ERSA e-Newlsetter I - 2009

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ERSA e-Newsletter Issue 1 - 2009

Prince Has Discovered A New Source Of Energy. Plug Into It. And Turn On Your Game.

Gael Monfils plays the Rebel.

Introducing Puts More Energy Where You Want It — Into Your Shot. Available in four distinct models for different player types. Demo An Today.


We would like to wish you all the best for the New Year! We are working on a new A4 Format for the e-Newsletter so we can make it easily avaiable to read online. We are using a link to a Flash format with larger type so it is easier to read online than the online magazine. We are using the same A4 format we use for the RacquetTech Magazine so our advertisers can use the same ads for the magazine and e-News. Please send us your comments if you are having any trouble connecting to the link or reading the Newsletter. The new format will also include Tips, Tour News, Coaching News and Articles, Industry News, New Products and any other racquet sport related articles or Press Releases we feel our readers will be interested in seeing. A reminder to our members that your Member Packets are ready to go out with a new book format Stringers Digest, 2010 Member Certificate and a sample set of strings. The 2010 RacquetTech Magazine will be published 6 times starting in February, so be sure to renew your membership so you do not miss any new issues and are up to date with the latest Stringers Digest. Best wishes Mark Maslowski


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Tour News Indiian Wells, Calif. Indian Ca aliif. – The BNP Paribas Paribas Open, Ope en, the most attended atte ended tennis tenniis tournament to ournament in the th he world outside outssid de of the four major major events, eventts, to to be held March Ma arch 8-21, 2010, 2010 0, and its hom me, the Indian Wells Tennis Garden, Garden, have havve been purchased purchassed by Larryy Ellison, Ellison, cohome, foun nder and CEO CE EO of Oracle Corporation, Corrporation, it was wa as announced d today by Charlie Charlie Pasarell founder and d Raymond Moore Moore of PM Sports Spo orts Management. Manage ement. Ellis son, who formed form med Tennis Ventures, LLC, purchased pu urchased 100% of the assets asssets from the Ellison, prev vious ownership ownersship group, which whicch featured Pasarell Pasarell and Moore, Mo oore, George Georg ge Mackin Mackin and previous Bob b Miller of Tennis Tenn nis magazine/, the e United States State es Tennis Association Asssociation (US STA), and tennis ten nnis legends Pete Pette Sampras, Chris Chris Evert and Billie Jean n King. King. (USTA), The e tournamentt originally originally came e to the Coachella Valley in 1976, and in n 1981 19 981 Charlie Pas sarell became Tournament Director. Director. He and and d Moore formed form med PM Sports Spo orts ManageManagePasarell men nt in 1985 and an nd have since been be een owners and an nd managing partners. They Th hey will conment tinu ue to manage e the the event and the the Indian Wells Wells Tennis Garden for Tennis Ten nniss Ventures, tinue LLC C. Steve Simon n will continue as Tournament Tournam men nt Director and an nd Chief Operating Ope erating Officer LLC. of th he Indian Wells We ellls Tennis Garden and former form merr owner George Georg ge Mackin will will be be Director the of S ponsorship Marketing. Marketing. Sponsorship The e next tournament tourna ament will be held March 8-21, 8-2 21, 2010.

The e ITF announce ed today that Roger Roger Federer Federrerr (SUI) and Serena Se erena Williams Willia ams (USA) are announced the 2009 ITF Wo orld Champions.. This is the fift th time Feder rer has been n honoured, honoured, World fth Federer while Williams receives re eceives the award for the second se eco ond time. Sere ena and Venus Ven nuss Williams (USA) (US SA) are named nam med d Women’s Doubles Do oubles World Worlld Champions Champions Serena for tthe he first time,, w ith Serena be ecoming the firrst st player sinc ce Martina Hingis Hingis in 1999 with becoming since to re eceive singles single es and doubles honours. honours. Bob Bo ob and and Mike Bryan Brya an (USA) are arre Men’s Men’s Doureceive bless World Champions Cham mpions for a record reco ord sixth time. tim me.. Dan niel Berta (SWE) (SW WE) and Kristina a Mladenovic (FRA) (FRA) are the e 2009 ITF Junior Juniior World Daniel Cha ampions, while e the ITF Wheelchair Whee elchair World d Champions Champions are arre Shingo Kunieda Kunieda (JPN) Champions, and Esther Vergeer Verg gee er (NED). Kunieda wins the th he award for the e third year running, runn ning, while Verg geer becomes become es world champion for a remarkable rem marrkable tenth successive successive year. year. Vergeer The e ITF World C hampions will receive re eceive theirr awards aw wards at the annual annual ITF World World ChampiChampions ons Dinner on Tuesday Tue esday 1 June, in Paris, during durin ng Roland Garros.


ERSA e-Newsletter 1 - 2010

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Industry News HEAD have HE EAD N.V. N.V V. and d the ATP ATP Ph ave signed signed a 3 year yea ar contract contrract that extends extend ds the ATP ATP en-dorsement dor rse emen nt of the th he Penn Pe enn ATP AT TP ball through thro oug gh 2012. 2012 2. The agreement agree ementt between betw ween HEAD HEAD D Penn Pen nn was and d the the ATP AT TP wa as made ma ade following fo ollowin ng the e Barclays Barcclays ATP ATP World World Tour To ourr Finals Fin nals in London. Londo on. Under Unde er the agreement, agre eem men nt, Penn Penn and an nd HEAD HE EAD will will continue con ntinue e to be e the the officcial ia al ball of the th he ATP. ATP P. “Penn “Pe enn is excited excited to to extend exte end d its partnership partne ersship with h the the ATP, ATP, one on ne of the most most respected re especcte ed organizations org ganizatio ons in n the the tenniss community, com mmunityy, said sa aid Jeff Jefff Ratkovich, Rattkovich h, Business Bu usine ess Manager Man nagerr Penn Penn Tennis Ten nnis Balls. “Penn “P Penn continues con ntin nues to to be America’s Am merrica’s #1 #1 Selling Se elling Tennis Te ennis Ball Balll and our our extendextend dour brand.” ed partnership pa artnerrship ass the e offi offficcial ial ball ba all of the e ATP AT TP will will continue con ntinue to benefi be enefifit o ur br rand.”” Penn Pen nn and HEAD HEA AD ATP P balls ba alls were werre the e most mostt used use ed ball on the e ATP ATP P Tour To our in 2008 20 008 and d the #1 Choice Choice e of ATP AT TP Players. Playe erss. “When “Whe en it comes comess to to quality qualiity and performance, perform mancce, the the e HEAD/Penn HE EAD/Pe enn tennis te ennis balls are are second secon nd to n none,” one,” said said World World No. No o. 4 Andy Murray. Murra ay. “It “It iss great great to to see e HEAD HEA AD and and Penn Pen nn continue conttinue their the eir partnership partn nershiip as the the offi offficial ball of of the the ATP P because becau use I want want to use e the best best tools tools possible posssible when when I am am out out there th here competing.” compe etin ng.””

The e role of of the Lawn La awn n Tennis Te enn nis Association Asssocia atio on is one on ne of the th he most mosst hotly hottly debated deb bated d in British Brrittish sporting spo ortting circles. circless. Should Sho ould the th he main ma ain aim m be to to groom potential potentiial Wimbledon Wimblledon champions champ pio ons or ssimply im mply get get more morre people peop ple e on court court with with rackets racke etss in their th heir hands. ha ands. Ma Many anyy believe belie eve the th he latter lattter should sh hould take preference prreferrencce and the the latest la atest Active Activve People Peop ple Survey Su urveyy commissioned com mmissio oned byy Sport Sp portt England, Englan nd, the largest-ever larg gest--evver survey su urvey off sport sp port and an nd active acttive recrere ecreation atio on to be e undertaken und derrtake en in in Europe, Europ pe, shows sh hows a positive po ositive result. resultt. In tthe he e 12-m 12-month month h period periiod spanning sp pannin ng October Occto oberr 2008 200 08 to October Octobe er 2009 200 09 there th here was wa as an inin ncrease cre easse in the the number num mbe er off adults adults aged d 16 years yearss or or older old der playing pla aying tennis tenn nis in England Englan nd playing tennis ten nnis weekly. weeklly. In 2 2007/8 007/8 the figu gure ure wass 487,500 487,50 00 but bu ut a year ye ear on on it had ha ad risen rise en to 530,200 530,2 200 with wiith tennis ten nni s coming com ming in fifth p place la ace beh behind hin nd swimming, sw wimming g, cycling, cyyclin ng,, football foottball and d running. runnin ng. Tennis Ten nnis finished lower lo owe er down do own the list in n sports sports people peo ople want want to do o at least lea ast three thrree times tim mes a week wee ek with horse horsse riding, ridin ng, golf go olf and d bowls bow wlss attracting atttractting greater gre eater numbers. numb bers..


ERSA e-Newsletter 1 - 2010

Industry News Babolat B abollat announces announce es the th he signing sig gning of of an international in ntern natio onal contract—racquet, co ontractt—raccque et, strings strin ngs and an nd a cce essoriess—with h French Fre encch player playe er Jo-Wilfried Jo-W Wilfrie ed Tsonga Tso onga (#10 ATP) ATP) starting starrting January Ja anuaryy 1, 1, accessories—with 2 010 0. 2010. ““Because Beccause we we are e a French Frrencch brand—considered brand—co onside ered d among amon ng the world d leaders lea aders in n tennis tenn niss rracquets acq quets and an nd strings—we strrings— —we e are are particularly pa articu ularly proud prou ud to welcome welcom me in our our Team Team a French Fren nch p layyerr, who o is top to op 10 in the e world” world d” says sayys Eric Eriic Babolat, Ba abolat, president preside ent and CEO CEO of of Babolat. Bab bolat. player, ““We We e sshare hare the same sam me competitive com mpetitive e spirit spirrit and and d the e same passion. passiion n. Our Our values values are are bringbrrin ngiing ng us us closer.” close er.” JJean-Christophe ean n-Christophe e Verborg, Verb borg g, head of competition co ompettition n for fo or Babolat Ba abolat adds, ad ddss, “We “W We are very very happy happyy tthat hat Jo o-Wilffried has has chosen chossen n Babolat. Bab bolat. He e is a veryy nice nicce player playyerr and an nd extremely exttreme ely charischa arissJo-Wilfried m atiic.. His a rriva al in the th he team te eam reinforces reinforccess Babolat’s Ba abola at’’s visibility vissibility among am mon ng the th he top players playerrs in matic. arrival tthe he A TP: Ra afael Nada al (Spain, (S Spa ain, #2 #2 ATP), ATP P), Andy An ndy Roddick Ro oddicck (USA, (US SA, #7 7 ATP), AT TP), Jo-Wilfried Jo-W Wilfrie ed ATP: Rafael Nadal T son nga (France, (Fra ance, #10 #10 ATP), ATP P),, and Fernando Ferna ando Gonzalez Gon nza alez (Chile, (Chile e, #11 #11 ATP).” ATP)).” Tsonga ““II am m very h appyy to to st tart pl laying g nextt season seasson with with Babolat Ba abolatt racquets ra acq quetss and and strings sttringss and and happy start playing I am me qually proud pro oud d off thiss partnership partne ership p with with a French brand brand with with whom who om I share sha are the th he equally ssame am me values,” value es,” says sayys Tsonga. Tson nga a.

T he U STA a nnoun nced d today toda ay that tha at DecoTurf, DeccoT Turff, the e most mostt recognized recog gnized tennis tenn nis court co ourt surface su urface e The USTA announced in the world, world d, will extend exxten nd its itts thirty-one year ye ear contract conttra act with the e US US Open Ope en and remain remaiin the e ““Surface Surrfa ace off the U S Op pen n” tthrough hroug gh December De ece emb ber 2014. 2014. DecoTurf DecoT Turrf has been been the e surface surfface US Open” o he US O pen,, th he w orlld’ss highest-attended high hest-a attend ded annual an nnuall sporting sportting g event, event, since e 1978 8 and and d off th the Open, the world’s rrepresents epre esents one of of DecoTurf’s DeccoT Turrf’s strongest strronge estt associations asssociiattions with with the e sport. sp port. D eco oTurf’s partnership partn nerrshiip with with h the US Open Ope en has has included include ed the e multi-layer multti-layyer cushioned cush hione ed DecoTurf’s ttennis enn niss surface surfa ace that th hatt is constructed con nsttructed d among amon ng all all 34 4 outdoor outdo oor courts courtts at at the USTA A Billie Jean Je ean King Kin ng National Na atio onal Tennis Te enn nis Center, Ce enter, including in ncluding g Arthur Arthurr Ashe e Stadium, Stad dium m, the world’s world’ss large est tennis tenn nis stadium. sta adium m. DecoTurf DeccoTurff also o covers cove ers the e 12 indoor indoorr courts courrts in n the the new ne ew largest 2 45,,00 00-sq quare--fo oot USTA UST TA Indoor Indoo or Training Tra ain ning g Center, Ce entter, which which opened ope ene ed in n November Novem mber 245,000-square-foot 2 008 8. The surface surfacce is also also o constructed constrructed d on on courts courtts that host host the e Olympus Olymp pus US S Open 2008. S erie es leading lead ding up up to the US US Open. Ope en. Series T he 2009 US US Open Op pen will will be be held Monday, Mond dayy, August Augu ustt 31 through through Sunday, Sundayy, September Septe embe er 13. 13. The T he tournament to ournam ment will will be be broadcast bro oadcasst by CBS, CB BS, ESPN ES SPN N and d Tennis Tenn niss Channel. Channe el. The


ERSA e-Newsletter 1 - 2010

Industry News HEAD Extends Tennis Europe Partnership to 2010 HEAD Racquet Sports has announced the extension of their partnership with Tennis Europe, the largest regional association of the sport’s governing body, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), to 2010. The agreement between HEAD and Tennis Europe was made following the ATP World Tour Finals in London, where executives convened to discuss the successful partnership that began in 2007. “The popularity of the sport of tennis continues to gain momentum throughout Europe” said Robert Marte, Executive Vice President, Racquets Sports Division. “Since the partnership began in 2007, Tennis Europe has aided HEAD’s mission to introduce new technologies and products to the European market and focus attention on the future stars of tennis – the junior players. Due to Tennis Europe’s favorable impact on our business we are very happy to prolong this partnership.” Tennis Europe Chief Executive Officer Olli Mäenpää commented, «We are delighted to continue our partnership with HEAD for another term. Over the past three years this relationship has helped us to enhance our flagship events, also establishing new ones, and has been instrumental in the continued growth and investment in the Tennis Europe Junior Tour. It has also been a pleasure to work with the HEAD team, and we look forward to exploring further ways of developing the partnership in 2010.» As part of the partnership, HEAD will continue to be the ‘Official Racquet, Tennis Ball, String, Bag, Accessory, Footwear and Apparel’ partner of Tennis Europe and will be the presenting sponsor of the Tennis Europe Winter Cups, the largest junior indoor team tennis competition, and the Tennis Europe Nations Challenge. HEAD will also be the official ball of the Tennis Europe Junior Championships and the Tennis Europe Junior Masters. The HEAD ATP tennis ball will continue as the ‘Recommended Ball’ for the Tennis Europe Junior Tour, which includes more than 320 junior events across all Tennis Europe member nations. Tennis Europe is comprised of 49 European member nations and maintains excellent relationships with the sports’ governing bodies; the International Tennis Federation, ATP and WTA Tours.


ERSA e-Newsletter 1 - 2010

European Racquet Stringers Association Lenaustr. 38 40470 Düsseldorf, Germany Telephone & Fax: +49(0)211 - 6215638 e-mail:

January 1, 2010

Dear Member

Your 2010 membership packet is waiting to be mailed out. Please fax, mail or scan and e-mail your 2008 membership registration back as soon as possible. -

6 Issues of RacquetTech Magazine 12 Issues of ERSA e-Newsletter The Stringers Digest 2010 Web access to Free Samples Discounted Products Free consulting 7 days a week ERSA Annual Meeting Workshops and Certification Testing

___ 1 Year Membership

89,00 €

___ 1 Year Membership

160.00 €

___ 3 Year Membership

210.00 €

___ 1 Year e-Membership


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Best wishes

Mark Maslowski

Payments: Racquettechnology Ltd. HSBC -Poultry & Princes Street London UK Sort Code 40-05-30 Account 22342480 IBAN GB94MIDL40053022342480 BIC (SWIFT) MIDLGB2141W

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