Rob Miller RHT 2016

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Edition, Design and Photography

Eugenio Robleda English Version

Ana Paula Robleda

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 4 The Drivers 10 The car 12 Day 1one 20 Day two 26 day three 34

Inaugurated in 1973, the Transpeninsular Highway Mexico 1, Benito Juรกrez, is the connecting road between Tijuana and Cabo San Lucas, with 1,740 km. A winding road that goes through villages, crossing some desertic areas and mountains, through the Baja California Peninsula, showing some shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez.

A timeless land under the blue sky that frames everything around, with semidesert places and agricultural areas, a few oasis of tall palm trees and amazing coastal kilometers located on the sides of the Transpeninsular Highway, flashing in your eyes, filling the way with harmony.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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The perfect scenario for the world to know a little part of Mexico, all because of motorsports; the peninsula, two states, seven villages, endlessly nature beauties and the warmth of its inhabitants.

The land that saw the off-road races begin, just like the world’s famous Baja 1000, forty years ago; there’s a great crowd in the area that loves and follow this kind of sports and gets excited with this first edition of the Historic Transpeninsular Rally.

As any other traditional rally, with stages of timed speed, transit and service, this one was carried out on the Mexico 1, wich was closed to public transit during the competition, even in urban areas, with the support of federal, state and municipal authorities for road closures and protection.

There were more than 1,740 kilometers driven in three days, divided in eight speed proofs per day, previously planned, considering not only the security of the competitors but also the race officials and the public, in a way that represented a challenge for the

pilots and their cars.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Cataviña to Loreto, the second one and the third and last day, from Loreto to Cabo San Lucas, where it all ended.

Chris Eberz, an american pilot in his powerful Studebaker 1954 with more than

The most beautiful car, wich would have

Signed up at last minute and running

600 horsepower, made the best time of

won a trophy if there had been the

alone all the way, in his Harley Davidson

the race. Rob Miller and Wade Willson,

chance, was the Mustang 1965,of the

Screaming Eagle Special Edition, of which

after repairing their Shelby 1965, and

engineer Jesús Alatorre of San Luis Río

there are only 400 in the world, Dr. Alfre-

staying out in a couple of sections of

Colorado, Sonora, who was crowned

do Martínez, president of the motorcycle

speed, but thanks to the magic of Steve

with the first place in Stock Turism cat-

club “Mercenarios de Ensenada” was

Strupp who found in an abandoned Ford

egory. This team also suffered some

awarded with the title of “Man of steel”

old truck in the side of the way what the

mechanical difficulties because of the

for accomplishing the challenge without

car needed to keep going, they managed

asphalt in their way to the final goal in

breakdowns or failures in driving.

to be placed in the second position

Cabo San Lucas.

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

From Tijuana to Cataviña, the first day;

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

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He began racing 115 mph shifter karts on road race courses at 47

Driver: Rob Miller

He is the chief promoter and one of the organizers of The Texas Lonestar Grand Prix - one of the largest kart street races in the world. Racers from 18 states and 8 countries have participated in the 100 mph kart street race in historic Lockhart, Texas.

The race is viewed in over

35 countries via live streaming internet feed.

His team also races a Porsche 944 in endurance races put on by The World Racing League.

years old and won two regional championships with The Southwest Regional Road Race Association.

Co Driver: Wade Wilson


Steve and C.J. Strupp

Strupp Racing Services

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Model: Ford Mustang

Year: 1965

Motor: 289 C.I.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Miller & Brown

The car was built by 120 students at The Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology


Program under the direction and super-

vision of instructor, Tony Whitworth.

Discount Tire Mt. Pleasant

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Preifert Steel

Virginia Classic Mustang

Scot Rod’s Garage


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Day one June 24 • Stage 1

Tijuana - Cataviña

Total Distance 496.90 K.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Day two June 25 • Stage 2

Cataviña - Loreto

Total Distance 678.31 K.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]

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Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Day threeJune 26 • Stage 3

Loreto - Cabo San Lucas Total Distance 580.20 K.

Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


Rally Historico Transpeninsular 2016

Rob Miller]•[Wade Wilson]


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