Hit The Lights

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s t h g i l t he


t he l i ghts

I. Genesis II. Prophets III. Artefacts IV. Rituals V. Res Lux VI. Iconoclasm VII. Vanitas

I. Genesis

Dear Mother, Dear Father1 /

Turn the pages back in time2/ From the earth, up to the trees3 / The chant from a circle prayer4 / We’ve waited with patience5/ And

the fools became 6 the wise

We will never be like you7 / Good is a stupid device8 / False prophets and deceivers9 / Blinded by greed you fought over gold10 / By defects

in your character11 / The third world’s a bomb ready to blow12 / Church of christ breeding hate13 / We took control and stopped selling our

soul14 / Tonight you’re gonna meet your fate15 / Finding our way through hells hole16 / Destruction, mayhem, havoc, strife17 / The birth of

metal cannot be tamed18 / The power chords raise the dead19 / Thrash or be thrashed20 (x2) /

M&M’s - the chocolate candies21 / We spit on those who choose to pose22 / Big business, Nike shoes23 / An innocent face, a deceiving

smile24 / PMRC, Miami Vice, MTV25 / Turn innocence to ignorance26 / Too scared of what you’ll see27 / Freedom was nailed28/ Twisted mind,

twisted face29 / Hundreds of years they raised the cross30 / A media creation, a monster grew31 / To destroy the aura around you32 / Empty

promises of hope33 / Your soul shall be their meat34 / Right-wing radicals, abusing control35 / The prophets warned beware the second son36 /

In blaspheme he will pray37 / To tell of the actions to come38 / Now violence is his way39 / Sirens you can hear them call40 / Light now slips

away41 / If you hit the floor you can always crawl42 / Thrash until you are knocked down43 / Or die as you fall44 / Thrash or be thrashed20 (x2) /

SOLO (Caroline)

SOLO (Eden)

SOLO (Icarus)

BRIDGE (Medusa)

SOLO (Pandemonium)

Authority will put your soul in prison45 / Thrash or be thrashed20 (x2) / Break away from your common fashion46 / Thrash or be thrashed20 (x2) /

It’s time for snapping some neck47 / Thrash or be thrashed20 (x2) / Blood turning black, the change has begun48

II. Prophets

LEAD (Friedrich Nietzsche) / RHYTHM (Def Leppard)

LEAD (Lemmy Kilmister) / RHYTHM (Frans Hals)

LEAD (Rob Halford) / RHYTHM (Giacomo Balla)

LEAD (Michel Foucault) / RHYTHM (Deep Purple)

LEAD (René Descartes) / RHYTHM (Deep Purple)

LEAD (Ace Frehley) / RHYTHM (Edvard Munch)

LEAD (Ozzy Osbourne) / RHYTHM (Caspar Friedrich)

LEAD (Søren Kierkegaard) / RHYTHM (Angel Witch)

Bestow upon me 1 knowledge Life, death, want, waste2 / What can you do or say ?3 / Death’s an art, flesh and earth never part4 / Believe the visions of your brain5 /

Don’t look back6 / This world is passing away7 / True enemy or false friend?8 / I can’t seem to find the time9 / Of the same old this and

that10 / Why am I dying?11 / Searching for the answer12 / The world will fall insane13 / You’re headed for doom, you’d better prepare14 /

Still you run, what’s to come? What’s to be?15 / All that can escape me, all I realise16 / Time to think, time to breathe17 / Your mind

begins to scream18 / Is this reality? Or is it just a dream?19 / Extinct planets, pale meteors20 / Your life it has no meaning21 / I’ve fallen from

promises22 / Consciousness my only friend23 / Can you put a price on peace?24 / Who will stand with me in victory?25 / Trapped in mortal

solitude26 / As the holier than-thou-could-be-messenger of God27 / It’s just around the corner28 / Face the thing that should not be29 / Energy derives

from both the plus and 30 negative

LEAD (Alessandro Volta) / RHYTHM (Queen)

LEAD (Bruce Dickinson) / RHYTHM (Giorgio De Chirico)

SOLO (Chuck Schuldiner )

You said you’ve got the answers, well who asked you anyway?31 / My eyes are open wide32 / Only I guide my inner self33 / (Over the wall34 ) /

Conscience, do I laugh or do I cry?35 / Let it ride and bet it all36 / To escape from the true false world37/ My inner self33 / Over the wall34 /

My eyes are open wide32 / Only I guide my inner self33 / Let it ride and bet it all36 / My inner self33 / Over the wall34 / My inner self33 / Over

the wall34

SOLO (King Diamond)

LEAD (Cronos) / RHYTHM (Claude Monet)

LEAD (Benjamin Franklin) / RHYTHM (Jimi Hendrix)

III. Artefacts

Tight pants, denims with patches1 / White high tops2 / Bullet Belt3 /

Leather and metal4 / Spikes5 / Amps turned up to ten6 / Each Marshall stack7 / Raining beer8 / Wodka and Cognac9 / That’s the trade10 (x2)

High velocity bullet11 / The missiles are falling12 / Grenades13 / Under The Guillotine14 / Nuclear warheads15 / Another oil spill16 /

Computer banks17 / Machines that kill18 / Blood stained claws19 / That’s the trade10 (x2)

Towering temples of modernization20 / A Porsche and a Rolls Royce21 / A Tina Turner wig22 / Darling of the TV Screen23 / The carpet on the

floor24 / Pinstriped, blacktied25 / We strap on our parachutes26 / In the cracked mirror27 / Baby do some blow28 / That’s the trade10 (x2)

Rusty nails29 / Altar of sacrifice30 / Brundish the sceptre31 / Worship the shrine32 / The holy cross33 / Bleeding from the crown34 /

Chalice of blood35 / Inside her crystal ball36 / My ancient book37 / That’s the trade10 (x2)

Why don’t you cut your hair?38 / That’s the trade10 (x2) / World leaders sell missiles cheap39 / That’s the trade10 (x2) / You say a double

standard’s OK40 / That’s the trade10 (x2) / Millions die for their faith41 / That’s the trade10 (x2)

IV. Rituals

Drink, sink, there’s no time to think1 / Frolic through the pub with your nectar in hand2 / Just rip your face

off to the band3 / Pour that brew right down my neck4 / My voice is dying, my clothes are wet5 / Believe me, honey we’re flooded with wine6 /

Thrashoholic means booze for everyone7 / Now brothers and sisters8 / Touring across Europe (on a ramshackle van without a motherfuckin’

cent)9 / Bang you head as if up from the dead10 / Scream at the top of your lungs11 / Freibier für alle - sonst gibt’s Krawalle12 / Disco’s out,

Murder’s in13 / Lightning, thunder, starving hunger14 / Violence seeker, feeding off the weaker15 / Just don’t go near that water16 /

Your pulse increases, it’s the moshpirit17 / Vodka frenzy! Vodka fuckin’ vodka frenzy!18 / Maximum volume soon abtained19 / The circle

never ends20 / Brain killing brain21 / Pushed up by white lines22 / My mind is stuck on one goal23 / Dissolve in the slithering24 /

Don’t breathe fast, you’ll waste air25 / Conditioned, committed26 / Smashed and thrashed is what we’re all about27 / Welcome to our

sanguinary sect of worship28 / Thrashing and slamming like hell in the pit29 / I push to the left, you pull to the right30 / We mosh until

we die31 / Your body will burn32 / Good friendly violent fun in store for all33 / It’s time to face life on your feet and on your terms34 / Bloody

battles by the score, London, Paris, many more35 / I’m a martyr and I’ll die for the cause36 / Faceless, dissenters in an ambulating

swarm37 / Revolution, execution, the solution38 / This is how we turn your boring party into art39 / FOOTBALL OF DEATH! GO!!40 /

SOLO (Whiplash)

Lights, camera, silence on the set, tape rolling, 3-2-1-action41 / This is an act of faith42 / Revolution, execution, the solution38 / Pilsener

attack!43 /FOOTBALL OF DEATH! GO!!40 /

Bridge (Ego Trip)

You’re the author and the actor, the hero and the scoundrel44 / Claim another victim45 / Motors on, 3, 2, 1...It’s Alive!46 / GO!!40 /

I circle moshed with the Phantom Lord47 / Everyone against everyone48 / Test your body chemistry49 / Show your scars50 / GO!!40 /

SOLO (Worship)

Two sharks at once or even three at a time51 / Sirens scream to warn of the attack52 / She’ll break your leg and let it all bleed53 /

Rising from the sea54 / Meaningless movements55 / GO!!40 /

SOLO (Self Abuse)

All destroyed, dry as a bone56 / FOOTBALL40 / FOOTBALL40 / You turn around, you’re all alone57 / FOOTBALL40 / FOOTBALL40 / Intoxication,

the hammer of spikes58 / FOOTBALL40 / FOOTBALL40 /Today is merely yesterday’s tomorrow59 / FOOTBALL OF DEATH! GO!!40 /

Brother on, brother on, brothers in blood60 / Electric shock through you61 / This behavior is intrinsic62 / The howling moon is

calling63 /Charge yourself64 / Charge yourself64 / Charge yourself64 / GO!!40 /

The show is through, the metal’s gone, it’s the time to hit the road63 / GO!!40 /

OUTRO (Pyros)

GO!!40 /

V. Res Lux (Instrumental)

VI. Iconoclasm

Images flooding all of your channels1 / Endless haze, whitewash

maze2 / Piece of time3 / Intervals of light4 / Lies, deceit and hypnotism5 / Stealing the show, eyes of the crowd6 / Fade to black7 /

Reality you see, an image, just a fake8/ Windows of your soul9 / Distort and report to the mind10 / A life of nothing new11 / Analyze,

cut to shreds12 / Chemical waste displaced13 / Mass illusion, blind bomb14 / As the circle is closing15 / Fear and hate in your pupils16 /

Crystallized, I lay here in rest17 /From the ground, to out of sight18 / I am a drifter in time19 / A system that was made to lie and to deceive20 /

Synthetic26 / Wonder25 / Into24 / A23 / Life of22 / Obscene21 /Deceive20 / Time19 / To18 / Rest17 / Your16 / Closing15 / Blind14 / Chemical13 / Shreds12 /

Nothing11 / To report10 / Of9 / Fake8/ Black7 / Show6 / Hypnotism5 / Of intervals4 / Time of piece3 / Whitewash haze2 / Of all flooding images1 /

The circle is closing15 / I lay here in rest17 / Intervals of light4 / Images flooding1 / Report to the mind10 / Just a fake8/ Endless maze2 /

Empire of the Obscene21 / Imitation of life22 / No eyes to see, a statue now23 / Hooked into this deceiver24 / Worlds of wonder25 / Synthetic

creatures ordered and numbered26 / Intervals of light4 / Imitation of life22 / Endless haze2 / An image, just a fake8 / Fade to black7 /

Piece of time3 / From the ground18 / Crystallized17 / As the circle is closing15 /

VII. Vanitas

You’re dead.1

I. Genesis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Metallica «Dyers Eve» Testament «The Legacy» Megadeth «Mary Jane» Exumer «Rising From The Sea» D.R.I. «Drown You Out» Slayer «Skeletons Of Society» Kreator «Love Us Or Hate Us» Destruction «Antichrist» Bathory «Blood, Fire, Death» Heathen «World’s End» Sodom «Incest» Exodus «Seeds Of Hate» Onslaught «Flame Of The Antichrist» Municipal Waste «Standards And Practises» Kreator «Flag Of Hate» Testament «C.O.T.L.O.D.» Overkill «Wrecking Crew» Fueled by Fire «Metal Forever» Flotsam & Jetsam «Metalshock» M.O.D. «Thrash Or Be Thrashed» Assassin «Junk Food» Razor «Thrashdance» Anvil «Big Business» Flotsam & Jetsam «She Took An Axe» D.R.I. «Modern World» Anacrusis «Imprisoned» Sacred Reich «Rest In Peace» Nuclear Assault «When Freedom Dies» Sadus «Twisted Face» Hellhammer «Crucifiction» Anthrax «Imitation Of Life» Paradox «Killtime» Sepultura «Desperate Cry» Sabbat «A Cautionary Tale» Sacred Reich «Death Squad» Overkill «Second Son» Forbidden «Chalice Of Blood» Dark Angel «Black Prophecies» Atrophy «Product Of The Past» Exumer «Reign Of Sadness» Slayer «At Dawn They Sleep» Exodus «Toxic Waltz» Tankard «Thrash Till Death» Testament «Into The Pit» Anthrax «A.I.R.» Metallica «Escape» Megadeth «Rattlehead» Slayer «Altar Of Sacrifice»

II. Prophets Megadeth «Five Magics» Metallica «The Frayed Ends Of Sanity» Anthrax «A.D.I. Horror Of It All» 4 Slayer «Cleanse The Soul» 5 Kreator «Blind Faith» 6 Sodom «Capture The Flag» 7 Destruction «Frustrated» 8 Megadeth «Sweating Bullets» 9 Anthrax «Time» 10 Testament «Time Is Coming» 11 Metallica «Disposable Heroes» 12 Slayer «The Antichrist» 13 Exodus «Exodus» 14 Anthrax «Howling Furies» 15 Metallica «All Nightmare Long» 16 Testament «Blessed In Contempt» 17 Slayer «Praise Of Death» 18 Megadeth «My Last Words» 19 Coroner «R.I.P.» 20 Hellhammer «Revelations Of Doom» 21 Overkill «Feel The Fire» 22 Slayer «Crionics» 23 Metallica «Ride The Lightning» 24 Megadeth «Peace Sells» 25 Anthrax «Judas Priest» 26 Slayer «Kill Again» 27 Megadeth «Holy Wars...The Punishment Due» 28 Anthrax «Anthrax» 29 Metallica «The Thing That Should Not Be» 30 Metallica «Eye Of The Beholder» 31 Megadeth «Hook In Mouth» 32 Kreator «Your Heaven, My Hell» 33 Sepultura «Inner Self» 34 Testament «Over The Wall» 35 Anthrax «Blood» 36 Exodus «Heads They Win (Tails You Lose)» 37 Metallica «Escape» 1 2 3

III. Artefacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Violator «Addicted To Mosh» Fueled By Fire «Thrash Is Back» Gama Bomb «Bullet Belt» Metallica «Metal Militia» Dark Angel «We Have Arrived» Exodus «Metal Command» Whiplash «Stagedive» Crisix «Internal Pollution» Tankard «(Empty) Tankard» D.R.I. «The Trade» Slayer «Hallowed Point» Exodus «Fabulous Disaster» Artillery «Bombfood» Kreator «Under The Guillotine» Sodom «Burst Command Till War» Nuclear Assault «Critical Mass» Megadeth «Hangar 18» Heathen «Pray For Death» Destruction «Invisible Force» Sacred Reich «Crimes Against Humanity» Suiciadal Tendencies «Send Me Your Money» M.O.D. «Bushwackateas» Coroner «Masked Jackal» Exumer «Fallen Saint» Vio-lence «I Profit» Testament «Do Or Die» Sabbat «Ghost In the Mirror» Anthrax «Make Me Laugh» Hellhammer «Crucifiction» Slayer «Altar Of Sacrifice» Sodom «Brundish The Sceptre» Xentrix «Reasons For Destruction» Dark Angel «The Burning Of Sodom» Megadeth «Looking Down The Cross» Forbidden «Chalice Of Blood» Blind Illusion «Smash The Crystal» Toxic Holocaust «Agony Of The Damned» Gothic Slam «Who Died And Made You God?» Megadeth «Rust In Peace... Polaris» Nuclear Assault «New Song» Destruction «Curse The Gods»

IV. Rituals Alcoholator «Liquid Thrash» Alkoholizer «Sardinian Beer» Municipal Waste «Headbanger Face Rip» 4 Lawnmower Deth «Anyone For Tinnies» 5 S.D.I. «Megamosh» 6 Acid Drinkers «Flooded With Wine» 7 Gama Bomb «Thrashoholic» 8 Toxik «Wir NJN8/In God» 9 Hyades «Wops Still Thrash» 10 Exodus «Bonded By Blood» 11 Whiplash «Power Thrashing Death» 12 Tankard «Freibier» 13 Suicidal Tendencies «Murder’s in» 14 Hirax «The Gauntlet» 15 Metallica «Battery» 16 Wasted Youth «Any Gun Can Play» 17 Aggression «Moshpirit» 18 Aversion «Vodka Frenzy» 19 Razor «Hot Metal» 20 Atrophy «Violent By Nature» 21 Sepultura «Lobotomy» 22 Kreator «Extreme Aggression» 23 Bio-Cancer «Backstabbed Again» 24 Revocation «Bound By Desire» 25 Acid Reign «Codes Of Conformity» 26 Power Trip «Conditioned To Death» 27 Fog Of War «M.O.S.H.» 28 Megadeth «The Conjuring» 29 D.R.I. «Thrashard» 30 Overkill «Head First» 31 S.O.D. «Milano Mosh» 32 Slayer «Fight Till Death» 33 Exodus «Toxic Waltz» 34 Nuclear Assault «F# (Wake Up)» 35 Flotsam & Jetsam «Der Führer» 36 Intruder «The Martyr» 37 Lich King «Act of War» 38 Havok «Prepare For Attack» 39 Municipal Waste «The Art Of Partying» 40 Crisix «Bring ‘em To The Pit» 41 Suicidal Tendencies «Send Me Your Money» 42 Oppression «Act Of Faith» 43 Thrasher Quarteto «Pilsener Attack!» 44 Defaced «Nightmare» 45 Energetic Krusher «Brain Damage» 46 Crisix «Flesh-Collector Machine» 47 PC Death Squad «Fuck Metallica» 48 Kreator «Hordes Of Chaos» 49 Slayer «Epidemic» 50 Metallica «Broken, Beat & Scarred» 51 Bitchslicer «Sex With Sharks» 52 Coup De Grace «Bombs Away» 53 Thrash Queen «Manslayer» 54 Exumer «Rising From The Sea» 55 Sepultura «Meaningless Movements» 56 Anihilated «Aftermath» 57 Zoetrope «Seeking Asylums» 58 Morbid Saint «Scars» 59 Death Angel «Seemingly Endless Time» 60 Anthrax «Blood» 61 Voivod «Ravenous Medicine» 62 Dark Angel «Older Than Time Itself» 63 Heathen «Fear of the Unknown» 64 Coroner «Last Entertainment» 65 Metallica «Whiplash» 1 2 3

V. Res Lux (Instrumental)

VII. Vanitas

VI. Iconoclasm

1 1

1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Tankard «Broken Image» Amok «Sectioned» Atheist «Piece of time» Heathen «World’s End» Accu§er «Double Talk» Whiplash «Stage Dive» Flotsam & Jetsam «Fade To Black» Vio-lence «Eternal Nightmare» Artillery «Chill My Bones (Burn My Flesh)» Evile «Schizophrenia» Annihilator «Sixes and Sevens» Forbidden «Infinite» Nuclear Assault «Critical Mass» Korzus «Mass Illusion» Kreator «The Few, The Proud, The Broken» Crisix «Mummified By Society» Metallica «Trapped Under Ice» Voivod «Forgotten In Space» Manic Depression «Lost In Time» Sepultura «Lobotomy» Revocation «Empire Of The Obscene» Anthrax «Imitation Of Life» Anthrax «Medusa» Metallica «The End Of The Line» Slayer «Crionics» Kreator «Don’t Trust»

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Jimi Hendrix» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Jim Morrison» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Kurt Cobain» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Freddie Mercury» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Michael Jackson» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Frank Sinatra» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Charles Schultz» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Walter Matthau» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Euronymous» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Michael Hutchence» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Walter Payton» S.O.D. «The Ballad Of Tupac»



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