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Ernesto Sopprani
There is a story about a window cleaner who was doing the offices at one of Britain's largest design studios. After spending an inordinate amount of time polishing one of the windows he leant into the studio and, with a conspiratorial wink at a designer fiddling around with his pencil and pad, asked if his boss knew that that was all he did all day. ------------- I stage performance art and produce artist-focused programing in the city. I work in the art sector locally, consulting on engagement strategies and overall audience development. this is the current blur.. Ernesto coordinates location-specific and primarily community-based performance projects. Whether as an artist or as an arch-collaborator, his work is geared towards investigating innovative and self-sustainable models of presenting art and performance, specifically queer work, which expands upon the common definition of Queer and challenges his and his community’s relationship to live performance. As Director of THEOFFCENTER, Ernesto has