(being flown in by helicopter, nothing else). Environmental Theatre

Theater of deconstruction

gestures (3)

Performance as a representation of circumstances +Performance as theater

(Richard Schechner)

Object theater

concept theatre

Simulating the conditions of the surroundings Performance = Transformation of a situation (J.-F. Lyotard on Daniel Buren)

Performance in the courtroom

Portable park project

The living theatre

Theatricality: "Grand Gesture" (Mattieu)

Kazuhiro Nishijima)

Experimental theater

non-narrative, non-discursive, non-mimetic performance

Poor theater (proximity to performance) Paratheatrical actions = cultural investigations (Grotowski)

theatric performance (Adina Bar-on, Karen Finlay,

Turning away from the object: stressing the process within a context (Bonnie Sherk)

+Performance as memory theater

action theater

(Sam Ashley)

Experimental actions (2)

+Performance as ritual +Performance as catharsis Performance as drive analysis Performance as form of action in therapeutic praxis

Absurd Theater

"Theater" was an important starting point for the Viennese Actionists

(La Fura Dels Baus, La Gaia Scienza)

Theatrically drastic productions (Paul McCarthy)

(Hejettes Szolyazok: bathing situation beach) (Stadtwerkstatt: weather building)

(Category 06 according to M.-L. Lange)

Polycontextuality (BN)

Performance as act of positing meaning +Performance as interpretation (BN)

religious acts

Theater as event

The idea of the situation

01 contextual view

(Kim Jones) (Ronaldo Ruiz)

Cognitions with the same or similar emotional hue tend to conjoin into emotion-specific separate worlds (in the sense of the logic of anger, anxiety, mourning or joy ...)

(H. Sowa)

Theater of circumstances

Mental state corresponding to the situation (caution, tensely aware or relaxed)

(Lili Fischer)

Gray ascribes a coding effect and integrative function to all emotions for cognitive contents

Practical performative hermeneutic deduction

Extreme theater Viennese Actionists)


Cf.. field terms

Performance as Process

Cruel healing through theater

Kneipp cure & Performance

Theater of the situation

(Siglinde Kallnbach, Black Market & W. Preisinger) (Jörg Lenzinger & Patrick Sidler) (High Red Center) (Brecht)

exceptional places


churches, ...

Situative experiments Situative performative emergence of work

(Situationist International)

situationist event See: Montage

(Roman Signer) (Renee Kolla)

(Rolf Hinterecker)

naked in church against the rite (Mette Aare)

Performance as situative production Performance as situative experiment +Performance as culture-forming presentation (BN) Performance as a border, a margin (M. Carlson)

Fluxus (2)

remaining in the present

the Fluxus movement emanated from music, among other things Musique sonore

string installations

(Joachim Montessuis)

(Paul Panhuysen)

taking care of the right atmosphere and thus also for the right thinking

trance as script

acoustic design as rhythmization of the event

(Jacques van Poppel)


the incredible power of music and rhythm repeatability of staged performances (Lili Fischer, Laurie Anderson)

performing art (2)

music and video art

theory of the moment

staged events (2)

in imitation of mudmans

Production of presence (LE)

Ritual Theater (Hanna Barbara)

Cultures of the performative Role of contextuality (for significance)


(Antoni Miralda)

control & mimetic distance (theatre) /vs/ physical awareness of the performative situation

Plurimedia theater (LE)

theatrically inspired hybrid performance

Breadman (head bound with bread)

Performance as culture-forming presentation (s.r.)

(Giuseppe Desiato) (Nitsch OM Theater)

Against religious symbols (Ulrike

Rituals as a means for dealing with crises Allegorical processions (celebration art)

(BAK-Truppen (many open elements))

(Tatsumi Orimoto)

(Boris Nieslony)

religious feelings

Catholic mass as model of the theater religious rituals as material procession as performance

Performance as Exorcism

Montage performance (montage techniques)

Performativity as the operationality of information (Lit.: Lyotard)

Anti-mimetic theater

(Performing Resistance)

(Ian Hinchliff)

(Ethnologist: Milton Singer)

(Vito Acconci) (Vasan Sitthiket) (M. Schwaighofer)

With the means of invisible theater

A new association of opera, performance and theater results

(Tadashi Suzuki)

(Joan Jonas, Tina Girouard, James Luna, Yolanda Segura)

Exorcism – liberation from personal grief/suffering

Performative theater Dream theater

(Also see: story telling)


From writing culture to culture as performance

cultural performance

Performer are tricksters and clowns

Narrative Performance

(Monica Klingler, Theater am Montag, STOP.P.T. Norbert Klassen, EX!T Elke Schmidt, Tilo Schwarz, Gob Squad)

performance theater

Energetic theater (Lyotard): Not a theater of meanings, but rather of intensities ... post-dramatic energetics

(Erika Fischer-Lichte)

01 culture theory view

(Ruth Geiersberg, Elizabeth Le Compte, Jürgen Raap, Schechner: The performance garage, Ron Vawter, CARKA, Norbert Klassen, Studio Azzuro)



"performative turn" in the cultural sciences (FL) Avant-gardist isms were superseded by ideas and contexts (PB)

Revealing evil and exorcising it. Total possession (in the performance)

(cf.. Black Market) (Bruce Nauman)

Semantic routes on the Net

(Margaret Dragu)


poetic theatre

(Text: Rob La Frenais) (Cf.. Symp. Steir. Herbst)

Dynamic theater

(Unio mystica)

(Linda Montano "Mitchell´s Death")

Computer as theater of memory (research project)


(Renate Bertlmann) (Brian Catling)

(Bremer, Spoerri)

(religious) ceremonies of the Indians

(e.g. Catholic liturgy)

liturgy (H. Nitsch) (cult of the new eve)

religious ecstasy

/vs/ ecstasy

Role of the clown (BN) Performer as clown

Philosophical terminal (2)

These forms of action tell stories and are based on a clear concept of staging.

The reduplicated event is always a farce (Mersch)

Post-Dramatic Theater



the moment of the living process (vs. reproduced process)

staging (2)


Theater as process (LE)

goes directly back to shamans (dirt)

rituals on Hawaii

interactive processuality of cultural actions

objects from the Catholic Cf..: contemplation

Sense & madness

Practical character of carrying out acts of meaning: meaning is acting/doing (Sowa)


Turn to the performative act (instead of the well formed message)

(Christiane König)

Culture as performance

cultural history view

Avoidance of narrative structures

(book: Hans-T. Lehmann (LE))

Performance and theater artists Theatrical productions


theater is at heart a death mass

mudmans Seminars (2)

(Charlemagne Palestine)

praxis paradigm (cf. praxeology on Wittgenstein)

memoria theater

Situative investigations (ARGE Kulturtheorie Linz)

Giving what may be found in madness

(Cf.. Stadtwerkstatt-TV study)

Performance as theater of memory (see below) Theater as memory space

Which recursive effects do changes in communication (due to new media) have on "old media" such as Queer Theaters theater, music, fine arts?

Programmatic texts: (BN) Reindeer Werk, Todays Place, Prediction, Minus delta t, Büro Berlin, polarpuls Art d´Ameublement, Kunoldtstraße 34, Bazillus, Programmpapiere kleiner Ausstellungsraum, Das Konzil 1981, Strategiepapiere des Fördervereins für Projektkunst, Die Stifter, ASA European, Black Market International, ...)

(Tokio Maruyama)

Content-based methods

Scope of action in between terms


(Category 12 according to M.-L. Lange)

See also: dance performance movement view

Cath. rituals

cf. identity view

(see below)

(Ines Tsengas)

(De Chirico & Angelika Thomas)

(Jürgen Fritz) (Goji Hamada)

cult action

(cf. Gestures, Attitudes)

Performance as staging (LE)

process and not finished result

ritual and emotion using the example of mourning

mourning-depression system logic of mourning

ceremony art

(Karen Finley)

Narratively structured performance

(Serapiostheater, Bak-Truppen, Wooster Group, SRL, La Fura dels Baus, ATEM Group)

theater view Performance as trans-genre or anti-genre within art studies

(cf.. service)

Poetic performance

Theater WuWei

(LE) A theatricalization may be observed in performance art

The council

Art jury as performance

ceremony / processions


(Ruth Knecht)

performance ritual (Karin Bille, Jürgen Fritz, Thilo Hain, Walter Renner)


rites of initiation blessings

Performance = consciously dreaming

(Cf.. essay by Dan Graham on Giulio Camillos) Cf.. (Lili Fischer, Franz Prieler) (Donna Lewis) (Diva – Cabaret: Marlene Madison Plimley, Mernie Le Plested, Alvin Erasgo Tolentino, Lori Weidenhammer)

the intentional view "presentation" (BN)

Performance archive

ritual sculpture

primary demonstrations

artistic action /vs/ artistic production

ritualized performance (Rebecca Belmore)

cultural pattern ritual

poetry of rites

Performance as drive analysis (and art analysis) (Via Lewandowsky)

Dissolution of the semantic obligation, honest performance! (BN)

Cabaret as performance?

Hedonism: a philosophy of performance art

Performance as presentation

(Ute Ritschel)

Cultures of the performative (FL)

(Oszeus Labyrint: Mark Steger & Hannah Sim)

cabaret performance

PAM: Performance analysis method

(Turner, Milton Singer) (Fischer-Lichte)

This performances are targeted to: confrontation, irritation of sense, disjunction, interruption and dismantling of familiar semantic contexts. It is a matter of "an upsetting of order", of the destruction of traditional rhythms and flows of meaning.

(Klaus Rinke, Michael Schmidt, Endre Tot, Yasunori Shiobara, Ruggero Maggio, Lee Chang-Shik Park)

ritual as means for coping with crises

performance as ritual (see below) ritual actions (Thomas de Chirico) ritual performance art (Réné Ynez)

Sacrificial rituals (Max Dean) ritual performance (M. Abramovic): crucifixion scenes "The lips of St. Thomas" carving, fertility rituals whipped, naked on cross of ice blocks (Hermann Nitsch) (she stages herself as sacrifice) cultic actions artistic Easter piece (crucifixion situations) mass (Cheri Gaulke) religious attitudes (Jerzy Berés) aesthetic way of praying Artist as "sacrifice"

Mourning depression system fear of abandonment system

Semantic, philological and etymological instruments

Philosophy of the act (Hagakure)

(the jury: U. Wid, Die Fabrikanten, G. Dirmoser, Neuner, et al.)


(Translation TRANSITION Transformation – PSi7)

the essence of the ritual is the tie, the plea

exchange projects

Performance as form of action in therapeutic praxis

(Verena Kraft & Kurt Petz) (Mike Kelly / Paul McCarthy)

Content aspects of performance (arrangement)

(Category 11 according to M.-L. Lange or Inge Baxmann respectively)

Choreography as danced theory (Jerome Bel)

(Also see: networks)

seminars (2)

performatively negotiating culture (FL)

(J.Lothar Schröder)

Deconstruction performances

Philosophy lecturer

Performance conferences

(Thomas Huber, Andrea Fraser) (John Bock) (Bazon Brock)

performance as rituals of transition, of transformation

Orgies-Mysteries Theater

(Luca Patella)

(Nick Land)

(Xavier Le Roy, Mike Hentz)


31 content view

Performance as representation of facts (s.r.)

(Adrian Piper)

Wheelchair performances (Krüppelschlag/Just Merrit) Sex in a wheelchair (Bilderwerfer: Conny Scheuer, Elisabeth Löffler)

Cover performances

storytelling (2)

Theme of death (Markus Schwaighofer) (Gianfranco Baruchello) (Mary Noéle Dupuis)

Naked, all hair shaved off in a tree – no story, no plot (end of time)

As a principle, B.M. is an exploration of attention (3) Attention as accuracy

Experimentally assembling circumstances (BN)

mental derangement

(Jan Swiedzinski)

Reaching the density of the mythical (Wilson)

(Kraft/Petz) (René Schmalz (Butoh))

Everyday stories

(John Duncan)

Ultimate performance: (lethal performance as model) (Marco Ivaristtis kills animals to provoke reactions from the audience)

Philosophy in "action" (G. Raunig)

Philosophical database (Mike Hentz)

Performative science

(G. Bruckschweiger)

(see below)

ritualizing everyday actions performativity of rituals

the gift

pain & Purification (Verena Schwab) catharsis Performance as catharsis (cf.. below) cultic purification (Alastair MacLennan) self-purification

mental and physical disability

(Grahame Davis)

Wilson's theater is neomythical

The performative as primary characteristic of contemporary, but especially "postmodern" art production (D. Mersch) (action, performance, installation, environment and event art, but also gestural painting)

32 philosophical view

performativity discourse theater theory theater studies dramatic discourse art theory philosophy postmodern discourse nomadology discourse deconstructivism discourse performance studies performance theory

(Jill Orr)

Embalming of a chicken

cf. Fakirs

Concept art of the 60s - body art (K. Rinke) performance as mimesis

action music

acoustic environment

course of events time process of becoming image

rules of operations and permutations

(Maria Fisahn)

Performance art with its radical assertion of real time as time experienced in common (LE) performative perception of time game rules ritual (see left) material ordered in

long-term performances (Das Konzil, Nieslony, Alastair MacLennan, B.M., Bodo Berheide, Robert Sot) (Matthias Jakisch & Elvira Santamaria, Ulrich Lepka)

changes and dynamics / dynamic processes

course co-determined with thread (Jordan MacKensie)

(Alastair MacLennan)

ritual presentation of objects

(Gina Pane, H. Nitsch)

medical performance

dynamic way of looking at psychical processes


performers do not play a "role"

(Clegg & Guttmann)

Therapeutic acting out

Purifying power of ritualized pain

Performance of Healing

Theater in therapeutic pedagogy

(Ron Athey) (cf. Mishima)

moment art (2)

subversive simulation of platitudes

moved innerly through perception of music/sound/rhythms ritual music


(Linda Montano & Tehching Hsieh) (3 days: Linda Montano & Tom Marioni) (7 years of living art: Montano) (1 yr. cage, 1 yr. stamping, 1 yr. no interior space Tehching Hsieh) cf. Taxi Orange

course of process

(Ruskin Stichting, Rotraut Pape, u.a.)

(Reindeer Werk)

"holy" reality of the body

church service as performance (USA)

30 therapeutic view disability view

St.Sebastian – pierced sacrificial lamb

memento mori

Sex with the Dead

Myths of the world

(Jonathan Meese)

Media, myths, fairy tales

(Cf.. also: Rainer Ganahl - education complex)

Cf. service view

Archaically poetic (Lee Wen)

(Rachel Rosenthal, Meredith Monk)


forms of culture (forms of expression)

automatism processed objects

see identity

prediction (2)

slowing down time reducing energy

view of duration: chained together 1 year

(Performing Resistance)

p-theory as theories of behavior

Forms of therapy as analytical "session" Therapeutic action (intention of body art)

See: psychoanalytical view Butoh therapy (Mitsutaka Ishii)

(event or object reminiscent of death) / memorial rite (James Lee Byaars: performed his death) (A. Heller: laying out of self) Death Meditations (Nina Wise) Political remembrance of the dead (Balint) Made up like a corpse (Shaun Caton)

emotionality through live presentation

(Ingold airlines: Res Ingold) (Philippe Cuny u.a.: Protoplast) (Abel Bankprojekt) (FEM-Warenzeichen) (Bender & Nern)

(U. Wid, A. Fraser)

forms of the course of attention

see: communication concepts

cf.. Stadtwerkstatt-TV cf.. Taxi Orange

allowed to play along (being part of the game)

artist as (participating) behavior researcher

living prediction

see: M.-L. Lange categorized performances according to action structures

short performance (very long performances are hardly prepared anymore today)

immediacy (nothing can be taken back) / Live character Performance takes place in the "here and now"

structures of action see also: performance as action

process design (see study Stadtwerkstatt-TV)

forms of interaction

e.g. simulation of an office

role view

(Majida Khattari)

artist as skeptical anthropologist (PB) (BieferZgraggen)

Forms of therapy that make use of performance techniques

(Just Merrit)

(Reindeer Werk)

mythic material

Mythologization of the self

a radical alternative to the modernist text paradigm. (George) (Cf. performative turn) academic performance (Marvin Carlson)

(Lygia Clark)

(Manfred Vänci Stirnemann)

performance as mimicry of business

social and religious identity (Islam)

threshold situations (in the course of events view)

short processes, swarm of processes

live art

mimicry of life

performance as socially marked role play (see below)

(Cindy Sherman)

Body dismemberment & violence / body fragmentation in performance

direct recourse to shamans

Presence of the deviant body triggering "immoral" fascination, discomfort or anxiety because it deviates from the norm due to illness, handicap or deformation

Fear-angst system

you need a role to become yourself

religious view / art (performance) as substitute for religion?

artist as anthropologist (Tokio Maruyama) (Nieslony) (David Thomas)


(Gideon Gechtman) (Peter Gilles) (Hannah Wilke – her dying body)

Archaic and culture Archaic, Butoh (Gérald Personnier)

Archaic elements in performances

Personal mythologies

Performance appears today as a possible philosophical paradigm;

(M. Abramovic)

ethnographic performances – following traces

mudman's seminars


neurotic rituals – intensity of a hysterical psychosis

Like a stone-age man (Jerzy Beres)

Prerational logic of mythical image worlds

Ritual sculpture

(Rolf Langebartels, Vollrad Kutscher)

Therapeutic seances


Pain, death, transitoriness, rebirth

Galvanized into the symbolic

Rooted in old myths

(See also: rituals) (Moira Roth, Carolee Schneemann)


Death and the beautiful shaman

performative generation of belonging selling snowballs

see also: process from the view of artistic production

live performance

mimicry It is how it is – the illusion

(Norbert Klassen insisted on it for B.M.; but he is the only one with a score)

classic texts are also underlaid with pop understandings (sensation of rhythm) (LE)

performance clips

Clip Performance (Pipilotti Rist)



live acting

see also: mimicry of life

musical score (Kaprow)

direct time-images (Klaus Rinke)

(cf..: view of the musical score)

(Prof. A. Riethmüller)

circular form of time (Giardini Pensili = Bordoni & Dalo)

sound, music, score, composition

innermusical performativity – music as a sui generis performative, physically staged phenomenon

What is staged, random and composed coincide (Akio Suzuki & Junko Wada)

ephemeral art

(Roman Signer)

cf. pragmatic hermeneutic turn

role view

theological view

(Nikolaus Lang) Mudman (Kim Jones) (Young-Chul Shim)

Spiritist session

Model of cannibalism

28 pragmatistic view

29 anthropological view / ethnological view

notions of times

performative sound sites (spatial music)

musical performativity

Performances action scores

others: Jon Rose , Christian Marclay ZAJ (Walter Marchetti, Juan Hidalgo, Ramón Barce , Esther Ferrer) Z´EV, Ian Smith FUCKKEAD, Anne Bean Paul Burwell, Sam Ashley Nancy Buchanan Richard Maxfield Endre Szkárosi Grundheber CAP Jörn Luther , Misa Savic Krzystof Zarebski, Irit Bluzer, Helena Villalobos Mark Trayle, Bender&Nern Pauline Oliveros

(B. Leitner)

performative level of pop music

(category 03 according to M.-L. Lange)

(Judith Barry)

(Endre Tót)

Performance as the processual, flowing

cf. strong boom of process view in business administration and informatics since about 1996 Primacy of the process

(cf. Michael Lingner, Eva Sturm)

(Thomas de Chirico)

(Ion Grigorescu)

Trance states (Helmut Schober) (Serge Pey)

(Terry Fox)

(Lygia Clark) anthropophagy (Judith Lorena Mendez Barrios)

Creation myth

mythological structures ritualized and myth-related performance


Trance techniques

(Magos, Stuart Brisley)

see also: intercultural exchange in performance

ethnological material

(John Sturgeon)

Performance as the transient, flowing, ...

Crossings-Schema: Jonas, Forti, Charlemagne Palestine L. Anderson. Haimsohn Beckley, Kubisch Fabrizio Plessi Albrecht D (ZEN) Jannis Kounellis Lentz, Dunlap, Tom Marioni

acoustically dynamic space perception

physique of the voice in architectonic spatializing

(Klaus Rinke, Ralston Farina, Ruedi Schill, Sakiko Yamaoka, Peter Kalmus, Michael Murin)

26 temporal view

action with a fuse

(David Hammons)

(BN) performance is directed against blind faith in progress

(Nelly Agassi)

Performer as modern shaman Performer as modern witch Completely out of control

Transformation as aesthetic category (FL)

Transformation through magical procedures: costumes, masks

time as medium

Postdramatic theater performance accentuate the act over the result (LE)

process-oriented art / process-oriented procedure

pragma-art (action and process instead of contemplatio)

the spiritual / the holy

Performances with/as/to music (Urs-Peter Schneider)

temporal view of performance design

view of the act

(Ray Langenbach)

(Ulrike Rosenbach)

Shamanist qualities

Shamanist journey multimedia (Rachel Rosenthal)

(Jean Odermatt)

(Boris Nieslony)

(Dieter Appelt)

Kabalistic references

700 BICAPONIA-Performances

(Anna Homler)

time art

endless repetitions

process art

27 process view

Performance art often moves in a discursive gap

religious themes

symbolic actions (as precursor of performance)

performative generation of distinctions, i.e. separations and congruencies of social groups (Gebauer with Bourdieu)

as rituals of a private shamanist religion

(Jürgen Raap) (Kevin Mortensen)

Literature: (... continued)

Performance und Performance Art / Kunstf. Bd. 96 G.J. Lischka Beitrag: Schneisen im Heuhaufen – Formen von Performance-Art Marie-Luise Lange Critical theory and performance (book) Patrice Pavis Jürgen Schilling / Aktionskunst (book) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! B. Stanton Garner / Bodied Spaces: Phenomenology and Performance Nick Kaye / Postmodernism and Performance (book) ! David George / On Ambiguity: Towards a Post-Modern Performance Theory (article) Laurence Senelick / Cabaret Performance Stan Godlovitch / Musical Performance: a philosophical study Philip Auslander / From Acting to Performance (essay) Vadim Liapunov, Michael Holquist / Towards a Philosophy of the Act (book) (on Bakhtin et al.) Richard Schechner / Performance Theory (book) Patrice Pavis (Ed.) / The Intercultural Performance Reader (book) Michel Benamou / Presence and Play, Performance in Postmodern Culture Mise en Scéne (catalogue) Markus Weßendorfer (theater theoretician also writes on performance) Elisabeth Schweeger Hans-Thiess Lehmann (lecture) / Theater als Möglichkeitsraum Performance Theory and Practice (PSi7)

images of social community as performance

(German Vinogradov)


Aboriginal myths


Topicalizing relationship (G. Magos & Corinne Tache) (Inka Bernstein & Club Hofmann) (Lorena Menoez & Fernando Fuentes, Birchler & Hubbard)

process demonstration

Film, Music & Performance

Pragmatism as culture studies paradigm (cf. Gertrud Koch) Performativity as the "more pleasing variation"

social "face" as highest good (honor, integrity, recognition and not just tolerance) /vs/ loss of face) initiation

affects as energy suppliers and organizers of social space


Aleatoric sound and aesthetics of duration movement performances (J. Cage, Merce Cunningham) ongoing performance: the question of plagiarism Audio-Landscape (Wilson) (Timm Ulrichs) 60s: real bodies in real time in real space "Time based art“ also includes video and new media

(Ralston Farinas) (Michael Murin & Peter Kalmus)

performativity as creating identity as a process of repeated quotation

performative moment staying on the road

view of the musical score

emotional impact of the medium of film

time units for the event

(category 08 according to M.-L. Lange)

community performance art

offering a "different" filmic view of the performance

film time and event

performative levels in pop music

J. Beuys' actions as sculptures in space and time

aesthetic social guest work (PB)


cf. Instant Intervention

(Tache & Magos)

Dance of Transgender (Hunter Reynolds & Pattina du Prey)

(John Jesurun, Valie Export, ...)

dis-curs (running back & forth)

social sculpturing method


time based art

filmmakers as performers (and vice versa)

B&W films as material demarcating reality (Helmut Schober)

Identity as performance

(Labin Art Express)

cycling all over the neighborhood (Kirsten Forkert)

moment art

Performance without movement (seeing with the body ...) dance as competitive sport (A. Périgot) dance & martial art (Li Portenlänger)

(Gabriele Oßwald & Wolfgang Sautermeister)

(Enrico Bugli) film and shadow (Anet van de Elzen) (Gelatin)

performative sculptures

Performativity as the act of positing meaning permanently repeating itself

(Sistermann, Christine Kubisch, David Moss, Chie Mukai, Endre Szkarosi, Michel Asso, Bonnie Barnett, Leigh Hobba, Luca Miti, Maxime Rioux, Marianne Schuppe, Attila Dora, Tibor Szemzö)

In plunging and elevation, pain dance theater intensifies, shifts, and provocative erotic, the invents movement impulses and question is posed with Nietzsche body gestures (LE) of the "dancing god" (LE) cf. Life Art / Live Works

performance behind running projection

(Alan Finneran)

Smith combined film and cinema slide

the exhibited discourse

social sculpture

(J. Beuys) (Volker Hamann) (Bruno Hoffmann)

(Viennese Actionism)

Smeared with earth

(Hanka Lee) (Katharina Trost) (Aktion im Moor – J.Beuys)

Machine: stream of fire/stream of water

attacking social mechanisms (V. Acconci)

(mobilizing spiritual forces) (Rolf Hinterecker) (Geert Duintjer) (Anna Homler) (Raphael Montanez Ortiz) (Nam June Paik) (J. Beuys) (Brian D. Tripp) (Kim Suck-Hwan) (Yong-Gu Shin)

Alchemistic laboratory Alchemy of the ordinary life-art-work Gotthard

(Erik Hobijn)

pair performances (Marina Abramovic & Ulay)


The body as canvas

View of the elements (fire, earth, water, air, ...) Cf. identity view

performance as social experiment

Animism (cult of the soul)

With and about fire ...

cultural anthropology structuralism (discourse) myth discourse literature discourse deconstructivism memory theories

performance as social situation


(Jack Smith, John Latham, Valie Export, Peter Weibel)

(series "dis-positiv“ Vienna 05.2000) see:

performative self (the self in process)


Theater is the art of the social per se (LE)

(Jürgen Fritz)

relationship per se

Laying open - sacrifice - shamanism (Jappe) The body as magic sculptural Shamanism and animism object with cathartic effect (Z. Warpechowski) (Serge Pey)

(Kain Karawahn, Otto Piene, Stadtwerkstatt, Young-Chul Shim)) (Holger G. Hermann, Thomas Ruller, Lukas Berchtold) Panic in burning paper tent (Igor Sacharow-Ross) Fire circles (Zorka Ságlová) flame thrower (Just Merrit) Fire & water (János Szirtes) , (SRL), (L. Berchthold) Fire theater, live flame (A. Heller) Incinerating rare plants (Terry Fox) Fire Table(s) (Ric Allsopp) In a burning tank under water (Harrie de Kroon) Recipient in a burning gyrator (times up/Just Merrit) Burning clothing piece by piece (Barbara Sturm)

Cosmological view

(Pino Poggi) (Karin Meiner & Manfred Hammes)

(Holger G. Herrmann)

Self-painting (G. Brus) White man (Roi Vaara) White men (T.R. Uthco: Dough Hall, Jody Procter, Brus, Yong-Gu Shin) Yellow man (Lie Wen) Camouflage painting (V. Kutscher) Like spotted animals (Mette Aare) (art incube)

(A. Artaud)

Cultural Sciences Black Culture Theory Cultural Studies (discourse) Cultural History Context-conscious Theories Neo-situationism Discourse Postmodern Discourse

social researcher

quasi-mythical places

Ritual and shamanist performances

Outsiders are in-between beings

dance articulates energy / everything in dance is gesture

Factory of the Excentric Actor (Eisenstein)

(GANG ART) see:

music performance

Dance Noise (Anne Iobst, Lucy Sexton)

Dance&Performance activists

aesthetics of speed

(Kyung Ja-Na)

B.M. is performative

performativity of feelings

(Recombinant 9.9.99 ars electronica Posthof – all halls)

(Joel Hubaut) (DilettantenOrchester Linz)

(L. feLugossy)

travel art – capturing moments

sound Performance

comprehensive concert/ performance/installation

concert performance

between rock music and scenic collages

(Gabriel Magos, Corinne Tache)

(Eva Hurley)

(Performing Resistance, Volkstanz, Gettoattack – Vienna)

slow motion-like movements (Wilson) slowness (Wolfgang Duck) (Min Tanaka)

TV projection (daily news) combined with dirges (Dr. Walter Siegfried)

gestic research using film (Valentina Baradinone, Gelatin)

stories run in the monitor cap

A performative moment has been important to many art works since the 70s

gender: a category constructed through performance (not a given social or cultural attribute) gender = a "doing“

(John Tylo) (Jochen Gerz) (Dimitri Alithinos)

Performance in motion – Resistance in motion

audio performance

(Benoit Maubrey & Brodin – Audio Gruppe)

travelling as performance

Photo: Moment catcher – Performance travelling images of feelings

sound performance

(Alanna O´Kelly, Akio Suzuki, Junko Wada, Peter Zegveld, Harry de Wit, Toine Horvers, Phill Niblock, Jens Brand, Savier Klaro, Stadtwerkstatt)

(Schimpfluch) (Zoltan Szabo - Judoka)

body as projection surface for films (Carolee Schneemann) (Sowa)

A case study for the overlap between performativity and performance



the only medium with real quality is every other human being (BN) a performance is capable of creating "communitas"

pity / social feelings

From action to transformation

Stalker (as concept)

(Boris Nieslony, Norbert Klassen, McCarthey, Joan Jonas, Franco Vaccari, Allan Sekula, Artur Tajber)

filming partner (Carolee Schneemann's friend) Anthony Cox: husband of Yoko Ono)

centrality of performance in the construction and maintenance of social relationships

see: the performance of the body (performativity)

(John Malpede)

hexis/habitus as a series of performative practices

actions with job-seekers, unemployed

actions with concrete goals (Lidl-Academy)

(Zygmunt Piotrowski)

Ritual (2)

(Gordon Matta-Clark 17 Films) (Walter Pamminger)

performative speech act

social performativity of gender (burning 1 Mill Engl. pounds)

economical and social plots

social performance

social action (Tom Marioni) social actions (Roland Miller)

See also: Theological View

30 magical view

(Nelly Agassi)

performativity of language view of orality

(Kurt Kren (on Otto Muehl, G. Brus))

Performative turn in theoretical discourse

Orlan´s "Reincarnation“ project:

persons, homeless, prisoners (STWST) (Filomeno Fusco, Victor Kégli) (Santiago Serra) magic ritual (BN) (approach to) ritual performances (Category 04 according to M.-L. Lange)

Mask / masking (cf.. identity) masquerade

Die Grube und das Pendel (article in: Relikte & Sedimente / Rob La Frenais Kontextbewußte Ansätze in Kunst und Wissenschaft / G. Dirmoser (DG) Gotthard Günther (on polycontextuality) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Victoria Best & Peter Collier (Ed.) / Powerful Bodies – Performance in French Cultural Studies !! Guy Debord / Rapport zur Konstruktion von Situationen Kenneth Burke Dwight Conquergood Victor Turner Erika Fischer-Lichte / 01.99 Kulturen des Performativen (Sonderforschung BRD) Erika Fischer-Lichte / Vom Text zur Performance – Der „performative turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften (FL)

(femininity: Sakiko Yamaoka)

social behavior as performance (Goffman)

social performance

view of transformation


vocabulary of movement

motoric movements otherwise not "used" (Simone Forti) electroacoustic clothing (Vol. 136, 137 Kunstforum) (B. Maubrey) travelling as global presence (Eva & Adele) Green line walk (Die Fabrikanten)

Travel Art

(audio group, Jens Brand, Sam Ashley, H.-J. Gilgen, Orquestra del Caos, N. Möslang & Andy Guhl, Noah Riskin, Gerrit de Vries, Richard Dunlap)

live electronic musical instruments interactive sound performance

juggling with repertoire of movement

Emotion from lat. Motio = movement / anger-irritation logic / fear or anger logic obsessed with speed

under water performance (Angie Hiesl)

Stadtwerkstatt-TV projects as performance (4 Days of Buffalo) / Ars electronica "no one is sure of himself“ Automaten TV etc.

(long String Quartett, Terry Fox, C. Marclay, Andrea Sodomka, Sarah Marrs, Takehisa Kosugi, Joan La Barbara)

atmosphere mood disposition

(Monica Klingler)

movement performance (Eva Hurley)

movement behavior

Butoh see above (Kazuo Ohno) SU-EN Butoh Co. (Susanna Akerlund)

movements as depiction of fundamental human states

hyperdance (Min Tanaka)

Theater resembles a kinetic sculpture


gestures of conducting (as performance)

(Carolee Schneemann, Flatz, Jill Orr, Peter Brambring, Butoh, Il Carrozzone...) (Charlotte Moorman „sky kiss“) (Kees Mol) (Sankai Juku) (Bob Flanagan) (Jan MlCoch) (Danny Devos – hanging in magic places) (Mark Steger – hanging in trees) (Robert Sot – in a wreath of plants) (Hadass Ophrat & Guy Brieler)

(Carlo E. Lischetti)

Architecture-Performance & Film

see also: tableaux vivant

mimetic-gestic aspects of music

Performance with Sound

the emotional role of music for diverse rituals / creating basic atmospheres through music

gestic view

(Christine Brodbeck: TP-founder in CH (Tanz pur)) movement theater (Petra Deus, Klara Schilliger, Laura Dean) acoustic performance (Katja Fleig & Seijiro Murayama) see also: course of events view (Jeanette Yankian "Aorta“) (Company Catherine Contour) see also: view of the musical score (Anna Halprin, Robin Poitras, Gabriele von Scheidt, Silvia Buol, electroacoustic performance Maren Strack, Genevieve Fallet) (Mia Zabelka) study of basic types of (Honey and Milk: Dora Kiss, human movements F. und Joel Mützenberg) (B. Nieslony, Franz West, E. Wurm) (Mim Miriam King, Steve Paxton, Andrea Morein, lying, standing, sitting, ... Dorothea Rust, Yoshimichi Takei, (Lee Chang-Shik Park) Sound sculpture Mari Tanikawa, Mona Kosa, Hanna Barbara, (Mel Henderson, Paul Kos, Nigel Charnock (Ex: DV8), Kim Hyun-Ju, movement research Tom Marioni) Kim Young-Won, Bilderwerfer (D. Aschwanden), (Skip Flicker) Simon Whitehead, Hae Kyung Lee)

moving Sculpture

hanging, floating, ...

(Nam June Paik & Charlotte Moorman) (Friederike Pezold) (Douglas Davis) touching the inside of the TV


(Matthew Barney)

expanded cinema (as method: USA => A) masculinity/femininity as cultural performance

performance as social, political strategy

see also: political view

Van Gogh TV (Live and real time television / Multimedia performance Hotel pompino)

filming actions

encroachment / infiltrated situation

(Cabinet De Medicine)

performance as social practice (see below)

therapeutic discourseg gestalt therapy psychodrama / psycho-techniques primal scream therapy system theory dance theory alchemy, hermetics esoteric debates / New Age discourse psychology

filmed performances

(analysis model for the specific performativity of the genre "dialogue")

infiltrating hospitals as doctor

social view

Video eliminates the necessity of appearing before an audience

Smith repeatedly treats his films for performances)

performative understanding

(Günther Wallraff, Karel Dudesek) (Gianni Motti)

see also: culture-theoretical view

29 socio-logical view

TV performance

(Skip Flicker) (Devil´s Chauffeur – Roger Ely)

(Bonnie Marranca, Conquergood Dwight,

space can only be performatively experienced as space

see: performative form of insight of the physical body

(works by Jack Smith) (Sam Taylor-Wood)

(Black Market) (Jack Smith – Retrospective Graz 1999

cf.. pragmatic-hermeneutic turn

Performativity as new perspective / the dominance of textuality is penetrated

see: performative pedagogy

(2) video performance

Dettwiler, Bettina Grossenbacher & N. Widauer, Suzanne Joly, Jerzy Onuch, Klara Schillinger & Valerian Maly, Alex Silber, Maciej Toporowicz, Jaime Vallaure, Jürg Schmoll, Benni Efrat, Anna Bring, Gillian Dyson, Anna Winterler, Jochen Gerz, Gelatin)

film-specific performance styles

filming performers

Fischer-Lichte, ....)

Performance is less a new form of art than a new paradigm, it stands less for a new phenomenon than for a new consideration of familiar phenomena (David E.R. George 1996)

The tempo of the film cut is brought into theater (LE)

camera replaces audience (restrictive presentation conditions)

(Andy Warhol)

playing in video generates the interference of differing time rhythms

Conquergood: involving a shift from viewing "the world as text“ to "the world as performance“

discourse view

Performance as a concept in ethnography, anthropology, sociology and psychology

(historical) anthropology ethnology theology / New Age discourse theater anthropology ethnography performance studies ethnography cultural anthropology sociology and performance sociological discourse exotism discourse tribalism debate (tribal culture) structuralism discourse (game rules of art)

These aspects used to be treated under the theme of communication concepts (see below) criticism: communication and information theory have forgotten performance

28 performativity as view

Theory as/of Performance


private filmic actions

projecting "home movies“

Performance = significant theoretical framework

performativity of the social system (Lit.: Lyotard)

(Sergei Eisenstein's concept)

(Anna Bring)

(Nigel Rolfe)

(Sonia Knox, Marcel Odenbach, Elizabeth Chitty, Dan Graham, Peter Land, Iimura, Ulrike Rosenbach, Dance: having the Martha Rosler, Joan Jonas, hands "in play" Aernout Mik, Douglas Davis, Takahiko Iimura, John Jerusun Aernout Mik, Malgorzata Potocka, John Wood & Paul Harrison, dance with the Internet Jean Otth, F. Pezold, Dennis Oppenheim, (Stelarc) Lydia Schouten, Joelle Ciona, Erik

montage of attractions collages of events

using the quality of illusion

body in motion (Robert Morris)

Theater of gestures and movements

Performance is closely linked to montage; its flaw is that it is a much younger step-brother to film (BN)

film performance

performative theories from cultural science performativity discourse performance studies speech act theory language game theory / Praxeology feminist theories (J. Butler) pragmatism symbolic pragmatism pragmatic-hermeneutical turn role theory (T. Sarbin) discourse analysis

ecstatic dance


dance performance

(2) kinetic sculpture

A performance exists only and ever as a flux dance articulates energy

27 filmic view

performance (Sol Lyfond) (Jack Goldstein – film maker) (Doris Balmer) (Stephen Laub) (Harald Busch & Erhard Hirt) (Anet van de Elzen)

kinetic environments (Nigel Rolfe)

cinematographic theater (LE): impression of collage and montage – videographic, filmic, narrative – intrudes before every perception. dramatic logic

(John Jesurun)

auditive view choreography view

26 movement view dance studies

(incl. TV view)

25 acoustic "view"

dance view

dance theory body research film theory dromology time theories

film semiotics psychoanalysis (Lacan school) process theories

(Kazuo Ohno, Carlotta Ikeda, Tatsumi Hijikata, Min Tanaka, Anzu Furukawa, Mitsutaka Ishi, Testuro Tamura, Yoshito Ohno, Dai-Rakuda-kann, Akaji Maro, Nanten Harada, Akira Kasai Yoko Ashikawa, Asbestos-an, Sankai-iuku, Ko Murobushi, Yu Osuga, Sanae Hiruta, Teru Goi, Macunaima (Brazilian Group), Eji Ikuyo, H

(Les Reines Prochaines: M. Fuchs, Fränzl, Madörin, Muda Mathis, S. Zwick)

(James Lee Byars)

+Performance as staging

Performance as sound experience



Literature: (... continued)

Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung Poetik des Raumes (G. Bachelard) William Worthen / Disciplines of the Text, Sites of Performance (article) Marvin Carlson / Places of Performance – The Semiotics of Theater Architecture Flatz / Demontagen 87-91 Time/space performance/installation Goffman Dan Graham Robert Smithson / Gesammelte Schriften

Victor Turner / Das Ritual – Struktur und Antistruktur W. Nöth / Strukturen des Happenings ! semiotic view: Patrice Pavis Umberto Eco / Semiotics of Theatrical Performance (article) Kurt Lewin / The Principles of Topological Psychology (book) Marvin Carlson / Places of Performance – The Semiotics of Theater Architecture Jean Alter (semiotician on performance) Michael Quinn / Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting Burke / Grammar of Motives L. Wittgenstein

Andreas Nebelung / Zwischenräume – sechs ästhetische Erfahrungen (essay Kunstf. Bd. 152) A. Nebelung / Zwischenräume (book) Ivo Osolsobe Charles Morris Keir Elam Josette Feral Erika Fischer-Lichte (FL) / Semiotik des Theaters Perspectives of Uncertainty: Locating the Imperceptible (PSi7)

Perception theory on architecture (B. Leitner) Phenomenology of perception Location research (Peter Arlt, Marc Auge) Theory of urban locations Architectural theory / Arch. discourse Nature locations / natural locations (Cf. Land-Art as Action Art)

25 spatial view

View of Locations Danny Devos minus delta t Mike Hentz Werkzeug-Gruppe des Konzils / Black Market International Zygmunt Pio Trowski Matthias Jakisch Ulrich Lepka

outdoor performance

(Jill Orr) (Yin Xiao-Feng)

Places and Spaces

Performance location

street art (2)

magic places performative sound locations

Performance as agreement (2) Places as in-between spaces (s.u.)

Ocean panorama – Happening (Tadeusz Kantor)

Beach performance (Pino Pascali)

a place is a voice


theater of "divided" space

25 architectonic view (Christoph Rütimann, Franklin Aalders, Christian Möller)

See also: Performance as total installation

Renovation as performance (George Steinmann)


architecturally determined performances Architecture in transformation chance for performance (factory hall flair) zones of transition (LE)

(Buckminster Fuller)

Performers trained in architecture or stage design

deconstruction of architecture as performance

Gravitation: B.M.'s performance is a field

a battery of the in-between

the in-between

The attractor: the force of attraction ASA installs: the field (BN) tension / gradient of potential

dismantling (Wolfgang Flatz)

clothing/architecture for the homeless (Lucy Orta)

charged spaces constructed B.M.: ... The immaterial center of by performance performance, of every encounter, the shared knowledge is: what is between the persons, between (Buber/Rosenzweig) what is between the things, ... intercorporeality (Merleau-Ponty) betwixt and between (Turner) ecstasies of the things (Böhme) space-time force field

space moods (east/west study project) (outside the realm of action) "MA" Japan. (MA Festival 1995) Abiding and handling (Sowa) revealing the invisible Computer animation of of the visible Reduction / memorial architectures – memory theater (Lyotard to Daniel Buren) celebrated void (Giulio Camillo, Robert Fludd) (instead of show)

terrorism and performance

(2) community performance art


Artist-in-Residence in a ball club

„ Pure

(Kunstf. Bd. 117) (Muda Mathis)

Stunts as performance ?

Performance “

(Theo di Ricco)

The Western Front (Vancouver), The Performance Space (Australia), Perforum (Pfäffikon), The kitchen (NY), Hallwalls (Buffalo), Galeria Dzialan (Warsaw)

organization art – integrating every imaginable institution (Stadtwerkstatt, U. Wid)

(Eva & Adele)

Performative view of playing: emphasizes what is oscillating and unfocused, the "in-between", the framework

events service

The concept of organizing marks the point of transition between art and life (H. Sowa)

Clownerie clown acts

Life as art – art as life. (see below) Not a medium-related result. Cf. Plots / Real Performance

Happenings & Events

Events live art

conflating gesamtkunstwerk See also category 10 after M.-L. Lange:

art events

Transition of theater to an event (LE) shift from work to event (DADA, Futurism)

staged events B.M. is an event


fluxus (2) (cf. Events)

soap performance

See: Club Shows

stage concepts

Turn from work to event (PB)

cf. performance as accomplishment

Theater as event

view of collecting (Jürgen Olbrich, Jürgen Kierspel, custodian view Wolfgang Hainke, (basis for historians' Manfred Vänci Stirnemann, research) Thoroughly Pseudo, Fricker, Boris Nieslony, Performance is anti-museal Ruedi Schill & Monika Günther, Jacques van Poppel, Ulun Michael Steinke)

(Nikolaus Lang)

Multimedia Shows

stage shows

Performance as demonstration of accomplishment (s.l.)

develop installation concept from action concept

Post Performancism

(Mo Diener) (Cees Krijnen) (Myriam Laplante)

Costume performances

theater miniatures

(Simon Beer) (Stefan Enderich)

performance as installation (see left.)

(John Bock)

Archive (see also: Schwarze Lade)

InstallAction (Le Lieu,Simon Beer, Angie Hiesl, Fritz Rahmann)

Animotion – performative spatial installation

celebration art

played installation

Performance as total sculpture


(Brian Conolly) (Ross Sinclair)


performance as relic (see: sediment)

baroque celebrations/celebration culture: music, jugglers, sculpture, trumpery, fireworks, entertainment

happening (3)

performance as sediment (s.l.) all existence is also a trace

Cf.: living pictures (tableaux vivants) cf.: LKW

(in the variation: overflowing to total life) cf. agit pop 60s

Earth works (Anna Mendieta)

Space becomes a site of traces


taboo materials

ob-jects in existence and dignity extreme smells

(blood, flesh, cot, urine, sometimes animals consecrated utensils, naked bodies) (Brus, H. Nitsch, Monty Cantsin, C. Kolig, C. Langenbach)


(cf. Relicts and Sediments) From Appearance Thinking to Traces Thinking

(Lili Fischer)

unconscious effect of sexual fragrances (pheromone)

(Darryl Sapien, Gutai)

dressed in foil +Performance as sediment (Lambert Janssen & Urs Küng) woman in foil (Hong O-Bong) wrapped in transparent film (Miriam Steinhauser) +Performance as material collection Performance as counter-concept to "representation"

(Pawel Althamer) (cf. Clickscape by the Stadtwerkstatt)

accidental (jumping cars)

(Hanna Frenzel)

+Performance as work +Performance as sculpture +Performance as image-generating action

performance as image-generating action (s.l.)

body between foils "under pressure"

sculpturally tied bodies (Maria Pohland)

pictorially oriented actions

digital performance prix ars electronica Interactive art


computer performances

Performance as machine theater

interactive video performance

see: Material "machine": prostheses, hinges, models

(Christin Lucas)

electronic performance

body becomes a monument in a box

(Skip Arnold)

music machines / sound machines

(Space violins: Jon Rose)

(time´s up, Joe Jones, Scot Jenerik) (Matt Heckert) (The Users: Symphonies for Dot Matrix Printers)

(Bruce Gilchrist u. Jonathan Bradley / Stelarc)

machine: stream of fire/stream of water (Erik Hobijn)

The aesthetic object works as a trigger, catalyst and framework for a process (for the viewer)


chain reactions

(80 static poses: Scott Burton)

projections as theatrical productions (color, light, sound, mirror, prisms) (Milton Cohen)

minute pictures

human sculptures

18 view of the picture crashing head against the wall (Ralf Berger)

The "happening" movement was essentially carried by painters

FormAnce (2)

(Chris Burden)

(Janusz Baldyga)

(Valentin Torrens)

(2) robot performances

artist in robot-like appearance

(„Wall Street Performance“ / Momoyo Torimitsu) (Stelarc)

(M. li Antúnez Roca)

robot theater

turning bodies into machines (Futurists) Tele-Existence (Stelarc)

Cindarella in a Dragster (Suzanne Lacy)

moving sculpture (2)

performance as sculpture performance sculptures (Heinrich Lüber)

body/light sculpture

sculpture in motion

(Atsuko Tanaka)

(Category 05 according to M.-L. Lange)

Gunpowder Performance

humans as sculptural objects

(Cai Guo Qiang)

Nigel Rolfe Jochen Wüstenfeld & Thomas Werner Ingolf Keiner Heinrich Lüber Ken Unsworth K. Rinke

body exhibited next to other artifacts (James Luna)

(A. Schubert & Dieter Pütz)

(curator: G. Hattinger)

appearance of geometrical, machinic structuralism of postmodern dance (Cunningham)

Machine and body (The Shadow Machine: Peter Courtemanche, Ken Gregory, Carol Sawyer, Alvin Erasga Tolentino)

machine sculptures mechanical sculpture

performance of machines

self-experiments with machines (Bruce Gilchrist) boundaries of the human body (Just Merrit)

fighting machines

process of a sculptural development

entanglement with hoses

(Stadtwerkstatt – G. Lindorfer)

Re-assembling a B-Car as Performance

performative sculptures action as work

Posed performances (Urs Lüthi)

(Jerzy Beres)

tennis ball machine tosses glowing balls

Bio-mechanics machine performances (Julian Knowles) Mechanical Dances Dancing automatons Unnatural bodies Mechanical ballets (Jim Whiting) Bio-mechanical exercises dancing machines

sculptures" (actions by Roaman Signer)

Painting Bodies: Saburo Murakami, Kazuo Shiraga, Shozo Shimamoto, Yves Klein, Claes Oldenburg, Jim Dine, Nam June Paik, Paul McCarthy, Ana Mendieta, Shigeko Kubota, Stuart Brisley, Janine Antoni, Rachel Lachowicz, Cheryl Donegan, Keith Boadwee, Schneemann, McCarthy (Penis) C. Kolig (anal) Elsbeth Böninger Arai Shin ichi

view of objects

machine sculptures

17 machine view

Object theater also opens up new theater models between installation, kinetic object art and landscape art (LE)

(Nigel Rolfe) (Th. Werner & J. Wüstenfeld) (Heinrich Lüber) (Li Portenlänger)

Diverse ars electronica projects (knowbotic research – simulation space) see: machine view, TV view, acoustic view, etc. telematic sculptures / Live TV with telepresence – remote controlled over 1000 km (Stadtwerkstadt)

18 view of the artwork

The performance character outweighs the artifact character


product view

productive art comparisons: absent bodies A performance is supplied like a commodity.

work actions / work demonstrations (Franz Erhard Walther) work emerges through use


cf. also Udo Wid & E. Wurm

actionist painting (Gutai => George Matthieu) (Yasuo Sumi) (Shanna Noyes) (Sadama Montanaga)

action painting

expressive action painting as starting point:

Extended bodies extendable bodies Prosthetic bodies

(Monika Fleischmann)

extended performances (Stelarc = Stelios Arcadiou)

scurrilous machines of love and death (Kantor) cf. "fake" amputation robot (fictive: John Fare)

kissing walls – imprints (Ella Tideman)

face imprints

painter as actor

(Goji Hamada)

see also: gestures gestural painting (Michael Burges) see: gesturing bodies

Surrealistic a.p. (ecriture) (Pollock, COBRA, Situationists, Lettrists, Manzoni, Klein, Spur, Egon Schrick, Barabara Heinisch)

artist as engineer and behavior scientist (Eve Bhend & Jörg Köppl, Gordon Monahan)

Techno-hybrid Performances

Cybersex Performances

Theatralizing painting

(Bauhaus) (Emilio Morandi)

(Barbara Heinisch: danced pictures) (Joel Hubaut)

painting battle

pictures drawn/ painted with the body (Carolee Schneemann) see: Painting Bodies

kinetic sculpture (2)

Painting and Performance

painting actions

(Group: Hejettes Szomlyazok)

(G. Brus, O. Muehl, H. Nitsch, R. Schwarzkogler)

tools with a life of their own

driving around with window-cleaning equipment (Christoph Rütimann)

work concept

trans-formation /vs/ formation

the performer creates a picture – is part of the picture

action form /vs/ work form (F. E. Walther)

On the use of the performative in digital environments

(see also: tool view)


Philippe Dubois / Der fotografische Akt !! Herbert Blau / performative aspects of photography M. Köhler / Das konstruierte Bild – zur Fotographie und Performance (book) Nigel Rolfe / Sculptures in Motion (cat.) Johannes Lothar Schröder / Identität, Überschreitung, Verwandlung: Happenings, Aktionen und Performances von bildenden Künstlern Kunstforum Bd. 152 Kunst ohne Werk – Die Transformation der Kunst vom Werkhaften zum Performativen Paolo Bianchi (Ed.) T. Warr, A. Jones / The artist´s body ! D. Ronte, H. Schober / Von der Performance zur Malerei Out of actions (catalogue) – Zwischen Performance und Objekt 1949-1979 Philippe Dubois / Der fotografische Akt Peter Simhandl / Bildertheater (book) Clemente Padin / Non-Object Poetry: Action Art Robin Deacon / (PSi7) Hard Water and other Objects Visual Representation (PSi7) / Nic Leonhardt, B. Brandl-Risi, P.W. Marx, Vera Apfelthaler

The Black Market actions are still very close to this commodity character (BN) ASA should be more free and floating.

technically infiltrated bodies

digital environments

image theories morphology pictural turn (discourse)

(Seamus Malone)

"quickly changeable

still life performance

living sculptures

(Parzival (Pörsch))

Performance art = art without object

performative aspects of object art

(S. Berchthold, I. Keiner)

(Gilber & George 1969) (Eva & Adele) (Colette) (James Lee Byars) (Thomas Niggl) (Timm Ulrichs 1966 „first living artwork“) (Peter Greenawy: 100 Objects ...) (Richard Long) (Muntean/Rosenblum Steir. Herbst „why die?“) (Egle Rakauskaite: Honigmulde)


(2) primary demonstrations

public sculpture

Living Sculpture and living art works

(Erwin Wurm)

living sculptures

(Christian Boltanski) (Fabrice Gygi) (Tetsunori Kawana)

clay pigeon tossing machine tosses glowing clay pigeons

sculptural arrangement

The visual versus the verbal (PSi7)

not an observing stay, but a participating stay (Sowa)

Live art

(Nancy Blanchard)

(Fischli & Weiss) (R. Signer)

Theater is also an art of sculpture (SE)

(Jannis Kounellis, Luigi Ontani)

Skip, the act – is the art work (self-exhibition) 2 Performers at great height on chairs on the wall (T.R. Uthco: Doug Hall & Jody Procter) persons over 65 high on the wall (Angie Hiesl)

theater of pictures

active "work" with art objects – attracts sculptures in its wake

(Leo Schatzl, Franz Xaver, SRL Survival research laboratories (Mark Pauline, Bram Renstorm), Peter Zegveld, Mark Heckert, Eric Werner)

Behavior Tableaux - body language

(Jannis Kounellis)

being a still life taken from everyday life

(Claes Oldenburg, Jim Dine, Al Hansen)

(Chip Flynn, Liz Young) (Jim Whiting)

work aesthetic as outmoded concept is superseded by the aesthetic of the performative (FL)

Animate and inanimate sculpture

(Pawel Althamer)

Living paintings

Theater of objects, entirely without human actors, theater with technical devices and machines (SRL) (LE) machine theater object theater (time´s up/Just Merrit)

(Eva & Adele)

Environmental Theater (as Schechner called the "surrealistic street" of an exhibition (LE)

fear comes from "Still Life" (Johan Lorber/Lorbeer) sculptural installation constraints, anxiety the body as object performative body in large water hose sculptures

The performer in the glass box with no freedom (of action)

(Bob Wilson, Laurie Anderson)

(B. Nieslony)

performance as picture set in motion (Judith Haman)

The picture behind the picture (in front of the picture)

Literature: topicalizing exhibition openings

portrait made of skin and bones (Orlan)

(Vanessa Beecroft)

latex performance

See also: tableaux vivant

(book: Peter Simhandl)

performer acts in a picture (Miranda Payne)

(Boris Nieslony)

(Skip Arnold) (Oleg Kulik)

Visual works by (former) performers (Tom Puckey, Dirk Larsen, Floor van Keulen, Peter Baren, Urs Lüthi, Gina Pane, Sef Peeters, James Lee Byars, Marina Abramovic, Albert van der Weide)


(Viktorine Müller)

(Mourad Cherait)

(Stephen Taylor Woodrow – hanging on the wall)

(study by: Prof. Gaehtgens) (comp. studies by Eva Sturm) (cf. starting schema for this poster group: On the Art of the Exhibition)

(Kunstf. Bd. 100)

sculptural culture of the body

prostheses, hinges, models

In a framework at the top

cf. Tableau Vivant: imitating 18th C. paintings

performance as living pictures

Catherine Pineau)

growing seeds,

of a tree (Th. Werner & J. Wüstenfeld) Picture theater – fine artists of the 20th C. as theater reformers

highly semantic acts (cf. highly semantic spaces)

prelinguistic picture dependency

the (linguistic) image wants action (BN)

(H. Nitsch, Lili Fischer, A. Kosa, ...) burning scent material (Ralf Vormbusch)

performative aspects of photography (Herbert Blau)

painting as crucified woman (Natascha Fiala)

shadow plays (Jim Melchert) (Gelatin) (Anet van de Elzen)

artist as gardener

body statue (2)

(Katja Hergenhahn)

traces – foot stamps

Museum and exhibition productions – a phenomenon of performative cultural presentation

Beyond performance the artist as exhibition object

(Franz West, ...)

chemical experiments the body as material (Lukas Berchthold) => body view smell and taste rituals (see: Nitsch) purposeful use of smells

(Hannah Wilke, Pierre Molinier, Tatsumi Orimoto, Jared Bark, Walter Pfeiffer) (Joa Selin & C. Ranzenhofer) (Arnulf Rainer)

cf. communication view

Sculptures: Theater is here in greatest proximity to fine arts

performers with their own museums (Jacques &

action with body objects (Made In Eric) arm/head extensions: (Rebecca Horn) One Minute Sculptures (Erwin Wurm / Bd.145)

Performative-temporal character of picture genesis (Phil. Hubert Sowa)

(Günter Saree)

(Yvette Helin)

(Janusz Baldyga)

DressWorks: every "dress" created in conjunction with a performance

Polaroid events (a´ battery a“ : Chrigg Perren, Vänci Stirnemann, Fritz Franz Vogel, Victoria Zappata)

(Leo Schatzl)

image concepts performers wear black costumes – like figures from traffic signs

shattered performance

(Howard Fried)

staged photography (B.J. Blume & Anna Blume) (Cindy Sherman) (Hannah Frenzel) (Pierre Keller) (G. Brus) (R. Schwarzkogler)

large images via illuminated windows with residents' participation

rolling in material (grass, dirt, ...) mud: (Paul McCarthy) rolling in (Illka Juhani Takalo-Eskola)

view of presentation view of depicting view of reproduction


cress dress

olfactory stimulations (Fluxus)

economy of material

(2) Photo Performance

The principle of the exhibition seizes linguistic material, in addition to body, gesture, voice

(Montri Teomsombat) rice dress (Joseph Beuys) 7000 oaks


view of the exhibition

(Theory: Erika Linz)

Attempts to "exhibit" performance: Relicts + Sediments (OK Linz 12/1993)


(Udo Wid)

(FL) (LE)

art theory morphology criticism of the institution discourse curators' debate material debate difference philosophy rhizomatics

19 view of representation

performativity of semantic knowledge structures

Frozen performance


see also: Mimicry of Life

the performative as the "weak point" of representation

the garden as site of the action

material experiments (Richard Alpert)

smells that "move"

painted with blood

construction of the desolate Performance with food (Paisan Plienbangchang) subsequently rubbish (Surapol Phanywatchira) dance with large (Paul McCarthy) rubber bands material recycling: rubbish & the desolate mounds of earth, earth and sand islands

Relikte + Sedimente (catalogue OK Linz) Kunstforum Bd. 145 Künstler als Gärtner (Paolo Bianchi) Kunstforum Bd. 146 Das Gartenarchiv (Paolo Bianchi) Dorothea von Hantelmann Raum fort und fort (catalogue OK Linz) Erika Linz / The warehouse theory of memory is wrong – Zur Performativität semantischer Wissensstrukturen (lecture) Clemente Padin u.a. / From Representation to Action Dinah Jung / (PSi7) / Performing Fragrance Performance Between Identity and Representation (PSi7)

(more important for the theater field)

the artist as scientist

19 material view / olfactory view (smell)


(Robert Jelinek)

(Y. Klein, Giuditta Tornetta)

(Paul McCarthy)

(Marcos Kurtyz, Signer, Drill Hall, Guy Pro-Diaz, John Latham, Ivor Davies) tree explosion, simulated dog explosion & explosions at flight show (Stadtwerkstatt)

(Micha Brendel)

Surrogate highly semantic spaces

(Esther Maria Häusler)

(Roman Signer) (Ralf Vormbusch)

conference of plants

organic material (Andrés Pereiro-Schmidt)

Performance as counter-concept to "representation"

the artifact character (FL) (cf. exhibition practice of Udo Wid)

burning lens made of ice

view of materiality is shifted into focus view of traces

field researcher

(M. Dion, U. Wid)


Theater, that tends to become a mute gesture – on the exhibition of processes

(Teresa Murak)

(Servie Jannsen)

performance as material collection

performance coupled with installation

RoseLee Goldberg, Bonnie Marranca, Justin Hoffmann, (...)


(Paul Kos)

rummaging in material

storage and mobilization of memory content following affects (cf. NLP)

(V. Acconci) (Stefanie Marshall)

public celebration

(ars electronica)

important art historians on performance art:

Performance instead of depicting (LE)

fundamental materialism (R. Krauss)

(Walter de Maria) cf. (R. Signer)

(Lili Fischer)

performative aspects of installation art

mechanical Bauhaus stage

(Kurt Schwitters)

Performance Ritual Prozeß – Handbuch der Aktionskunst in Europa / E. Jappe Gregory Battcock & Robert Nickas / The Art of Performance – A critical Anthology (book) ! Annabelle Melzer / Dada and Surrealist Performance (book) ! Mel Gordon (Ed.) / DADA-Performance Kunstforum Bd. 146 / Das Gartenarchiv (Paolo Bianchi) Kunstforum Bd. 32 / Künstler und andere Sanmler RoseLee Goldberg / Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present (book) !! RoseLee Goldberg / Performance : Live Art since the 60s (book) Joachim Dietrichs / Zum Begriff Performance (book) Kathy Rosalyn / Toward a Theory of Performance Art (book) Coco Fusco / Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas Timothy O. Benson / Conventions and constructions: the performative text in DADA

Jürgen Raap, Allan Kaprow, B. Nieslony, Roi Vaara, Hubert Sowa, Johannes Lothar Schröder (PSi7), Jean Dupuy, Stefan Fricke (Fluxus theoretician),

(James Lee Byars)

(Alastair MacLennan) (Christine Biehler – Jürgen Fritz)

performance as total picture

Merzbühne theories

The presentation character outweighs

use of explosive material

natural disaster as performance/event "the highest form of a possible experience“

"The Perfect Smile“ or performance as collection object

important performance archive (Le Lieu) plundering rummaging performance as from the depot curiosity cabinet

(Fake shop – performance installation)

ceremony art (2)

Video archive about P. (Ryszard Piegza)


installative situation

(Stefanie Wilhelm)

Extensive arrangement taking up space, including everything.

life as a celebration (invitation to the feast)

Collecting as a kind of long-term performance (J. Olbrich)

1995 an awakening

Bauhaus (Oskar Schlemmer): the first school to undertake a serious study of performance as an art form


Performers as editor/writers/art theoreticians:

several days of excavation work (Ion Grigorescu)

Material performances short-lived sculptures

(Allan Kaprow,

Clubs and meetings Jonathan Meese, Performance as John Bock) as ephemeral billboard newspaper installations (s.l.) Performance installation (Mike A. Hentz) the exhibited archive Installative instrument to (B. Nieslony, Jürgen O. Olbrich) demarcate space

(Laurie Anderson (P. Hobermann), Jon Rose, Robert Ashley, Diamanda Galas – Blue Man Group)

costume show (cf. A. Heller) (Pat Oleszko, Vincent Trasov, Paul Cotton, Claude Wampler)

(Skip Arnold)

Archives on Odyssey (minus delta t)

(Rosa Galindo, Pedro Garhel) (Peter Weibel)

Performative event field (GANG ART)

Perceived as fetish (as part of the collection)

Performance collection as travelling depot

Performance cultures of the Middle Ages (FL) The culture of the Middle Ages can be understood as being genuinely performative

20 view of collecting

Performance as installative collecting (s.l.) Performance as permanent collection

performance history art history cultural history psychology of collecting philosophy/theory of collecting memory discourse memory theories "end of history" discourse

20 (art) historical view art history marginalized performative art for a long time

surrealistic performance

important art theoreticians/editors on performance art:

1995 First Annual Performance Studies Conference 1995 Performativity and Performance (Ed.: A..Parker & Kosofsky Sedwick) 1996 Vol.1 No.1 Performance Research (Journal) 2001 7th Performance Studies Conference Mainz PSi7 (PSI Performance Studies International)

Service (2)

Varieté nerves: people want distraction / "number principle"

Performance as "total" installation (see left)

+Performance as relict +Performance as billboard newspaper +Performance as installative collection +Performance as curiosity cabinet +Performance as "total" installation +Performance as installation

Collecting (for an exhibition) as performance (Isidoro Valcárcel Medina)

Performance as show (performance is the heart of the show)

style characteristics of mannerist traditions (tendency to extremes ...)

+Performance as demonstration of accomplishment Performance as (repeatable) show

museum function of the theater

cf. Futurists

art of the event The event takes the place of the art work (FL)

(John Bock)

cabaret, entertainment

street art

Every form of street action Street theater (Osamu Kuroda), street music, cabaret

-Futurist performance -DADA -Theater der Grausamkeit -Fluxus (see detail ) -Situationists -Lettrists -Gutai (Japan)

Arnoud Labelle Rojoux, Alain-Martin Richard, Michael Murin, Happening, Fluxus, Clive Robertson, Daniele Roussel, Tina Keane, Charles Garoian (PSi7), (...) Land-Art, Performative "attacks" on art theory texts Action Painting, Performance negates the difference between (resolution of a Greenberg text: John Latham) Body Art, Event, being and appearance, presentation and re-presentation (George) Situation-Art curators on performance art: art without history Performance is never a re-presentation, Rob La Frenais, G. Hattinger, E. Jappe, representation cliche Performance with cannot be passed on (?) Noel Sheridan, B.Nislony, (...) except of itself (George) historical references (Mersch) see also: performers as curators (LE) Energetic theater would be outside (Chen Chieh-Jen) gallery made of clothes (Kaori Haba) the realm of representation view of re-presentation (Judy Freya Sibayan)

Performer as illusionist (Holunda – Atelier Juxus)

Surrealism includes the call for a "Performance Art“


Precursors of performance art

Literature: (... continued) Jean Dupuy (Ed.) / Collective consciousness. Art performances in the seventies Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux (artist) / L´Acte pour L´Art (book) ! Carl E. Loeffler & Darlene Tong / Performance Anthology (book) ! Henry M. Sayre / The Object of Perform. The American Avant-Garde since 1970 ! Paul Schimmel / Out of Actions (catalogue) M. Carlson / Performance. –chap. P. in its historical context Out of Actions (catalogue) – Between Performance and the Object 1949-1979 Prof. Dr. Bonnie Marranca / Performance Arts Journal Performance Research (A Journal of Performing Arts) Vol.1 No.1 Spring 96 Performance Anthology – Source Book of California Performance Art !! Thomas Dreher (Diss.) / Performance Art nach 1945 – Aktionstheater u. Intermedia Joan Borsa / Performin interconnectedness: the cathartic installations of Aganetha Dyck, Ann Hamilton and Susan Shantz Performance in 18. Century (PSi7) Avantgarde (PSi7)

Preservation = Participation

trivial performance

performing art


(fuck head)

action arts:


(Atsuko Tanaka, Kazuo Shiraga, Jiro Yoshihara, Sadamasa Motonaga, Saburo Mirakami, Akira Kanayama, Shuso (Shusu) Mukai, Shozo Shimamoto, Naoki Kanayama)

Elisabeth Jappe, Jürgen Raap, Paolo Bianchi, Gerhard Johann Lischka, Allan Kaprow, J.L. Schröder (PSi7), C. Doswald, J. Kistus, R. Puvogel, M. Hübl, H.-N. Jocks, Victor Mazin & Olesja Turkina, Paul Schimel, F-A. Hettig, Ilena Pintilie Teleaga, (...)

Performance Research (London) / Inter (Quebec) High-Performance (Ed. Sara Wolf, Ed. Tim Miller & Linda Burnham) / Performance Art Journal / Performance Magazine (Hg. Rob La Frenais) Studio International (London) / p-form (Seattle) Datum (Holland) / Live Art Online (UK) / P-Form / Switch (technology and art) / TDR – the Drama Review Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory

(according to M.-L. Lange)

cf. Stadtwerkstatt-TV

(research: Riethmüller)

(Chris Burden)

gesticulating like brokers with the train station time tables (Sislej Xhafa)

(Habitus of these trainers: cf. Schlingensief)

(Ulrich Frey & N. Klassen)

spectacular performances



"Hotel Pompino“ (Van gogh TV) "No one is sure of himself“ (Stadtwerkstatt TV)

The concert podium as stage in new music


emotions of the mass

relinquishing, not selling (BN)

Performantere = "better" information: It is a matter of knowing which game the opponent is playing

important periodicals:

view of the stage

art and entertainment combination

greed for life flight show

(Iwan Wijono)

A further understanding of performativity: Efficiency = (calculable) performativity (Lyotard)

admission fees

personal performance training

(Beate Ronig – story telling)

21 view of the market

spectacle culture

Freakshow event

(Roman Signer)

+Performance as event Performance as staged event Performance as staging

(Robert Reschkowski) cf. analysis of body language (Pantomime)

sexuality as emotional decoy in advertising (erotic enticements)

black market

(decentered attention) spectacle theater (LE)

political ironic deification of capitalism self-organization

Club Shows (John Kelly, Karen Finley, Anne Magnusson)

(= applied performance) Performance = accomplishment and (Robert Reschkowski) self-assertion in a Performative marketing and competitive situation attention techniques Performance in consume temples: confronting consumers with wounds/mourning marketing strategies J&W Management Consulting (Muntean/Rosenblum) (Com & Com) (Patricia Jacomella & Maria Walther) Economic view performative staging profiting from artists of the 3rd world of exposure in image, Performance in advertising Art-Entertainment of nakedness (Beecroft, Gelatine) text and performance (Mariola Brillowska) Performance as: The perfect pose (article: G. Brandstetter) Business management style („The worlds first Pose Band“ Minnesong (advertising) Paul Richards, Ron Calla) minstrel performance (I. Keiner & S. Berchtold) reflections on enterprise theater for Party Performers advertising (Kosilo) managers Entertainment (ICELANDIC LOVE CORPORATION) (UlunMichael Steinke) Integrative history (Kipper Kids, Susanne Helmes, Becoming "managers" of performance art Marie Kawazu, Jürgen Raap, Performer as with theater methods art as commodity item (Bonnie Marranca) Entertainment as Walther Stehling, Rainer Aring, advertising medium (ERGO) (Gretchen Faust) Hong O-Bong, Andrej Bartenev, advertising and sales Power seminars (as performance) Karen Finlay, Osamu Kuroda, central manifesto on performance art: strategy for products Gelatin) walking over fire and glass ... auctions see: programmatic texts (Mariola Brillowska)

Fetishizing child idols (Mike Kelley)

vulgar performance

(Richard Martel)

(Lisa Cieslik)

(A. Reinthaler)

is a service (see left)

experience world

(Fluxus, George Brecht, INFuG, Gangart, Larry Miller, B.B.B.Johannes Deimling, Esther Ferrer, Die Fabrikanten, Stadtwerkstatt)

(Renee Kolla)

no events

consume realism

(Anne Hoy) (seals in the department store: W. Georgsdorf)

Life style: that´s entertainment the renaissance of the circus (cf. A. Heller)

The visual spectacle

(Wolf Vostell)

Performance as synaesthetic montage Synaesthetics (Art Clay)

circus animal performance circus-like show of strength

rent an artist

(INFuG, GANG-ART (Jan Fabre) further development of the event)

(F.E.M. Frauke Ellen Müller)

Manager training as performance

globalization discourse liberalism discourse economy as discourse (Foucault) (game rules of art)

funding view / cost view / sponsor view

artist as trademark – making sales calls

Department Store Performance

event society and game culture (fun culture)

event paradigm

Artist Run Spaces

(Brigitte Bérard & Mileva Josipovic)

(Rose English, Sally Potter, Clare Weston, ...)

sexual presentations in party life

shop window performance

"Presentations“ (Soviet Union) Presentive Events / life = kajf "life itself is the drug"

the art of entertainment

(Fabrikanten) (A. Heller) (Gelatin)

21 economic view / production view

Duo as trademark

The Performance Show (1975) up to 30 artists in each program

(Charlemagne Palestine, Olga Adorno, Pooh Kaye, Alison Knowles, Dupuy) (Stadtwerkstatt)

(Colette) (Luciano Castelli) (Festival der Regionen) (Roi Vaara – walling in) (Gerd Belz & Raoul Marek) (Marie Teresa Hincapie)

working with models

cf. view of play and of the carnival

event art / event culture

(O. Muehl to H. Nitsch)

+Performance as gesamtkunstwerk?

(T.R. Uthco)

(Laurie Anderson)

simultaneity of high & low (Mike Kelley) critical art and pop

punk performances

(Van Gogh TV, ...)

OM Theater as a transgressive gesamtkunstwerk

Performance as sign system Performance as breaking through structures +Performance as configuration of presence Performance as space of tension

performance clips (2)

(Vanessa Beecroft) people as dolls

Situation comedy

Performance as "opening circus" (important events)

Projects (see: project art)

permanent performance

The Theatrics of Performance Art

22 entertainment view

comedy as stylistic structure Dance in comic costumes modern clowns (Peter Callesen) comic performers

important organizations: The Living Art Museum,

consume critique through exaggeration Pink-Man (Manit Sriwanichpoom)

(Robert Longo) (Urban Sax)

(Jonathan Meese )

curating as performance

"Performance“ in the new economy

(Yan Duyvendak)

Club Culture: a form of living room theater

Penny-peep-show conditions

(B. Bérard & M. Josipovic)

Postmodern emotion culture (J. Gerhards): hedonist goal of avoiding negative emotions

practical joke (2)

Performance in pop music role of emotions

Pop-Kitsch (Friederike & Uwe) catwalk performance

Performance as event (see below)

Moltkerei Werkstatt Cologne (E. Jappe) (...)

(Laurie Anderson)

Songs about art:

Party-Culture as Performance

The "Model" shopping exhibition – the show must go on

the body as mannequin

permanent event locations:

ironicizing the rituals of contemporary music groups

(Molissa Fenley)

(Throbbing Gristle)

(Ida Brun, Henriette Hendel-Schütz)

Performance as fashionable and fun `avant-garde entertainment´

pop entertainment

(Käthe Kruse, Wolfgang Müller, Nikolaus Utermöhlen, Tabea Blumenschein)

political "appearances" seen as performance gymnast & dancer

Sport and body work (Genesis P-Orridge) punk (Pyromania) Wrestling with profi wrestlers (Paul Harrison & John Wood) contacts with rock/pop: (Yoko Ono – J. Lennon) (Howard Fried) Life as public (Cornelius Cardew: Scratch Orchestra) Boxing match appearance (scater, boarder, (Throbbing Gristle (Christle)) (Arthur Cravan) (Cabaret Voltaire (ars electr.)) dancer, driver, poses, ....)

attitudes (2)

(Wolfgang Flatz) fashion show (Rainer Aring) (Andrej Bartenev)

cf. networks

(Prof. Bonnie Marranca)

(ski boot advertisement: skiing through deep snow)

(Barry le Va)

(Text: Bettina Rehberg)

networking (BN) (the physical network)

view of public appearances

cf. extreme situations Being absorbed in the movement – Forgetting technique (W. Pfaff) Athletic event (against the wall)

Fashion show as performance

Das Konzil Kunoldstr. 34 Büro Berlin Bodo Berheide (Galerie-Kollektiv Wuppertal) Werkstadt Odem Kl. Ausstellungsraum des Künstlerhauses Hamburg Servicebüro Hamburg Ultimate Akademie

sporting aspects

power bodies (in new theater)

flowing transition between art and popular culture Die tödliche Doris:

In action with all one's senses, thoughts and powers (beside oneself)

Artist Village: Tang Da Wu (founder), Jason Lim, Koh Nguang How, Lee Wen, ...)

including exhibition institutions

(Jean Dupuy, B. Nieslony, Roi Vaara, Seiji Shimoda & Kazuhiro Nishijima (NIPAF), Le Lieu (Jean Claude Saint-Hilaire), Nigel Rolfe, Ray Langenbach, Chumpon Apisuk, Amanda Heng, Christel Burmeister, Anet van de Elzen, Norbert Klassen, Heinrich Lüber & Karin Roth, Danny McCarthy, Milos Vojtechovsky) (Vollrad Kutscher: Performance Parties) (Masaki Iwana) (BBB.Johannes Deimling – builds own networks (Gabriele Oßwald & Wolfgang Sautermeister) (Michel Giroud) (catalyst arts) (Das Archiv: Sabine Kaeser) (Eloy Tarcisio) (R.József Juhász – studio erte) (Rafael Montanez Ortiz) (Sue Broadhurst) (Magnus Palsson) (Ryszard Piegza) (Chuke Stake) (Jordan McKenzie) (Gusztav Ütö & Konya Reka) (Marissa Carr) (Dziugas Katinas) (Wladislaw Kazmierczak & EWA Rybska) (Louise Liliefeldt)

(Sport & Games)

(Dough Hall)

(Alexandre Périgot)

extremely personal forms of behavior

23 view of the organizing institution

performance artist as curator/artist

(Julian Maynard Smith)

+Performance as place-less art +Performance as agreement

X-Ray-PSY = Michael Mierse, Georgy Bretschneider, Wolfgang Freund, Marcus Krips, Parzival, Enno Stahl, Jo Zimmermann

Georg Ritter, T. Lehner, Gabi Kepplinger, Gotthard Wagner, W. Georgsdorf, R. Zendron, Flati, Blaas, Markus Binder, Elfi Sonnberger, et al.

performance society

tourist view of the curator (exoticism and spectacle)


B.M. is in the arrangement of the "MA", of the in-between space, this nothingness, a kind of mental embarrassment.

Theater as raising awareness of architectonic processes

Festival of the Regions (A)

22 view of popular culture

football club (association culture) dance as combat sport / stuntman

Organizational structure (Victor Turner)

other organizers: (Gesine Weise, Jürgen Wolfstädter) (Zap Art) (Sylvie Ferre, Emily Tabassi, Lukasz Guzek)

(Gordon Matta-Clark)

Desolate spaces – factory halls, derelict buildings, contaminated areas

factory halls /vs/ White Cube

attitude toward the field of events (GANG ART)

media theory pop theory / Pop-theoret. discourse high&low discourse techno-culture discourse cultural studies discourse fashion discourse / Retro discourses hedonism debate new subjectivism debate fun debate ontology of the event

emotions at large sporting events

battle emotions

(Vanessa Beecroft)

working with and in the field (Marietheres Finkeldei)

the poetic network (BN) mental existence between persons On the in-between as a mental dimension (PB)



Stadtwerkstatt Linz (STWST)

organizations in action

´coming out´ of performance into the mass culture

movement/body techniques from eastern martial arts traditions (see also: dance performance)

(B. Nieslony)

Todays Place The Prediction Reindeer Werk Das Konzil Werkzeuggruppe des Konzils Minus delta t East-West-Study-Project Aufmerksamkeitsschule Verein für Projektkunst e.V. ASA-European The Current Affairs Bazillus The Neoist´s MATERIAL und WIRKUNG Werkstatt Odem Club Moral Moltkerei Werkstatt Throbbing Christle (Genesis P. Orridge & Cosey Fanni Tutti & u.a.) Kunoldstraße 34 Augenladen Mannheim Le Lieu Quebec/Can Büro Berlin Artist Village (Singapore)


Karel Dudesek, Mike Hentz, Chrislo Haas, Wolfgang Georgsdorf, ... ("Performance Departures“) "everything is performance“

theory of gravitation

leeways are in-between spaces

(Andrea Saemann, G. Ritter)

Boris Nieslony Zygmunt Piotrowski (former) Nigel Rolfe, Jürgen Fritz Norbert Klassen Jacques van Poppel, Roi Vaara Zbigniew Warpechowski Tomás Ruller (former) Alastair Mackay MacLennan (part-time.) Helge Meyer u. Marco Teubner (2000)

minus delta t:

energetic field

probability field

Black market International:

network of lines of force

architect as performer

(David Ireland)


power fields (Kurt Lewin)

(Marcos Kurtyz) Pursued by the police as a foreigner (Helena Villalobos)

bondage situations

list of networks:

Performance = capabilities and self-assertiveness in a competitive situation

Die Fabrikanten W. Preisinger G. Harringer P. Arlt

Cf.: contextual view Cf.: energetic view

category of the "between" as guiding category for an aesthetic of the performative

playing suspends domination

fighters and lovers (Abramovic/Ulay)

giving what is to be found in crime, in war

anarchic situations

(light direction with Wilson)

view of the in-between (space)

fünf ingenöre: P. Arlt, Elke Knöß, Wolfgang Grillitsch, Martin Kaltwasser, Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius

Reconstruction as performance

semiotics of the body (LE)

(Peter Brook, Jürgen Fritz, Fischer-Lichte)

(Buckminster Fuller, 100 meter kitchen – P.Arlt fünf ingenöre, Stadtwerkstatt: time spiral tower)

(Julia Scher)

fear-anxiety system anger-annoyance system

violent hands (threatening gestures) role of emotions in power struggles

(Hank Hyena) (Gillian Waering)

Fritz Rahmann Hermann Pitz Raimund Kummer

(Helmut Hempel)

24 view of the field

building as performance

(Mo Diener, Sergei Nikokochev)

aesthetics of theft (cf. gift) (Suzanne Lazy)

Büro Berlin:

1979: the move of performance towards popular culture "the media generation“

Confrontation with police and border patrol authorities

(Eric Bogosian, Michael Smith)

ASA s.u.

loss of gestural language in modernism (LE)

semiotic action experiments

surveillant exercise of power

social power conditions (Paul McCarty)

against violence

spatial structuring

See also: violence

(commentary on power & money: Martha Wilson and Jackie Apple)

masked avengers

(see also: spatial view)

See also: fighting machines "Transformance"

institutionalized space

(Guerrilla Girls)

For Artaud, a performance must be unique, a real experience, unrepeatable, and it must actually transform the audience and the actors into a different state.

game rules ritual (s.l.)

performance as a configuration of presence (the action) (BN)

consenting disempowerment in imitation (BN)

power position of the viewer: the artist as exhibition piece in the box (Skip Arnold, Roi Vaara, K. Dudesek)

situation structures - the artist becomes part of the text - the viewer becomes part of the text see also: performance as situative production

(Gertrude Stein)

threshold situations passage, transition, gate, door, translation (B. Nieslony) (cf. PSi7) gates transitions, virtual airport

power scenarios

structural characteristics of singularity, unrepeatability (uniqueness), indeterminacy and finiteness of the performative event

score as flow structure (see: view of the score) (see: performance as staging)

no fixed "locale" Landscape Play: ... thinking of stage and text more like a landscape

Performativity of the commander (his power) increases with every execution of a command (Lit.: Lyotard)

(from: La Fura dels Baus)

linguistic text, staging text and "performance text"

See: experiments with the audience

(Amanda Heng)

Performance as negative demarcation from other structures

Art without exhibition spaces – where the audience already is

Performance as place-less art (s.u.)

spatial aspects of the performance design

Bruce Adir (Adair) / Jim Allen / Thérése Ampe-Jonas / Georges Azzaria Artur Babiarz / Isabelle Bedou Nayland Blake / Waldemar Bochniarz Letitia Bolognesi Colin Campbell / Carmichael Catherine Costes Carsette / Tim Clark / Paul Cotten Sue Dakin / Mona Desgagné / Herbert Distel / DLR Paul Dorn / Leopold Duszka-Kolcz / Sophie Fabien Gabriele Forster / Vidya Gastaldon Joel Glassman / Daniel Grenier / Matthias Groeber Ryszard Grzyb / Klaus-Peter Haase Plassun Harel / Alexander Harvey / Helhard Haug Matt Hawthorn / Saiki Hiromu Peter Horobin / Joelle Keandre/ Birgit Kilp Marleen Kos/ Barbara Kozlowska / Jill Kroesen Uli Kruass / Marcin Krzyzawowski / Claudia Leder Sung-Yon Lee / Li Qiang / Qiang Li Isaia Mabellini (Sarenco) / Victor Meertens Gruppe Meier / Christian Messier Ronald J. Meyers / Antoni Mikolayczyk Kati Molnar / Melinda Moran / Helmut Martin-Myren Frank Na / Michaele Nolte / Erik Odijk Catherine Parisot / Jittima Pholsawake / Micky Plüsch Apinan Pohgananda / Wolfgang Rahs / Tim Richter Andrea Ritter / Antoinette de Robien (Robin) Valentin Rottemaler / Michael Sagorny Hiromu Saiki / Seppo Salminen Sarenco (Isaia Mabellini) / Ingrid Scher Marcus Shira-Tilles / Mayumi Yayoi Shozo Emil Siemeister / Suras KV Solwonk Christian Späte / Rüdiger Steiner / Tobias Stengel Wally Stevens / Wolfgang Störchle / Elke Suhr Eva Szanto / Ryo Takahashi / Christoph Tarnow Christophe Terpent / Frank-Udo Tielmann Jarry Vis / Jonas Wille Yit Mun Kwahn (artists village) / Silvia Ziranek Zyklus - Grac de la Luna / Myrna Renaud Richard Harding / Shannon Rose Riley Oeykue Potuoglu-Cook / Thomas Defranzt Heather Crow / Michael Mayhew / Latifa Fakiri Barry Edwards

the dialectics of (not) shopping

See also: view of destruction See also: energetic view

Cleanliness mania in Singapore

minimally structured events

structures of action

battle view

(Paul McCarthy) (Jason Lim – Bierregen)

What was done (act) When or where it was done (scene) Who did it (agent) How he/she did it (agency) And why (purpose) (Burke)

senses excluded (in the field of art)

street happening

(Ralf Filges)

Not yet categorized:

Georg Franck / Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit (book) J.-F. Lyotard / Das postmoderne Wissen (book) Performance contra Globalisation (PSi7) Jill Lane / (PSi7) Reverend Billy: mimesis an

power theories power discourse (with Foucault) (game rules of art) organization theory critique of institutions discourse culture manager debate

23 power theory view

preemptory speech (initiation)

Dirty conditions as power conditions (A. Kosa) Who is allowed to besmirch whom ...

ephemeralness (James Lee Byars) "never show them again"

Performance – a game of locations

spaces with wind machines

doing away with the stage

Investigating event structures

see also: cliches of representation

Arranging the "mood" through the selection of certain places

A bright friendly room relaxes the mood



Different places/spaces convey their own specific affective messages

understanding the space as practically traversed execution


environment art


the power of attribution (exercises something performative)

in the works of M. Foucault and Judith Butler


transit space airport

power of themes

concept of performance oriented to power theory

Telegram style and broken syntax (in Expressionism)


stylistic structures (comedy as a stylistic structure)

Performance = exercise in occupying thresholds

(Cooperation Project X)

(James Melchert) (Insa Winkler)

poetic structures

(neither stage nor audience space) (George) (cf. P. Handke)

(Stefan Kurowski & friends)

hidden performance

(cf. Nöth)

structurelessness (Do happenings have structures?)

See: avoiding narrative structures

reception of spatial arrangement: participating action/embodiment and translated performance (H. Sowa)

conventional places / non-places (Peter Arlt, Fabrikanten)

consecrated places

power of words power of acts locations of power

Performance as breaking through structures

See also: Performance as open system

Performance as semiotic text (cf. Nöth)

Every form of street action, street theater, street music, cabaret (Word Play Group)

(Cf. Skip Arnold)

on stage /vs/ off stage – activity

RoseLee Goldberg / performance – live art since the 60s (book) GAG Art (Catalogue) Michel Giroud Heidegger / Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) Susanne de Ponte / Ereignis und Wahrnehmung (Eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung zu den Events der Künstlergruppe GANG ART) + Hubert Sowa H. Szeemann / When Attitudes become Form (exhibition) Kunstf. Bd. 134 / art & pop & crossover Ed. Paolo Bianchi Richard Shusterman / Kunst Leben INFuG / Bemerkungen zur Ereigniskunst Let´s Entertain – Life´s guilty pleasures Stefanie Menrath / Performativität von Identiitäten im Hip Hop

(Cf. Nöth)

The right place

private spaces living spaces


Johanna Pfaff-Czarnecka / Macht und rituelle Reinheit Judith Butler / Hate Speech Hakan Gürses (lecture) / Identität F. Nietzsche Arthur J. Sabbatini / Terrorism, Perform Bateson, Goffman, Turner (analysing processes of crisis) Dan Graham (article) / Theater, Kino, Macht (in: mise en scéne)

Performance as sign system

location, place, site, area, room, space

performative perception of space

Literature: (... continued)

Büro Berlin (catalogue book) Zwei Monate experimentelles Arbeiten (catalogue) Susanne De Ponte / Ereignis und Wahrnehmung: eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung zu den Events der Künstlergruppe „GANG ART“ (book) Victor Turner Michel Foucault !! / Mikophysik der Macht M. Foucault / Botschaften der Macht (Reader) Pierre Bourdieu / Die verborgenen Mechanismen der Macht (book) !! Elias Canetti / Masse und Macht (book) Cillie Rentmeister / Frauen, Körper, Kunst Mikrophysik der patrarchalischen Macht (article) Marianne Wex / „Weibliche“ und „männliche“ Körpersprache als Folge der patriarchalischen Machtverhältnisse (extensive picture study !!)

Description of a performance (... as performance: Judith Barry)

(Joan Jonas, Matthias Jackisch) (Rolf Hinterecker)

"founded" places/spaces

structuralism (discourse) semiotics / semiotics of theater symbol theories of knowledge system theory / system discourse field theories topological psychology formal sciences self-organization theory

24 structural/structuring view Performative Codes (Cf. Habitus)



media and techno-body Tactile satisfaction and torture devices

(time´s up, Tim Boykett, Udo Wid)

dolls as forgotten people, family machine, execution machine (Kantor) extending the self in the machine

Mechanics of stimulation - stimulation dispenser (C. Kolig) "Performance" of software and processors transitional objects: when the subject tends to become thing

unleashing identity in the machine

causality machine (Sandor Doro – Sándor Dóró)

automated personnel (people as though controlled with invisible wires) (Artaud):

Pia Müller-Tamm & Katharina Sykora (Ed.) Puppen Körper Automaten – Phantasmen der Moderne (book) Ric Allsopp & Scott deLahunta / The Connected Body ? (book) ! RESEARCH – Industrial culture handbook Olaf Arndt & Johannes Kockel (Ed.) / RRM Dieser Wahnsinn muß ein Ende haben - Maschinenperformances 91-92 ars electrocia catalogues prix ars electronica catalogue books Martina Leeker (on extended perform.) Martina Leeker (article) / zur Zwiespältigkeit von performativen Künsten und digitaler Technik Kerstin Evert (on Stelarc) Archeology of the Future (PSi7): J. Birringer, Helen Paris, Leslie Hill, Tomie Hahn, Marina Grzinic, Scott deLahunta, Jörg Sonntag, Yacov Sharir Yvonne Gaudelius & Charles Garoian / (PSi7) Machine/Meat: Abjection, Romanticism and Identity M. Beatriz de Medeiros / (PSi7) Telepresence and Performance Art

unleashing the body through unmediated connection to the machine implications for performance of the emerging world of cybertechnology EEG-Experiments (Bruce Gilchrist, Udo Wid, Horst Prehn)

bio feedback mechanisms (spin sphere – time´s up Just Merrit)

cf. also body view – physical view (of achievement)

achievement view

(C. Kolig)

ritual machines

finger-fan performance

(Rebecca Horn)

(Linda Christanell)

17 body extensions

robotics AI research / AI discourse connectionism cyberdiscourse / cybertheory net discourse technoscience and cyberculture

laughter reveals hidden fundamental fears

most physical art of laughing: the joke

celebration art (2)

Performance as play

(Bartolomé Ferrando, Rainer Aring) (Marlene Madison Plimley)

logic of joy

carnival as testing bed for new cultural and social structures

Laughter becomes chaotic in carnival ritual clowns

silliness exuberance

body language jokes irony and humor

effectivity/rituals /vs/ entertainment/theater

(Tadeusz Pawlowski)

purification (cleansing) liberation

(R. Schechner)

reminder of what is held in common (among people)

desire for presence, physicality, sensuousness, material experience

Performance as observation Performance as spiritual exercise

(Bernd Schulz)

cheering entrancing enticing


Performance and the idea of expanded writing

+Performance as originary human language +Performance as language Performance as narrative

(Category 06 according to M.-L. Lange)

performance as self-creation

(Boris Nieslony) (Paul McCarthy) (Natalie Eberle) (Jürgen Raap) (Gelatin)


humans as players – playing the role of themselves

The performance artist's gesture of self-presentation (LE)

gender transformation suits (Lygia Clark)

Rosenthal, Spalding Gray, Julia Haywards, Laurie Anderson)

work on the self

(Valie Export)

(Eleanor Antin)

negotiating identities in use


actors as theme and main figure (LE)



Publicly sympathizing in disguise (Ria Pacquée) cf. also: masks

the body as building

(Charles Kaltenbacher) (Ria Pacquée) (Emil Gropoz)

border situations

+Performance as whereabouts +Performance as life Performance as life-art-work Performance as celebration Performance as "translation"

emotions relating to the unfamiliar the unfamiliar as monster

+Performance as act +Performance as analytical postulate

Happening (1)

private performances (Jamea Lee Byars)

most radical form of self-transformation: public suicide

(2) expanded performance

meaning is acting/doing (Sowa)

Poles: often related to one's own life

the act space of action

Life Performance (Abramovic, Ulay)

life art

without an emotional push there is no action Life – an instruction irreducibility of manual: the practical the book of gestures (Jochen Gerz) performer takes sleeping pills – audience has to react (Ma Liuming)/ Gestures (2) sleep pieces (Geoffrey Hendricks)

art action


the recipient as (necessary) witness

(Colette: declared the course of her life an art work)

The performer as avid recipient of an exhibition

testing the audience's reactions (see: borderline situations)

posing with the camera (Ma Liuming)

audience in the victim role

view of behavior

agitations see: view of playing

re-enacting everyday situations The great American worker (Francis Brown)

"participant" as actor

ritualizing (staging) emotions

showroom /vs/ space to act (minimal public distance)

dream illustrations (Eleanor Antin)

dream theater

agit prop

"a" battery "a" The Prediction Büro Berlin ASA-European Rent An Artist, Prediction Black Market International STOP.P.T. Performance Networks Situationists, Lettrists IRWIN, Lidl Akademie Chris Reinike Rasa Todosijevic

emotional space / space of feelings

prediction (1) living prediction (Reindeer Werk)

Performance = what moves us: goals, emotion, dreams, fears, relationships

life as a celebration (invited to the table)

performativity of feelings What touches us ? B.M. Micro-emotions are the tools of taking action

mourning performance

public celebration (fire-eater ...) transition of theater to a celebration (LE)

controlled facial muscles

performance demonstrations (Guerilla Girls)

(see: encounter)

banquet (Tamar Raban, Raoul Marek) celebration culture (Stadtwerkstatt) (Werksküche: transpublic)

moods of contemplation, nomadic artists (nomads) solemnity or celebration as mediators between art and everyday life => celebrations (Alain Gibertie) joy / logic of joy movement "les Vivants“

Literature: L.K.W. (catalogue) OK Linz Performance Art, die Kunst zu leben Life is art enough / Ed. Anita Beckers Life is art enough / Felix Philipp Ingold Linda Montano / Art in Everyday Life Performance art – Die Kunst zu leben (book)

symbolically directed against civilization (Wolf Vostell, G. Brus, O. Mühl, R. Schwarzkogler)

(ritual double genderedness – shamans)

(John Duncan)

(G. Brus, A. Rainer, V. Export)

rage and hate as motivation

violence as critical array of instruments

destruction in art

Gustav Metzger, Susan Cahn, John Sexton, Kurt Kren, Vostell, R.M. Ortiz)

rituals and emotion / ritualizing emotions psychical view

gendertainment (1)

Performatively generating gender & sexuality

see: Performance as life

Politically motivated self-immolation as performance?

search for the perfect Now (moment)

physical presence

in search of the authenticity of experience


Emotion as a form of social energy

interplay between aesthetics & existence (PB)

see: aesthetics of existence (Foucault)

Performance as a model of existential reality (Helga Moehrke) (Monika Günther & Ruedi Schill) (Sompong Thawee)

view of real experience

14 existential view

see: life-art-works

existentialism (primacy of action)

existential philosophy subjectivism debate


audience and performer participate in the same energetic space building up intensive energy


energetic observation of psychic processes (psychic energy)

(Morgan O´Hara)

Intensity and energy: Vital works: Abramovic/Ulay energy dialogue experiencing the greatest possible intensity: as goal of the performance

see: attention (energy field as centered attention)

(Peter Stembera)

(Morgan O´Hara)

Performance as the production of an energetic body

see: the brutal

see: view of destruction


cf. view of the field

energetic view

life: intense, burning, infernal spectacle

13 intensity view

(Tibor Hajas)

(Stuart Brisley)

feeling of "power" depends on the energy behind it

thinking and acting in intensities (BN)

important parameters of p.: identity of the subject

communication aesthetics sociology (Bourdieu) identity discourse performativity views postmodern views

Freudian concept of sublimation = transformation of libidinous energy into different types of processes

Club Moral

(Suzanne Lacy)


(James Lee Byars)

(Rolf Langebartels)

energetic parallelisms

Psychical energy

(Danny Devos & Annemie Van Kerckhoven)

Fears for the dignity of the human being in delusion

LKW (2) art of life


energy drawings of performances

intoxicated state escalation begins with one´s own body

configuration (of presence)

(Text: Lischka) (Julie-Andree Tremblay)

see: uninhibited performances

emotions are the central suppliers of energy

lectures (3)

(James Lee Byars)

extreme performance

see: contemplation /vs/ ecstasy

poesie sonore sonore lectures

(David E.R. George)

life-art as self-experiment the art of existing

view of performance

To analyze performance as the primary reality

(Jan Pallach) Seppuku (Yukio Mishima)

Performance is based on the presence of acting artists

15 view of orality

(Larry Wendt, Serge Pey, J.-A. Deelder, Julian Blaine, Jaap Blonk, Jean-Francois Bory, Jacqueline Cahen, Diane-Jocelyne Cote, Jean Dupuy, Paul Dutton, Cyrille Fontaine, Giovanni Fontana, Bernard Heidsieck, Joel Hubaut, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, Jean Jacques Lebel, Alberto Masala, Joseph MacKenzie, Martha & Jenny, Angéline Neveu, Tibor Papp, Michael Rice, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Cesar Figueiredo, Enzo Minarelli)

Your presence is the best work

There are no repetitions, only situative presence

presence aesthetics see: most sublime moments of

Situative existence as carrying out action


Being – as performative practical Act (Sowa) Practicist concept of being (with Heidegger)

tense and relaxed fundamental state of being

(Terry Fox)

see: the enflamed aura (charisma)

Performance is present

where the meat comes from

When Abramowicz presents herself to the visitors ... perception must turn into an experience of responsibility

(Rolf Hinterecker)

ethical equivalency

event aesthetics as ethics (GANG ART) mental situation

Levitation (canceling gravity)

(Henry Chopin)

(Christoph Mayer A)

existential questions


feminist narrative performance

(Esther Ferrer, Elvira Santamaria)

The ethics of giving is performative (the event as gift, The gift as event must be irruptive, unmotivated – Derrida) lesbian performance

see also: political view

12 ethical view

Performativity of the procedure already replace (acc. to Luhmann) the normativity of laws (Lit.: Lyotard)

rape scenario (to break the code of silence)

aesthetics as art theory aesthetic discourse art theory / morphology perception theory debate on the sublime aura debate revulsion theory communication aesthetics performance studies ethnography

(Ana Mendieta)

In reality of rape (Sandra Orgel, Aviva Rahmani)

emotions in the battle of the sexes

gender: a category constructed through performance (not a given social or cultural attribute) gender = a "doing“ man/woman dualities analysis (Elena Ferrer) freeing buried female potentials (Mileva Josipovic) (T junction)

see also: identity view

Feminist view (Faith Wilding, Suzanne Wilding, Valie Export, Martha Rosler, Barbara Smith, Marie Beth Edelson, Linda Montano, Yvonne Rainer, Suzanne Lacy (Lazy) & Judy Chicago, Yoko Ono, Eleanor Antin, Hannah Wilke, Shrin Neshat, Amanda Heng, Carolee Schneemann, Betsy Damon, Leslie Labowitz, Martha Wilson, Lydia Schouten, Fumiko Takahashi, Diane Torr, Split Britches, Anna Deavere Smith, Nicole Croiset, Karin Anarchia, Anna Dancikova, Taro Ito, Tina Keane, Anna Paci)

m feminist performances

venting games

poetry and destruction (Vasan Sitthiket)

celebration of psycho-physical naturalism (Otto Muehl, H. Nitsch)

experience of primal excess (H. Nitsch)

emotional turn (following cognitive turn)

Black cultural theory cultural criticism feminist studies / feminist theory gender studies anthropology of gender cultural history postmodern views postcolonial theory (Game Rules of Art)

10 emotional view psychoanalytical view / psycho-physical view view of destruction

manifesto of tactilism existentialism (primacy of the act) psychoanalysis / disgust theory Lacanism discourse queer theory (PSi7) gender studies psychological theories of performance psychology / action psychology see also Gustav Metzger

see above: therapeutic view


Literature: (... continued)

Literature: (... continued)

Justin Hoffmann / Destruktionskunst Michel de Certeau !! / Kunst des Handelns Paul Ricoeur (application) / Lehrstuhl für Philosophie des Handelns Konserviete Welt / Eva Sturm Kultur als Handlung / article: Gertrud Koch /Texte zur Kunst 99 – 9 – Heft 35 Ästhetische Handlungen u. Demonstrationen Samson D. Sauerbier Habermas, Apel (Theory of Communicative Action) Interpassivität / Ed. R. Pfaller Karl Gröning / Hände

Allan Kaprow / Step Right in Assemblage, Environment & Happenings (book) !! Udo Kultermann / Art-Events and Happenings (book) ! Kathy O´Dell / Contract with the skin masochism, Performance art and the 1970s J.L. Moreno / concept of psychodrama Julia Kristeva (theory of the "abject“) David Jones / The Performance of the Abject (article) Sigmund Freud, Wilhem Reich

Elke Koch (research project) / Ritual und Emotion.Theorie u. Begriff des Rituals am Bsp. der Trauer Jens Roselt (article) / Vom Affekt zum Effekt Judith Butler (injurious speech / hate speech) Slavoj Zizek Kunstf. Bd. 126 / Große Gefühle (weak) Luc Ciompi / Die emotionalen Grundlagen des Denkens !! Norbert Elias (sociology of emotions) Jürgen Gerhards / Soziologie der Emotion


Literature: (... continued)

Literature: (... continued)

Sue-Ellen Case and Jeanie K. Forte (Ed.) Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre (book) Senelick Lawrence / (book) Gender in Performance Geraldine Harris / Staging Femininities Performance and Performativity Routledge Reader in Gender and Perform. Performative Acts and Gender Constitution (essay 1988!) / Judith Butler Kate Davy / ... Reception, Context, and Address in Lesbian Performance The politics of black performance (book) / Catherine Ugwu African-American Performance (book) / A. Bean (Ed.) P.A.N. (catalogue book) Black Market International (brochures) Büro Berlin (catalogue book) Herbert Blau / To All Appearances: Ideology and Performance Randy Martin / Performance as political act Baz Kershaw / (PSi7) / Ecoactivist performance The Environment as Partner in Protest

Jill Dolan / The Feminist Spectator as Critic Michelene Wandor / Studies of British feminist performance Lance Carlson / Performance Art as Political Activism (essay) Catherine Elwes / Floating Femininity: A Look at Performance Art by Women (essay) Lynda Hart & Peggy Phelan / Acting out – Feminist Performances (book) Valie Export / (essay) Persona, Proto-Performance, Politics Coco Fusco (artist) / The Other History of Intercultural Performance (essay) Susanne Schwinghammer-Kogler / (PSi7) Interculturalism and aesthetics or the deconstruction of an eurocentric myth Norma Broude & Mary D. Garrard (Ed.) / The Power of Feminist Art Edith Almhofer / Performance Art – Die Kunst zu leben Patrice Pavis (Ed.) / The Intercultural Performance Reader Erika Fischer Lichte (intercultural approach)

Peggy Phelan / Unmarket – The Politics of Performance (book) Sue-Ellen Case (theorist of feminist perf.) Moira Roth / 1970s The Amazing Decade Michelene Wandor / Carry On, Understudies Helene Cixous Luce Irigaray Julia Kristeva Marcia K. Moen / Peirce´s Pragmatism as a Resource for Feminism Teresa de Lauretis / Sexual Indifference and Lesbian Representation Andrea Juno & V. Vale (Ed.) / Angry Women (Kathy Acker, Susie Bright, Wanda Coleman, Valie Export, Karen Finley, Diamanda Galas, Bell Hooks, Holly Hughes, Lydia Lunch, Kerr & Malley, Linda Montano, Avital Ronell, Sapphire, Carolee Schneemann, Annie Sprinkle Women and Performance (Journal) Philip Auslander / (PSi7) Performing Resistance in a Commodified Context (PSi7)

Literature: (... continued)


Theatralisierung des Politischen (article) G. Rauinig / Wien Feber Null (book) Geraldine Harris / Staging Femininities. Performance and Performativity Anette Baldauf / Gender & Performativity Ian Watson / (PSi7) Interculturalism and Aesthetics: Eugenio Barba´s Barter Practice Rosalinda Borcila / (PSi7) Citizen/Foreigner:

Performance as an aesthetic category (edition of a performance journal) Dwight Conquergood / Performing as a Moral Act: Ethical Dimensions of the Ethnography of Performance (article) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Gerhard Johann Lischka / Momente Ästhetischer Praxis De Certeau Ruth Askey / Humanistic Concerns in Performance (article) Dieter Mersch / Reauratisierung in performativer Kunst (research project) Kunstf. Bd. 152 Dieter Mersch / Kategorien für eine Ästhetik „performativer Kunst“ J. Derrida / Given Time Doris Kolesch / Ästhetik der Präsenz Fischer-Lichte (research project) / Ästhetik des Performativen (FL) Beauty now (catalogue)

The Body at the Border

Literature: Texte zur Kunst Sept. 1999 9.Jg. Heft 35 Notes on Camp / Susan Sontag Kate Davy / Fe/male Impersonation: The Discourse of Camp (article) Expansionen (catalogue) Wiener Festw. 79 Georg F. Schwarzbauer (FS): Physische und Psychische Energien in der Performance Clifford Geertz, P. Bourdieu Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi / Das flowErlebnis (also: John MacAloon) Richard Poirier / The Performing Self Suture – Phantasmen der Vollkommenheit (catalogue and symposium publication) Peter Gorsen / Körperrituale der Travestie und des Transvestismus (article) Petra Klaus / Hardcore-Performance (article) Hakan Gürses / Identität (lecture Gmunden) Dieter Mersch T.Warr, A. Jones / The artist´s body ! Orientalities: Representing National and IntraNational Identities Through Art an Music (PSi7) Vera Apfelthaler / Drag, Performance und das performative Körpergedächtnis


Oral cultures are exemplary performative cultures (FL)

Oral traditions (see study: Eva u. Attila Kosa) theater as oral institution sound poetry

Butoh: search for origins in the depths of one's own existence

(Petra Deus)

Helen Freshwater / (PSi7) Contagion, Containment, and Censorship (article)

Before there was writing, before there was theatre, there were surely performances

(Z. Warpechowski)

performance is a paradigm of feminism itself

gender (in) performance

(Reindeer Werk)

hand generated light (Richard Alpert)

Cf. Butoh

(Min Tanaka)

existential commitment in performance

Poland: almost like story-tellers, but always relating to real life

aesthetics of destruction / deconstruction

extreme situations mental and physical burden (Chris Burden) (Barbara Sturm) mental boundaries (Stuart Brisley, Geert Duintjer)


gender surfing (playing with gender roles)

(category 07 according to M.-L. Lange) (W. Flatz)

self-experiments with psychopharmaca

dramatic selfexpression

psychical border-crossing performances (category 01 according to M.-L. Lange)

sociology (Bourdieu) cultural studies new subjectivism privatism debate life philosophy (game rules of art)

destruction actions

(Marina Abramovic)

performance as analytical postulate (see above) inflation of self-expression

body=social construction=transfigured nature /vs/ material=body=nature

(Kees Mol)

Feminist Art Workers

Political women's movement Performance art


the general essence of performance

actions for the life of the earth (Ulrike Rosenbach)

Eva Seanto Ulrike Rosenbach Simone Forti Deborah Hay Elaine Summers Trisha Brown Lucinda Childs Alison Knowles Charlotte Moorman Angelika Festa

childhood experiences, primal fears, destructive fantasies, drive analysis (BN)


Literature: ( .... continued) Doris Kolesch / Ästhetik der Präsenz Mattenklott / Präsenzästhetiken Mattenklott (research project) / Kultur des Coming out (Coming Out und Subkultur Technologien des schwulen Selbst) Mattenklott / Erzähltes Geschlecht Andrea Sieber (research project) / Zum Wandel der Geschlechterdifferenz in körpersprachlichen Inszenierungstypen der Liebe Nietzsche Mishima / Hagakure - Zu einer Ethik der Tat Spielarten von Authentizität (conference) / O. Hruschka, A. Matzke Harald Begusch (Diss.) / CrossDressing? TransSex? CoreGender? Stefanie Menrath / Performativitäten von Identitäten im Hip Hop Between Identity and Representation (PSi7) Staging Cultural Identity (PSi7)

Zur Wirkungssicht: cf. article by Marie-Luise Lange Jill Dolan / The Dynamics of Desire: Sexuality and Gender in Pornography and Performance (article) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Roger Caillois Hanne Seitz (Ed.) Schreiben auf Wasser Robert P. Crease / The Play of Nature Experimantation as Performance P. Bianchi / Kunst ohne Werk – aber mit Wirkung (article Kunstf. Bd. 152) H.G. Furth / Wissen als Leidenschaft Thomas Kellein / Fröhliche Wissenschaft

story telling (2)

Oral tradition in Romance countries

sound poetry / phoneme

bizarre piece of existence theater


memorial culture tied to the body (cf. NLP)

Performance: concrete use of language

(Via Lewandowsky)

(Pane, Brisley)

(2) Neurotic Rituals – in the intensity of a hysterical psychosis

speech acts as actions

rightful speaking – performance (BN)

"Peintre Nato" theory of self-liberation

laughter reveals hidden fundamental fears

(Hermann Bohmert)

performativity of thinking (public thinking)

A performance "speaks" more directly than a presentation

Performance as valuative achievement, as configuring presence to action (BN)

Performance = always also an embodiment language As human existence intervening in an immediately effectiveofway in the existence of a public body (BN)

(cf. Eva Sturm)

Story telling techniques

(Al Hansen) (Laurie Anderson) (Andrea Saemann) (Alexis Smith) (Jean-Yves Frechette, Jan Swidzinski, Hanna Barbara, Adriana Zamboni)

(see also: poetic theatre)

Performance: concrete realization of the linguistic utterance (... voice, breath, gesture, mouth, ear, eye) ... what is personal, physical in every act of speaking (cf. also habitus)

Conference or sermon as form of performance (Lili Fischer) sing-song (Lili Fischer)

exposing oneself completely (extreme performance)

loving people (openness / taking no position / ...)

deep play /vs/ shallow play

20 performance-meters become a marathon

Cf. animal performance (circus)

(Siglinde Kallnbach)

being a person among opening oneself up to the experience people (BN) of intensive presence (Petra Deus) Counterpart to energy: flattening emotion – slowing down, (religious) rapture / ecstasy pasty appearance, flabby muscle tone, quiet voice, cold skin, dull gaze Excess, the Suspension of the familiar moment of delirium ego boundaries, close to psychosis, (McCarthey) in both the ecstasy of love and religious ecstasy (unio mystica)

(Albert van der Weide)

political performance

Performance as provocation Pro-Vocation - calling

Experimentation as Performance (Udo Wid) Performance of thinking

linguistic performance

the conference as speech laboratory


(Chen Chieh-Jen, Nieslony)

fear-angst system (V. Acconci) abandonment panic system existential meaning of angst

performative speech act (... imbedded in ritual situations, etc.)

analytical philosophy epistemology cognition sciences cognition theories artistic research constructivism resemblance theory

performance as art as investigation research laboratory (Chris Burden)

speech or body knowledge

rap meets poetry return of the text


performative understanding (Sowa)

understanding as form of action (Sowa)

attention as raw material (2)

(Else twin Gabriel, Micha Brendel, Via Lewadowsky)

(Nancy Angelo, Laurel Klick, Cheri Gaulke)

Feminist Actionists

feminist actionism

logic of anger, rage and (Kees Mol => Nieslony) poetically destructive aggression brutality as a destruction in art symposion DIAS (1966, ...) fundamental position (O.Muehl, H.Nitsch, P. Weibel, A.Hansen,

(Huge Harry)

EEG-measurable: hunger, fear, anger, mourning, joy

rage-anger system

(Carolee Schneemann, Joan Jonas, Ann Halprin) body as material (see left)

zones of dis-rupture

emotional force of performance

performance as exorcism (see above)

(Charlemagne Palestine)

(originally. V. Export & U. Rosenbach)

the emotional as a fundamental position

(Hans-Jörg Marti)


09 everyday view

Guerilla Performances) guerilla theatre

Happenings as quiet research

Performance as attention (see above)

PIM performative indoctrination model (Ray Langenbach)

anarchist approaches

taboo materials

self-poisoning (Heli Rekula)

(Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose) (Paul McCarthy) (Mike Parr) (Da Blunschi)


ecological performance

Art and Revolution (P. Weibel, V. Export, O. Mühl, G. Brus UNI Vienna 1968)

in the moment of dread

losing one's grip possibility of ec-stasy

Performance with (dead) animals

(category 13 according to M.-L. Lange) (Janus Markus = J. Markus-Barbarossa)

performance as destabilizing practice (see above)

guerilla art

pictures of anonymous people, tortured, executed

Performance as "translation" (PSi7) into a different area. After a P-phase, artists are often active in other fields.

(V. Export, Siglinde Kallnbach, Werner Klotz (snails), Via Lewandowsky, Alastair MacLennan, H. Nitsch, R. Schwarzkogler, Otto Mühl, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Mark Tomson/Thompson (work with bees), Stadtwerkstatt (bug race), Zitronenfalter (Brook), Attila Kosa (taxidermist), Paul Kos (Trophy), Josef Beuys (coyote, horse, dead hare), J. Kounellis (horses), G. Duintjer (horse), Bender&Nern (horse), Arnulf Rainer (Painting Performance with Monkey), Stephan Us (dead sparrow), Elisabette Mileu (fish) Pascale Grau (ladybug), Bonnie Sherk, Tatjana Ilic (bird in mouth), Marco Ivaristtis, Kim Jones (Rat-Burning), Ella Tideman, Markus Schwaighofer, Walter Stehling (dog), Ramiro Oviedo (snake), Hélio Oiticia, Carolee Schneemann (snake, fish, chicken), Kaprow (chickens), Rafael M. Ortiz (chicken destruction), Mark Boyle (insects in the throes of death), Learn Simon Whitehead (tracking animals)

(Zygmunt Piotrowski - School of Attention)

resistance movement protest movement, sit ins

(Marietheres Finkeldei)

(cf. Marvin Carlson)

emotional power of expression (cf. "southern" cultures)

existence-philosophical topicalization of situation (Jaspers, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty)

existential and bodily "abhorrence" that results speechlessness and comes before thinking

completely expending oneself (Gina Pane) (McCarthy) (Reindeer Werk) (Denis Oppenheim) (Marina Abramovic: dance to unconsciousness) (Marcos Kurtyz) (Dorte Strehlow: dragging sack) (Melati Suryodarmo: dances,falls, ...) total overload (Stuart Brilley)

(Bonnie Sherk, Gómez-Pena & Fusco)

Shan – discipline of attention politically intended actions and performances

(Matthias Schönweger)

(see above)

Lecture as Research Performance

performance artists as poet, storyteller, preacher, rapper, ...

poesie d´action

poetic structures

The oral apostles

... Existence has always already been tuned (Heidegger)

(Rose Finn-Kelcey)

model of the accident (Allan Karpow)(Stuart Sherman) event of disconcertedness par excellence

Disquieting and renewing energy (Ric Allsopp) to exhaustion Artaud: to be as one condemned to be burned and making signs from up on the stake

dignity performance (Zofia Kulik, Przemyslaw Kwiek)

(Chumpon Apisuk, Arahmaiani (A. Rahmayani))

performance as demonstration (see above) "Polis Performance“


Sadomasochistic Performance:

Core of a performative ethics and aesthetics: intensification of life with all its capability for expression, perception and pleasure (H. Sowa)

Aktivismus / Activism

(Milan Kizak)

(V. Export, Lorraine O´Grady:

being tense together (2)

(Oleg Kulik, Alexander Brener, Peter Weibel)

It is not possible to speak about ethics (praxeology) ethics = action (performative)

On the ethics of the deed – Hagakure (Yukio Mishima) audience participation lie as performative act Interventive actions of public life Ethics of catharsis requires participation (LE); social engaged transfer qua awakening of movement performance (cf. projects by IRWIN) uncontrollable emotional reactions social activist philanthropy (fear, revulsion, alarm) performance


performance as subversion

(Viennese Actionists)

cf. living environments (living pictures as in the baroque era)

performance as celebration


Ethics is the aesthetics of the future

Happening (2)

agit pop

political actionism politically motivated actions actionism in parliament symbolic actionism (PB)

shame (culturally determined)

hellish bodies: horror worlds: electrical shocks, unbearable noise (LE)

Expressionistic and psychological interests

(the Surrealists)

Tableaux Vivants

Extremity in the emotional sphere


(Marxist, Leninist) (Sonia Knox, Elisabeth Chitty) (Ray Langenbach) (Marcel Odenbach) (U. Rosenbach) (Marcella Bienvenue)(Chris Reinicke)

(organic) decay decomposition (Kosa)

nauseating material battles

(Tibor Hajas, McCarthey) (Fluxus) (autoperforation artists: Micha Brendel, Else Gabriel, Rainer Görß, Via Lewandowsky) (Schlingensief / What else could be violated?)

human as dog

cf. Wittgenstein

(Canada) Performance as social, political strategy

agitation & propaganda

B. Nieslony)

arrested theatrics living tableau

ceremony art (1)



taboo violation/taboo breach

(Bradley smith)

Ethics is the Aesthetics of the Few (ture) (Laurie Anderson)

with regard to aesthetics /vs/ ethics

periodic performative intensities (instead of works)

cage situations

Animal ritual

with Wittgenstein)

performance in politics


directness Theater of (as central quality of performance – emotionally in comparison with communication disgust view perversion (LE) unmediated through media) terrorizing radical disgusting performances nauseating smell (Else Gabriel) pain performances helplessly exposing oneself to the audience nauseating abjects (Wolfgang Flatz, Abramovic) sadistically tortured taboo topics (Hermes Phettberg) strictness child abuse dealing with Taboo (Rosa Galindo, Pedro Garhel, the taboo

coerced performance of life

celebration art (1)

situative production maneuver, sit ins


(Ralf Samens)

mimesis and imitation

(Alex Mlynarcyk, Colette, Luigi Ontani, Johan Lorbeer, Claudia Triozzi, Myriam Laplante, Faisal Abdu´Allah)

direct art

There are as many performance aesthetics as forms of living or language games (D. Charles

(RoseLee Goldberg with Lenin)

(Bruce Barber)

psycho-physical attacks

art propaganda

11 political view / intercultural view

sense of touch

(Mary Bauermeister)


performance is playing

(Performing Identities – PSi7)

black performance

Interpassivity (theory)

Aura (air, breath) as what is forgotten in humanness (D. Mersch)

political theater

cf. identity view

view of world view

(em) bitter(ed)ness hardness strictness technology critique (Fake shop – Performance-Installation)

organic material

(Ray Langenbach)

flow – experience

(BN) The energetic sum: Emergence (higher plane of being), not conducting secondary discourses

pragmatic ethics and aesthetics (with Rorty, Shusterman) (H. Sowa)

(Gebauer with Bourdieu)

energetically putting oneself into a Samurai (Charlemagne Palestine) – Hagakure: in praise of energy (Mishima)

12 aesthetic view / visual view / light view

Performance as an aesthetic phenomenon (as aesthetic category) see above

The performative indoctrination model

performance as ability to act

cf. body as medium

The ritual does not distinguish between audience and performers

10 recipient view / tactile haptic view

DADA, Futurism and Surrealism Experiments with the audience (Dan Graham) seek mental, (Viktorine Müller (vacuum-packed audience), psychical-psychological Mike Hentz (enclosed, shackles), Nikolaus Urban (locked in, stabs), and even physical V. Export (whipping), attacks on the Jason Lim (beer rain, flour rain), audience (LE) Markus Hensler)

real action as taking political effect

performative creation of distinctions

gathering for moments of intensity

(Lynn Mc Cary, Evan Hughes, Alberto Gaitan)

displacement of the dominance of the visual (sense of sight)

Performance as an aesthetic category

east art / west art

censorship (Tania Bruguera)

Art Attack

aesthetic of performative art category of the "in-between" as guiding category for an aesthetic of the performative aesthetic action

(Peripatetics, INFuG, ARGE Kulturtheorie, Stefan Szczelkun)

Diagrams (thoughts, feelings) (John White)

(Ralf Filges (Ralf Fölling))

(Rose Finn-Kelcey)

14 view of the artist

Identity & Habitus

gendertainment (2)

person marked as hermaphrodite

Performative aesthetic (H. Seitz) (FL)

re-auratization in performative art

aesthetics of life practice

perception politics

war victims

be-holder (in actu)

light music

acts of meaning production / meaning is acting/doing

thinking in movement

poetry in action

An utterance is performative, if it simultaneously realizes what it designates

(Carles Santos, Henri Chopin et al.) (Meredith Monk)

ersatz performer

13 identity view

(Fen-Ma Liuming)

aesthetics of living places

(Mariko Mori)

(discourse control through taboos)


light compositions (Nan Hoover)

Walking and Thinking Thinking is Walking Walking as cultural act border-crossers (Kunstf.Bd.136)

(Charles Dreyfus)

experiments with sound characteristics of sound creation sound poems

author view

(Yayoi Kusama, Pierre Molinier, Judy Chicago, Faith Wilding, Urs Lüthi, Adrian Piper, Patty Chang, Jürgen Klauke, Katharina Sieverding, Linda Benglis, Robert Morris, McCarthy, U. Rosenbach, Warhol, Leigh Bowery)

Identity (as) performance


beings from another world

bed in (for peace)

(Mona Hatoum)


(Stefanie Wilhelm)

(Yoko Ono)

(Performing Resistance – Vienna) (Chris Burden) (V. Acconci) naked performance by the "audience" organized political revolutionary through private ads (Spencer Tunick)

completely surrendering to the visitors (Marina Abramovic) (Hermes Phettberg) (Julie-Andree Tremblay)

unmediated reference to the audience as essential characteristic of the action arts

09 everyday view

(Robert Hartmann, Werner Reuber, Ulrike Zilly)

viewer in the role of the performer (in complicated technical installations)


(La Fura dels Baus)

Performance culture as hotbed of a new reception art

Asian ideas

(Adrian Piper) (Padang Ilalang Group) (Kathrin Butt) (Michelarcangelo De Luca) political climate: (Mongkol Plienbangchang – U-kabat-Group)

(Sonia Knox)

16 epistemological view

see: communication view

(Kunstforum: Jean Odermatt "LKW Gotthard") (George Steinmann)


performance as "theory event“ see: lecture performance

tension between repetition and innovation

resource of attention art as a quick trick

Performing Identity: see also feminist view

(Rolf Julius, Christian Möller)

basic state of calmness

against discrimination because of cultural differences

taboo violations (2)

flood of light


thinking as communicative performance (dialogization; productive debate)


lived mental art work

(Gabriele Oßwald & Wolfgang Sautermeister) (Steve MacCaffery, Enno Stahl, Gilles Ateeu, Yves Boisvert, creative Stan Lafleur, Jean-Pierre Verheggen)

Performance without the performer not appearing and not conducting either

performing artists view


Performance as perfect corporate identity / corporate identity performer

emotional influences of light (in space and through the seasons) aesthetics of the atmosphere


without intentions

(Charles Garoian)

Political Performance

pleasure of grasping /vs/ touch prohibition (Franz West – pieces that should be experienced with the body) (desire for touch)

no distance

(Giuseppe Chiari)

Inge Broska Hans-Jörg Tauchert Jürgen Olbrich thoroughly pseudo Boris Nieslony Ulun Michael Steinke Reindeer Werk: Lebende Vorhersage – The Prediction 79-82

garbage delivery performance

Touch and Feel Cinema (Valie Export) Body Contact (Schechner) Touches (Franz Müller)

(V. Export, Lydia Lunch, Rachel Rosenthal, Elke Krystufek)

the untouchable

playing with the audience's attention

(Abramovic/Ulay, Minus delta t)

quality of perception

spoken words performance

Theater (Perf.) as genuine experience of existence (A. Artaud) rebirth of life

Performance as ritual of transition in a crisis situation (PSi7: Transition)


Performance as memory work (see above) (Schmiz&Drux: Alexander Schmid, Michaela Drux)

Living Tableau

(Ingolf Keiner)

the enflamed aura

culture politics as core of performance

media presence for political issues (Schlingensief)


(Fried Rosenstock)

(Harrie de Kroon)

Communitas Performance as a meeting of different cultures

haptic stimulations

Light and pineal gland


Perception as performative act !

(Ray Langenbach)

art as knowledge system

(Giovanni Fontana, Joel Hubaut, John Giorno, Bernard Heidsieck, Fernando Aguiar, Pierre-André Arcand,, M

curiosity interest system interest logical mental pleasure the body's performative forms of insight

Spielregeln der Kunst (series) Eric Berne / Games People Play Roger Caillois / Man, Play, and Games Johan Huizinga / Homo Ludens (book) Vom Ursprung der Kultur im Spiel V. Flusser (homo ludens) various articles Victor Turner / Vom Ritual Theater. Der Ernst des menschlichen Spiels !! Gregory Bateson / A Theory of Play and Phantasy (Essay) !! Important concepts to performance theory Erving Goffman op.cit. Mikhail Bakhtin (concepts of carnival and dialogism) -> Julia Kristeva Hans-Georg Gadamer / Die Aktualität des Schönen. Kunst als Spiel, Symbol u. Fest TOYS´N´NOISE (catalogue OK) Bachtin J. Piaget , L. Wittgenstein, F. Schiller Andreas Nebelung Barchorski u. Röcke (research project) / Dramaturgie von Witz und Witzkultur in Spätmittelalter u. früher Neuzeit Gebauer (research) / Die Aufführung der Gesellschaft in Spielen Gebauer, Wulf / Spiel – Ritual – Geste Vom Ernst des Spiels (book)

Performance art emerged from the analysis of forms of representation

performativity of thinking (public collective thinking)

interdisciplinary approaches in performance see: interdisciplinarity view

literature performance

voice (as emotionally controlled component of communication)

collective authorship

*1 Russian Roulette

(Francis Francine: Drag-Performer with Warhol & Smith / Mario Montez, Jack Curties: DragPerformer with Warhol) drag queen / drag king (Diane Torr) Drag (Mary Noéle Dupuis)

tableau vivants (2)

(Andreas Techler) Smashing lightbulbs

Penetrating the atmosphere – What is art and what is "reality“?

(G. Gomez-Penas, James Luna, Adrian Piper, Tim Miller, Holly Huge, Robbie McCauley) (Elvira Santamaria)

encounter (2)


Cut piece

voyeurism of performance

(Tomás Ruller)

(as topic)


B.M. is a principle with ethnic-cultural dimensions

"let's do some action"

(Yoko Ono)


(Fabio Mauri) (Laurie Carlos) (Adrian Piper)

(Translation Transition Transformation – PSi7) intercultural collaboration (PSi7)

ethnic performance

on the drip with sleeping drugs (Holtappels)

interrelationships of life are declared art

intercultural theater

(Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Laurie Carlos, Jessica Hagedorn, Robbie McCauley, Coco Fusco, Shirin Neshat, Lorraine O´Grady, Reona Brass)

Activity – Frames of taking action = "taking in mind (Kaprow) hand" (giving existence "a hand")

act forums

race and Performance

multicultural performance

light extinguishing machine

visual dramaturgy

(Vanessa Beecroft, Cindy Sherman, Yasumasa Morimura, Matthew Barney, Leigh Bowery, Mariko Mori, Pipilotti Rist)

intercultural transformation ethnicity and performance

performative action the conference as life of the act

postdramatic theatre of happenings (LE)

story telling (1)

Performance = the art of the act (Black Market)

„Beauty now“


cultural respect (BN)

intercultural performance projects intercultural dialogue (P. Jacomella & M. Walther)

arranging morbid curiosity visual drama

Western taboo of transgressing beauty: cutting the face (Gina Pane) (Orlan)

intercultural performer training

intercultural exchange in performance

intercultural performance (PSi7)

Intervention (2) (Alain-Martin Richard)

(Annette Messager)

operation performance Operation as performance (Orlan) remodeling identity Identity in process

aesthetics of horror

performance as observation

The (photographic) picture becomes performative in the act of viewing

artistically autonomous research work (Hayley Newman)



analytical chilly rationality studies

literary performance

speech performance

(Erich Jandl => Andrea Saemann) (Norbert Klassen)

the voice comes directly from the soul

Ultimate performance with oneself: (Bas Jan Ader, Serge III (Serge Oldenbourg *1), Tibor Hajas, Petr Stembera)

ultimate performance



performance as analytical session (see below) mind shift-ing experiments

(Loidl) (Charles Dreyfus)

performance with language(s)

language as soundscape music of multiple languages



of gender identity

(Eleanor Antin)

aesthetics without intent (PB) provocation aesthetics

Western "text-fixated" culture; in comparison, non-western cultures appear as "performance“

"dialogical" performance

the art of the act

audience participation open end

(Allan Kaprow, Tadeusz Kantor, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Wolf Vostell, Al Hansen, Rauschenberg, Robert Whitman, Nitsch, Schneemann, Knizak, K. Dewery, Alain Jouffrey, Zorka Saglova)

private /vs/ public

B.M. is an intercultural elected affinity

acting performatively

absolute solitude in the act


aesthetic category (FL) see above

(techniques of aestheticization)

(green line walk – Die Fabrikanten) Great Wall Walk (ULAY)

performativity of reading

the body is the focal point of investigations

(B. Nieslony)

literate performance

15 linguistic view view of the voice

invisibility of the author

cf. Performance as demonstration portrait performances Pure Performance practical situative attention /vs/ self-transformation (Irene Andessner) observation as artist image Performance as political phenomenon dandy as contemplative aesthetic attention (cf. self-mutilation) (Giorgio Ciam) (Susan Mogul) performance (Robert Filliou) camp performance I am an artwork (Jeans Group: cross-dressing model Holger Dreissig) Performance as political strategy lesbian camp performance aesthetics of aesthetics of existence authentic (role playing) pragmatic (Helena Goldwater) contemplation /vs/ (M. Foucault) (G.J. Lischka) cross-culture the living introverted invented Performance as praxis of destabilization gay camp performance aesthetics stressing ecstasy (BN) autistic identities Cross-dressed performance the body (life as theater) aesthetics of the moment (cf. ZEN) see: Identity (Lynn Hershman) Performance as subversion Theater of the Ridiculous aesthetics of presence (cf. ZEN) surrendering identity drag transformation as Performance as communication guerilla see above performative constitution see: Attitudes in every performance physical changes (after Sloterdijk)

Performance as conscious dream (see below)

interdisciplinary actions

Is performance a language?


author = work

poetic text as starting situation

speech act

cf. "linguistic turn“

Presentation character has outweighed artifact character living artwork since the 60s (FL)


(Iole de Freitas, Joan Jonas, Dan Graham)

Disguise as performance (Orlan) (Yasumasa Morimura)

(Gilbert & George)

(Jilia Heyward, Shelley Hirsch) (Michael Schmid – screaming naked) (Kim Tomczak)

anonymous performance


exhibition of the self


the general essence of performance

(B. Nieslony)

(Helmut Schober, Scott Burton)

Memo-theatrical dimensions of texts / strategies for visualizing literature (cf. ILIAS – E. Kosa)

Narratively structured performance (Category 12 according to M.-L. Lange)

artist as (participative) behavior scientist

B.M.: ... certain states of knowledge cannot be held down

deconstructivist essence of performance

(Terry Fox)

emotionalization of thinking

(Grimm's Fairy Tales: Joan Jonas)

computer game rules (Markus Hensler) computer games (Paul Demarinis)

Understanding a situation real-physical investigations means ... actively grasping (Attila Kosa) Vivisection (intervention in live animal ...) it (Sowa)

(cf. Hakan Gürses)

(see also sports view)

(U. Wid, A. Fraser, Gina Pane)

every insight is only possible through action / knowledge is a matter of doing (Grotowski)

speaking, singing, screaming

(H. Plessner)

attempts to establish new concepts of art

self-exploratory performance

autobiographical logic of different performance (Rachel identities identity transfer

Insight comes from suffering; disturbance first forces the system into a new way of functioning

Fairy Tale: Performance as rightful speaking see also:

(Raoul Marek)

participative research (performative) vs. observational "standpoint"

play theory language game approach (Wittgenstein) postmodern views anthropology (of laughter)

(see below.)

playing as a joint praxis of suspension

Performativity of netgames

(sabotage – Robert Jelinek)

reference system of terms


Physique of the voice in straining, wheezing, rhythm, archaic sounds and screams (LE)

Dolls, stuffed animals as (co-)players

Performance is quality (Disc.)

(Sabine Sonnenstein)

explore alternate selves

(Austin, Searle)

Speech act as event

singing sculpture

Self-Performance-Art (PB)

(Eleanor Antin)

intensifying participation

Exposing the physique of the voice in screaming, groaning, animal sounds

(Amanda Stewart)

cf. ethical view

Language as performance

Performativity of Language

Form ance

personal fears and obsessions


performative verbs

Slam Poetry

Performances on: language and its relationship to voice

function/meaning of performance

genuine /vs/ play (in comparison to theater) in relation to the performer's use of the body in relation to the role of the "viewer"

(see above.)

(with Wittgenstein)

trial action trial thinking (analogous to trial action)

open thinking (positive feelings, pleasurable relaxation)

cathartic games

(cf. context view) (Schlingensief)

constraining thinking processes

showing and communicating

Sites of performative learning: laboratory, workshop, ...

energizing and (de)motivating effect of affect on cognition

the function of performance within a culture (Lit.: M. Carlson)

The ideas that are in performance are functions (interfunctions)

Spoken word performance

performative utterance

In the arrangement of "MA", the in-between space, this nothingness, B.M. is a kind of mental chagrin.

performance is playing

playful insight

playing with frameworks

table football championship

constrained thinking: negative feelings like anger, fear and mourning, also revulsion and shame have a specifically divisive, distancing effect on cognition thus connotated (theatrical) research work: knowledge about oneself ...

consequences of performances Why performances ?


(Kristin Lucas)

strong lecture culture in: Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia

(Kathy Acker)

Performance: Restored behavior

(Guerilla Girls)

hovering attention (cf. trance)


speech theory

experimental self-experiments

16 effect (consequence) view

increased attention

cultural development (see below)


Performance /vs/ Competence



attention as raw material (1)

consequences for the field of art (game rules of art) cf: revolutionary approaches

Performance as construction of meaning (in actu and in situ)

(Emmet Williams)

performative tendency of all creative writing

cf. context view

+Performance as attention +Performance as aesthetic category Performance as aesthetics of existence

art without work, but with effect (PB)

reality as practical execution of life (actus)

(Robert Filliou)

event society and game culture

The allotropic = the purest thought of alchemy; does a process of insight need 20 years or can an event create it in a second key experiences

insight as consequence cf. service view


(Karen Finley) (Ron Athey – NEA USA)

Language Happenings a theory of language, is part of a theory of action

science on and for people (B. Nieslony)

querying disquieting perturbing frightening

senses up-set (BN) mental chagrin (B.M.)

(W. Pfaff)

(Ralf Samens, Ben + Sam, Ross Sinclair, Udo Idelberger)


play of locations modified (card) games

cf. knowledge as passion

Performance aims to provoke dismay, fear, anger, desire, anxiety, hate (Li.: J.-F. Lyotard)

Text Performances (Chumpon Apisuk) (Waldtraut Winkler) (Dominique Tronchet)

Experimental actions

Performativity as establishing identity as a process of repeated citations

logic of joy pleasurable play

agitation, impotence as consequence

insight illumination comfort

censorship as consequence

reading performances

(see below)

(G. Brus, P. Weibel)

Beginning in the mid-80s, language again becomes more important in performances (often in social and political context)

"language planes" instead of dialogues

emotions with regard to what is strange The strange as monster

total irritation (Schlingensief)

Performance and writing

+Performance as formational field of experiment There is no performance without Performance as life-art-work (2) Preformance (John MacAloon) Performance as a praxis of articulating identity Performance as memory work


The 8 rasas (non-commonplace emotional states), that the audience experiences through the art of the performer legal prosecution as consequence


(Ric Allsopp)

cf. theater view cf. service view cf. political view see: lectures

disruption, shock as consequence (Kees Mol)

political, social consequences (see political view)

emotions mourning (Hans-Jörg Marti)

Performance as "spiritual exercise (Lit.: W. Welsch) practice exercise

playing as the essence of culture materially unproductive, culture as a game (Lit. Huizinga) rule-based, ,...


(Performing Resistance)

outdated concept of effect aesthetics superseded by the aesthetics of the performative temporary panic, dizziness (Lit.: R. Caillois) vertigo (Milica Tomic & Róza El-Hassan)

games (3)

playing and humor see also: Fluxus (G. Brecht)

Meta-communication (Bateson) Psychological frame

more game than battle

the mental network (BN) the network of intentions

"Shaken" by: enthusiasm, insight, fascination, shock, excitement, confusion

touched, moved

put into a trance

musical score as game rules

play drive

17 playful view view of playing

role plays (s.l.)

(see: Improvisation)

(see: release view)

game rules (of art)

DADA (2)

collective consciousness (Jean Dupuy)

exposure shame embarrassment (Peter Land) (BN) chagrin

act/effect realized in being dealt with (H. Sowa)

playfully devoted to chaos (Gelatin)

view of nonsense

(cf. view of destruction)

(Hortensia Ramirez R.)

Theater-anthropological thesis: Bipolarity is not found between ritual and theater, but rather between the parameters of effectivity (in ritual) and entertainment (in art) (LE)

free play

The human being becomesfree play with materials, objects, body movements, action locations human in playing

playfulness and fun culture

time of impossible connections

carnival – the place for working out

game moves with tremendous performativity (Lit.: Lyotard)

see also: identity view

view of laughter culture

laughter community

carnival of thinking (ridicule of other directions of thinking)

liberation from religious and sexual taboos

sex education (AIDS)

therapy function


(Lit.: Mikhail Bakhtin / Bachtin)

carnival – the place for working out

jester's body with mimicking gestures, pointing, masquerades

exposure gaining influence over attitudes and interpersonal relationships

17 carnival view

Concept of carnivalization

playing with identity

annulment of hierarchical relationship (of noncarnival life)

(Pueblo Indians)


Literature: Kunstforum Bd. 150 Zeit – Existenz – Kunst Peter Gorsen / Der spielbar gemachte Alltag oder die Rückkehr des Existentialismus in der Performance Art (catalogue essay) Roland Barthes / La Mort de l´Auteur Heidegger / Existentialphilosophie ... Heidegger / Sein und Zeit Jaspers, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty Staging the Holocaust (PSi7) Miriam Yahil-Wax / (PSi7) Where language ends

performative theories ethnology analytical philosophy linguistic philosophy rhetoric language studies / linguistics structuralism speech act theory (Austin, Searle) pragmatics/interactions and conversation analysis socio-linguistics linguistic performance theory literature studies literature discourse linguistic turn (discourse)

Eva Kosa / Ilias (masters thesis) ! Doro Franck (article) / in: Relikte & Sedimente Eva Sturm / Im Engpaß der Worte J. Lacan John L. Austin / How To Do Things wih words John R. Searle / Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language J. Butler Herbert Paul Grice, Strawson Eli Rozik / Categorization of Speech Acts in Play and Performance Analysis L. Wittgenstein (language game theory) Pierre Bourdieu / Was heißt sprechen? Die Ökonomie des sprachl. Tausches !!! V. Flusser Mikhail Bakhtin / Speech Genres ... J. Kristeva J. Derrida !!! Shoshana Felman / Don Juan avec Austin Richard Baumann / Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies in Oral Narrative Marvin Carlson / Performance; chapter The performance of language Noam Chomsky (competence /vs/ performance)

01 atmosphere view context-aware theories contextualism discourse theories of meta-communication

performance as a field of action and experience – an all-encompassing atmosphere (Prof. Mike Pearson)

see also: aesthetics of atmosphere (atmosphere as term of aesthetics)

(INFuG, Stadtwerkstatt)

atmosphere – mood – disposition

Literature: Kontextbewußte Ansätze in Kunst und Wissenschaft / G. Dirmoser (DG) Erving Goffman / Frame Analysis (book) Gregory Bateson J. Derrida Performance: Texts and Contexts (1993) Victor Turner / Frame, Flow, and Reflection (1977) in: Performance in Postmodern Culture Gernot Böhme / Atmosphäre - Essays zur neuen Ästhetik Thomas Dreher, Peter Weibel, ...

mood gauge (GANG ART, granular synthesis: Kurt Hentschläger & Ulf Langreich)

the power of the context (Thomas Huber)

(cheerful, uplifting, alarming, aggressive, ...)

abandonment: surrendering to openness (Alex Silber)

role of chance (resistances with the help of chance) Indeterminacy (Cage)



(Pierpaolo Calzolari)

Improvisation (2)

02 view of eros

Urban intervention (40 singers in the underground)

(Hayley Newman)

(Christine Carson)

free play

performance with no stylistic restrictions (BM) open progression Performance: a permissive, open-ended anonymous intervention medium with endless variables steered intervention programmatic Art as intervention disturbance (INFuG) (Art Attack)



sculptural-aleatoric process (Andreas Techler)

dialectics of behavior demonstration of an idea (Stuart Brisley) (without audience participation) (John Sturgeon & Aysha Quinn)

love relationships have an unfettering effect (decentered; abandoning one's own standpoint) Performance as a ritual of transition (FL) (PSi7: Transition)

Ritual and improvisation

(Die Fabrikanten)

Transformation (ASA is transformation)

(Pauline Oliveros)

Performance as transitional form of art (see above)

R. Summers, Piki Soul,Mary Bauermeister, ...)

project-oriented art (Simon Beer)

Performance as guided tour cf. also reading seminars (in the museum) – (A. Fraser, C.P.Müller, lecture service (U. Wid)

network idea

project theater (LE) (Team of: dancers, graphics artists, musicians, architects, ...)

rent an artist (3)

(R. Ganahl)

Christel Burmeister)

(Stan Lafleur)

cf. projects by MAIS

Second hand shop as art (Christine Hill)

(Jürgen Olbrich)

ASA Projekte: Die Gabe Gabe als Gesellschaftssinn

Networker / electronic network work

communication settings services

(Cesar Figueiredo, Nieslony, Padellun, Bernd von den Brincken)

the gift is the greatest, the oldest, the swingingest network that exists

(Stadtwerkstatt, Servus, FRO)

art that provides services

ASA in Bologna: (Padellun Rena Tangens, Raoul Marek, Boris Nieslony)

(CH 2 ART AS SERVICE: the opposite of philosophical terminal (see above.) Daniel Hauser, Chiarenza) control is service as service A performance is supplied like a commodity. documentary theater (LE) The Black Market actions are very close to this the service is the medium commodity character (BN) Cultural Worker continuous service as ASA should be much more free service as a technique of performance (ASA) and floating. passing something on real work ASA: The Art of Service away from commodity concept as performance

art as service offering (INFuG)

cf. exchange projects

ASA = art service association performance theory epistemology dialogical approaches postmodern views crossover debate

ASA should be a pure service / Service makes ASA visible

project groups work performative practice

mobile office container

(Performing Resistance)

counters, tradefair booths, office spaces, hotel lobbies as possible presentation forms


cf. Servicebüro Hamburg cf. Büro Berlin (H. Pitz) cf. Sampler Büro Bert cf. Community Service (USA) cf. Depot (Vienna)

office as performance substitute (?)

cf. archive cf. view of collecting cf. view of the organizing institution cf. political view: activism

(Victor Snessar)

(Social Impact) OÖ

community-oriented work

instant intervention

ad hoc performances (Wulle Konsumkunst)

(office of dramaturgy and performance research - Vienna)

permanent performance conference cf. Stadtwerkstatt as permanent conference

Non-intentional actions (Fabrikanten)

Performativity: re-valorizing team work cf. art as teamwork

(Bruno Peter Schärli, Peter Spillmann, Hans Wermelinger)

(Lit.: Lyotard)


Literature: Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) Hubert Sowa / Nach Duchamp und Heidegger: Kunst, verlernen Anita Cherian / (PSi7) Performing the Region – Nation

performance theory dialogical approaches

operating system discourse

view of producing view of fabricating (shifts more into focus again)

the activity of producing and carrying out (takes the place of the product) (LE)

male duos:

investigative working method

performance techniques

this point is considered a superstructure for several neighboring views Performance as autonomous art (?) Siehe auch: Servicesicht

(see above) Performance as profiling facility avant-gardist isms are superseded by ideas and contexts (PB)

view of presentation view of depiction view of reproduction

view of ideas 05 view of innovation

(Tony Morgan)

radical expansion of the concept of art "open concept of art"

catatonic position (cramp)

collective term: cf. expanded theater


gesture bodies

primary gestures masculine attitudes (Ilija Soskic)

animalist behavior


(attitude – imitated sculptures)

06 gestic view habitual view n.b.: separated from body view

in performance art

(Thomas F. Fischer) (Stuart Brisley) (Albert Mayr)

extremely personal forms of behavior (as cultural achievement)

(A. Rainer, Reindeer Werk)

multimedia largest scale performances (Kunst & Kravall: Stadtwerkstatt)

Interactive audio tour

brutality as fundamental position (2)

trash art decollage happening

media theory / media discourse media studies media anthropology communication theory information theory net discourse / cyber discourse simulation discourse

(K. Obermaier & Chris Haring)

media performances electronic media:

The Avant Guard in Action

07 subversion view / media-critical view

Neoism (performances of the 80s) (Stuart Home)

see body extensions: (Stelarc)

see: action revolutionary performances

Performance as communication guerilla

(see above)

media guerilla

theater of subversion

Orgies-MysteriesTheater (cf. ceremony art / Celebration art)

(Bucky Grinberg)

(Hermann Nitsch, G. Brus, Rudolf Schwarzkogler)

sex, blood and flesh rituals Theater of blood (Artaud) the real organ of feeling is the entire body

extreme large page shift with scrollbar


Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Richard Kostelnatz / On Innovative Performance(s) (book) Marcel Mauss / Körpertechniken (article) Hubert Klocker (Diss.) / Der Wiener Aktionismus. Das Orgien-MysterienTheater. Eine performancetheoretische Studie

Kunstforum Bd. 137 Atlas der Künstlerreisen Frauen, Kunst und neue Medien / Ed. Heidi Richter et al. Ute Ritschel / Symposion 2001: Performance art & Pädagogik Terretoires Nomades Hanne Seitz (Ed.) / Schreiben auf Wasser Performative Verfahren in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Bildung (book on the symposium: Performance u. Lehre) Charles R. Garoian Marie-Luise Lange / Schneisen im Heuhaufen – Formen von Performance Kunst (article) Hubert Sowa (INFuG) / Kunstpädagogik und Praxisparadigma (article) Robert Filliou / Lehren und Lernen als Aufführungskünste Eva Sturm / (article) Kunstf. Bd. 152

V. Flusser / Gesten Karl Gröning / Hände Erving Goffman / On Facework: An Analysis of Ritual Elements in Social Interaction (article) Lea Vergine / Body Art and Performance The Body as Language Gregory Bateson / Ökologische Kommunikation P. Bourdieu (Habitus/Hexis) Gesten u. Körperinszenierungen im Mittelater K.-J. Pazzini Martina Koch (Habilitation) / performative Pädagogik

Literature: Dirmoser (DG) (study) Wer fliegt – Abenteuer Kommunikation / Die Fabrikanten Dirmoser (DG) (study): STWST – TV M. Serres / Der Parasit Handbuch der Kommunikationsguerilla Luther Blissett, Sonja Brünzels Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Philip Auslander / Performance in a Mediatized Culture (book) Bausch & Sting / Forschungsprojekt: Medien und Rituale Philippe Dubois / Der fotographische Akt H. Böhme, P. Matussek / Computer als Gedächtnistheater J. Fohrmann / Textur und Performanz: Medientheorien im Vergleich J.L. Schröder (lecture) / Blende und Traumzeit – Performance u. Medien

Martina Leeker / (PSi7) Performativity and Notions of Media

queer theory / gender studies sexuality discourse / AIDS debate Body theory / body philosophy body sociology dance theory / new body theories phenomenology of perception revulsion theory bioenergetic therapy

Literature: (... continued) Cyberdance – Performance u. neue Medien / Martina Leeker (article): ... bio-elektronische Performances Ruth Schnell (article): Performance u. interaktive Medienkunst Sophia Totzeva / (PSi7) Differenz und Identität – Medientransformation als Wiederholung Wolf-Dieter Ernst / (PSi7) Body Check: How to perform the body in mediated Culture without getting tired? Diane Howard, Stan Dyer / (PSi7) Translation, Transition, and Transformation in Cyberspace

Translating into Cyberspace (PSi7) Anja Diefenbach, Barbara Büscher, Steve Dixon, Martina Leeker Barbara Büscher / (PSi7) Cybernetic Transformation in Performance. Körper u. Medien, (rück)gekoppelt

practical performative forms of living (H. Sowa)

furniture chopper

chair destruction

(Pepi Meier)

(Ralph Ortiz)

research projects by Prof. Wulf family rituals (Bourdieu reference) rituals in school

09 everyday view

see also: attitudes

(P. Arlt – fünf ingenöre, Kubelka, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Matthew Ngui)

kitchen pieces (Attila Kosa) cooking art (Spoerri, Mario Ohno) (transpublic: transpikante

(Barbara Sturm) sitting in vinegar (Julie-Andree Tremblay)

smearing edibles

Erfahrungswelten) Hell Cuisine (W. Grillitsch, E. Knöß, H. Müller) (see also: celebration) as the turkey (Mechthild Barth)

(Chris Burden, ...)

(Karen Finley) (Andre Stitt) (the kipper kids – Harry Kipper)

family life with children as performance

Everyday life (Marcia Tucker)

(Shirley Cameron & Roland Miller)

science on and for the human being

relocation action (J. Lothar Schröder)

mythology of the profane

Alchemy of everyday Allotropy of everyday

invitation into intimate spaces (Barbara Smith – naked)

action-analytical commune (Otto Muehl)

Private performance – collective "departures" (Stadtwerkstatt)

artificiality of the everyday (Emil Gropoz) What separates real life from performance? publicly peeling vegetables: (Devora Neumark)

Job as measure of life work

raising awareness of banal processes

(Devora Neumark)

raising awareness of important activities (Mierle Laderman Ukeles)

Extremes of doing nothing and the boundaries of self-control

(Ken Unsworth) (Barry La Va)

the daily, the daily story (the koan)


the physical body as the suffering bodies (Martyrs) sensing and sensed body Koans - daily life plots (Bob Flanagan, Ron Athey, representation and excess extract of a story (B. Nieslony) Eleanor Antin, ...) (ketchup/chocolate sauce instead dough – of blood/feces) Ritualize/fetishize/highlight the ordinary Performance = Production and reproduction mouth formation (Joelle Ciona) (Paul McCarthy) corporeality of feelings (Ann Hamilton) of corporeality transgressive bodies electro-welding and other physical body as physical body, the structure craft elements self-confirmation by licking /vs/ body schema relinquishes itself (B/Ph.B) (Angelika Thomas & De Chirico) the body as body, it internalizes itself body view /vs/ physical body view (B. Johannes Blume) the art of existing is inscribed in the body

08 physical body view

The aspect of the physical body is presentation The aspect of the body is representation

fascination of the banal

daily life koans

physical investigations work as performance with the body (bending, falling, (Servie Janssen) folding, walking, hanging, leaning, ....)

Art of walking (Tony Morgan) (Mike Pearson) (Alexander Schmid) (Fabrikanten: walking with no intentions)


Environments Leading actor in one's own life? living pictures like in the (Gérald) baroque era (Colette: celebrated her life Performance at the in designed environments) see also: intersection of art tableaux vivants and everyday life

everyday mental state as (affective) point of departure

cooking & gift cooking & communication

body in honey, rolling in feathers or hair

(Tara Babel & Andre Stitt) (Gebrüder Kunst)

(fasting 33 days: Ernst Len)

fasting (R. Schwarzkogler) starving (K. Etschmann) Cooking/Kitchen as performance

(OM Nitsch)

everyday performance (Stadtwerkstatt)

(Sandy MacFadden)

(R.M. Ortiz)

eat art

(Jan Bas Ader)

everyday chaos

hunger as basic sensation

Bioenergetic performance

Roman orgiastic culture of gorging (Ro Ma Ma Chine: Cecile Noldus, Mike Hentz) smelling and tasting rituals

Nao Bustamante Skip Arnold, Kees Mol (BM) Zbigniew Warpechowski Orlan, Roi Vaara Marina Abramovic Harrie de Kroon Nikolaus Urban Jan Bas Ader, Koop Seiji Shimoda Ken Unswort. Mike Parr Robert Faguy, Ishi Mitsutaka Marco Klaassen, Ralf Berger Glyn Davies Marshall Bruce Nauman Ulay = Uwe Laysiepen Rebecca Horn Klaus Rinke, Timm Ulrichs Denis Oppenheim Matty Jankowski William Wegman Christine Bänninger RIA Pacquée, Atau Tanaka Phillip Warnell, Salvo

feeding (Stefan Halter, Franz Gratwohl)

energy-conserving behaviors

(Jürgen Raap)

"getting wasted" "total action" (Muehl) "piss action" (Muehl)

Viennese Actionism

(Ana Mendieta)

taking blood (Peter Gilles) (Ray Langenbach)


drinking performances dinner performances

(Barbara Smith)

chemical "moods" (Dopamin, Epinephrin, Serotonin)

(Gina Pane)

lust greed

physical body as painting ground

(Andrés Pereiro-Schmidt)

subversive communication systems

ironic way of dealing with communication technologies


art corporel

learning the language of the body uplifting

(P. Rist,

Ritualistic bodies (see also: rituals)

(Franz John & Merit Aton)

Literature: (... continued)

body orifices

body sculpture (1)

body as tool

(Matthew Barney)

Dionysian actions intoxicating, ecstatic

Media burn

(V. Beecroft) (Spencer Tunick)

(Valie Export)

body as instrument

father of body art: G. Brus

naked performances


Dionysus ritual (Etant Donnes: Eric Hurtado, Marc Hurtado) philosophy of intoxication (H. Nitsch)

anti-minimalist movement / quasibaroque style

(Gretchen Schiller)


Gutai: material actions

Gebrüder Kunst)

body as sound box

The postdramatic body is a body of gesture (LE)

Old Boys Network, (Helena von Oldenburg), Frauen und Technik, Gruber, Mike Hentz, Karel Dudese

interactive real-time video systems

(Ant Farm: Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez, Doug Michaels, Curtis Schreier)

(Viktorine Müller, Irene Bachmann) (Barbie Cyborg (V.M.)) (Miriam Steinhauser)

Otto Muehl, H. Nitsch)

(2) extended performance

transformed bodies projected onto dancer bodies

cybernetic research

(Julia Scher)

body as material (material actions:

(Paul Demarinis)

(Sadie Plant)

(T.R. Uthco)

trash performances

(Stefan Berchtold & Ingolf Keiner)

body art

skinning performance

Computer games

see in detail: machine view

surveillance as performance

Body art & Butoh (Mark Steger)

body fragmentation in the performance

(Denis Masi) (Li A- Roca)

Drama in Real Life (minor accidents – with bike into the canal)

art corporel art corporal

aesthetics of the living

traces of a (living) body


computer performances

(Jürgen Fritz)

(Monty Cantsin, Jason Lim, Helinä Hukkataival, H.A. Schult, John Bock, Tom Murin) Dada Shave (Anna Banana & Bill Gaglione)

(Michael Schaowanasai)

taste, incorporating

body works disciplining

practically every imaginable physical activity has been investigated (real time activity)

digital performance (P. Weibel)

Real time performance via Internet

The dominants of drama and illusion are migrating to the media, whereas the currentness of performance becomes the new dominant of the theater (LE)

media shamans

closed circuit procedure

(Janet Haufler, B. Nieslony, BBB Johannes Deimling, Dziugas Katinas, Regula Kopp, Mario Ohno, Seiji Shimoda) Tischsituationen / Tischregeln (Ralf Filges) (Ulla Rauh) Tischtransaktionen (Fabrikanten, Nieslony)

(category 01 according to M.-L. Lange) (time´s up)

body work

Discours du corps (Gillian Dyson)


Ponton Medias: (B. Heidersberger, K. Dudesek, S. Vanasco, M. Hentz)

(Qing Qing Chen)

performances crossing physical boundaries

body as medium

(Carola Willbrand)


table performances

"emptying" and "purifying" the body physical borderline states (Charlemagne Palestine)

Feldenkrais Method


(Inge Broska) (Theresa Drache) (Hans-Jörg Tauchert)


08 body view / gustative view

tongue traces

body performance

electronic performance

cybertechnology and performance

robot performances ("Wall Street performance“ / Momoyo Torimitsu) (Stelarc)

simulated events


(2) soap performance

... Working with multimedia means. Semantic unity in the sense of a gesamtkunstwerk (cf. view)

over 50% of communication is nonverbal (gestures, deconstructions (Rafael Montanez Ortiz) gesture as guarantee facial expression, posture) of the statement violence as critical instrument (2) cf. role of nonverbal communication with G. Bateson (double bind ...) "how" something is communicated

the performance of the body (performativity)

(Bob Wilhite, Minus delta t)

everyday relics

everyday objects


physical view – achievement (see also view of achievement)

Japanese body work body therapy (G. Pesonnier)

everyday behavior

seeing an everyday situation and turning it into a performance / 1:1 transfer (not mimicry, not mimesis)

Body boundaries (skin incisions, self-experiments, ....) skin-like clothing (Regina Frank)

extreme body art (Wen Lee)

essential body experiences

body archeology (body's capacity for remembering – Grotowski)

Living Projects

real performance

clothing printed with body parts (Katharina Trost)

(Sylvette Babin)

(Ron Athey, Laura Aguilar, Matthew Barney, Eva u. Adele, Mary Kelly, Rachel Rosenthal, ...)

New Media (Christian van de Borght)

see above

(category 10 according to M.-L. Lange)

(Tagny Duff)

inscribed in the body (incorporation)

(2) TV performance

Video or performance installation (Gary Hill, Bill Viola, Muda Mathis, Tadasu Takamine, Kubisch + Plessi Martine Aballéa, Serge Comte)

(cf. Foucault)

media aesthetics and performative practice (Mattenklott) on:

(Thomas F. Fischer, Joan Jonas, Christina Kubisch, Fabrizio Plessi, Marcel Odenbach, Nam June Paik, Charlotte Moorman, Ulrike Rosenbach, Pipilotti Rist, M.Bienvenue, Gershon Berkowitz, Tomás Ruller, Peter Land, Matthew Barney, ....)

Performance as synaesthetic montage of action strands, aesthetic means and media

elementary forms of behavior (not rationally controlled)


Performance as primal human language (2)

see also: view of orality

multimedia approaches

performance /vs/ behavior (Elio Mariani)

habitual behavior (FS)

Gesture Dance (Schlemmer)

gestural performance

mediality as performativity

living in exhibition spaces for several weeks (Klat und pac) (Udo Wid)

acts of violence against the body (Zhang Huan) close to torture

most sublime moments of physical presence

breast incisions joined with operation needles (JOKO: Karin Jost & Regula J. Kopp) pain through connection (in nettles)

anarchic body avant-garde since Nietzsche

view of mediality see also: mimicry of life

(James Lee Byards)

bondage shifting the boundaries challenging the physical of body, pain and body – walking over risk glass (Rebecca Belmore) standing on ice (C. Schmidt-

(Kees Mol)

Suspensions (skin hooks – Stelarc) (cf. Fuckhead) skin hooks (H.G. Herrmann)


view of electronic media video performances

Transgressive bodies

glued to the wall (Roi Vaara) stuck to the ceiling (Roi Vaara)

redesigning one's own body

Telephone Performance

Habitual behavior patterns

(Franz Kaltenbäck)


Gesture (French) = Action

07 view of media

(Rachel Rosenthal) (Paul Demarinis) (Sang-Jin Lee) (Station Rose: Gary Danner & Elisa Rose) (Valie Export) (Orlan) (Stelarc) (GANG ART) (James Partaik) (Sylvette Babin) (Mark Dijkstra) (Amsterdam Ballons) (The Dark Bob) (Max Frazee) (Marlene Madison Plimley) (Gordon Monahan) (Milos Vojtechovsky) (Perry Hobermann) (Maricruz Penaloza) (Pyromania (B.N. Hiesserer)) (Jürg Schmoll)

behavior experiments

(Reindeer Werk: Tom Puckey, Dirk Larsen)

(BBB.J. Deimlinger)

media performance

life and work as unit/ every public act = performance

(Shi Sen Chen)

perfect bodies deformed bodies (Lee Wen)

life art instead of lifestyle (PB) Kunst als Lebensform

(Carola Riess)

(Tibor Hajas) (Chris Burden) the self at stake(FS) (Brus, Ben Vautrier)

self-experiments: (Denis Oppenheim – sunburn) (Barry L Va – smashing against the wall) (Norbert Stück)

risk situations: electricity, fire, dangerous materials, knives, drugs, extreme duration, hanging, piercing, ... (cf. torture practices)

action and accident (sensation of falling) (McCarthy) physical exceptional situations (Stephan Us) spitting ice .... uninhibited confrontations (2) performances (Etant Donnes)

Intermedium (Happening)

(James Coleman)

(Andrej Dudek-Dürer) (Eva & Adele) (KUSCH) (Laura Kikauka) (Geert Duintjer) (Klat und pac)

Lust knife's edge

self-jeopardizing body work

reaching a high degree of being-in-the-body through self-injury

Peter Gilles) (Jan Mlcoch) lack of breath to unconsciousness (Gilles)

Intermedia / mixed means

Projection with speaking voice

view of communication

(Carol Queen)

(David Drake, Tim Miller, Holly Hughes, Karen Finley, John Fleck, Isaac Julien)

(Tibor Hajas, Gina Pane, Chris Burden, Petr Stembera, Jerzy Truszkowski, Z. Warpechowski, Danny Devos, G. Brus, M. Abramovic, Ron Athey, Bob Flanagan, Franko B, Michel Journiac, H.G. Herrmann, W. Kazmierczak, ...)

extreme situations (panic due to lack of oxygen:

(as common characteristic of performances)

LKW life art


homosexual performance: gay perf., lesbian perf. (G. Metzger)

borderline situations


Performative aspects in photography

(BKH Gutmann, Mariko Mori, M.C. Chaimovicz, Ma Liuming, Stephen Laub)

Performance as the blood of the media

multimedia performance

performer as researcher of gestures and Minimal Performances

gesticulation (W. Hofmann) (Rachel Echenberg)

gestic performances communication theory / NLP pedagogy / art pedagogy (game rules of art) theater theory nomadology discourse body theory body philosophy / body sociology

see also: Behavior Tableaut

Behavior Art


(Jürgen Olbrich)

life situations

(Mamiko Kawabata)


pain automatically generates a more active reception on the part of the viewer

living intermedia sculpture (@Home)

Performance is intermedia art per se

projections in a "performance triptych“ (Robert Longo)

(1) photo performance


contagion and enslavement: art is a social phenomenon with strongly affectdriven components: facial expression, posture, voice, gestures

plurimedia theater (LE)

V. Export Gina Pane Raul Zurita Diamela Eltit

Flow – most unmediated communication body in pain

in performance art (Valie Export) (Tina Keane) (Barbara Konopka) (Palindrom)

auto-aggression auto-destruction

Life ist art enough

(Elke Krystufek, Vito Acconci, Annie Sprinkle, G.Brus) Sex oral (Harri Schemm) palm of the hand (Allucquére Rosanne Stone)

(Annie Sprinkle)

breast performance / Sex worker

gay & lesbian, transsex.

skin cuts:

Performance as a special kind of interaction

intermedia approaches

(Colette, Jürgen Klauke, R. Schwarzkogler)

(Peter Weibel, V. Export, Etoy) (Pyromania: B.N. Hiesserer)

(Pina Bausch)

poesie d´action

(Nam June Paik, Allan Kaprow)

(also with new media)

private performances (for photo works)


affective communication, emotional


(Markus Hensler) (STWST) (Thorsten Kellermann)

(Ko DE Jonge, Niall Monro, Ed Varney, Juan J. Agius)

vernissage ritual: as celebration of thanksgiving, initiation, rite of passage

art as translation (GANG ART) (PSi7)


(Stadttwerkstatt – Checkpoint) (Mia Zabelka)

Masturbation as performance autoerotic performances

Performing Sex

(Odette Le Blanc Practitioner)

queer performances

art projects as communicating with people communicative practice on the street


prelingual image dependency

telephone sex

(Canada) Performance as social political strategy

maneuver (2)

(Christian Hasucha)

telephone performance

Media as superfluous accessory (BN)

mail art scene travel art

dances from gestures

poetry with body language a choreographology is missing (gen. theory of gestures)

behavior research

(Gina Pane)

emotionalization of communication through gestures

Public body (M. Abramovic)

(Mathew Wilson, Mark Alice Durant, Ilija Soskic)

(Jean-Claude Schmidt)

body as language

traveling as performance

crossing the Atlantic in a sailboat (Bas Jan Ader)

teaching and learning situation with the audience

question & conversation performance (forced entertainment)

interventions (2)

(Ralf Filges)

Crossover & Bricolage

+Performance as achievement +Performance as dilemma


(Carolee Schneemann, J. Klauke, Ulay Abramvic, G. Brus, V. Export, COUM: Genesis P. Orridge & Cosey Fanni Tutti, McCarthy, Frank Wedekind, Johanna Went, Marissa Carr, Brian D. Tripp, Gelatin)

Performance as symposium, round tables, staged encounter (Adi Hoesle, Fabrikanten)

games (2)

(Tatsumi Orimoto)

delivery runs as performance (Padellun)

the inaccessible performance


performance educators (see: curators, editors)

performative pedagogy

performative aspects of the presentation of fine art (vernissage speeches, accompanying actions)

common store of gestures, rituals and signs

cf.: Grand Gesture

(Yves Klein, Ben Vautier, Charles Ray, Erwin Wurm, Arnulf Rainer, ...)

extreme gestures similar to painting

Performance of the body ("believable performance": identity)

gesture of the physical

Gesturing bodies:

gestic painting (see right)


body language

(G. Brus)

gesticulation / signs of expression poses (Bruce MacLean) (Lucas Samaras) (V. Beecroft) intensified gestures (Stelarc)

performative generation of belonging (to groups) / Code Communities

habitus = gait

Identität u. Habitus (s.r.) body language as sculpture (Beuys) body knowledge gesticulation (La Ribot) body memory

transformation from showing performative and to showing body-language surplus

Theater of gestures and movements (gestus)

performance space as transit space

(Pino Poggi) (Chris Reinicke)

performativity through inventing or carrying out new game rules (Lit.: Lyotard)

view of art criticism

(Charles R. Garoian)

nomadism (Black Market) (Cooperation Project X)

(Kunstforum – Paolo Bianchi) (minus delta t)

(cf. Rirkrit Tiravanija, Die Fabrikanten) (Constanza Camelot)

the power of communication

destruction of communication

"dialogical“ performance

communication projects (Chuke Stake) (Pomodoro Bolzano –

(Max de Well)) (Hinrich Sachs) art as communication (pleasurable) creating communication spaces

(Robert Reschkowski)

specific practice of speaking and showing (INFuG)

Performance Art as critical pedagogy

Reiseprojekte (Marianne Tralau)

cf. on this: performativity as view

communication as art

opening addresses, dialogues appearances, presentations, (Fabrikanten) scenic arrangements (INFuG)

trans-latio (Matthias Jackisch & Elvira Santamaria)

(radical social changes due to new transport techniques durch neue Transporttechniken) (BN) leaving traces as performance nomadic (Gunter Demnig) Ariadne Thread performances

enlightenment through action body language: breaking through the boundaries of convention with performance

agit-lecture (2)



(Wulle Konsumkunst)

communicative framework conditions

performative processes are a core of learning

action lecture (P. Weibel) (W.Hofmann minus delta t)


(minus delta t) (Tonga-Expedition: G. Ritter, G. Wagner)

transport view / view of the journey

(see right) (Kees Mol, Alastair MacLennan, Harrie de Kroon, (see above) performance as mediated Geert Duintjer, Carole Schneemann, C. Palestine, Seiji Shimoda, Richard Martel, Irma Optimist, see also: performance as translation Hayley Newman, Z. Warpechowski, Chen Chieh Yen, Ma Liuming, B. Nieslony, perceiving oneself (mirrored) in the other Thomas Kumleh, Markus Schwaighofer, (Surachai Ekphalakorn) Elvira Santamaria)

Performance art as critical pedagogy

passing on

art as communication ritual

value transfer

06 education view view of educators (teaching)

audience performance

communication concepts communication performance of performance

(cf. also theater)

cultural transport enterprise

"teaching" as gesturalsituative event (cf. NLP)

(category 06 experimental actions)

the conference as "laboratory for action"

expanded performance

Presentation as performance (Udo Wid)

performance as value-setting achievement (BN)

On the gradual development of thoughts while speaking

Performance as communication laboratory (Nenad Bogdanovic)


performance as pedagogic participation approaches(Christel Burmeister)

+Performance as communication guerilla Performance as communication

communicative action (nach Habermas)

process-oriented forms of teaching education as performative method (Eva Sturm)

(Udo Wid)

question and answer sessions (J. Beuys)

All means are equally valuable

education is not to "be had", it must occur processually (Pazini)

teaching as performance

didactic performance

enactive aspects in fine art

philosophy as tool

genres are conjoined in a presentation (dancing, performance, narrative theater, ...)

The performer is a pontifex (bridge builder)

(Hinrich Sachs)

(Manfred Vänci Stirnemann, Boris Nieslony, Jürgen Olbrich, Robert Fillious -> , Alain Gibertie) (Stuart Brisley)


the art of travelling

Performance art = free art – The art of freedom (Z. Warpechowski)

creating an "aesthetic laboratory and workshop situation" (M.-L. Lange)

(James Lee Byars)

"Risk behavior" as imaginable basic pattern for performances => the unplanned

trans-formation /vs/ formation

Abramovic, Hubbard, Zeca Ligiero, ...

(Kees Mol)

the perfect performance

Performance as dilemma

(expansions, transformations, renewal) change of paradigm (cf. performative turn)

Performer as teacher: Nieslony,

absolute freedom denouncing the rites of art

Performance as creative field of experimentation

revolutionary performance approaches

curiosity-interest-system / anti-mimetic ... (LE) pleasurable innovation (pleasurable theory of pure form (LE) channeling of new feelings and revoking mimesis thoughts (orientation to painting)

Performance theory (game rules of art)

Lust am Moment (Vollrad Kutscher)

Perfect Performance

Experimental art

(see: media view)


the conference as "laboratory for action"

Collage, Montage (Jochen Gerz)

joy of experimentation 60's: new spirit of experimentation

means (media) of performance

action work with adolescents (M.-L.. Lange) future suitcase (Hannimari Jokinen)

Lehner, Ritter, Binder)

the body as tool

+Performance as medium for communicating art +Performance as mediated reality +Performance as value-setting achievement (BN) Performance as gestural situative event

performative lectures (INFuG)

lecture performance (Mike Hentz) (Xavier LeRoy) Lecture-Demonstration (Abramovic, W. Pfaff)

art teaching as art (INFuG) scenic lecture (Georgsdorf,

Postdramatic theater praxis: different kinds of

resources view view of instruments

method view

Recycling performance ironized repetition of Methods "classical" performance - of discontinuity "pieces" (Ursula Palla) - of series - of autonomy - of differentiated dependencies - of parallel movements - of ironic substitution

(R. Tiravanija)

"Werk-Zeuge " tools testifying work

method = tool

(Werkzeuggruppe des Konzils / minus delta t Black Market International)

tools of performance

05 tool view

ASA = methodic change of lenses (BN)

Replacement of the paradigm of the production => Turning toward paradigm of reception (Sowa)

04 view of artistic production

cf. poster sections: context approachesin art and science

techniques view

(ALMA – Alfred Hofstetter & Max Markus Frei, Patrick Sidler & Jörg Lenzinger, Joa Iselin & Christoph Ranzenhofer)

joint practice – gesture of showing

action as tool

B.M.: objects as performers of equal worth

role of costumes

haptic experiences, skill, method capabilities

Triggering actions becomes an artistic task (P. Maset)

(art factory / curator Hattinger) Laura Kikauka, Leo Schatzl, Sabine Zimmermann et al. (Perf. at Posthof), ...

(Yeun-Hi Pan)

lecture performance (Marietheres Finkeldei) (Ray Langenbach, Yuji Sone, Ewjenia Tsanana, P. Arnold, Savier Klaro, Andrea Saemann) (Helena von Oldenburg) (Fritz Schwegler) lecture as form of action (P. Cuny, Kate Isler, Alex Silber)

(Marcel Mauss / Körpertechniken)

being one's own tool

see: machine view (tools with a life of their own) material "machine": prostheses, hinges, models

(András Böröcz & Lásszló Révész) (Kyupi Kyupi) (Leigh Bowery) (Gelatine)

the performance – an operating system of art

public "production" of art works

Performance: body-machine

(Verena Kraft & Kurt Petz) Bertolazzi, Brecht => utensils L. Althusser (materials / props) Performance as Appeal see: view of material (new) "procedure" J. Habermas (bodiless) (see insight view) Habermas => S. Szczelkun performer in suitcase

Production aesthetics as outmoded view is superseded by the aesthetics of the performative (FL)

AOS – Art Operating System (Zürich)

technique = traditionally effective action

Council discussion: every theme needs its tools. The toolbox is the selection of critical instruments (theory).

tools/instruments (in actu) in use

R. Barthes (intensive theater attendance.)

reflections on historical tools

difference between: fabricating/making/building and acting/living/caring (H. Sowa)

see also: moment art

=> Lyotard => H. Sowa (language game concept) => Fabrikanten Wittgenstein => James Lee Byars

04 influential thinkers teacher => pupil K. Rinke => Karel Dudesek B. Nieslony => ... Marina Abramovic => ...

the programmatic opening of the avant-gardist work concept in the direction of practical, performative forms of life

laboratory of life


Ludwig Wittgenstein !

Shusterman, Rorty, Dilthey => H. Sowa


The praxis paradigm takes the place of the poiesis paradigm (H. Sowa)

fundamental change in the approach to and way of dealing with the objects

Luce Irigaray

S. Zizek

Judith Butler !! => Ray Langenbach

De Certeau !! => B. Nieslony Pragmatists: Charles Peirce, Rorty, Mead, Quine, Dewey, Dilthey, Fellmann, Shusterman

(Cezary Bodznianowski)

(H. Sowa)

+Performance as tool +Performance as profiling facility

Marcel Mauss => Sowa (habitus as form of practice)

(Pepi Meier – furniture deconstruction)

F. Nietzsche => P. Bianchi (LKW) ⇒Viennese Actionists ⇒Foucault (life as a work of art)

public production of art works Flow = optimal performance (through anxiety-free situation) losing oneself in doing

R.D.Laing => Stuart Brisley Michel Serres => Orlan J. Berke (MA v. Laing) => DIAS (operation readings) De Sade => John Duncan Kurt Levin => V. Acconci W. Reich => Viennese Actionists Yoga exercises: lead to (too) W. Reich => Atelier van Lieshout introverted concentration – W. Reich => John Duncon all feelings extinguished convulsivist (Reichian) (Grotowski) breathing exercises cf. Tao (Schlemmer´s) Artaud => Kristeva theory of performance Methods of infamy, vivisection, Julia Kristeva => Orlan (operation readings) (BN) implosion Artaud => Orlan (operation readings)


M. Foucault => Ray Langenbach Artaud => Foucault Foucault => P. Bianchi (LKW)

Hölderlin, Schelling, Nietzsche => H. Sowa (eliminating the difference between art and life)

services in the community services for the recipient individual service offerings art as service offering church-service (U. Wid)

03 service view / project view

Heidegger ! => H. Sowa, K. Rinke Heidegger => Foucault, Lehmann Gadamer => H. Sowa

Performance as reference

Georges Bataille Roger Caillois

Carmelo Bene => Gilles Deleuze

S. Freud => Viennese Actionists / Surrealists Gertrude Stein => => Michel Journiac Performance ( Bonnie Marranca)

G. Bateson Ralph Ortiz => Arthur Janov (impulse for primal scream V. Flusser M. Merleau-Ponty ! => Stelarc therapy) => M. Vojtechovsky => Nieslony P. Bourdieu, Gebauer, Wulf => H.Sowa, Kosa

Hannah Arendt => B. Nieslony

service offerings view = service view

(Bender/Nern: Firma B&N)

(cf. work view)

W. James Austin ! => Sowa Searle ! Martin Buber => B. Nieslony (dialogical approaches)

Davidson Feyerabend Putnam Hintikka

(Chris Burden)

(Rirkrit Tiravanija)

Die Kunst des Öffentlichen / article by Stella Rollig: Projektorientierte Kunst in den 90er Jahren Lesezimmer / Ute Meta Bauer Charon – Eine Ästhetik der Grenzüberschreitung / G. Raunig Bonnie Marranca (interdisciplinary performance theory) Alan D. Schrift / The Logic of the Gift Christel Weiler / Performance als Gabe (article) Get together – Kunst als Teamwork (cat.) Walking through society (yearbook) Peter Frank / Nachkriegs-Performance: Das Vermischen von Kunstformen und Kunstsparten (article / ars electr.) Marion Strunk / Vom Subjekt zum Projekt (article Kunstf. Bd. 152)

Performativity of originally separated fields (of knowledge): performativity through interdisciplinarity (cf. Lyotard)

Performance theory has to have an interdisciplinary arrangement (Prof. Dr. Bonnie Marranca)

Service (as servant or waiter: Bruno-Peter Schärli) the performer as waiter in the gallery

ASA: the art of the encounter

Bakhtin / Bachtin ! interdisciplinary theater (LE) Erving Goffman ! Circumscription of otherwise disintegrating theater languages (acting, music, A.Artaud => Derrida ! installation, light poetry, Paul de Man => Foucault ! singing, dancing)

(as common characteristic of performances) (BN) (BM)

interdisciplinary actions

Jürgen Fritz R. Ganahl Ute Meta Bauer Wochenklausur ALMA

cf. Public Access projects


ASA = communication pool ASA = interactive art

interdisciplinary poet-researcher

encounter (1)

interactive processuality

artist dialogue associations (Raoul Marek) Performance as a new discipline or an interdisciplinary field. view of synergies (U. Wid) Joseph Roach: it is of course an anti-discipline (the trickster as guru interdisciplinary works (Jiri Kovanda) of this anti-discipline) interdisciplinary projects (Marcelo Exposito)

(T.X. Harsono)

(Xavier LeRoy)

joint anxiousness

principle: ASA

environmental problems and urban problems

performative staging of his biography (as researcher)

(M. Buber)

dialogical approaches


(INFuG: F. Kleuderlein, B. Kümmelmann, Hubert Sowa, Thomas Eisen)

actions with job-seekers, unemployed persons, homeless, prisoners (Christoph Schlingensief) (Santiago Serra)

gift pieces

principle: Black Market All genuine life is encounter. ... Space and time are found in the encounter.

(Jacques van Poppel)

03 interdisciplinarity view

(Pierangelo Maset)



Trickster (counterpoint critic)



(Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler)


Performance improvisation


(as service) care of the handicapped (as service)

lecture artist

rent an artist (2) valet for 1 month

polyscenic, simultaneous, fragmented theater (Artaud)

(Brian Catling)

Performance as link between sections (see right)

commissioned intervention

international communication

Früher machten wir Pläne, heute sprechen wir von Projekten (PB)

Improvisations (1)

(Peter Wolf)

The artist is at the Service of the Community (Francisco Inarra)

creating the in-between (see: list of networks)

real-time performance ( /vs/ theater ) movements of a common desire

mimicry as appropriation of diverse disciplines (BN)

conflict discussions as service

"Services“ "artistic service“ (project by A. Fraser & Helmut Draxler)

networks cf.: support association for project art

... Can be understood as a practical transfer of Concept Art into practice and the public sphere

cf. also: infiltrating existing systems (Gianni Motti)

the translation

(GANG ART, BM) (Translation Transition Transformation – PSi7)

structure (see above)

incompatibility as sovereign gesture (the precise monologue) (BN)

power of the incompatible (BN)

+Performance as personal field of experimentation Performance as link between sections Performance as gift

(2) social performance

Group performance collective doing

regaining complexity

Expanded Performance

total improvisation (in music) = "purely“ performative ?

settling in, destroying

(with 15 participants) (Jörg Lenzlinger, Patrick Sidler)

parallel plot strands (LE) (otherwise boring)

(category 09 according to M.-L. Lange)

cf. absurd theater

unpredictability in the course of communication

cf. Happening (George Maciunas (namer), George Brecht, Bob Watts, Yoko Ono, T.Schmit, Joe Jones, exposed Yoshimasa Wada, B.Vautier, G.Chiari, J.Hidalgo, drawings Fluxus Adaption W.Marchetti, Ayo (Ay-O), A.Köpcke, T.Kosugi, (Senoner) (Bob Lens) Christiansen, Eric Andersen, W. de Ridder, New type of fluxus G. Hendricks, Milan Knizak, Dick Higgins, Phil Corner, Performance as (Sara Seagull, Neal Taylor) Robert Watts, Alison Knowles, Nam June Paik, breaking through Charlotte Moorman, Ken Friedman, Takako Saito, Emmett Williams, Robert Filliou, Al Hansen, Ben Patterson, Proto-Fluxus (Toshi Ichiyanagi, Larry Miller, Raphael Montanez Ortiz, Tomas Schmidt, Jackson MacLow, David Tudor, G.Baruchello, Beuys, J.Dupuy, R. Morris, C. Oldenburg, Henry Flynt) C. Schneemann, D. Spoerri, W. Vostell, Zaj,

Post-Fluxus (Montagne Froide Valentine Verhaege)

logic of joy, pleasure and love

patterns of staging love (public, conventionalized staging) /vs/ unbounded

attention hanging in the balance (cf. Trance)

Apollonian actions Three people at a table – each operates without perceiving the others (VLIES: Rolf Konrad, Pat Binder, Wim Kolb, Jörg Brandt)

(cf. Expanded Theatre)

(category 11 according to M.-L. Lange / Inge Baxmann)

These performances seek: confrontation, irritation of sense, disjunction, interruption and demontage of familiar semantic conjunctions. The point is "upending order", the destruction of traditional rhythms and flows of meaning.

+Performance as open system Performance as breaking through structures +Performance as a transitional form of art Performance as agreement

Polyphony instead of dialogue (LE) The dialogical structure gives way to the monological and choric (LE) cf. chorus theater

Collaborative Performances

participants and audience were identical (Teodor Graur)

(3) expanded performance

equal right of intervention Deconstruction performances (2)

(Esther Ferrer – Gruppe Zaj (W. Marchetti, J. Hidalgo, R. Barce))

scenic montage: synchronously played "fields" (cf. BM) parallel action (Wilson) (cf. BM)

(Murmeln im Mund: Harrie de Kroon) (James Lee Byars) (Ralf Berger) (Peter Kalmus & M. Murin) Minimal Actions (Michael Blättler) (Esther Ferrer)

conceptual actions

conceptual way of dealing with art (ALMA)


(Matthias Schamp)

(Gordon W) (Rudolf

Minimal Performances

conceptualistic performances (Moscow conceptualists: Ilya Kabakov, F. Infante, A. Monastyrskij)

(Esther Ferrer)

view of manifestos

02 conceptual view

Intervention as support measure for reality

Performance Interventionist

(Anna Winteler) (Felix S. Huber)

(Tine Kortermand Hansen)

connection between New Music and Conceptual Art

Performances by concept artists

imaginary performance

conceptual performances instructions as propositions

concept performance

truly situative action

Concept Theatre (LE) Conceptual art: performance as demonstration Post-dramatic theater can also be understood or an execution of those ideas (LE) Concrete theater – (in reference to Concept Art) as an attempt to abstract theater without action conceptualize art in the sense that it offers an experience of the real rather than representation. Ideas conveyed verbally (by telephone) over several days: "spoken house“ conceptual models of Performance as agreement (see right.) (Otiose: Ailith Roberts & John Dummett) attention (Gen Murai)

(Stuart Brisley)

(e.g. naked performances through recipients: organized by Spencer Tunick)

invention .... moments

breaking through conventional Klaffenböck) (category 02 according to M.-L. Lange) patterns of perception and Improvisational, arising spontaneously from reception expectations the moment (Black Market) departures = spontaneous actions (scream in the concert hall)


(Matthew Maguire)

+Performance as situative production +Performance as situative experiment

situation art (source: Marie-Luise Lange)

situative abidement and lingering associations (Sowa)

Performance as transformation of a situation (J.-F. Lyotard) (Marcel Broodthaers, P. Weibel, ...)

Performance without people or without performer Making art without artists

Simultaneity (a form of openness as concept) – it remains open, whether there is a connection or or merely an external simultaneity (LE)

a kind of phantom that is constantly changing

situation art

situative approaches (Udo Idelberger, Pier van Dijk)

(Roi Vaara, Peter Weibel, V. Export)

(Mimi Nakajima)

invitation as substitute performance allusion as substitute (Peter Arnold) art space renovation as performance substitute

(Didier Bay)

conceptual openness

Performances without fixed concept for action


reflection on the social practice of art

free play with materials, objects, body movements, action locations free spaces = playing spaces

(c. Hommelsheim, W. Höfinger)

experimental, sketch-like

02 unbounded view

open system of collaboration

group feeling (communitas) (cf. BM) see also: process (process view)


momentum self-propulsion

knowledge as passion

boundless play

open system of encounter (BM)

contemplative openness

energetic situation (absurd actions)

tableau (framing)

invisible performance

performativity through new arrangement; through new conjunctions (of the data of a game move) (cf. Lyotard)

(R. Tiravanija)

open practice

performative actions of love

forms of living as context

(Wilson) (cf. GANG ART)

(e.g. as couple: Judy Radul)

arranging the "Situation“

climate control technician

see also: revolutionary performance approaches


"framing“ has a central significance for performance theory

frameworks of light, space and sound

(Terry Fox)

responding to the context (Psychogeographical Association)

Performance = action, framed by a defined space

strategy of duplicated frameworks (LE)

Performance as predicament (2)


indeterminacy (allowing the quality of sums) (BN) connection with the whole (Religio)

(GANG ART) greater appreciation of atmospheric perception

frames and framework conditions are are training fields for the situative (BN)

performance as situation

invention of grotesque moments (Jaques van Poppel)

living sculptures

(Jaques van Poppel)

(Joa Iselin & Christoph Ranzenhofer: Port Rouge)

(Harrie de Kroon)

disposition (with Heidegger)

using objects outside the usual context

(Peter Trachsel)

(Edward Lazikowski) (Richard Martel)

affect and context dependent selection of memory contents while simultaneously repressing memories not conforming to affect

(2) human sculptures

absurd moments

(separated from the usual function) poetic situations poetic situations in duplication

presentation of an atmosphere and a state of mind (LE)

breaking through the atmosphere – What is art and what is "reality"?


asking passers-by for displacement a moment (Franz Müller) without boundaries: confusion see various forms open end of ecstasy (Happening)

"alea" or chance aleatoric

Postmodernism and performance (book) Nick Kaye Marvin Carlson / Performance Intertextuality (article) Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Interventions / Ed. Opus International Editions Friederike Hassauer / Die Kunst der Entgrenzung (article) R. Barthes / Fragmente einer Sprache der Liebe Meditations on Tenderness of/in Performance (PSi7) / Peggy Phelan, Della Pollock, Rachel Hill, Judith Hamera

poetic pilfering

view of the framework

generating clouds temperament, constitution

different locations/spaces and lighting each convey their own affective message


serene attention

(Bigert & Bergström) (cf. Wettergebäude by the Stadtwerkstatt) (Lone Twin – Gregg & Garry)

(see: orality)

01 contextual view

poetry and performance (PB)

(Frank Lüsing & Oliver Kochta)

climate chambers (biospheres) visitors are exposed to elementary sensations (heat, cold, steam, storm, ..)

inflection, habitus, manner

atmosphere/mood emotionally conceived

(John Cage)

The Open Art Work (U. Eco) (Game Rules of Art) (Tina Keane) Intertextuality

Disco atmosphere

musical/acoustic atmosphere

construction in the atmosphere

daily plots (Kristinn G. Hardarson)

everyday logic, logic of joy /vs/ logic of fear, logic of ange logic of mourning (Hans-Jörg Ma everyday prohibitions (1968 (Project: Paradise now)

ritualizing the everyday (R. Schwarzkogler) The concept of "performance“ dominates American culture as a way of viewing everyday (Thomas F. Fischer) activity (Bonnie Marranca) everyday situations (Anna Dancikova)


Literature: (... continued)

Literature: (... continued)

The explicit body in performance (book) Rebecca Schneider Powerful Bodies (book) Victoria Best & Peter Collier (Ed.) Küchenlatein – Performance – Drehbuch 1989 (on Lili Fischer) On Cooking (Performance Research) Hermann Nitsch – Leben und Arbeit Danielle Spera Stefan Brecht / Queer Theatre M. Merleau Ponty (entire work) W. Reich, M. Foucault, F. Nietzsche Martina Leeker (article) / Der Körper des Schauspielers/Performers als ein Medium

V. Flusser / Gesten Erving Goffman / On Facework: An Analysis of Ritual Elements in Social Interaction (article) Lea Vergine / Body Art and Performance The Body as Language Peter Gorsen / Sexualästhetik, Grenzformen der Sinnlichkeit im 20. Jahrh. Erving Goffman / Stigma M. Haerder & Sumie Kawai (Ed.) / Butoh Die Rebellion des Körpers Charlie Spencer (Ed.) / a catalog of Queer performance

Kate Ince / Between the Acts: Orlan, Performance and Performativity (in: Powerful Bodies) !!! Tracey Warr, Amelia Jones / The artist´s body (book) !!! Marcel Mauss (lecture.) / Körpertechniken Jean-Luc Nancy Prof. Hermann Schmitz – Neue Phänomenologie (Differenz von Körper und Leib) / (book) Der Leib, der Raum und die Gefühle W. Pfaff u.a. / Der sprechende Körper Siemke Böhnisch / Gewalt auf der Bühne

sociology (Bourdieu) cultural studies new subjectivism privatism debate life philosophy (game rules of art)

09 everyday view Literature: Marvin Carlson / Performance – a critical introduction (book) !! Atelier van Lieshout / the good, the bad + the ugly (catalogue book) Stadtwerkstatt in Arbeit (catalogue book) Jürgen Schilling / Aktionskunst. Identität von Kunst und Leben? !! Alan Read (PSi7) / Theatre and Everyday Life Davied E.R. George Bonnie Marranca M. Foucault / Der Brauch der Lüste (originally.: „Das Leben als Kunstwerk“) L.B. Clark / (PSi7) The Everyday Life of Objects

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