Architecture Portfolio Ersan İlktan

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Ersan ilktan


Work Experience Hilmi Güner Architecture Office Architecture Office Internship

July 2019 - Sep 2019

Yazgan Design Architecture Office, YDA Center Project Architectural Construction Internship July 2018 - Sep 2018

Ersan ilktan

TEDU Architecture and Design Society Management Board Member Sep 2017- June 2018

The Void Magazine Visual Image Designer Sep 2016 - Sep 2019

Scholarships Merit Scholarship / TED University %50 Scholarship 2016-2017 %75 Scholarship 2017-2018 %50 Scholarship 2018-2019 %50 Scholarship 2019-2020

Languages English Advanced IELTS 8.0/9 Turkish Native French Intermediate A2 Level Japanese Elementary


Honors & Awards

Software Skills

TED University / Ankara, Turkey

TEDU Faculty of Architecture Yearbook Feature Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 projects selected_2019

Rhinoceros 6 Autocad 2018 Photoshop Grasshoper Illustrator Lumion 3D ArchiCAD 22 Revit 2019 3Ds Max 2020/ Vray InDesign Sketchup

Bachelor of Architecture / Global Citizenship Secondary Field GPA: 3.82 (one of the highest ranked students

in the department)

Sep 2016 - June 2020*expected graduation*

Politechnika Krakowska / Krakow, Poland Bachelor of Architecture / Erasmus+ GPA: 4.00 Jan 2019- July 2019 (3rd year Spring Semester)

TED Ankara College Foundation School / Ankara, Turkey High School Education / (IB) International Bachelorette Diploma Programme IB High Level Mathematics, High level Physics GPA: 30/45 Turkish Diploma GPA: 3.3/4.0 Sep 2012- June 2016

G.W. Graham Secondary School / Chilliwack, Canada International Exchange Year Program 10th Grade Education GPA: 91/100 Sep 2013- July 2014

TEDU Faculty of Architecture Merit Honor Award 2nd place in the Faculty of Architecture_2017 TSMD (Turkish Free Architects Association) 5th Architecture Students Exhibiton “steps” Selected work to represent TEDU among top turkish universities in the exhibition_2018 TEDU Final Projects Juries’ Choice Honor Arch101, Arch 102, Arch201, Arch202, Arch301 Licensed Competitive Ballroom and Latin Dance _2006-2012 1st in C class Juniors Turkish Championship 2012 1st in C class Juniors Turkish Championship 2010 8th in D class Juniors World Dance Sports Federation Open World Championship / Greece 2009


ARCH 401 ARCH 302

ARCH 301 ARCH 202 ARCH 201 ARCH 102 ARCH 101

01 ECO_x 02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art 03 Modes of Learning 04 House in Referance 05 Phoenix 06 Field Invader 07 XYZ 08 Visual Culture

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FALL 2019

ARCH 401 Academic Individual & Partial Group Work

1st Phase Group Partners: Eylül Tombakoglu / Ece Irem Sakallı / Yasar Alp Ozturk

01 Eco_x

Advisors: Berin Gur / Duygu Tuntas / Heves Beseli / Evren Basbug / Aylin Alicanoglu

01 ECO_X



Architectural Encounters of Environmental Emergencies

Environmental change and emergencies asks for previously unrecalled and designed problems to be rethought. New ways of representation of the natural and seismic landform and morphology should be analized in order to grasp the overall aspect of Climate Change which is that it is shifting through scales, places, time. The term “Hyperobject” coming from Timothy Mortons analogy is used in our understanding of the overall forces that shape the earth formation and emergencies. We read the context of the site in communicating scales and produced this two-sided speculative study model to understand the underlysing site forces. The later stages consists of a designed program1 is also a group work; and the 2nd Phase of the Project that is an architectural solution to react to the climatic emergencies in the site, is an academic individual work. This is an on-going project right now.

Speculative study model of the site 3 of 24

Multiple sided, multiple scaled model

01 ECO_X

Climate Change as Hyperobject

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01 ECO_X existing site with vegetation and urban fabric

experience of the consistencies of landform

experience of the Kiraz Stream

pre-disaster bounded-unbounded

artiďŹ cial-natural landform


larger scale morphological experience

larger scale water-rise

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System Fragment Design Library

01 ECO_X

Site Plan 1/1000

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01 ECO_X

recreation + communal assembly + agriculture

Satellite Site Plan

observation + recreation +communal assembly

observation + recreation

Axonometric Section Drawing of Laboratory and Observation Center 1/200

The system that I designed composed of fragments that vary in different programs that have varying relations with water rise. While the Agriculture elements rise as the sea surface rises, the recreation program embraces the water rise with its voidal composition. The Laboratory is situated where the changing context is the most stable and this program is massive. The use of parts is selected in order to respond to the hypercoastline concept and somewhat designing the relationships between the elements; “discrete architecture�

System Design Sections 1/500

laboratory + obseraton + recreation

recreation + agriculture

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observation + recreation + communal assembly

recreation + communal assembly agriculture + communal assembly +recreation

laboratory + observation

communal assembly +agriculture

SPRING 2019 ARCH 302 Academic Individual & Partial Group Work Erasmus+ Poland / Krakow 1st Phase Group Partner: Yagmur Bektas

02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art

Advisor: Piotr Gajewski


02 DMoCA

Debica Museum of Contemporary Art & Urban Scale Revitalization

The main aim of the project is to introduce a much needed urban center for Commercial, Cultural, Iconic, Transportation, Governmental, and Residential activities. It consisted of two phases. The first phase is the Urban Transformation of a new neighborhood which was a collaboration with Yagmur Bektas; the second phase is designing a pulic building inside this urban plan such as a museum, which I designed by myself. The first approach was to locate the Debica Main Train Station, Debica Cultural Center, Debica Museum of Contemporary Art and an Office building that housed companies related to the newly reviving industrial activities of the city. The Mayor of Debica’s main aim was to transform Debica into an iconic thriving city that feeds from the reintroduction of the industrial economy from an old town with a bright past status which is very common throughout Europe in the 21st Century. This Revival may also reflect the transformation of Poland as a Global contributor to the European Union in the last century.

I have later progressed with the museum complex that become the core of the project. While there is a fluid transition between floors using the inner circulation core and the exterior plasa staircase, the repeating elements provide structure for the space to be suitable for a museum. The south facing facade of the museum is solid avoiding harsh direct sunlight in the space and the repeating linear elements are tools for controlling padestrian circulation.

Urban Plan designed with Yagmur Bektas and indication of the DMoCA hat I designed myself

Sculpture that I designed for the Plasa in front of the DMoCA

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02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art

Site Plan

Structure Exploded Axonometric Drawing of DMoCA 9 of 24

Urban Axonometric Drawing collaboration with Yagmur Bektas

02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art 02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art

Elevation Drawings

Main Entrance of DMoCA

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02 Debica Museum of Contemporary Art

AA SECTION Urban Context of DMoCA

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FALL 2018

ARCH 301

Academic Group Work

Group Partners: Ecem Olgun / Ilay Aydın / Ekin Baskentli

03 Modes of Learning

Advisors: Bilge Imamoglu / Ziya Imren / Onur Ozkoc / Can Aker / Cagrım Kocer


An education complex catalyzing information exchange

For my Arch301 project, we established an architecture office consisting of 4 people in which we collaborated and communicated intensively to design a learning complex consisting of a School, Dormitory, Community Library, Performance Center, Sports Complex, Accomodation for staff and a Daycare. Our main approach was to transform this historic and very steep site into an organisation where the relationship with the topography and how the different programs integrate with eachother to produce varying levels of community engagement and privacy. There are functional and flexible spaces of learning that promote spontaniety and movement through the use of spatial voids that create transitional program elements.

03 Modes of Learning

Site Plan

performance center




prep school


Section Cut Drawing of Elementary, Dormitory, Guest house

staff &guest house

Section Cut Drawing of Restaurant, Library, Pool and Learning Center

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03 Modes of Learning

Sketch of Design Intent Guest house Plan

View inside Learning Center over-looking the Pool

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While in this project, most of the content that we produced was highly collaborative: I can indicate that I produced the sketches, drawings and images above; the sections and digital drawings on the next page including combining our partial designs in order to produce this single plan of the whole project; site plan and all the axonometric drawings on the previous page. The physical models are products of our group work where we learned how to behave like a communicative architectural office.

03 Modes of Learning

Drawing of the Restaurant

Conceptual Physical Model using Soap

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ARCH 202

Individual Academic Work

04 Housing a Reference

Advisors: Derin Inan / Seray Turkay / Onur Yuncu / Melis Acar


Designing a single house on a hill with a view, humid & hot climate and a lake while referencing

The Project is focused towards housing a reference which is mainly the stratedgy of producing spaces in the Ktima House which is located on a very hot and humid climate in Greece. Housing a reference can be thought similar to a literature reference in an essay. Thoughout the process; the analysis, merging of references, qouting, an introduction of the topographical formation, introduction of the lake and the desert climate came consequently while also transforming the overall understanding of the references that are being housed. The folding plane allowed for intermediary spaces to occur between served spaces. In order to reference Ktima House designed by Camilo Rebelo and Suzana Martins, I anaysed the house and designed this project where the program, the site information and the climate is fixed by our instructors. There are two bedroom units are on each side and shared functions are located at the center.

Sketch of Design Intent

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04 House in Reference

House Reference 0404 House in in Referance

Physical Model 1/100

16 of 24 Entrance Level Plan

FALL 2017

ARCH 201

Individual Academic Work

05 Phoenix

Advisors: Derin Inan / Seray Turkay / Onur Yuncu / Melis Acar

Gradually experiencing enclosure

A transitional area that has a changing linear level of definition that starts with the most commonly open and ends with the most isolated and defined. In this way, I can have both cases of extremes and a transition between them. To first start my journey, I produced possible paths that visitors can take towards the end. These paths were later simplified and abstracted to three paths as the definition level increased. These three paths are the one coming from the mountainside which the most of the people visit, the one coming from the

05 Phoenix


Threshold of Enclosure

smaller hill and the one that is collected from the middle of them. They react to the topography and collide in some areas which are also taken reference from the topographic lines. They do not have a physical connection when they meet but have their character effected and fragmented. As they collide and split each time their elements become fractured and become more complex. Because I am increasing the level of the enclosure also, this fragmentation allowed me to produce more intricate and high level of complexity in the final stages.

In the final stage, the three paths are destined to meet in reaction to the barrier which stimulates the higher level which also allows me to make people overcome the obstacle of the barrier. At the end, the enclosure level is so high that the only light source is the path Therefore through the experience, the visitor is encouraged to follow to the end by following the light path. But there are always exits and other possible breakpoints that give the freedom to go away from one path and enter to another.

Site Plan

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05 Phoenix

Physical Model 1/100

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ARCH 102

Individual Academic Work

06 Field Invader

Advisors: Basak Ucar / Heves Beseli / CagrÄąm Kocer (

Understanding the abstact topographical connection between the invading spaces and field

I produced an information base which is called a “field� and invaded it with spaces that react to the information on the field. In the first part of the project, the aim was to have a field that has some kind of information and we obtained this by abstracting the New York plan and getting a 3D structure, a relief and a transparent element that come together. Then in the second part, I had instances where I explored the potential of technique of producing spaces, a folded element, and a mass which then allowed me to understand the information on the field and how

how to invade it. After exploring the potential of the information and its relation to the spaces. The project advanced and I, therefore, had a governing stratedgy and how I read the field. The construct is consisting of two parts that behave differently so that the field has two different characteristics.

Sketch of Design Intent

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06 Field Invader

06 Field Invader

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FALL 2016

ARCH 101

Individual Academic Work

07 XYZ

Advisors: Basak Ucar / Heves Beseli / CagrÄąm Kocer


Exploration of characteristic quality of a direction with strategic approach to a composition

The main aim was to understand the basic structure of relationship of elements. In order to start designing, I firstly learned how an object can be floating in three dimentional space. The level of abstraction of gravity that governs the relationship of something structural came into play with the abstraction of how to repeat, characterize, vary, and singularize elemental relationships. I understood how to hierarchically organize a design. In this construct there are two axis that are dominant and a transitional zone between the core where the directionality shift is

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explored. Elements also change their directional quality as they get closer to the core which makes their shape more equalsided and non-characteristic. The use of linear and surface elements form a balance that helps push the boundaries of what makes a point, line and a surface in 3D.

Diagram of Conceptual Design Intent

07 XYZ

08 Visual Culture

08 Visual Culture

Exploring Visual experience by different mediums and digital tools

Photography, selected works, 2017

Graphic Composition Painting, Acrylic, 2019

Photo Essay Exhibition for Secondary Field Global Citizenship, Photography of Urban Space Course, 2018

Physical Clay Sculptures, 2019

Sketch of Design Intent

Photography, selected works, 2017

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“The Void Magazine” Feature, Collage, 2018

“M.T.T.” Logo Design for TEDU Architecture & Design Society, 2017

“Perception” Photographic Visual Study, 2019 23 of 24

08 Visual Culture

08 Visual Culture

Graphic Composition Painting, Acrylic, 2019

“PHHHOTO” Moving Photo, Gif, 2015_referenced in statement of purpose

“Perspective Time”, Photographic Visual Study, 2018

“Repeating Context”, Photographic Visual Studies, 2018

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