Introduction This document contains the major aspects from the EC-funded ECOSTAND project that ran from 1 November 2010 to 31 October 2013. It is aimed to assist three different kinds of stakeholders to understand the added value of the work performed by ECOSTAND and describes in layman’s terms the information that can be found in this document. The main basis for this document is the so-called Joint Technical Report “Guidelines for Assessing the Effects of ITS on CO2 Emissions” which has been produced in cooperation with experts and policymakers from Japan, the United States of America and the EU.
C02 Emissions from Transport
Acknowledgements The ECOSTAND consortium is grateful to the EC for funding this important project within the 7th Framework Programme. We are also grateful for the active participation of both experts and policy makers from the other regions and the open discussions that were held all with the focus to realise common agreement.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a combination of Information Technology and telecommunications. ITS can be applied to road transport to improve efficiency and safety through the provision of on-line information to drivers in their vehicles and by equipping the vehicle with computerized systems which assist the driver. It also improves the efficiency of transport by use of electronic systems to improve traffic control and enforcement of traffic regulations. The goal of the ECOSTAND project was to realise common agreement amongst the three regions (US, Japan and EU) on a common assessment methodology related to ITS applications with a focus on emissions. This goal was reached by producing the Joint Technical Report in which the guidelines and important aspects for a standard assessment methodology are presented. Since this report is very detailed in text and might not easily be understood by the various stakeholders, this brochure has been produced to guide them through it.
Three major stakeholder groups have been identified for whom the report and therefore this brochure might be relevant:
Policy makers who might ask themselves what potential ITS applications are available to realise emission reductions but also might want to see proof of potential ITS applications they might be offered;
System producers who could be interested in the potential impact of the systems they produce and use this as a selling point of their product.
Researchers who have a focus either on CO2 emissions or on impact assessment and are looking for different modelling tools that are commonly used in the three mentioned regions.
Background CO2 emissions coming from transport are ranging from 15% to 25% annually emitted by different sectors. The contribution to the total emissions on a global level is very significant. In order to reduce these emissions, various agreements on a global level have already been put in place and are under negotiation on the political level. In order to reach agreement on these reductions, the different options need to be negotiated and understood. This requires a level playing field from all perspectives. This level playing field is also necessary in the field of ITS, especially for the ITS applications that focus on the reduction of CO2 emissions as such but also the ones with a larger scope (e.g. ones aimed at improving travel times). In order to realise agreement on the potential of ITS with respect to CO2 reduction the common denominator for the applications needs to be understood by all parties in order to properly understand the mechanisms that influence the emissions. This common denominator is based on a common terminology but also a common agreed assessment methodology is unbearable to be able to speak about similar impacts and similar emissions. Specifically this last part has been the major focus of the ECOSTAND project in which intensive cooperation has been sought with both experts and policy makers from the US and Japan. In all regions similar activities have been taking place and the European Commission understood the importance of the international cooperation aspect and therefore initiated the ECOSTAND project to allow the experts to reach a common understanding. This resulted in the already mentioned Joint Technical Report and also in a joint research agenda to share research activities and results.
Use Cases The Joint Technical Report hasn’t been written to be a report by itself, it serves a purpose and a use for different groups of stakeholders. This has been highlighted hereunder by means of potential research questions to be answered and use cases to give a flavour of what the Joint Technical Report can be used for.
Potential research questions from your perspective
What is the potential impact on CO2 emissions from a specific application?
What is the best solution for the set CO2 emission reduction target (also looking at other potential measures besides ITS)?
Which system fits my purpose best when looking at the existing traffic situation?
In other words, what is the expected percentage of CO2 emissions reduced by implementing such system compared to the do-nothing situation?
In other words, would implementation of an eco-navigation system better suit the set targets for CO2 emission reduction compared with expanding the road segment to prevent congestion?
The potential research questions that can be answered can be best understood by looking at the potential ITS applications. One of the contributions of our report to the scientific field is to provide an agreement on the target ITS applications for which the methodology should be designed, thereby giving an unambiguous way of describing any given application.
Improving driving behaviour Eco-driving instruction, adaptive cruise control, etc.
Traffic control for intersections & highway corridors Advanced signal control, highway bottleneck measures, etc.
This resulted in a shared classification of energy-efficient ITS, leading to the following five main categories:
Traffic management on a network scale Navigation and route guidance, ramp metering, departure time coordination, safety and emergency system, etc.
TravelFleet demand management Commercial and modal fleet shift
management system,road etc. Multimodal support, pricing, car sharing, etc.
TravelFleet demand management Commercial and modal fleet shift
management system,road etc. Multimodal support, pricing, car sharing, etc.
Use Cases
The report describes in more detail what each of these categories entail. In short, this encompasses the following ideas: Improving driving behaviour The ITS applications in this category mainly work on drivers’ awareness to change their vehicle operation to become eco-friendly by using on-board equipment or personal devices. As the applications in this category aim to reduce unnecessary accelerations & decelerations or to suppress peak speed, the evaluation tools for this category have to take into consideration those driving behaviour changes.
Traffic control for intersections and highway corridors The ITS applications in this category aim to increase peak capacity by means of dynamic performance adaptation of road & traffic control facilities, such as traffic signals, lane markings, variable message signs, guide lights, toll gates, etc. The evaluation tools for this category may have the capability to emulate roadside sensors or probe vehicle sensors to activate control facilities in the simulation world.
Traffic management on a network scale
Travel demand management and modal shift
The ITS applications in this category aim to mitigate traffic congestion and to increase the average travel speed in a network context. The evaluation tools for this category have to model the drivers’ route choice behaviour considering the dynamic aspects of the traffic situation.
The ITS applications in this category will influence travel behaviour and modal choice, aiming to reduce the volume of vehicle traffic demand. The evaluation tools for this category need to take into consideration the travellers’ mode choice behaviour.
Fleet management
An elaboration on these five categories is presented in Chapter I of our report. Furthermore, Appendix A of the report gives an inventory of the various applications that are encountered for each category, thereby making a distinction between Japanese examples on the one hand, and European ones on the other hand.
The ITS applications in this category deal with goods transport and its related demand. The evaluation tools for this category should be able to take into consideration optimisation schemes.
Within the EU other assessment methodologies have been developed and used for different purposes, such as FOT-Net (FESTA), eIMPACT (SEiSS). ECOSTAND had its specific focus on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions, this focus is taken over by AMITRAN* who will expand the methodology from a European perspective and elaborate the basis laid down by ECOSTAND. Furthermore a connection has been made to ITU-T with respect to their impact assessment for ICT focusing on CO2 emissions, it appears that both activities are complimentary and cooperation has been established.
Policy Makers Road traffic has a significant contribution to CO2 production. This contribution primarily depends on mileage, vehicle type, speed and acceleration. These factors are influenced by Intelligent Transport Systems. A navigation system can influence the total mileage, a multimodal trip-planner will influence modal split, dynamic speed limits control the speed and urban traffic control systems have a large effect on acceleration profiles. The choice of a specific ITS system and the way it is used can make a big difference in the amount of CO2 produced. The implementation of a new ITS system is a complicated and expensive operation, needing experts from multiple domains. It is sound policy to estimate the impact of the system before actual deployment. Also for systems not aiming at CO2 reduction, it is important to know how they will influence CO2 production. In the Joint Technical Report, experts from Japan, the USA and Europe set out the principles for a cost effective assessment of the CO2 production of ITS systems. The Joint Technical Report addresses the analysis of the ITS system, the selection of the right assessment tools and using and sharing benchmark data, by applying an encompassing methodology.
The joint technical report contains the following information: • Comprehensive methodology for the assessment of the CO2 impact of ITS systems • Based on practical experience and supported by a scientific framework • Extensive background on CO2 production modelling • Valuable information on calibration and validation • Guidelines for international sharing valuable benchmark data • Compiled by experts from around the globe
Policy Makers
Categorization of ITS Applications and Whole Assessment Methodology
Assessment Methodology and Data Requirements
The most important point in the life of an ITS system is the go- or no-go decision. The assessment methodology outlined in this chapter is particularly useful in providing the best possible proof of the effectiveness of a system before large amounts of money are spent on the implementation. The methodology allows for a cost-effective selection of assessment tools based on a categorisation of ITS applications. The methodology is based on modelling. The application type determines the detail needed in the modelling. An informed choice saves time and money.
When a new ITS system is to be assessed for a specific situation, a lot of data is required when accurate results are needed. Different types of data are needed. An important example is a detailed description of the road network. Together with the traffic demand, the network description enables a modelling tool to do its magic. Without verification, calibration and validation, however, this modelling will give unqualified results. This might be enough in many cases, but with CO2 production the devil is in the details. An accurate description of the network and real world traffic data is needed. It is very useful (saving cost and improving results) when data could be shared between e.g. organisations, cities and countries. This chapter gives an overview of existing data sharing schemes in the three regions.
Modelling of CO2 Reduction Effects Assessments of ITS systems are generally done by comparing the impact of the ITS system under consideration with a reference situation. Sometimes multiple alternatives are compared. The modelling tools used for the comparison need to have the level and type of detail for differences to show up. Modelling tools can be categorised as microscopic, mesoscopic or macroscopic. An analysis of the system under assessment determines the type of tool best suited to the task. The chapter also provides background information on emission modelling. Without this background it is difficult to do an accurate assessment.
Verification, Calibration and Validation
Special attention should be given to so-called probe data. Probe data is formed by detailed records of trips by individual vehicles. This probe data gives a wealth of information particularly suited for the assessment of emissions. The Joint Technical Report gives a detailed introduction in the collection and use of probe data.
Example Applications The last chapter provides examples of real world assessments done in projects in Japan, Europe and the USA. These examples serve as illustrations of the principles of assessment. They are quite diverse but have many things in common and clearly prove the case for a harmonized assessment methodology.
The assessment of ITS systems relies heavily on modelling. Verification of the model ensures that the model behaves well in known situations. Traffic and emission models need to be calibrated to give the best possible results in the specific situation under test. Calibration is done at the start of the process using appropriate reference data. When possible the results of the modelling should be compared to real world data (validation). This is often done by setting up a small scale version of the ITS system under test. The verification, calibration and validation chapter gives guidelines for these often undervalued activities within a standard process.
System Producers As described above there are a number of ITS applications that are currently under development focusing on the reduction of CO2 emissions. One of the key aspects of these applications is their potential in reducing energy consumption. The assessment methodology that has been developed provides a structured way to identify this potential and in turn providing a clear insight from a sales perspective of the differentiation between systems that can be evaluated.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Reduce C02 Emissions
System Producers
Typical question they can answer In order to make clear the usability of the Joint Technical Report, a list of questions (with a reference to the type of stakeholder who could question) that the ECOSTAND documentation (Join Technical Report, Roadmap & Research Agenda) can answer are provided classified into three fields, i.e. trademark, the potential or effectiveness and repository of results.
Trademark/Standardization One of the challenges of the ECOSTAND project, in particular of the Roadmap, is to provide steps for the definition of a standard procedure of ITS application assessment. Referring to standardization the questions are : GeneraI ITS application producer, working on an international market and mainly following European Standard
Is my ITS application compliant with European/International Standard? (With regard to future extension of the standard, it could be possible to answer to questions concerning standardization procedure for specific extra-European areas of the world)
• Which are necessary steps I have to follow in order to design and realise a standard ITS application? System producer who is going to start a new business in ITS application field
• Which are the ITS applications requested by a specific market (e.g. developing countries, USA, Asiatic market)?
Effectiveness of their application and optimization of functionalities • Which is the correct ITS application category for my ITS application? • Which performances/functionalities should my ITS application reach?
• Is my ITS application impact assessment correct? (This question in related both to modeling approach and to validation procedure)
Repository to report results • Which is the most suitable procedure to model my ITS application? • Which is the most suitable procedure to validate my ITS application?
• Are there on field data, in a specific geographical area, that I can use for modeling the effect of my ITS application? (for example vehicle classification, vehicle counting, emission factors in a specific area)
• Are there research, at international level, supporting validation or modeling of my ITS applications?
Section of the Joint Technical Report to focus on for Stakeholder In order to make the Joint Technical report understandable and usable, a key has been provided in this section to allow system producers and suppliers to easily find the appropriate information in the other chapters.
Chapter 1 offers categorization of ITS applications and whole assessment methodology. In this part of the Joint Technical Report, system producers can classify their own ITS applications. These kinds of classification, defined in agreement with Japanese and US partners, is the starting point for the assessment methodology which is strictly dependent on the kind of ITS application and the mechanisms that influence the potential that need to be assessed.
Chapters 2 & 3 describe instructions of model development ]going from requirements to Verification and Validation passing through model building and implementation. Even though this section is more targeted for model developers than for system producers, it will provide this stakeholder category with an overview on the most suitable procedure for simulate their own ITS application functionalities and to model effects on the context. From a general point of view the modelling procedure is linked to the ITS application categorization through Reference Models, divided in Category and Instance models. The first one, is related to an ITS application class, it consists in a graphical representation aimed to exemplify model targets and their relationship. The second one is an example of how a specific ITS application behaves (analysis of a specific instances of the category model) focusing on causal relationships affecting CO2 emissions and energy savings.
Chapter 4 is concerned with the use of ITS assessment tools. This section is more useful for system producers and suppliers, providing advice on how to apply an evaluation tool to a set of data.
Chapter 5 provides a set of examples in Europe, Japan and United States, on how to use the methodology for ITS application assessment
System Producers
Example on how to use the JTR In this section interaction between system producer and “ECOSTAND environment” has been described. Where for “ECOSTAND environment” we consider the whole set of ECOSTAND outcomes (Joint Technical report & Common Methodology, Roadmap & Research Agenda).
Two way of interaction are possible: From the ECOSTAND environment to the System producer: Consultation of ECOSTAND documentation to find solutions for ITS application assessment (e.g. modelling approach or validation procedure)
From System producer to ECOSTAND environment: To enrich the methodology adding new modelling and simulation approaches as well as new ITS application .
In order to clarify these two ways of interaction, we provide different examples on how to use ECOSTAND outcomes.
With regard to standardization: The system producers could use the Joint Technical Report, in order to gain knowledge on the standard for their specific category of ITS application. Considering an international context, a system producer who wants to sell its products indifferent region can find in the ECOSTAND documentation information on the standard used in that context.
Researchers These “Guidelines for Assessing the Effects of ITS on CO2 Emissions” form an International Joint Report, collaboratively written by scientific experts and policy makers from Europe, Japan, and the United States. Its main goal is to establish a common assessment methodology of the impact of ITS for energy efficiency issues and international standardisation of the methodology. We do not intend to recommend one specific impact assessment method. Rather, we describe the approaches being adopted across the world. These impact assessment methods should properly describe the impact of any ITS measure on traffic flow so as not to be obscured by errors of estimation. More importantly, the proposed methods for measuring energy consumption should be easy to understand, highly transparent, objective and verifiable. This implies that the same results may be easily reproduced as long as the methods are applied correctly. From a scientific point of view, our report envisions two major model groups, i.e. (1) the traffic simulation (TS) models (these are network traffic flow simulators), and (2) the emission models (EM) which estimate the CO2 emissions. We focus on these because they encompass already wellestablished areas of modelling with many existing developments and research activities including methods, models and techniques, which are internationally recognised. Whereas one of the main aspects of the Joint Report is to reach an agreement between the various parties involved, we now put the focus on the scientific background and application of the models used. In the remainder, we emphasise the various contributions that this report brings to the scientific field of emission calculations based on traffic flow simulation models. We thereby put the focus more on the development of models, rather than on their usage: • The ITS applications to be considered and the main categories into which these can be divided. • A set of ‘reference models’ whose aims are to describe the causal mechanisms behind the impact of the above ITS applications on energy consumption. • The processes of model verification, calibration, and validation. The former is the process by which the correct functioning of both the TS and EM are established, whereas the latter implies the processes of comparison between the calculated variables of the model outputs from the inputs and the observed outputs. This report should be used as a guide for your research or applications on the estimations of CO2 emissions, considering the impacts of ITS measures based on simulation models. As such, your methodology can benefit from an international standardisation, which hightens its reproducability and broadens the scope of your dissemination.
ITS applications and main categories One of the contributions of our report to the scientific field is to provide an agreement on the target ITS applications for which the methodology should be designed, thereby giving an unambiguous way of describing any given application. This resulted in a shared classification of energy-efficient ITS, leading to the five main categories already listed..
Modelling requirements and state-of-the-art tools When modelling both traffic flows and CO2 emissions, it is necessary to take into account the current stateof-the-art. For starters, there are various requirements that traffic flow models have to meet in order to have an acceptable reproduction of reality, given the goal of emission reduction. An example of this is that a traffic flow model should be able to evaluate the delay caused by traffic jams fairly and strictly. As a prerequisite, the models should be verified as a first step, by means of a proper set of engineering tests. The reproducibility of the traffic flows then stems from subsequent calibration and validation phases. Chapter II of our report provides more pointers on these aspects.
The processes of model verification, calibration, and validation Verification is the process by which the correct functioning of both the Traffic Simulation and Emission model are established, whereas validation implies the processes of comparison between the calculated variables of the model outputs from the inputs and the observed outputs. The same line of reasoning holds true for emission models. Any such model combined with a traffic simulation should be able to consider the factors relevant to an individual vehicle’s travel status, such as speed, distance, time, number of stops, acceleration, deceleration, etc. It is also required to have fair sensitivity in its output by the changes in a vehicle’s travel status. The accuracy and the sensitivity in the estimation result of an emission model should be verified and validated with some rational test procedures.
Other aspects that can be incorporated in these model assessment phases are the different categories of vehicles (e.g. related to fuel type and transport mode, and maybe size classes, fuel economy standards, employed technologies, etc.), changes in driving dynamics, the different available temporal and spatial resolutions of vehicles in motion, the scale of the study area (e.g. intersection, corridor, or city level), and the available traffic control facilities (examples of which include traffic signals, VMS, vehicle control devices, etc.). Related to the existing state-of-the-art of traffic flow simulation models, we propose a convention that is based on the granularity of vehicle trajectories in the context of traffic simulation - emission model harmonisation. To that end, our report provides researchers with an overview of the different microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic traffic flow simulation models. For each class, we highlight how traffic flows are physically represented, what mathematical models are used to calculate the propagation of these flows, the temporal resolution, etc. In addition, we also shed some light on how route choice modelling can be incorporated. Our report also presents the same type of classification for the emission models, where we have the microscopic models based on instantaneous speeds and/or accelerations, the mesoscopic models that are either based on mode on a multiple linear regression for standardised driving cycles, or the macroscopic models based on the average trip speed or on constant emission factors. Finally, both traffic flow models and emission models are to be harmonised with each other, which is also described in detail in our report. This provides the researcher with pointers on what aspects to take into account, both on the micro, meso, and macro scales.
Verification, Calibration and Validation As there is a wide variety of possible models that can be used to evaluate energy consumption, each model has its own characteristics depending on how the model was developed. Each model developer also creates their own model and each model user selects a model for their purpose independently. They have their preferences according to their interests or concerns. It is therefore impossible to determine a unique, universal model that can be used for all kinds of CO2 assessments. As such, we do not specify a certain model to be used, but have prepared a standard framework for verification and validation that was approved internationally. In Chapter III of our report we give detailed explanations of all aspects related to the verification, calibration, and validation phases of traffic flow simulation and emission models. Specifically for researchers we propose a strategy that allows them to verify and validate their models and disclose the results. In a nutshell, these steps answer the following questions:
• Verification
Did we build the model right?
• Calibration
Are the model parameters tuned to make it reproduce reality as closely as possible?
• Validation
Did we build the right model? (note the subtle difference with the verification step).
Our report gives the researcher a plethora of information on how to verify and validate both his traffic flow simulation and emission models. For the former, we incorporate tests on the generation of vehicles, the capacity and throughput at bottlenecks, the build-up and dissolution of congestion waves and traffic jams, the (basic) behaviour at intersections, how vehicles are driving on motorways and highways, how route choice is modelled and implemented, how the travel demand is specified in the form of an origin-destination (OD) matrix, how departure time and mode choice affect the traffic assignment procedures, how gear shifting can play a role, etc. For the emission model we look at the model structure, the composition settings of the vehicle categories, etc. A comparable set of tools is provided for the calibration and validation phases of both the traffic flow simulation and emission models.
Assessment methodology, data requirements and example applications Whereas the bulk of the presented material investigated the role of modelling and tool validation in the estimation of CO2 emissions, the remaining part of our report – more specifically Chapter IV – is targeted towards model users rather than developers. In it, we focus on how the evaluation tools can be properly applied for assessment, and on the data needs of the various models, including information which can be acquired from probe (i.e. instrumented) vehicles. To that end, we look at relevant aspects such as the building of road networks, the setting of traffic signals and regulations, OD matrices for travel demand, etc. More to the point, we also tackle issues such as the generation of different scenarios for what-if studies, the influence of random number generators on model runs, determining performance indices and identifying the issues related to a scale-up of the model run results. An important part in all of this is the availability of a suitable dataset for tool validation, its requirements and characteristics, and the existing data sources to accomplish this. A specific and largely detailed section in our report is devoted to dealing with probes that are used to monitor both traffic flows and vehicle emissions. The final Chapter V of our report provides application examples from Japan, Europe, and the United States, each time following our presented methodology.
Verification Calibration Validation
International Collaboration As explained in the introduction the Joint Technical Report hasn’t been composed just by the European project ECOSTAND but has also been supported by experts from projects in the Japanese and American regions. Further international collaboration will be continued from different projects and perspectives, amongst others focusing on applying the methodology on selected case studies to identify if the methodology can actually be applied and understood in the three regions.
International Collaboration
Energy ITS The Energy ITS project (short for “Development of Energy-saving ITS Technology” project) has been established by NEDO (New Energy and technology Development Organization) in Japan in 2008 to establish an international standardised assessment methodology for measuring the effects of ITS. The aim of this five-year project, sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), is to: • produce a CO2 emissions evaluation tool (i.e. a methodology) • reach agreements with researchers in Europe (and possibly also in US) on the key issues, e.g. vehicles classification and on elements of tools which could be useful elsewhere The project, which aims at energy savings and CO2 emission reduction in road traffic, includes R&D of automated heavy truck platooning. In the summer of 2010, three automated trucks drove at 80 km/h with the gap of 15 m, and at 80 km/h with the gap of 4 m by February of 2013, which will save energy and reduce CO2 emission by 15%.
AERIS program With main goal to improve air quality through the use of “smarter” transport, the AERIS (Applications for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis) research programme aims to generate and acquire environmentally-relevant real-time transportation data, and use these data to create actionable information that facilitate applications for the environment. Employing a multi-modal approach, the AERIS programme will work in partnership with the vehicle-to-vehicle communications research effort to better define how connected vehicle data and applications might contribute to mitigating some of the negative environmental impacts of surface transportation. From a governmental point of view, there is the need to make data available not only to allow travellers to make efficient but also “green” transportation choices. The basic research questions for this relate to data availability and how to use data to obtain useful information, connectivity aspects and the potential benefits that can be realised. To assist the development of useful applications to support travellers, 6 transformative concepts were developed. More information can be found at:
Next Steps
Next Steps The need for a Roadmap ECOSTAND has been working in collaboration with counterparts in Japan and the United States to produce an initial version of the Methodology, which achieves consensus in all three regions. The ultimate goal is to arrive at a Common Methodology which is accepted and widely used at the international level. This long term objective clearly cannot be completed within the timeframe of the project. One of ECOSTAND tasks is therefore to draw up a plan which aim is to offer a clear vision and strategy and to provide a framework to guide future actions towards this goal.
The four stages of the Roadmap Immediate stage These are the activities that have been completed within the lifetime of the ECOSTAND project (i.e. up to October 2013). They consist of preparatory tasks which are fundamental for laying down the basis for the Common Methodology. They have been carried out by ECOSTAND in collaboration with Japanese and US partners and, in some cases, jointly with other European projects such as AMITRAN. Results of these activities are collected in the Joint Technical Report.
Short term This stage, leading up to the end of 2014, will see the completion of the development of the Methodology and the first phase of standardisation. It is proposed that responsibility for finalising the Methodology and also undertaking its validation could be taken by AMITRAN, while activities relating to the Data Repository and standardisation will be carried out by other projects or Working Groups.
Medium term
Roadmap Topics Completion of the Methodology The steps followed, in respect to ECOSTAND life, in order to obtain a Methodology internationally recognized and able to give a reliable assessment of an ITS application such as a validation of a modelling procedure are:
• Completion of the definition of the Reference Models and the associations between ITS application and the ITS category
• Instruction on how to construct Instance Models of the ITS application
• Provision of information regarding: data requirements of the recommended models and instructions on data gathering methods
• First direction for the validation procedure (data sets and measurement for validation).
• In order to achieve the completion of the Methodology, AMITRAN project (by 2014) will follow the lead of the activities listed below (first stage of the Research Agenda):
> Choice of the traffic simulation approach (macro/ micro/meso) in connection with the casual relations and the geographical extension of deployment of the ITS application (given by the Instance Model)
> Definition of the relation between Traffic simulation and Emission model
> Completion of the validation procedure
During this critical two-year period, the next steps towards further standardisation of the Methodology will be completed and the implementation of the Data Repository finalised. It is therefore envisaged that the first version of the Common Methodology will be available for use by the end of 2016.
Validation of the Methodology AMITRAN project will follow the lead of the Validation of the methodology in 2013 and 2014.
Two main activities will be necessary: Long term In order for the Methodology to remain valid and relevant, it is necessary to plan in advance for its continued maintenance and upgrading. An institution/ body will be selected that could take responsibility for this process, an outline of the tasks involved and recommended procedures are already included in the Roadmap.
• To state the correctness of the modelling approach for each ITS category, fixing the critical links between:
> ITS category and Traffic Simulation > Traffic Simulation and Emission Modelling > Modelling approach and Data requirements > Data requirements and gathering techniques
• To provide the guidelines for the Validation of the procedure followed by the Methodology User
Currently the possibility of promoting the use of the Methodology by means of a city competition is under investigation. This competition, organised in cooperation with ERTICO – ITS Europe, ITS Japan and ITS America, would assist cities in the their decision making regarding their aim for CO2 reduction by using ITS.
Set up of an International Data Repository The International Data Repository will be a web-based platform supporting exchange of data, collected in different geographical areas, relating to the Transport field (in particular to the ITS applications). The aim of the Repository is to share a huge quantity of data in order to enhance the research outcomes or to better the modelling approaches. By the end of ECOSTAND project will be necessary to define which should be the Repository Requirements and scope. The identification of those features will be done in accordance with the Japanese and US partners. Furthermore it will be necessary to fulfil a set of actions related to the development of the Repository in a short, medium and long term: • By 2014 dedicated working group (or further project) will lead: > the analysis of the State-of-The-Art in terms of similar existing systems > the definition of repository stakeholders-actors and specifications
Standardisation Standardisation is necessary since it makes results from different initiatives comparable and enables the efficient production of unambiguous data sets. Although it is accepted that standardisation of the Common Methodology should be the end result, it is agreed that it is too early to standardise the methodology itself. Its definition is still at preliminary stage and the Methodology will need widespread testing and evidence of acceptance before standardisation is appropriate. By the end of ECOSTAND project it will be necessary to accomplish a set of preliminary activities such as: • Defining actors who should lead the standardisation procedure • Discussion on basic definitions and Measurement Units (e.g. agreement on the amount (kg) of CO2 produced per litre of a specific fuel (petrol, diesel, LPG)) The first stage of standardisation (by the end of 2014) will lead to the agreement on the outcomes of preliminary activities, in other words, a decision towards the possible standardisation of the methodology and necessary next steps. The format of data sets used to run models and to validate results will be the objective of this stage. The second and last stage of standardisation (by 2016) will aim to define how to keep and to make the standardised Methodology used and spread.
• By 2016 the Repository development and implementation will be accomplished following the outcomes of previous stage • In the long run (2020) will be necessary to maintain and update the repository. In order to reach this objective will be necessary to identify a body/Authority responsible for the Repository
The Research Agenda During the ECOSTAND project, three main topics have been identified, to be deeply analysed in future research projects and working groups:
• Vehicle classification/categorization • Behavioural modelling • ITS life cycle assessment
In order to support building and consolidation of the common methodology, studies concerning these topics will represent an important requisite that will comply with the following steps: • Analysis of the SOTA (short term - 2014) • Identification of relationship between different approaches identified by the SOTA and development of common procedure at international level (medium term – 2016) • Dissemination at international scale (long term -2020)
Project Partners
ITS Energy
Martijn de Kievit
Mr. Mitsuo Yonezawa
Marcia Pincus
Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI)
Environment (AERIS) and ITS Evaluation ITS Joint Program Office - Research and Innovative Technology Administration
T: +31 (0) 88 86 63182 E:
T: +81 (0) 29 856 0767 E:
T: +1 (202) 366-9230 E:
ECOSTAND is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission under the 7th RTD Framework Programme, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology