Knowledge for Civil and Structural Engineers

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Knowledge for Civil and Structural Engineers 2014/2015

Publishing Index

Concrete Construction Ulrich Häussler-Combe



Computational Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures

Concrete Construction Selected chapters of the Beton-Kalender (Concrete Yearbook) are now available in English. Beton-Kalender-Series delivers internationally useful engineering expertise and industrial know-how from Germany. All titles are available in printed and electronic form.

The book gives a compact review of numerical methods and a description of material behavior. These basics are applied to bars, beams, strut and tie models, plates, slabs and shells. Appropriate methods are deve2014. 320 pages.

loped for each structural type. Problems are

approx. € 59.–

illustrated by examples.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03054-7

2013. 434 pages.

Ed.: fib – International Federation

Konrad Zilch, Roland Niedermeier,

Bernd Hillemeier, Claus Flohrer,

for Structural Concrete

Wolfgang Finckh

Jürgen Krell, Gabriele Marquardt,

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010

Jeanette Orlowsky, Michael Raupach,

The fib Model Code 2010 is now the most

Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement

comprehensive code on concrete structu-

Design and Dimensioning of

Reconditioning and Maintenance of Concrete Structures

res including their complete life cycle. It

CFRP Laminates and Steel Plates

2015. approx. 210 pages.

represents an important document for both

2014. 158 pages.

approx. € 49.90

national and international code committees,

€ 49.90

ISBN: 978-3-433-03043-1

practitioners and researchers.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03086-8

Karsten Schubert, Stephanie Schuler

€ 199.– ISBN: 978-3-433-03061-5 Rüdiger Meiswinkel, Julian Meyer,

Jürgen Grünberger,

Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle

Jürgen Schnell

Joachim Göhlmann

Precast Concrete Structures

Concrete Structures for Wind Turbines

The book reflects the current situation

Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

in precast concrete construction. Besides

2013. 150 pages.

€ 49.90

general observations regarding building

€ 49.90

ISBN: 978-3-433-03041-7

with precast concrete elements, the book

ISBN: 978-3-433-03042-4

2013. 242 pages.

focuses first and foremost on the boundary conditions for the design of precast concrete structures, loadbearing elements

Rainer Mallée, Werner Fuchs,

Ekkehard Fehling, Michael Schmidt,

2011. 260 pages.

and façades. The book is a practical tool for

Rolf Eligehausen

Joost Walraven, Torsten Leutbecher,

€ 79.90

engineers, but certainly also for architects

Susanne Fröhlich

ISBN: 978-3-433-02960-2

and students. Rolf Eligehausen, Rainer Mallée,

Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete – the CEN/TS 1992-4 Provisions

John F. Silva

2013. 170 pages.

2014. 196 pages.

Anchorage in Concrete Construction

€ 49.90

€ 49.90

ISBN: 978-3-433-03044-8

ISBN: 978-3-433-03087-5

Also still available

2006. 378 pages. € 99.90 ISBN: 978-3-433-01143-0

Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC Fundamentals, Design, Examples


Bridge Engineering Cable-Stayed Bridges 40 Years of Experience Worldwide.

Darko Dujmovic, Boris Androic,


Holger Svensson

Steel Construction Ivan Lukacevic

Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4

With Live Lectures on DVD

Worked Examples This book describes the fundamentals of all phases of design, detailed design and actual

This book presents a large number of nu-

erection and uses 250 built examples to

merical examples with detailed explanations

illustrate various aspects.

of the provisions of EC 4. It covers beams,

This unrivalled book containing many practi-

columns and slabs, and also provides com-

2012. 458 pages.

cal examples provides first-hand experience

2014. approx. 990 pages.

prehensive insight into the topics of creep,

€ 129.–

– Holger Svensson's name stands for 40

approx. € 89.–

shrinkage and fatigue.

ISBN: 978-3-433-02992-3

years of large-scale bridge construction the

ISBN: 978-3-433-03107-0

18 lectures on DVD

world over.

With DVD!

Klaus Idelberger

The World of Footbridges From the Utilitarian to the Spectacular

Eds.: Florian Rudolf-Miklau,



Siegfried Sauermoser, Arthur I. Mears

The Technical Avalanche Protection Handbook

"Footbridges" is a treasure trove for structural engineers. It is an international collection arranged according to load-

The book provides the fundamentals and

bearing structure. For each bridge there is

classifications of technical avalanche protec-

a short description of the location and the

tion measures. It explains the avalanche risk

structural system illustrated by photographs

analysis as well as the design, construction 2015. approx. 384 pages.

and maintenance of permanent and tem-

€ 39.90

approx. € 99.–

porary protection structures. Authors from

ISBN: 978-3-433-02943-5

ISBN: 978-3-433-03034-9

Europe and North America.

2011. 182 pages.

and plans.

Joachim Scheer

Rolf Kindmann, Matthias Kraus

Failed Bridges

Steel Structures

Case Studies, Causes and Consequences

Design using FEM

A systematic overview of more than 400

The user shall become familiar with

failures evaluated according to the time

computer-oriented design methods for

of their occurence in the life cycle of the

steel-constructions. Therefore the suitable

bridge and the primary cause of the col-

and applicable methods and the convenient

lapse. Including a catalogue of rules to

solving of structural design problems using

help prevent errors in design, planning and

these methods are to be emphasized. For 2011. 540 pages.

that reason the basic principles of steel

€ 79.90

€ 59.90

construction are introduced as well.

ISBN: 978-3-433-02951-0

ISBN: 978-3-433-02978-7

2010. 307 pages.



Steel Construction

Geotechnical Engineering Ed.: Arbeitsausschuss "Ufereinfassungen"


Eurocode literature jointly published with ECCS Editor: ECCS

der HTG e. V.

Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours and Waterways – EAU 2012 The Recommendations cover the planning, design, tendering, award, construction and supervision of harbour and waterways 9th Edition 2015.

works, from a uniform standpoint and on

approx. 650 pages.

an international scale.

approx. € 119,–

They take into account the current versions

ISBN: 978-3-433-03110-0

of applicable technical standards based on

Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures

Design of Composite Structures

EC3: Design of Steel Structures.

Steel and Concrete Structures.

Christos Vrettos

Part 1-9: Fatigue.

Part 1-1: General Rules and

2011. 311 pages.

Rules for Buildings.

€ 55.90

2015. approx. 350 pages.

Soil Dynamics with Applications in Vibration and Earthquake Protection

ISBN: 978-3-433-02981-7

approx. € 55.–

EC7 and DIN 1054:2010.


EC4: Design of Composite

ISBN: 978-3-433-03008-0

Design of Plated Structures

In seismic engineering soil dynamics affects the stability of dams, slopes, foundations

Part 1-5: Design of Plated

Design of Connections in Steel and Composite Structures


EC3: Design of Steel Structures.

2011. 272 pages.

Part 1-8: Design of Joints.


thereon the practical applications in vibra-

€ 55.90

EC4: Design of Composite Steel

approx. 200 pages.

tion protection and seismic engineering.

ISBN: 978-3-433-02980-0

and Concrete Structures.

approx. € 59.–

2014. approx. 500 pages.

ISBN: 978-3-433-02999-2

EC3: Design of Steel Structures.

Design of Cold-formed Steel Structures

and retaining walls and tunnels, while vibrations represent a significant aspect in environmental protection. The book covers the basics of soil dynamics and building

approx. € 70.–

Ed.: Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH

ISBN: 978-3-433-02985-5

Special Deep Foundation

EC3: Design of Steel Structures.



Compendium Methods and Equipment

Steel Structures.

Fire Design of Steel Structures

2012. 654 pages.

EC1: Actions on Structures.

view of special deep foundation methods,

€ 71.90

Part 1-2: Actions on Structures

equipment and applications. It is designed

ISBN: 978-3-433-02979-4

exposed to Fire.

as a tool for planning and implementation,

EC3: Design of Steel Structures.

and helps practitioners, public authorities,

Design of Steel Structures

Part 1-2: Structural Fire Design.

engineering companies and students com-

EC 3: Design of steel structures.

€ 71.90

2nd, sign. revised edition

Part 1-1: General rules and

ISBN: 978-3-433-02974-9

2015. approx. 550 pages.

Part 1-3: Design of Cold-formed

The book provides a comprehensive over-

plete their level of knowledge.

2010. 428 pages.

rules for buildings. – 1st edition,

approx. € 149.–

revised 2nd impression


2014. 446 pages.

approx. € 129.–

€ 70.–

ISBN: 978-3-433-03026-4

ISBN: 978-3-433-03091-2


Geotechnical Engineering



Geotechnical Engineering

Giovanni Lombardi, Roger Bremen,

Ed.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für

Maren Katterbach

Geotechnik e.V.

Grouting in Rock and Concrete

Recommendations on Piling (EA–Pfähle)

The work explains the theoretical basics of

This handbook provides a complete over-

grouting jointed material and gives recom-

view of pile systems and their application

mendations for optimal design and for the

and production. It shows their analysis

evaluation of the effectiveness and quality

based on the new safety concept providing

of grouting works. The descriptions cover

numerous examples for single piles, pile

2015. approx. 400 pages.

grouting in jointed rock as well as concrete

2013. 496 pages.

grids and groups. These recommendations

approx. € 89.–

and masonry.

€ 109.–

are considered rules of engineering.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03018-9

ISBN: 978-3-433-03057-8

Bernhard Maidl, Markus Thewes,

Walter Wittke

Ulrich Maidl

Rock Mechanics Based on an Anisotropic Jointed Rock Model (AJRM)

Handbook of Tunnel Engineering I Structures and Methods

The book presents a method for the safe Tunnelling is one of the most interesting but

and economical design of structures in rock.

also most challenging tasks for engineers.

The method is based on models, which

The two-volume handbook covers the latest

consider all relevant rock properties and can be understood by a well-trained practicing

state of the associated fields. The first 2013. 482 pages.

volume is being devoted to more practical

2014. 876 pages.

€ 89.–

themes of construction and construction

€ 149.–

ISBN: 978-3-433-03048-6

process in drill and blast and mechanised

ISBN: 978-3-433-03079-0

civil engineer.

tunnelling. Microtunnelling and ventilation are also dealt with. All chapters include practical examples.

Ed.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V.

Ulrich Maidl

Recommendations on Excavations – EAB

Handbook of Tunnel Engineering II

This work is of similar character to a stan-

Basics and Additional Services for

dard and includes all the recommendations

Design and Construction

issued by the „Building Excavations“ work-

Bernhard Maidl, Markus Thewes,

ing group of the DGGT concerning building excavation support works and construction.

The second volume is covering both theo2014. 458 pages.

retical themes like design basics, geological

3rd, compl. revised

The 3rd issue of the EAB has been thor-

€ 89.–

engineering, structural design of tunnels

edition 2013. 324 pages.

oughly revised and adapted to comply with

ISBN: 978-3-433-03049-3

and monitoring instrumentation.

€ 79.–

Eurocode 7 and DIN 1054:2010.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03036-3

SET-price only € 149.– Handbook of Tunnel Engineering I + II ISBN: 978-3-433-03078-3



Geotechnical Engineering

Building Physics

Bernhard Maidl, Leonhard Schmid,

Hugo S. L. C. Hens

Willy Ritz, Martin Herrenknecht

Package: Building Physics – Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

Hardrock Tunnel Boring Machines

The two books combine the theory of heat This book covers the fundamentals of

and mass transfer with typical building

tunnelling machine technology: drilling,

engineering applications, and examine

tunnelling, waste removal and securing. It

performance rationale and performance

treats methods of rock classification for the


machinery concerned as well as legal issues, 2008. 343 pages.

using numerous example projects to reflect

€ 102.–

the state of technology, as well as problem-

Vol. 1: Building Physics – Heat, Air and Moisture

ISBN: 978-3-433-01676-3

atic cases and solutions.

Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Exercises. 2012. 316 pages. € 59.90

Bernhard Maidl, Martin Herrenknecht,

ISBN: 978-3-433-03027-1

Ulrich Maidl, Gerhard Wehrmeyer

Mechanised Shield Tunnelling This book presents the state of the art

2012. 538 pages.

Vol. 2: Applied Building Physics

€ 99.90

Boundary Conditions, Building

ISBN: 978-3-433-03031-8

Performance and Material Properties

in mechanised shield tunnelling technol-

2010. 308 pages. € 59.90

ogy and the various types of equipment,

ISBN: 978-3-433-02962-6

and provides design approaches as well as structural advice. Other chapters treat

Hugo S. L. C. Hens

2nd, revised and extended

drilling equipment, conveyors, tunnel

edition 2012. 490 pages.

securing, surveying and controlling as well

€ 122.–

as occupational safety. Contractual aspects

Package: Performance Based Building Design – Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

ISBN: 978-3-433-02995-4

and process controlling are also presented in detail.

With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The two books look to the impact of

Ed.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für

building engineering and building physics

Geotechnik e.V.

on the design and construction of buildings,

Recommendations for Design and Analysis of Earth Structures using ­Geosynthetic Reinforcements – EBGEO

e.g. air tightness, moisture tolerance, acoustics, durability.

Vol. 1: Performance Based Building Design 1 From Below Grade Construction to Cavity Walls

The book deals with analysis principles and

2012. 262 pages. € 59.90

the applications of geosynthetics used for 2011. 316 pages.

reinforcement purposes in a range of founda-

2012. 568 pages.

€ 89.90

tion systems, ground improvement measures,

€ 99.90

ISBN: 978-3-433-02983-1

highway engineering projects, in slopes and

ISBN: 978-3-433-03024-0

ISBN: 978-3-433-03022-6

retaining structures, and in landfill engineer-

Vol. 2: Performance Based Building Design 2


From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls 2012. 276 pages. € 59.90 ISBN: 978-3-433-03023-3


Construction Engineering General


Construction Engineering General

Robert Hertle

"Solar Heating and Cooling” is a research pro-

Falsework and Scaffolds

gramme initiated by the International Energy

Lectures on Construction, Structural

Agency. The programme's work is accomplished

Design and Assessment

through the international collaborative effort of experts from Member countries and the European Union. The results are published in a series with Ernst & Sohn and Wiley.

When designing and realizing commercial buildings, plants, bridges, tunnels, etc., conditions resulting from temporary works equipment. The author is a licensed checking 2015. approx. 250 pages.

engineer and member of committees working

approx. € 79.–

on technical standards.

Michael Donn et al.


it is crucial to take into consideration the

Solution Sets for Net Zero Energy Buildings Feedback from 30 Buildings worldwide

ISBN: 978-3-433-02949-7

Initiated by the International Energy Agency, Karl-Eugen Kurrer

this book presents a unique study of 30 Net

The History of the Theory of Structures

Zero Energy Buildings in practice. It identifies solution sets for building design in most

From Arch Analysis to Computational

climates and for various building types to


2015. approx. 252 pages.

achieve a far greater performance benefit

approx. € 79.–

than normal.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03072-1

For the first time, a book of this kind outlines the development from classical theory of structional mechanics of the 20th century. In doing so, the author has managed to bring alive the 2008. 848 pages.

differences between the players with respect

€ 125.–

to their engineering and scientific profiles and

ISBN: 978-3-433-01838-5


Ed.: Jean-Christophe Hadorn


tures to the structural mechanics and computa-

Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Residential Buildings The combination of heat pumps and solar components has a great potential for improv-

Peter Marti

ing the energy efficiency of house and hot

Theory of Structures

water heating systems. This book compares

Fundamentals, Framed Structures,

different systems, analyses their performance,

Plates and Shells

2014. approx. 252 pages.

presents design methods and shows monitor-

approx. € 79.–

ing techniques.

ISBN: 978-3-433-03040-0

This book provides the reader with a consistent approach to theory of structures on the basis of applied mechanics. It covers framed structures as well as plates and shells using elastic and plastic theory, and emphasizes the historical 2013. 680 pages.

background and the relationship to practical

€ 99.90

engineering activities.

Eds.: Andreas Athienitis, William O'Brien



Modelling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings

ISBN: 978-3-433-02991-6

Also still available

Most developed countries have adopted Michael Seidel

net-zero energy as a long term goal for new

Tensile Surface Structures. A Practical Guide to Cable and Membrane Construction

buildings. This book will aid designers in optimally using simulation tools for net-zero energy building design. It presents advanced

Materials, Design, Assembly and Erection

2014. approx. 352 pages.

modelling techniques as well as in-depth

2009. 229 pages.

approx. € 89.–

case studies. The strategies and technologies

€ 99.90

ISBN: 978-3-433-03083-7

described in this book are also applicable for

ISBN: 978-3-433-02922-0

the design of energy-plus buildings.




Journals Steel Construction

Geomechanics and Tunnelling

Design and Research

Geomechanik und Tunnelbau

Steel Construction publishes peer reviewed papers covering the entire field of steel construction research. In the interests of

The contributions published in Geomecha-

“construction without depletion”, it skil-

nics and Tunnelling deal with tunnelling,

fully combines steel with other forms of

rock engineering and applications of rock

construction employing concrete, glass,

and soil mechanics as well as engineering

cables and membranes to form integrated Volume 7, 2014

geology in practice. Volume 7, 2014

steelwork systems.

6 issues / year


ISSN 1867-0520 print

Editor: Ernst & Sohn, Berlin

ISSN 1865-7362 print

Österreichische Gesellschaft

ISSN 1867-0539 online

Editor-in-chief: Dr.-Ing. Karl-Eugen Kurrer

ISSN 1865-7389 online

für Geomechanik (ÖGG)

4 issues / year

Editor-in-chief: annual subscription – personal print only

€ 177.–

online only

€ 177.–

print + online

€ 213.–

European Convention for Constructional Steelwork

annual subscription

Dr.-Ing. Helmut Richter

print only

€ 144.–

online only

€ 144.–

print + online

€ 173.–

annual subscription – institutional print only

€ 595.–

online only

€ 595.–

print + online

€ 714.–

Structural Concrete Journal of the fib

All journals are available as ejournals:

Other currencies, student rates and bulk discounts are available on request.

Structural Concrete, the official journal of the fib, provides conceptual and procedural guidance in the field of concrete construction, and features peer-reviewed papers, keynote research and industry news covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service and demolition of Volume 15, 2014

concrete structures. Publisher:

ISSN 1751-7648 online

fib – International Federation

Impact factor 2013: 0,857

for Structural Concrete

annual subscription – personal print only

€ 180.–


online only

€ 180.–


print + online

€ 216.–

du béton

annual subscription – institutional print only

€ 749.–

online only

€ 749.–

print + online

€ 899.–

Over 35.000 ebooks available as PDF, ePUB and mobi Fast and efficient search results

4 issues / year ISSN 1464-4177 print

ebooks @ Ernst & Sohn




Structurae is an international database offering a massive variety of engineering structures with more than 63,000 structures worldwide and over 13,000 participating companies and applied products, more than 9,000 participating engineers and architects – all illustrated with over 180,000 images.

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