i-Mobility newsletter issue 9: September 2011

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The monthly newsletter from ERTICO - ITS Europe, the Intelligent Transport Systems and Services Network bringing intelligence into mobility Issue 09 - September 2011


Editorial Dear Readers,

After the summer break we are back on track with the new edition of the i-Mobility Newsletter, with plenty of news and events. This month ERTICO had the pleasure to talk with Dr Josef Fiala, Managing Director of the ASFINAG Service GmbH, which has become a new ERTICO Partner. You can read the interview on page 2. We had also the opportunity to interview Mr Phil Pettitt, Chief Executive Officer of innovITS ADVANCE, the centre for excellence in ITS in the UK. Mr Pettitt described the benefits of having a facility such as innovITS ADVANCE and shared his thoughts on the future plans for the centre. Please read the full interview on page 3. Last but not least, in the framework of the Naturalistic Driving Studies, we talked to Mr Rob Eenink, PROLOGUE Consortium leader and Dr Kenneth Campbell, Chief Programme Officer for SHRP 2. Turn to page 6 to read the interviews. In the highlights section, service provider NXP Semiconductors introduces its new eCall system ATOP (Automotive Telematics Onboard Unit Platform) which connects drivers to the 112 emergency number throughout Europe. Read the full article on page 11. Starting this month, we will have a special section dedicated to the i-Mobility Network, our online community of ITS stakeholders, with a selection of the most interesting contributions from the network members. With the success of the Network, we have also decided to expand this service with the new i-Mobility Network Plus Membership. You can find out more about it and the advantages of the Plus membership on page 8. Finally, we are delighted to announce the upcoming ERTICO Forum on “ITS for Urban Mobility� on 1 December 2011 in Brussels. Find out more about the Forum on page 34. I

I hope you will enjoy reading this month edition of the i-Mobility Newsletter!

In Brief:

Highlights: p11 NXP introduces its Automotive Telematics Onboard Unit Platform (ATOP) to the European Commission p12 British Transport Committee publishes a new report to tackle congestion on roads p14 18th World Congress Live Demonstrations Announced

p21 New SATIE project kick-off meeting p22 New ETSI technical study published p24 Successful Viajeo workshop in Beijing p31 European Parliament drafts Transport White Paper ... and much more

Interviews of the month:

ERTICO - ITS Europe talks to Dr Josef Fiala, Managing Director of the ASFINAG Service GmbH, Mr Phil Pettitt, Chief Executive Officer of innovITS, ADVANCE, and with Mr Rob Eenink, PROLOGUE Consortium leader, and Dr Kenneth Campbell, Chief Programme Officer for SHRP 2 ERTICO - ITS Europe Blue Tower, Avenue Louise 326 , B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)2 400 0700 Fax: +32 (0)2 400 0701

info@mail.ertico.com www.ertico.com



Interviews of the month ERTICO talks to Dr Josef Fiala, Managing Director of the ASFINAG Service GmbH

ERTICO: Can you describe your activities in the ITS field? Josef Fiala: ASFINAG’s vision 2015 is to be one of Europe’s leading motorway network operators with a special focus on availability, information, safety and promoting intermodality by interlinking with public transport. Intelligent transport systems and services play a crucial role in achieving this vision. ASFINAG seeks to make a wide range of traffic information services available to its customers. Our aim is that by 2015 every second driver who uses our network will also use traffic information generated by us, retrieved either via our own services (website, apps, etc.) or via third-party services (radio stations, automobile clubs, navigation devices, etc.). ASFINAG is also involved in several projects to foster Car2X communication to deliver real-time information at the right time to its customers. For example, ASFINAG is currently setting up a national field operational test in the greater area of Vienna. The aim is to equip the respective roads with test equipment and distribute Cooperative Services to some 1000 road users. Finally, ASFINAG operates several traffic management centres in Austria. Main corridors are equipped with telematics applications such as variable message signs. ERTICO: Why have you joined ERTICO? Josef Fiala: Only well-informed customers are satisfied customers. In 2010, we took important strategic decisions setting the course for the traffic information services of the future. As already indicated, the goal we strive to achieve 2

in this context is that by 2015 every second driver who uses our network will also use traffic information generated by us. Besides the further development of technical solutions, targeted cooperation, such as our partnership with ERTICO, will be crucial to achieve this goal. Only if representatives from all sectors agree on common approaches will we be able to provide the services that our customers are looking for. ERTICO offers a great opportunity for us to get in closer contact with important stakeholders to intensify cooperation and to take the right decisions for the services of the future. ERTICO: What are your expectations for this partnership? Josef Fiala: As already mentioned, a particular focus in the medium term is facilitating roadside and vehicle-based data exchange. Needless to say, cooperation with vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers, etc. is crucial in this context. ERTICO is the network of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services stakeholders in Europe. It connects public authorities, industry players, infrastructure operators, users, etc. We want to be part of this unique network to elaborate common solutions, to reduce interoperability risks and to ensure implementation. Finally, ERTICO should - and I am sure they will - support us in our discussions with the European Commission and other stakeholders in Brussels and throughout Europe. ERTICO: Are there any projects, activities or sectors that you are particularly interested in? Josef Fiala: Indeed! Even if we are just evaluating all the projects and initiatives ERTICO is leading or following we intend to place special focus on "cooperative mobility". Also ERTICO’s sector platform on “service providers and system integrators” has attracted our interest. Furthermore the World Congress on ITS will be held in Vienna in October 2012. Needless to say, cooperation related to this unique event is a main priority for us. By the way, I am very much looking forward to welcoming all of you in Vienna next year!

Issue 09 - September 2011

About ASFINAG ASFINAG plans, finances, builds, operates and tolls the Austrian motorway and expressway network which covers 2,175 kilometres, including 324 kilometres through tunnels and more than 300 kilometres per direction over bridges. Every year, vehicles cover as many as 26 billion kilometres on these motorways and expressways. Austria’s primary road network is thus an integral element of its national infrastructure, providing a convincing level of quality that millions of road users can rely on day after day. ASFINAG is a stock corporation that is fully owned by the Republic of Austria. ASFINAG is a founding member of ASECAP, the European Association of Tolled Motorways, Bridges and Tunnels, where ASFINAG holds the Presidency from May 2011 to May 2013. ASFINAG is member of IBTTA, the International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association, where ASFINAG’s CFO was appointed to the Board of Directors in June 2011.

ERTICO talks to Phil Pettitt, Chief Executive Officer of innovITS ADVANCE ERTICO has recently published an article on innovITS ADVANCE, you can find it here. ERTICO: What are the benefits of a purpose built facility such as “innovITS ADVANCE”? How does it differ from other test sites? Phil Pettitt: There are several clear benefits with a site that is purpose built. • It conveniently provides road space with features typical of those to be found in a city ‘driving scape’ combined with technology specifically for developing ITS solutions. These include a comprehensive road network for speeds typical in a urban environment, traffic control features such as traffic lights and a range of communications options relevant to ITS (such as WiFi at 802.11 b/g/n as well as 802.11p, GSM and 3G) • These features are dedicated to test use so developers can allocate the road space and manipulate directly the communications and control to suit the specific needs for testing and measurement; put simply, the developer can enhance or degrade the signal strength of the various telecommunications to recreate the types of effects experienced in an urban environment. This is what makes innovITS ADVANCE completely unique • It is private site which has been designed with ‘plug and play’ simplicity in mind so tests can be performed with, not only more efficacy, but also that might be reckless to perform on public highways, or require months of rigorous preparation to ensure safe operation. Thus

innovITS ADVANCE can help reduce cost and speed time to market for ITS and Telematics solutions • As an additional benefit the privacy of the site means that only those you want to see the tests will do so This is of value to those developing systems in vehicles, or new roadside infrastructure or the communications systems where interoperability is crucial by providing an environment which allows repeatable testing in a secure and validated environment. ERTICO: What is the current status of “innovITS ADVANCE”? What is currently happening there? Phil Pettitt: After several years of planning and two years of construction and commissioning, the facility is now ready for use. One organisation used it early this summer to demonstrate a range of active safety features from various manufacturers and how these might be tested for a safety rating scheme for consumers. Other customers are in the advanced stages of discussions about their needs and how they want to use the site. Given their commercial sensitivities I am unable to give further details; however it is reasonable to say that we are in discussion with a broad range of the ITS and Telematics Supply Chain from vehicle manufacturers to tier suppliers, developers and academia.



You ask what products are to be market tested at innovITS ADVANCE. This is not the purpose of this site. Market testing requires use on public roads, in trials. The site is primarily of value for testing concepts in early prototypes or for more detailed measurement of performance or testing in failure modes before market testing on a public road. innovITS ADVANCE is the facility you would use to develop and validate a solution to ensure that, once public demonstration or market testing begins, the supplier knows a new product or service works, how well it works and how it performs in suboptimal conditions. ERTICO: What are the future plans? Phil Pettitt: Plans to date have been focussed upon what is required from a purpose built test facility for ITS applications. This has required a very careful process of requirements capture and analysis to provide a balanced design with a comprehensive range of facilities to suit developers as best as possible. Delivering this within the tight budgets has been challenging but worthwhile as it has forced all those involved to think clearly about what can be provided for the potential customers of this facility. The current focus is upon working with customers and potential customers to clarify how they are actually going to use the facility. One challenge, as a new type of test facility, is that it opens new possibilities about how to develop and test ITS systems and thus presents a whole new range of use case scenarios. Customers have been discussing how to test Active Safety systems and applications to reduce vehicle emissions and reduce energy use; either by vehicle control or cooperative traffic management. As safety and transaction critical systems become more widespread, there is a need for rigorous tests; either for informal ratings schemes or for regulatory tests of standards compliance. We are tracking what this requirement might be and


participating where applicable to the debate so that innovITS ADVANCE remains relevant to the task. ERTICO: “innovITS ADVANCE” has a “city circuit” – a configurable road network which can replicate different urban driving scenarios. Can you tell us more about this? Phil Pettitt: The road network consists of 4km roads, mostly two lanes like normal single carriageway roads with an outer perimeter road of 2km. The two main highways at the centre of the circuit intersect and offer a three and five lane road thus providing a flexible assortment of arrangements; bus lanes, lay bys and similar features can be set up. There are crossroads and T-junctions and numerous roundabouts; so a large range of traffic situations can be characterised. As an attention to detail, at least one junction is arranged at the brow of a slope so that tests involving sensors pointing up towards the sky can be done. Speeds of 80km can be achieved on parts of the circuit but most of it is designed for typical urban environments, up to 50km. Road markings have been kept to a minimum, allowing specific tests to have the roads marked out as required and to allow both right and left hand drive testing. Similarly, the traffic lights can be set to operate either for left or right running. The traffic lights also have a special mode within which specific failure settings can be emulated; perhaps necessary for some applications. The 4 overhead gantries provide for observation of tests or for installation of equipment. Each provides a stable overhead, and over road, platform for mounting test equipment or for recording results. In addition, both the gantries and at other points around the road network are power points with electrical mains supply. This allows customers to power laptops and test equipment easily and without recourse to generators.

Issue 09 - September 2011

The communications systems are all private to the site. These are not part of any publicly available communications infrastructure. Therefore, power levels can be manipulated or base stations switched off. The radio environment is in this way highly configurable to suit specific test regimes. Finally, this is an open field site that provides a clear GPS signal. This is important for early stage testing or where GPS positioning performance is not relevant. However, for effective operation, many systems will need to work in environments more challenging for GNSS dependent

applications. For this purpose, we have a system, called Skyclone, to feed customer systems with an attenuated GNSS signal that models these more challenging environments. Scenarios can be designed to include urban canyons, as if in a major world capital, such as New York, for a lower rise urban environment, in forested areas, in tunnels and even in the presence of GPS jammers. The Skyclone GNSS denial system is a significant feature of innovITS ADVANCE and, given the relevance of GPS in many current and future ITS and Telematics scenarios has attracted considerable interest.

About innovITS ADVANCE innovITS is the UK centre for excellence in ITS. It is a small organisation, non-profit distributing, that was originally funded by the UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills. The mission is to accelerate the exploitation in the UK of leading edge research in ICT and systems engineering based solutions to meet challenges in transport and in doing so grow businesses in ITS. Delivery and operation of innovITS ADVANCE is seen as a key enabler to accelerating the development and exploitation of next generation ITS and thus is key to delivering the mission of innovITS. Some Facts & Figures about innovITS ADVANCE Road aspects: • Approximately 4km of roads, with junctions and roundabouts • Traffic lights at 2 junctions, allowing for both left and right running. • A length of road with street lighting • Comprehensive CCTV • 4 steel overhead gantries • Lots of electrical power points Communications: • Private 3G, GSM & WiFi (including 802.11p) networks Other: • Motorised pedestrian dummies and inflatable vehicles • Ground truth, high precision video system at main junction • Comprehensive control and logging system • Differential GNSS signal, for higher accuracy positioning • GNSS Denial (SkyClone) • Providing emulation of attenuated signal in urban environments; including tunnels and jammers Located at: MIRA, Nuneaton, CV10 0TU, UK Which provides office & workshop space and other test facilities Contact Details: Roger Wilson, innovITS ADVANCE



ERTICO talks to Rob Eenink, Consortium Leader of PROLGUE and Kenneth Campbell, Chief Programme Officer of SHRP2 Rob Eenink, consortium leader of PROLOGUE, the EU FP7 feasibility study for a large scale naturalistic driving project, and Dr Kenneth Campbell, Chief Programme Officer for the U.S. second Strategic Highway Research Programme (SHRP 2), share their insights on naturalistic driving studies on both sides of the Atlantic. ERTICO: What is the purpose of naturalistic driving studies (NDS)? Kenneth L. Campbell: The primary strength of studies such as PROLOGUE or SHRP 2 is that objective information on driver behaviour, and the context that behaviour occurs in, will be collected on a large sample of volunteer drivers during the normal use of their vehicles. Rob Eenink: The purpose of NDS is to know how people behave in a natural way in their own car. With traditional research methods there are, for instance, instrumented cars that are driven for say a half hour or an hour with someone sitting next to the driver, with computers that are visible... In this case it is not the driver’s day-to-day behaviour that is analysed, as opposed to NDS. ERTICO: How can you assure that monitoring devices do not influence test drivers? R. Eenink: First of all, you do so by ensuring that the equipment is small enough and that drivers don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary to start their car. This is possible nowadays because Information and Communication Technologies have allowed for the development of small enough sensors, cameras, data strorage… K. Campbell: What’s more, previous naturalistic driving studies have demonstrated that drivers seem to quickly forget they are being monitored. It may be true that some of the worst drivers or driving behaviours are self-censored, but prior studies show that there is no shortage of high-risk behaviour to study.


Mr Rob Eenink Consortium leader PROLOGUE

Dr Kenneth Campbell Chief Programme Officer SHRP2

ERTICO: What is the added value of naturalistic driving studies? K. Campbell: Traffic safety is now focused on preventing collisions. The greatest need for collision prevention is information on the role of the driver. Only by collecting objective information during normal driving as well as situations leading to collisions can we identify the combination of circumstances and driver actions that increase collision risk. R. Eenink: So if you know how people drive ‘naturally’ you can identify what they are able to do and where they would need support. Based on the information that is collected, we could imagine creating or adapting advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that would help minimise the risk inherent to certain types of manoeuvres. ERTICO: What is the general impact of naturalistic driving studies? K. Campbell: The goal of SHRP 2 was to address high-priority safety issues such as road departure, intersection safety and the role of driver behaviour. Certainly auto manufacturers will be very interested in how drivers use existing technology. Driver behaviour programmes will benefit from more accurate information on the

Issue 09 - September 2011

role of inattention, fatigue and impairment. All of the results have possible implications for policy decisions. R. Eenink: The knowledge gathered from NDS is of interest to anyone involved in road safety, environmental issues or traffic management. This includes car manufacturers, insurers and public authorities. The impact of NDS goes beyond road safety. With naturalistic driving one can assess the effectiveness of eco-driving programmes, for example, and make them more effective or envisage changing car and road design to use less fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. ERTICO: What are the main differences and similarities between both continents when it comes to NDS? R. Eenink: I believe the main difference is the magnitude of the project in the US, not only in terms of size but also in terms of budget. What’s more, in the US they have agreed upon using certain types of equipment only. There is a lot of added value in using one type of naturalistic driving equipment, because you get comparable databases and it facilitates the analysis. K. Campbell: As with the first Strategic Highway Research Program, it is anticipated the Congress will fund a SHRP 2 Implementation phase in the next highway bill to support the transition of research results into highway safety practice. We anticipate that the SHRP 2 implementation phase

will indeed include funding for a data steward to maintain the NDS data and provide access to researchers for years to come. As for the similarities, I would say that prior to SHRP 2, the US and Europe had been more focused on Field Operational Tests (FOT). FOTs use very similar instrumentation but are focused on the evaluation of specific (usually vehicle-based) technology and generally have much smaller numbers of participants. Now the US, Europe and other countries are moving to the broader NDS to fill an important need to support development of future safety systems. ERTICO: Is a global strategic alliance on NDS foreseeable in the future? K. Campbell: Adopting common methods, data sharing and the ability to make cross-country comparisons would greatly aid highway safety progress. It is certainly foreseeable. R. Eenink: Definitely. And I think that is where we are headed: we have very good contacts with Australia and Japan, SHRP 2 had representation in PROLOGUE Advisory Board, and we have representation within SHRP 2 as well. Overall the most interesting situation within NDS is if you can observe a crash, which is a very rare occurrence. If we cooperate at transatlantic or even at global level, we can observe more of these events and better analyse them. That would certainly be a plus. The full interview can be found on ERTICO website.



The i-Mobility Network One year after the launch of the i-Mobility Network, ERTICO is proud to inform you that we have established a network of 350 organisations including over 550 individuals. The i-Mobility Network has successfully strengthened the information exchange of ITS stakeholders in Europe concerning relevant business and policy developments. Together with you, and your active involvement, we wish to further build on this success. To continue ensuring that all ITS stakeholders can connect with each other, we have decided to keep the membership free. For ITS stakeholders who wish to benefit from additional services such as preferential rates for ITS Congresses held in Europe, invitations to ERTICO Fora, access to papers and presentations from the European ITS Congresses etc ... we now also offer a Membership Plus service. To compare the services offered within the Membership and/or Membership Plus of the i-Mobility Network, please click here. As an immediate benefit of the Membership Plus service we would like to invite you to the ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility”, that will take place in Brussels on 1 December 2011. The Forum will also be streamed live for those i-Mobility Network Plus Members who are not able to attend in person. Save the date now! How to register for the Plus Membership? As a current subscriber, you are automatically included in the basic membership package (free of charge). To subscribe to the Membership Plus package simply send an email to pr@mail.ertico.com, indicating the length of subscription (€300 end 2011, €1200 end 2012). Please do not hesitate to contact the Help Desk should you have any questions. Download the Terms and Conditions.

This month’s i-Mobility Network’s news selection KBM Systems Ltd announces Wireless LAN OBDKey scan tool The OBDKey WLAN was first launched in March 2009 to provide a solution to car enthusiasts wanting to connect to their vehicles using a secure and fast wireless LAN link instead of a cable. Since then the OBDKey WLAN has been widely accepted as the smallest and most robust and reliable product in the market thanks to the “no cables” and design. Now the OBDKey WLAN has been redesigned into an even smaller casing, similar the size of a box of matches at 65 x 44 x 25mm. Power consumption has also been reduced by over 30% and the unit weight is down to a meagre 47 grams. The new design still has all the features and reliable functionality of the original OBDKey WLAN and works as a “drop in” replacement for the original design. As with the original OBDKey WLAN, you simply connect the matchbox sized OBDKey diagnostic interface unit to the diagnostic port of your OBDII compliant vehicle then use your WLAN enabled mobile phone, tablet, netbook or PC to access the engine sensor data and fault codes using the CD supplied OBDKey software or any of the approved third party apps. Each OBDKey WLAN unit will create a new wireless network for you to connect your device. Then you simply tell your device to use that new wireless network and run the software to get the data from the vehicle. Full technical instructions on installation and usage are supplied with each OBDKey WLAN. OBDKey, also available with connections via Bluetooth and USB, is wholly developed and supported in the UK by KBM Systems Ltd. The OBDKey unit is available to purchase now via www.obdkey.com and distributors throughout UK, Europe and the world. For more information please contact Sinclair Easton. 8

Issue 09 - September 2011

Pilot project Co-Cities incorporates travellers’ feedback to existing mobility services The EU co-funded pilot project Co-Cities (Cooperative Cities) aspires to extend and validate existing mobility services to improve current traffic information management in cities and urban areas. The novelty about the Co-Cities services is their cooperative feature permitting the end users to report their feedback to the traffic management. The project will run for 3 years and pilots will be tested in the cities of Bilbao, Munich, Prague, Reading, Vienna and in the Tuscany Region site (this site will include information services available in different Tuscany cities and over the regional area). Up to now, transport information services included dynamic navigation, intermodal routing and real time advice, but did not deliver information sent out by the traveller to traffic management. Co-Cities will take up the idea of mutual information exchange and develop a dynamic feedback loop from mobile users and travellers to the cities’ traffic management centres adding cooperative mobility to traffic information services. Using this feedback loop the project extends and validates integrated multimodal information services and enhances the quality for all users. Data communication will be based on the In-Time Commonly Agreed Interface (CAI). This interface is a R&D result of the European project In-Time (Intelligent and Efficient Travel Management for European Cities) and provides common interface between city traffic management information and the Transport Information Service Providers (TISP).

Objectives Co-Cities aims to achieve a number of objectives envisioning to improve the traffic information distribution and to adapt it to the users’ needs: • Extend the In-Time Commonly Agreed Interface with a feedback loop to enrich mobility services with cooperative elements. • Extend the number of cities which install this interface and connect it to the traffic management centre for a regular feed of data and information. • Develop a fast and reliable validation process for cooperative traffic information services. • Contribute to the objectives of improved road safety, increased energy efficiency, higher comfort and sustainability of transport in urban areas. • Make transport information services more attractive and appealing to users in urban areas.

Co-Cities services Co-Cities delivers common traffic information services in European cities by generating and collecting the necessary data directly from the involved transport operators in the area and exchanging this information between different actors via the In-Time interface. Further, Co-Cities enables the customisation to the needs of single user groups by the respective service provider and maintainer. The core information services of cooperative cities are: 1) Road traffic and event information; 2) Parking information in urban areas; 3) Public transport information; 4) PT journey planning and route guidance; 4) Walking and cycling information The real challenge for cooperative cities and service providers is the accuracy and quality of the services. These services will be presented in an integrated and consumer friendly way giving the end user the option to directly feedback traffic related events to the cities’ traffic management centres. With this feedback loop from the users to the traffic management Co-Cities can react to changing traffic conditions and adapt their traffic management and control plans faster than before, communicate changes dynamically to travellers and people on the move and enhance mobility in urban areas. Continued on the next page


NEWSLETTER The result of Co-Cities will on the one hand be interoperable and multimodal RTTI (Real time traffic information) services to end-users using different hardware and software platforms such as personal navigation devices, smart phones and web services and develop Europe–wide services based on regional traffic and travel data. On the other hand Co-Cities will offer Business-to-business services which enable Europe-wide Traffic Information Service Providers (TISPs) to cooperate with regional and urban authorities in fields such as strategy-based routing and adaptive mobility services. For further information please contact the Co-Cities coordinator Alexander Frötscher.

Professional crytopgrapher Karsten Nohl reveals future electronic security threats Vehicle technology continues to evolve at a rapid rate; vehicles that can sense their surroundings,that can avoid accidents, that can communicate with the outside world and even with other vehicles on the road are all becoming more commonplace. The industry in general agrees that this is the way of the future, but could it be possible that in striving for this more convenient, connected world, vehicle manufacturers could also be creating the next loopholes for criminals to exploit? Even within dedicated security systems such as immobilisers, much of what is being implemented by manufacturers has already been compromised by criminals. Outside of the automotive environment, computer hackers are capable of defeating the multi-layered defences of major blue-chip corporations such as Sony. As vehicle technology starts to incorporate the connectivity that allows criminals access to the on-board software, it becomes inevitable that hackers will turn their attentions towards new attacks on these systems. To find out more about such potential threats, SBD talked to Karsten Nohl – renowned ‘white-hat hacker’ who recently presented on the weaknesses of transponder cryptography at the 2010 ESCAR Conference, aiming to help manufacturers uncover their system flaws and improve their technology before the criminal hackers can exploit these weaknesses. SBD: How long do you think new vehicle security systems have ‘immunity’ for before thieves work out how to exploit them? K. Nohl: An analysis lab takes somewhere between two and six weeks to analyse any modern car model and discover its vulnerabilities. Car manufacturers, on the other hand, can take from months to several years to be able to fix issues. This dynamic of fast attack and slow defence means that thieves teaming up with electronic geeks can pretty much take whatever car they want. Compare that to other security industries; Pay TV, for instance. Hacking a Pay TV system takes upwards of half a year and requires highly specific expertise. Once hacked, the operator responds by sending out new cards within weeks. It feels wrong that the security technology in televisions is several generations ahead of that in luxury cars, doesn’t it? SBD: How close are we to thieves being able to remotely hack into our cars? K. Nohl: Cars are about to be interconnected through mobile networks with other cars, roads, service stations and virtual service centres. Navigation systems are the first systems to have gone that step towards distributed car intelligence. As long as interconnectivity is in non-critical infotainment services, hacking threats are low. Judging from the interdependence of different functions inside our cars, the core systems will inevitably be connected to the outside world at some point, which would then greatly amplify the abuse potential for today’s vulnerabilities. The car manufacturer will then be exposed to the problems of the current flaws and they would be advised to consider these threats before they happen and create a stable technology base for mobile applications. Read the full interview on SDB website

Don’t forget to publish your news on the i-Mobility Network website!!! 10

Issue 09 - September 2011

NXP eCall solution takes centre stage in Brussels and Berlin On September 8, 2011, the European Union announced their intent to introduce the eCall emergency call system in all new cars by 2015. In a presentation to the European Parliament, Neelie Kroes, EU Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, emphasized that “the technology itself is available,” and demonstrated the manufacturer-independent ATOP eCall solution from NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) to proof her point. NXP has focused on introducing its Automotive Telematics Onboard Unit Platform (ATOP), which makes eCall an affordable option for everyday vehicles. In contrast to existing solutions, ATOP is not a proprietary system. Instead, ATOP takes advantage of existing emergency infrastructure and established standards, connecting drivers with the 112 emergency number valid throughout Europe, rather than a call center specific to a particular manufacturer. At less than €100, the ATOP eCall units are more affordable than previous solutions to date, and its smaller size makes it easy to integrate into a vehicle’s onboard electronics. As a result, it is now just as practical to install it in a compact car as in a

Commissioner Neelie Kroes, presenting ATOP at European Parliament, with Patrick Pype (Director European Affairs at NXP)

eCall test cars for pan-European Trial

luxury car – even retrofitting it in older cars is simple and affordable. ATOP has been in series production since 2010. “With last week’s announcement by the European Commission, an important milestone has been reached on the road to making a Europe-wide eCall emergency system a reality,” said Kurt Sievers, senior vice president and general manager of NXP Semiconductors’ Automotive business unit. “Successful implementation at both the national and international levels will require cooperation between key players at every step of the rescue chain. We are pleased to be part of the HeERO project, which is carrying out the important work of defining and discussing key issues for eCall on the road ahead.” ATOP has been proven in field trials, including a major pan-European eCall Trial which took place at the end of last year. In November 2010, NXP and its partners BMW, IBM, Deutsche Telekom, Allianz OrtungsServices, Dekra and several European automobile clubs campaigned for the introduction of the eCall system with the panEuropean eCall Trial which included a spectacular finish line event in Brussels (see video), thereby signaling their support for the EU initiative to launch the European-wide emergency call system. Over a three-week period, three BMWs equipped with the ATOP system from NXP transmitted regular test eCalls to demonstrate the availability and suitability of the technology for cross-border use. Continued on the next page 11

NEWSLETTER More than 15,000 signals were transmitted over a 10,000 milelong course in 16 countries. Further information on ATOP and eCall is available here. Earlier this year, NXP received the 2010 Sabre Award for

ATOP chip

best European PR campaign in telecommunications and the 2011 IPRA Golden World Award for best international PR campaign, in recognition of its efforts to raise awareness for eCall along with its partners. For further information please contact Birgit Ahlborn.

British Transport Committee publishes a new report to tackle congestion on roads The British Parliament has published a report on actions to be taken in order to reduce the country’s traffic congestion. The report (undertaken by the Transport Committee) underlines the importance of a tougher driving test, greater use of real-time information systems and better co-ordination between road management authorities as the way to reducing congestion on roads without road building or road pricing.

The Transport Committee set out a series of recommendations to government about how it could curb congestion and get more out of the existing road network.

Committee Chair Louise Ellman stated that “congestion costs the economy billions of pounds each year (a previous inquiry 'Transport and the Economy' cited evidence that showed that the rising cost of congestion would cost the UK economy an extra £22 billion per annum by 2025. Congestion can be very localised, or it can involve the strategic road network). Improving the way we manage road space so that the network runs more smoothly is vital to the prosperity of the nation. Pursuing this challenge should form a key plank of central government transport policy”.

Some of the recommendations include:

According to Ms Ellman, “the Department for Transport cannot simply devolve all responsibility for managing the road network to individual Highway Authorities. These organisations have a key role and duty for managing their local networks, but the DfT should actively support them in working together closely to fulfil that duty”.

• Considering options for a free Highway Code 'App' • Sending a clear leaflet to all drivers, when they apply for or renew a tax disk or a driving licence • Monitoring cost and safety issues of the 'managed motorway' scheme • Requiring all highway authorities to publish traffic management performance measurements, no later than the beginning of 2013 • Working more closely with highway authorities to identify the latest forms of intelligent traffic management systems and renew its funding for the so- called 'ITS Toolkit' • Developing a strategy based on best practice for the delivery of real-time travel information to motorists Read the full article here.


Issue 09 - September 2011

ITS for ElectroMobility – Gunter Zimmermeyer, ERTICO Chairman, addresses European Parliament seminar Gunter Zimmermeyer, ERTICO Chairman, participated in the “Electric cars and mobility challenges in times of change” seminar, organised by the Socialists and Democrat Group (S&D) of the European Parliament. Mr Zimmermeyer argued that “ITS is a stroke of luck for ElectroMobility… and ElectroMobility is a stroke of luck for ITS”. Addressing the ever increasing challenges of urbanisation, transport, environmental impact and scarce resources, Mr Zimmermeyer illustrated how ITS can help ElectroMobility especially in the context of first generation of FEVs, and how ElectroMobility can likewise provide an entrance for ITS applications into the market. ElectroMobilty is a priority today in the EU and other regions, and the first generation of FEVs have arrived. ITS is an efficient and effective step to achieve different aspects of sustainable mobility all at once, meeting the consumer need to travel from A to B quickly, comfortably, economically and reliably, reducing the consumption of scarce resources, increasing safety and security and reducing environmental impact, as well as overcoming ElectroMobility’s early limitations.

that his or her electric vehicle will perform as required, completing all journeys safely and efficiently. Finally, Mr Zimmermeyer also stressed that it should not be forgotten that ElectroMobilty is not limited “ITS pushes eCars and to vehicles, highlighting eMobility pushes ITS. the potential Together they push role that sustainable mobility eBikes could play. Noting and make it fit for the that eBikes future.” are already widely available, understood and accepted, and indeed have an ever increasing role to play in an aging society, Mr Zimmermeyer called for their full integration into the mobility chain through the implementation of ITS specifically for eBikes. In this regard, Mr Zimmermeyer again highlighted how eBikes, much like FEVs, would have both a push and a pull effect on the deployment of ITS. To see Mr Zimmermeyer’s presentation, please click here.

Mr Zimmermeyer outlined how ITS will support ElectroMobilty first through the evolution of today’s ITS application, then through the “revolution”, or development of wholly new and tailored ITS applications for FEVs. ITS, by providing multi-modal journey planning and cooperative and intelligent V2X communications, will lead to a fully informed and confident driver, secure in the knowledge



ITS AP News: Inaugural Workshop of ITS Indonesia On 25 July 2011 ITS Indonesia hosted the ITS Asia-Pacific Workshop in conjunction with the 19th Indonesia International Motor Show. The workshop, organised by ITS Indonesia with the support of the Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries and other private companies, was structured in two parts. The first part was dedicated to local attendees and focused on ITS outreach, whilst the second part included an international workshop on ITS development and experiences, with the presence of representatives from ITS Japan, ITS Malaysia, ITS New Zealand, ITS Taiwan and ITS Thailand. In his opening speech, Dr Bambang Susantono, Indonesian Vice-Minister of Transport and President of ITS Indonesia, stated that Indonesia has the second largest number of Facebook users and the fifth largest number of Twitter users in the world, an important source of traffic information.

He also presented some current ITS services in Indonesia such as Traffic Information & Management Centre, Traffic Surveillance & Tracking System, ATCS , VMS and Bus Location System; he concluded by saying that PPP is important as the private sector takess the initiative while the public sector supports industry. Blue Bird Group, a major taxi operator in Indonesia, stated that the 8000 taxis with GPS provide floating car data that can be used to improve the traffic situation in Jakarta. CIKARANG Dry Port introduced an electronic seal for custom, quarantine and logistic of bonded goods. The system has GPS enabled electronic devices for the seal, which is attached to containers. ITS Indonesia is the latest member of ITS AsiaPacific, which now has twelve members.

Motor Show 2011 - Panel Session 1 Dr Bambang Susantono, President of ITS Indonesia


This article has been published in cooperation with ITS Japan.

Issue 09 - September 2011

World Congress live demonstrations announced Twenty-five live technology demonstrations, including lifesaving Connected Vehicles, will bring the future of transport to life in Orlando at the 18th World Congress on October 16-20 The USA’s largest transportation technology association, the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), announced today that it has selected 25 live demonstrations that will bring the future of transportat to life at the 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems in Orlando, FL on October 16-20. US DOT and a host of private sector companies will display the realm of possibilities for “Connected Vehicles” and other technologies that will lower driving costs, reduce traffic congestion, improve travel safety and reduce emissions. These next generation solutions are examples of a growing industry that is helping to improve our nation’s infrastructure while promoting economic recovery and development. “We’re extremely excited to see some of these concepts in action,” said Scott Belcher, president and CEO of ITS America. “From cars that brake when they detect pedestrians to digital road signage on the dashboard to vehicle systems that help save gas money and the environment, these demonstrations will show it all. This is the one time that people will have an opportunity to see and experience all of these innovative solutions in a single location before they are put into production.” All 25 demonstrations will be a part of the 18th World Congress’ interactive Technology Showcase that attendees will be able to experience at the Orange County Convention Center and in the local community. The Technology Showcase this year has been organised into themed “villages” that highlight a specific use or application for areas including Safety, Mobility, Environment/

Sustainability and Pricing. The Safety Village will focus on advanced technologies designed to prevent or reduce accidents and improve overall traffic safety that include lane-keeping technologies as well as collision avoidance systems. Serving to help drive our economy, the Mobility Village will display solutions for cities and states that reduce congestion and keep people and goods moving through integrated network and system improvements that will ultimately ease travel times. The Environment/Sustainability Village will demonstrate automated traffic management and incident management systems that have proven to cut traffic congestion pollution caused by roadway incidents. The Pricing Village will exhibit technologies designed to make travel more predictable, reliable and less congested through innovations such as universal electronic tolling and demand based congestion pricing. The following companies and their demonstrations are listed below. Attendees should visit the demonstrator booth for information on ticketing unless stated otherwise. Attendees must be registered for the World Congress to participate in the demonstrations: • Toyota – Collision Avoidance Typed PCS • Minnesota DOT and Battelle – Minnesota Road Fee System • GM – V2X Smartphone Integration • Transcore – Coast to Coast Freedom with National Interoperability Demonstration • GM – Electronic Network-Vehicle • ACS/Xerox – Congestion Management Through


NEWSLETTER Pricing and Dynamic Pricing • DENSO/Econolite – Intersection Safety and Mobility • KapschTrafficCom – Integrated Corridor Operations • I-95 Corridor Coalition/NYSDOT – Commercial VII • Sensys Networks – Arterial Travel Time • Siemens – Interoperable Vehicle Priority • GEWI/BMW – Local Hazard Warning • U.S. DOT /CAMP – Connected Vehicle Technology Demonstration • Iteris/Post Oak Traffic Systems, Inc. – Bluetooth-Based Arterial Travel Times • Raytheon – Infrastructure BSM Generator for V2V • Iteris - VantageView • Imperial College – Mobile Environmental Sensing • Alcatel-Lucent – Teleport: Real-Time Travel Time Management • SwRI – Environmental Management • Alcatel-Lucent – Teleport Roadside: RealTime Travel Time Management • Ricardo – EcoGreen • Alcatel-Lucent – Real-Time Incident Monitoring Mobile Video Streaming Over LTE • Ricardo – Real-Time Information Synthesis LYNX – Transit On-Board Real-Time Traveler Information • Telvent –TRACE Air Quality Modeling


Many of the demonstrations in the Technology Showcase will be focused around the Connected Vehicle Technology Test Bed for Connected Vehicles, people and infrastructure. Connected Vehicle technologies allow cars to avoid crashes by communicating with each other and the roadway infrastructure. Using GPS, WiFi sensors and a special Federal Communications Commission approved short-range radio frequency, these vehicles share safety information in real-time and drivers receive safety warnings when there is a risk of a crash or other safety hazard. The US DOT estimates that these technologies have the potential to reduce accident fatalities by a staggering 81 percent in all unimpaired driver related crashes. This Connected Vehicle Test Bed infrastructure will remain in place after the World Congress, positioning Central Florida as national research test bed for the growing intelligent transportation industry. Join us in Orlando this October to experience the cutting-edge of transportation with industry leaders and decision makers from across the globe. For the latest updates on the event or to register, please visit the World Congress website. For more information contact Cherie Gibson, Pete Spiller or Jarrod Cady. This article has been published in cooperation with ITS America.

Issue 09 - September 2011

World Congress highlights Create a Personal World Congress Schedule The Personal Scheduler is a powerful, dynamic online planning tool designed to help attendees plan their time during the 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. Conference attendees can utilize the personal scheduler to view the detailed program, search for and select specific sessions and presenters, add free-form events and meetings, and create a personal itinerary. Your itinerary can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection to change, update, and print your personal schedule at any time. Download the Personal Scheduler now to your PDA for immediate access to your schedule while in Orlando.

World Congress Mobile App Now Available! World Congress attendees and exhibitors have another exciting tool to assist them in planning and navigating their meeting experience. The new smart phone application, sponsored by LogicTree, can be used to browse and select sessions, build your schedule, locate exhibitors and sessions and connect with colleagues and potential clients. You can even check the weather or get connected to local Orlando restaurants and attractions. Downloading the 2011 ITS World Congress mobile app is easy! For iPhone users (including iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad): Search the App Store on your phone for "ITS WC 2011." Apple: http://bit.ly/ITSWC2011 Other: http://m.core-apps.com/ITSWC2011

USDOT/CAMP Connected Vehicle Technology Demonstration Planned The United States Department of Transportation (U.S.DOT) has partnered with the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) Vehicle Safety Communications 3 (VSC3) Consortium to research, develop and test Connected Vehicle Cooperative Safety Systems using 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) to enable vehicle active safety systems that may help drivers avoid crashes. These safety applications will be on review at the Walt Disney World速 SPEEDWAY during the 18th Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress Technology Showcase October 16-20 in Orlando. Participants will ride in the vehicles and experience the effectiveness of the safety applications in various potential crash scenarios. The vehicles used will be part of the actual test fleet that will participate in the U.S.DOT Safety Pilot program. The objective of the demonstration is to show how V2V interoperability among vehicles from different automotive manufacturers can allow cars to communicate and understand each other. These connected vehicle safety systems may help drivers avoid crashes regardless of vehicle make, model or type. In addition to the V2V safety applications shown in the CAMP VSC3 vehicles, a stationary and V2V-equipped Class 8 heavy truck will also be part of the review. To participate in this demonstration, attendees should register in advance here.



ERTICO - ITS Europe @ Orlando European Pavilion The European Pavilion (stand 1713) is a joint effort between ERTICO, ITS Sweden and ITS Finland, with active participation from our respective Partners. Once again, the European Pavilion will be a networking and meeting hub in the exhibition area, with ERTICO staff and Partner representatives on hand to meet and discuss opportunities… with of course, once again, excellent coffee! From the ERTICO side, Rasmus Lindholm, Head of Partnership Services and Acting Head of Communications, and Anna Limbrey, Partnership Services Manager, will be available to make introductions, facilitate meetings and explain the ERTICO Partnership and how best to take advantage of and benefit from ERTICO services. ERTICO Partners displaying on the European Pavilion are: Logica, Q-free, Swedish Transport Administration, ACS a Xerox Company, Satellic, Newcastle University and NXP. Each company will have a representative on the European Pavilion ready to explain their products and services.

ERTICO Partners Eighteen ERTICO Partners have stands in the exhibition hall. See the simplified map on the last page for details. TomTom (1365), Robert Bosch (1665), IBM (1865), Swarco (1971), Peek Traffic(2265), NEC Corporation (2357), Kapsch TrafficCom USA (2347), Honda (2239), BMW (2037), PTV (1832), Panasonic (1641), Mitsubishi (1343), Continental (1219), Toyota (1723), DENSO (1925), ACS a Xerox company (2121), Siemens (1903), AustriaTech (1703).

The Network of National ITS Associations

The Network of National ITS Associations will come together in Orlando along with other National ITS Associations at a meeting organised by the regional ITS Associations. As well as updating each other on regional activities, the meeting will focus on the topic of traveller information and will provide the opportunity for National ITS Associations to exchange information and viewpoints on this substantive issue. In addition, several members of the Network of National ITS Associations will be exhibiting their products and services in Orlando. Anna Limbrey, Partnership Services Manager and ITS Network Coordinator, will be happy to expand on the Network of National ITS Associations’ activities – please ask for her at the ERTICO stand or contact her by email.

7th International Workshop on Vehicle Communications for Safety and Sustainability When: Friday, 21 October 2011 Where: Hilton Orlando, Lake Mizell room, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

The workshop will be held right after the ITS World Congress. Selected panellists from around the world will provide their views on many issues including global harmonisation that face the development and deployment of vehicle communications technologies and associated applications of Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems. Please ask for Paul Kompfner at the ERTICO stand or contact him by email.


Issue 09 - September 2011

Austria goes America The Austrian hosts of the 2012 ITS World Congress are organising a community booth where companies, operators, and public bodies (the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, AustriaTech, Austrian Institute of Technology, Asfinag, AMV Networks, ITS Vienna Region, Fluidtime, Efkon, and Advantage Austria) will present their newly developed ITS solutions. The agenda for activities at the Austrian booth includes a variety of special sessions: on Monday, 17 October from 5 PM to 6:30 PM the Austrians invite everyone to a toll-free “meet & greet” at booth 1703. Women are a central issue at the ITS Vienna 2012 so there will be a session on “Women in ITS” from 1:30 PM to 3 PM on Wednesday, 19 October. A third session deals with the subject “ITS Vienna 2012” on 20 October from 1:30 PM to 3 PM. Any changes in the agenda will be tweeted, so make sure to follow them on Twitter or contact Rita Michlits.

Call for Papers – 19th ITS World Congress Vienna 22-26 October 2012 ERTICO - ITS EUROPE in close cooperation with its counterpart regional organisations and the host organisation, is organising the 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) in Vienna, Austria, on 22-26 October 2012. With the motto “smarter on the way” it will focus on the benefits of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services participants. You will gain an insight into the advantages of these systems and services in daily life. Austria’s Transport Policy has been concentrated on the environmental and energy efficiency of all modes of transport for many years. In addition to intermodality, ITS Vienna 2012 will look to electric mobility as well as improvement of navigation tools by Galileo and cooperative systems. As Austria is the gateway to Central and Eastern Europe, the Danube region will also play an important role in the programme.

We warmly invite those interested in submitting a Technical/Scientific Paper or a Special Session to do so via the ITS World Congress website from 17 October 2011 until 13 January 2012. We aim to have as many female speakers as possible at these sessions; therefore, we strongly encourage women working in ITS to submit either papers or sessions. For further information visit the ITS World Congress 2012 website or contact Valérie Mindlin.



Empowering New Intelligence and Flexibility in Tracking and Tracing Solutions Article by Peter Fowler, Cinterion’s regional president for the Americas One of the greatest benefits cellularenabled M2M solutions have brought to enterprises is the ability to track their assets while in transit. Tracking and tracing solutions with GPS and cellular connectivity allow companies to keep a close eye on vehicles, equipment and other assets even while they move across the globe. These solutions help optimise mobile fleets and business operations giving managers, dispatchers and drivers the tools they need for success. Two leaders in the M2M industry, Cinterion and Digital Communications Technologies (DCT), have combined their expertise to bring new intelligence and greater flexibility to tracking, tracing, and reporting devices designed for demanding fleet management and stolen vehicle recovery applications. DCT’s scalable Syrus GPS SY2210 solution combines Cinterion-powered communications with highly sensitive, built-in GPS for best-in-class tracking capabilities. The white label solution offers a host of features and capabilities including sophisticated theft recovery tools that provide pinpoint locations of missing vehicles and integrated jamming detection. In addition, a fully integrated 3-axis accelerometer detects and helps manage driving behavior, a vital feature for car insurance companies who can associate rates with safe or risky behaviors. Syrus GPS takes advantage of Cinterion’s EGS5 Java module to host software applications for Syrus Watch, a web-based remote management tool that enables customizable prompts and reporting and over-the-air software updates. Syrus Watch helps end users monitor and manage performance of vital operational functions device temperature, power voltage fluctuations, internal battery status and more - to quickly diagnose issues before they become expensive


problems. The use of Java is a growing trend in M2M module technology. Java modules are compatible with virtually any end-user platform and they eliminate the need for additional processors and memory chips, which simplifies design and integration and lowers costs. Early implementers have reported great success with the Syrus GPS solution in a variety of AVL solutions: • Carrotech, a leader in tracking and tracing technology for 4-wheel drive vehicles and agricultural equipment, is using Syrus GPS successfully throughout the UK. Movement sensors and a “panic button” feature dramatically improved drivers’ sense of safety on the road while allowing implementers to strengthen theft-prevention capabilities • Ride Systems, a leader in custom GPS tracking solutions, relies heavily on the Cinterionenabled Syrus GPS for outstanding customer support and application engineering as well the product’s ideal form factor for discreet applications. The new design with dual internal antennas makes it extremely easy to set up and deploy • GPS Web Tracking, a US-based leading provider of GPS products and services, offered its expansive worldwide customer base a choice between the DCT Syrus solution and another competing national brand. Syrus GPS was the solution of choice outperforming the competition in product reliability, functional flexibility and overall ease of use For more information, please visit Cinterion website and/or Digital Communications Technologies website.

Issue 09 - September 2011

European auto makers pave way for uniform system of e-vehicle charging The European automobile manufacturers have defined a comprehensive set of recommendations to standardise the charging of electricallychargeable vehicles. The joint industry proposal will enable the use of one type of plug independent of car make, electricity provider or country. “This is a major step towards the broader introduction of electrically-chargeable vehicles in Europe and paves the way for a harmonised solution around the globe”, said Ivan Hodac, Secretary General of ACEA, the automobile manufacturers’ trade association. “We call on the European Commission, the standardisation bodies and the infrastructure providers to adopt these recommendations and to clear remaining issues as soon as possible.” Standardisation of the connection between the electricity grid and electrically-chargeable vehicles is one of the prerequisites to help e-mobility gain a viable market share. At present, a variety of solutions is used, leading to a fragmentation of the market across Europe and abroad.

The industry recommendations cover the whole link between the public charging infrastructure and the vehicle inlet including the communication between the two, and they address both slow and fast charging with direct or alternate current. As soon as approved by the relevant standardisation bodies, vehicle manufacturers will start integrating the uniform application in their production cycles. The auto industry advocates the full implementation for new vehicles types from 2017. A unique standard for vehicle charging will benefit all parties involved: the auto industry, the consumer and the infrastructure provider. “Standardisation provides predictability to investors; it enables economy of scale and reduces costs. We have also ensured a solution that meets the highest safety standards and is easy to use”, said Hodac. Most stakeholders assume a realistic market share for electrically-chargeable vehicles in the range of 3 to 10% of new sales by 2020 to 2025, depending on how quickly the most immediate challenges can be addressed.

Call for demonstrations - ITS World Congress 2012 The ITS World Congress 2012 will focus on the use and benefits of intelligent transport systems for private and commercial users through a practical demonstration programme. The Congress will offer different possibilities to participate in this programme such as horse racing track Krieau and parking area next to horse track

(click here for more details). In order to present the best national and international solutions, we invite interested companies and organisations to submit their proposals for demonstrations. The deadline for the call is 15 November 2011. For any question please refer to Alexander Frötscher, coordinator of demonstrations, AustriaTech.



SATIE orchestrates European large scale Action for ITS On 7 September ERTICO – ITS Europe hosted the kick-off meeting of the new SATIE project. The task of the 10-partner consortium will be to propose to the European Commission options for large scale actions for innovation and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The starting point of this exercise: the iMobility Forum ELSA Task Force report, and the new concept of “ITS incubators”. The main question that the EU-funded SATIE Support Action has been engaged to answer is: What kind of large scale actions could be implemented to accelerate the deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for sustainable mobility and transport? For Wil Botman, Chairman of the SATIE project and Senior Advisor for Public Affairs at the Royal Dutch Touring Club - ANWB, finding the answer to this question is essential, as “there is a lot of benefit to be gained in a joint approach of authorities, users and industry in bringing ICT for transport to the market in a concerted action throughout Europe.” The SATIE consortium will explore how to overcome the barriers of ITS deployment and the fragmentation of ITS initiatives through the setup of a truly interactive partnership community, the development of the concept of incubators, and the integration of multi-level initiatives in

a pan-European approach, linking businesses, cities, local, national and EU governments and the European Union. Each of the partners of SATIE has a long experience in supporting the deployment of ITS, and shares the goal to make European initiatives more efficient and effective. They are convinced that European large scale actions can bring the momentum needed: Wil Botman believes that “working together throughout Europe will be more cost-efficient and quicker in bringing ICT to the market. In this way, road safety, the environment and the efficiency of our mobility system will be improved considerably”. To achieve these goals, SATIE will rely on its partners and their constituencies, representing important stakeholders from both demand and supply sides: public authorities (Swedish Transport Administration), road operators (ASECAP), users (ANWB), industry (EUCAR, PTV), research organisations (TNO, VTT, IFSTTAR), and multisector partnerships (ERTICO – ITS Europe and ITS Network Germany). For more information please contact Sébastien Mure.

New electronic tolling system operative in Poland In July a new electronic toll connection system started to operate in Poland, making Poland the latest European country to launch an electronic toll collection scheme on its motorways. The viaToll system applies to all trucks, buses and tractors with a maximum weight between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes and will be active on major motorways and selected national roads. The viaTOLL system is obligatory for all vehicles


with a maximum weight of over 3.5 tonnes and for buses regardless of their maximum permissible weight. All incomes will be spent on further investments in the development of the road network in Poland and the modernisation of the existing road infrastructures. For more information visit viaTOLL website

Issue 09 - September 2011

New ETSI technical study Several initiatives have been launched in the domain of Localisation* of Interactive Applications by ETSI (European Telecom Standardisation Institute) and the localisation community. All sectors are or will soon be facing critical issues in the localisation of their applications and services, especially the ITS industry. The ETSI Technical Committee “Human Factors” is performing a technical study for the definition of a future standard regarding “context dependent multilingual communications for interactive applications”. The study focuses on the localisation of highly interactive applications based on context variable, where it is physically impossible to plan for every potential combination of these variables into sentences.

to cover all standards and guidelines needs regarding all localisation* aspects for all industrial sectors. This group is taking over the efforts of LISA, the former Localisation Industry Standards Association, which closed down last year. You can participate in the industry study and future standards for all localisation issues* and contribute to the design of the next generation solutions for quality localisation. For more information please contact JeanMarc Bournazel, ETSI member – Technical Study rapporteur and Innovation manager – WhP International.

An industry specific group was created last August (*) Note: To avoid any confusion, “localisation” refers to the process for adapting an application into languages or countries different than the original ones for which they were created. It implies not only the linguistic translation of dialogues or phrases from one language to another, but also the adaptation of idiomatic and cultural characteristics.

Carmakers to get recognition for ‘eco-innovation’ On 25 July the European Commission adopted a new legislation on ‘eco-innovations’ for car manufacturers. The Regulation enables motor manufacturers to receive recognition for CO2 savings achieved by fitting new cars with approved “eco-innovations” which reduce emissions. These savings will help the industry meet the European target of limiting CO2 emissions from new cars to an average of 130 grams/km by 2015. Eco-innovations will count for up to 7 g CO2/km towards the target. Under the Regulation, a technology can qualify as an eco-innovation if it is new to the market, contributes to significant CO2 savings and is not otherwise taken into account in determining the level of CO2 emissions from vehicles.

The technology should also aim at improving vehicle propulsion or the energy consumption of devices that are mandatory, without compromising vehicle safety. This means, for instance, that solar panels converting sunlight into electric energy could potentially qualify as an eco-innovation but an energy-efficient in-car music system would not. The Commission will assess applications submitted by car manufacturers and component suppliers and adopt decisions approving generic ecoinnovations. The actual CO2 savings from the ecoinnovations for each specific car will be certified as part of the vehicle type approval procedure. Read the full European Commission Press Release.



ERTICO welcomes new staff! Laetitia Fernandez holds a Master’s Degree in Translation and a Master’s Degree in Journalism. After finishing her studies, she worked as a Communications Officer for the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC) in Brussels. In 2008, she took on the role of Final Editor of Fleet Europe, a quarterly publication covering European fleet management. She contributed to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics prior to coming back to Belgium, where she joined a renowned event agency as event planner, before joining ERTICO. Laetitia has joined the ERTICO team in order to contribute to the dissemination of the euroFOT and FOT-Net projects, as well as new projects starting in September. Carla Coppola holds a Master’s Degree in Communications and Mass Media and a MA in European Studies and Cinema. She has been working in Communications and Project management for several years. In 2008 she worked at the DG INFSO on a publication for the Directorate ‘Converged Networks and Services’. After her time at the Commission she worked as the Project and Communications Officer at FERA (Federation of European film and TV directors) till June 2010. Before joining ERTICO, Carla has been collaborating in the pre-production of a documentary on the rebuilding of Haiti. Carla has joined the ERTICO communications team to support its communications activities. Sanita has joined the ERTICO team in July 2011. She gives support to the Finance and Administration Department. After finishing her studies of Bilingual Secretariat, Sanita gained nine years administrative experience in her native island Mauritius from 1994 to 2003. She moved to Belgium and worked as Administrative Officer from 2004 to 2011 for Ecsite (a European Network for science centres and museums, linking science communication professionals in more than 400 institutions in 50 countries).

CityLog & CityMove September Newsletter The third issue of CityLog & CityMove projects newsletter is now available.

Read the latest news about integrated innovative approaches for urban freight distribution and about innovative integrated vehicle and city transport solutions. In the September issue you will also find news on CityMove prototypes, European Commission White Paper on Single European Transport Area, report on the 8th European ITS Congress and much more.


Issue 09 - September 2011

Viajeo holds workshop in Beijing On 8 September Viajeo’s Beijing demo site partners organised a workshop at the National Convention Centre, Beijing, China.

The workshop was held as a side event of the 6th China Annual Conference and International Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems, the 7th International Energy-Efficiency and New Energy Vehicles Innovation Development Forum and Exhibition, 6-10 September 2011. The workshop aimed to disseminate Viajeo’s current achievements and to raise awareness of the forthcoming project demonstration scheduled for November 2011 in Beijing. Three services are planned to be implemented for the operators of the service centre within Beijing demonstrator of the Viajeo open platform: • Cross modal journey planning and real time traffic information (Service A) • Real time bus operation (Service B) • Passenger Information Display (Service C) A live demonstration was shown at the workshop. Three i-Pads were used for participants to access multi-modal journey planning services based on real-time traffic information collected by a large fleet of floating vehicles from Beijing Transportation Research Centre (BTRC) and real-

time bus location data provided by Beijing Public Transport Holdings (BPT). The two types of data have been integrated by the Viajeo platform, developed by PTV. The integrated data is also used by a public transport operation platform developed by Thetis to provide realtime bus operation and passenger information at bus stops or via internet. Three screens were set up in the workshop to show the bus operators’ back office system and passenger information screen at bus stops. Users’ feedbacks were collected for finalising the user interface of the demonstration before the demonstration goes live. Dr Philippe Vialatte, Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section of the Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia attended the workshop and gave a presentation Dr Philippe Vialatte on EC policy in the field of international cooperation in science and technology between China and the EU. Dr Vialatte was very impressed by the live demonstration and believed that the Viajeo project is a good example of EU-China cooperation in technology. Mr Alessandro Celestino from the Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea which supports Viajeo also gave a speech at the workshop to highlight the importance and contribution of the Viajeo project to a more


NEWSLETTER passenger information at selected bus stops in Beijing. Results will be presented in a final event due to take place in the first half of 2012. The presentations can be found here. For further information, please contact Viajeo.

sustainable mobility solution in Beijing. Viajeo’s demonstration in Beijing will soon begin and the public will be able to use the services for multi-modal journey planning and access real-time

ERTICO @ the 6th China Annual Conference on ITS On 6 September, during the 6th China Annual Conference and International Exhibition on ITS, Vincent Blervaque, Director of Development and Deployment at ERTICO, gave a presentation on the status quo of ITS development and deployment in Europe.

The presentation focused on: • EU ITS Directive and ITS Action overview including priority areas and priority actions, organisation and timeline • Introduction to ITS deployment challenges in Europe with respect to technologies, services, business models and policy frameworks • Overview of major European Projects for ITS Development and Deployment, namely Instant Mobility, eCoMove, Viajeo, DRIVE C2X, HeERO, EASYWAY and the ERTICO coordinated Deployment Platforms such as TISA, ADASIS and the Cooperative Mobility Alliance. • ITS World Congress with promotion first of 2011 Orlando Congress and announcement of 2012 Vienna Congress call for paper. ERTICO participation to the ITS China annual event was closely linked to the VIAJEO Workshop and the first joint ERTICO – ITS Europe/ITS China seminar (8-9 September).


Issue 09 - September 2011

Successful first seminar between ERTICO and ITS China partners ERTICO – ITS Europe and ITS China are working together to strengthen cooperation between Europe and China for the development and the deployment of ITS. This cooperation began almost 10 years ago with successful EC co-funded projects such as DYNASTY, SIMBA, SIMBA II and VIAJEO. In the scope of the activities organised as part of the joint cooperation roadmap, the First ERTICO – ITS Europe and ITS China Seminar was organised on 8 September 2011 in Beijing during the 6th China Annual Conference and International Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems, the 7th International Energy-Efficiency and New Energy Vehicles Innovation Development Forum and Exhibition 6 -10 September 2011.

Technology Corporation, NXP Semiconductors, CINTERION, BOSCH and PTV gave presentations to introduce their products and services related to the Chinese market. ITS China membersHisense TransTech and STONE Intelligent Transportation System Integration Co. LTD presented their major ITS projects and applications. Positive feedback were received from attendees. The attendees from both Europe and China agreed that such seminar created excellent opportunities to develop a sound understanding of current ITS trends and market in both Europe and China. ERTICO and ITS China members also took the chance to meet and discuss potential cooperation opportunities. The attendees suggested that these seminars should be held on a regular basis in order

The meeting objectives were to: • Exchange knowledge and best-practices between Europe and China. Three priority areas were selected by members of the Partnership: Multi-modal journey planning, traffic and traveller information and communication in ITS • Provide an opportunity for European and Chinese partners to network with a view towards opening doors for new project development between the two regions The seminar was attended by representatives from 10 ERTICO Partners and more than 30 ITS China Members. Some ERTICO Partners such as Volvo

to continue the communication between European and Chinese ITS communities. For more information please contact Yanying Li.

Smart Mobility Challenge 2011 Multimodal travel is a key part of the Commission’s strategy for the future of transport. Yet in Europe there are very few real integrated European journey planners – tools that allow us to plan a journey across several EU countries from a single point using different modes of transport. That is why Vice-President Siim Kallas, EU Commissioner for Transport, has laid down the challenge to industry and stakeholders to get

Europeans moving differently by developing or submitting ideas for Europe-wide journey planners. If you have an idea or a tool that is up and running you can submit it on DG MOVE website. The deadline for submission is 15 October 2011.



New cross-system TOLL2GO service starts in Germany and Austria The new TOLL2GO transnational, crosssystem toll service will be launched on 1 September 2011. TOLL2GO is a joint service provided by Austrian toll operator ASFINAG and Germany’s Toll Collect GmbH. With TOLL2GO, the two companies are offering a toll collection service that is based on microwave technology and a satellite-supported toll system. In the future, TOLL2GO will make it possible for drivers of trucks with 12 tonnes or more gross vehicle weight (GVW) to pay for road tolls in Germany and Austria via the Toll Collect On-Board Unit (OBU). This new service is especially convenient for transport companies with vehicles that are frequently on the road in Germany and Austria. The advantage for toll system customers who use the new TOLL2GO service is that they only need one in-vehicle unit – the Toll Collect OBU – to pay toll charges in both countries. Working together in a joint project, ASFINAG and Toll Collect developed the technical parameters for the new TOLL2GO service. During an eightweek trial run, which included some 1,400 trucks from nine European countries, roughly one million toll transactions were successfully carried out in Austria. The transport and logistics companies involved in the testing phase welcome the introduction of the new toll service TOLL2GO because it simplifies the payment of tolls for trucks that are often on the road in both Austria and Germany. TOLL2GO reduces by one the number of electronic devices


needed to pay road tolls in different countries. Unlike Germany, toll collection in Austria is based on microwave technology and uses the Austrian GO-Box. The Toll Collect OBU used in Germany will continue to operate using satellite-based technology, but will also support Austria microwave system, which has been adapted for use with inter-operable vehicle units. When driving through a toll station on an Austrian motorway, the Toll Collect OBU triggers a toll transaction in exactly the same way as a GO-Box and transmits the billing data from the toll station to the ASFINAG computer centre. Although a single On-Board Unit is used, the customer still has a contract with each of the two toll operators. As in the past, toll invoicing by the two companies remains completely separate. Applications for the TOLL2GO service can be submitted from 1 September 2011 via the fully elec-tronic SelfCare portal directly to ASFINAG at www.go-maut.at. After successful registration and verification of requirements by ASFINAG, the service is activated automatically by the Toll Collect computer centre. Vehicles must have a Toll Collect OBU installed. If the vehicle in question was previously equipped with an Austrian GO-Box, this unit will be deregistered when the Toll Collect OBU is activated. The Austrian GO-Box must then be turned over to a GO sales point. For further information about this service and the registration process, please visit Toll Collect or ASFiNAG websites. Press contacts: Claudia Steen (Toll Collect GmbH) and Ingrid Partl (ASFINAG Service GmbH)

Issue 09 - September 2011

EU ICT R&D and Innovation beyond 2013 - 10 key recommendations The Information Society Technologies Advisory Group (ISTAG) has issued its 10 key recommendation to the Commission on the orientation for EU ICT R&D and Innovation beyond 2013. ISTAG reaffirms the importance of pursuing and strengthening EU investment in ICT research and innovation. Indeed, ICT infrastructure plays a critical role in today’s globalised economy and its reliable and trustworthy operation is absolutely essential. However beyond this, ICT has become a key transformative force in social innovation, by enabling the development, implementation and deployment of innovative solutions addressing societal needs and supporting human and socioeconomic development opportunities. This wider agenda calls for a larger stakeholder community, beyond the traditional players, including unconventional actors such as informal networks and influential individuals. Europe should be able to translate its strength in managing complex systems and environments into an effective competitive advantage in a technological landscape that increasingly relies on multiple interconnected and distributed systems. Special emphasis should be placed on those activities with high and visible EU added value such as the development of common platforms and reference architectures, interoperability and data exchange standards.

comprehensive view of the whole value chain of ICT and ICT-enabled services, bridging the gap between pre-competitive research, product development and service deployment. The funding of high risk research carried out in FET (Future Emerging Technologies) should be pursued and complemented with new and more flexible forms of participation such as the open and fast track schemes. This approach would facilitate a more dynamic agenda, accommodating ambiguity and unpredictability as inherent features of research but would also open the way to new paths for innovation that could lead to rapid exploitation of research results. The ISTAG also recommends that partnerships for the development of cross-border and EUwide services and platforms should lead to pilot implementations and test-beds involving the Member States, notably in terms of funding. In general, instruments should also be oriented towards strategic management of large scale EUwide research and innovation portfolios moving away from micromanagement. The ISTAG recommendations and the underlying full report are open for consultation and comments until 30 September 2011. For further questions contact ISTAG secretariat

In order to deliver the expected impact, ISTAG considers it essential to develop a more



3rd User Group Meeting - STADIUM project On 12 September, POLIS and PluService organised the 3rd User Group Meeting of the STADIUM project on the scenic Rotonda a Mare of Senigallia.

STADIUM consortium partners (from the EU and India) and delegations coming from Poland, Brazil and Russia (which will host upcoming international sports events such as UEFA EURO 2012, Football World Cup 2014 and Olympics Games 2016, Winter Olympics 2014) participated in the event. The entire conference was broadcast live on the web.

STADIUM Project (recent demonstrations for the Football World Cup 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa, Commonwealth Games 2010 in Delhi, India, and forthcoming demo for Summer Olympics 2012 in London, UK) and the current status of technology and organisation in terms of mobility, transport networks and infrastructure in the countries hosting future sports events. The event was also an occasion to present the interactive database of the STADIUM Handbook, the output manual of the project, containing guide-lines to be used as a model for the management of mobility during big events.

The meeting represented a fruitful opportunity to compare experiences developed within the

On 13 September, the User Group delegations moved to Rome and visited the Rome Mobility Agency for follow-up discussions related to the Project results and their future implementations.

The European satellite navigation system EGNOS/ Galileo for road applications: the EGNOS2road project On 21 September, TTS Italia held the Workshop “The European satellite navigation system EGNOS/ Galileo for road applications: the EGNOS2road project”. The EGNOS2road project follows a European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) call and aims to carry out a technical and economic evaluation of the use of European satellite navigation systems EGNOS and Galileo for two extra-urban and urban road applications: electronic toll collection and fleet management.


The project, which ended in July 2011, was carried out by an Italian team composed of Telespazio (as coordinator), TTS Italia ordinary member, Società Autostrada Tirrenica and Autostrade per l’Italia, TTS Italia founding member, Magneti Marelli, TTS Italia ordinary member; Roma Servizi per la Mobilità. The purpose of the meeting was to present and promote the project results, and to share tips and ideas with the members for possible future activities.

Issue 09 - September 2011

ITS UK holds Manchester launch for Inclusive Mobility Interest Group ITS United Kingdom, the Intelligent Transport Systems association for the UK, has held a launch event for its Mobility Interest Group in Manchester. ITS UK Members Transport for Greater Manchester acted as hosts for the event, which attracted some forty delegates. The IMIG facilitates understanding and cooperation between Intelligent Transport Systems professionals, researchers, implementers and suppliers, and disabled and older people and their representative bodies. IMIG is already well established as an active group within ITS UK and the purpose of the launch event was to publicise that the Group welcomes input and participation from those outside the ITS sector. The launch event speakers looked at the challenges posed by the ageing society, compliance with anti-discriminatory legislation, new technologies and the current economic climate in the UK, and discussed the role of ITS in securing good outcomes for disabled transport users. With speakers including UK Government

and academia, transport service providers and also Polish and German participants, there was a wide opportunity to learn and also to make new useful contacts for all delegates. Dr Simon Edwards of Newcastle University, who chairs the IMIG, commented “It was wonderful to see such a great turnout of people from a variety of backgrounds, and especially those from the continent. There were so many positives that the IMIG can take forward to shape its future strategy and membership profile in order to provide expert guidance for national and local government and service providers, whilst keeping older and disabled people themselves up-to-date with the latest in intelligent transport systems for accessibility and mobility.” David Hytch, Information Systems Director at Transport for Greater Manchester, said “We were delighted to support the IMIG at this meeting particularly as we continue to understand how to make transport even more accessible and useful for people with disabilities both in Greater Manchester and beyond. Getting the experiences from studies and practical examples across Europe was added value.” For further information please contact Jennie Martin

ITS Russia and the Russian Ministry of Transport met TTS Italia members On 14 September TTS Italia hosted in Rome the meeting between ITS Russia CEO, Vladimir Kruychov, and TTS Italia members.

Fai Service, Famas System, Italian Ministry of Transport, Mizar Automazione, Octo Telematics, Pluservice, Rome Mobility Services, Sodi Scientifica, Thetis and Telespazio.

Many TTS Italia members participated in the meeting, and presented projects, products and initiatives related to the field of mobility and traffic management. Participants included 5t, Almaviva / TSF, Autostrade Tech, DBA Projects,

Konstantin Tikhonov, representative of the Russian Ministry of Transport, also attended the meeting and illustated the state of the art of transport in the Russian Federation.



European Parliament draft report on the White Paper on Transport Mathieu Grosch –Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Belgium– presented his draft report on the “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area” to the European Parliament's Transport Committee on 8 September 2011. The key proposals in the draft report on the Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area include a 50% reduction in the deaths and injuries on Europe's roads, clear targets for reducing CO2 emissions and the inclusion of the costs of noise and pollution in the prices of all modes of transport. In his report, Mr Grosch proposes targets to cut CO2 emissions by 20% in road transport and 30% in air transport and shipping by 2020. He also wants energy consumption and noise in the rail sector to fall by 20%.

The costs of pollution, noise and congestion should be reflected in the price paid by the user (through the internalisation of the external costs of all forms of transport) and the revenue generated in this way could be used by Member States to fund priority schemes to eliminate the 25 known bottlenecks in the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T projects). The Commission could increase its level of direct funding to at least 30% of total investments for funding plans and priority cross-border projects drawn up by Member States, while drastically limiting the number of projects that receive funding, says Mr Grosch. Read the full article on the European Parliament website.

Commission adopts eCall Recommendation On 8 September 2011, the European Commission adopted a Recommendation asking Members States to ensure that mobile phone network operators upgrade their infrastructure so that 112 emergency calls can be automatically generated by cars (eCalls). The Commission wants the life-saving eCall system to be fitted to all new models of cars and light vehicles from 2015. eCall automatically dials Europe’s single emergency number 112 in the event of a serious accident and communicates the vehicle’s location to the emergency services. People injured in an accident do not always have the reflex or the physical ability to call emergency services immediately. eCall devices address this problem by alerting emergency services immediately even if the driver or passenger is unconscious or otherwise unable to call. The technology speeds up the arrival of emergency teams by an estimated 40% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas. Once widely


deployed, eCall will save several hundred lives in Europe every year, and reduce the severity of injuries and trauma in tens of thousands of cases. The Recommendation urges every Member State to ensure that mobile operators treat calls from eCall devices like other 112 calls – i.e. give priority to them and do not charge for them. The Recommendation also indicates that Member States should ensure that mobile operators put in place systems to identify eCalls so that they can be routed to an emergency service call centre equipped to handle them. The eCall Recommendation adopted by the European Commission can be found here. Read the European Commission Press Release.

Issue 09 - September 2011


2 important weeks for TISA in the USA On Wednesday 12 October 2011 TISA Executive Office along with some TISA Members will be assessing, commenting and supporting the balloting process of the TISA deliverables during the ISO TC 204 WG10 Meeting in Tampa (Florida). TISA deliverables include a major update of the ISO 14819-series of standard (TMC), the seven remaining parts of the ISO 18234-series (TPEG1-now complete) and six additions to the ISO 21219-series (TPEG2). TISA has already informed ISO about its plan to have four new additions to the TPEG2-series ready for a submission to ISO in the near future. The following week (16-20 October 2011) TISA will be also participating in the ITS World Congress in Orlando (Florida) and will be present at the ERTICO pavilion. On Monday 17 October 2011, the first day of the Congress, TISA will hold a Special Session (room SS16 from 15:30to 17:00) on the ongoing switchover from analogue to digital delivery of Real Time Traffic Information. During the session, TISA Members NAVTEQ, iBiquity, INRIX and ClearChannel will explain how the availability of digital bearers has offered them new opportunities in north America. These opportunities include coverage area and 1-to-1 channels of communication as well as on how they managed to offer consistent seamless RTTI services across state borders, beyond the metro markets and on a multi-platform basis. For more information visit TISA website.

eSafety Forum chooses new name Established in 2003 by the European Commission, in close collaboration with industry, associations and public sector stakeholders, the eSafety Forum is a joint platform involving all road safety stakeholders. It originally aimed to promote and monitor the implementation of recommendations identified by the eSafety Working Group and to support the development, deployment and use of eSafety systems. In the last year the Forum has identified a new focus for its activities, which includes smart and clean mobility to the safety of the European roads. On the occasion of the 14th eSafety Plenary Meeting (6-7 April), the new name for the forum was voted on and approved by members.

The decision to become the iMobility Forum was a natural evolution, taking into account the years of social change which have led to traffic-related environmental issues, such as fuel efficiency and reduction in pollutant exhausts, being attributed the same level of importance as traffic safety. The new name reflects the role that the eSafety Forum played in helping bring about this change, as well as its continued presence at the forefront of the field. The inaugural iMobility Forum Plenary meeting is set to take place on the 24- 25 October 2011. In addition, the first iMobility awards will be presented on the 24 October. For further information please contact Lina Konstantinopoulou.



Recreated Digital Maps Working Group focuses on public map data The iMobility Forum has recently been discussing the need for targeted actions focusing on how to improve the exchange of map data between public authorities and map makers. This discussion led to the new i-Mobility recommendation Number 10 based on the results achieved by the ROSATTE project. The recommendation calls for a fast deployment of a harmonised solution throughout Europe in preparation of the priority actions 1.2 and 1.3 of the ITS action plan. For this reason, the iMobility Forum Steering Group has agreed to re-activate the Digital Maps Working Group under the co-chairmanship of the Swedish Traffic Administration, TomTom and NAVTEQ. The Working Group will advise and validate the activities leading to the establishment of an independent implementation platform promoting and extending the scope of the validated ROSATTE framework as an enabler for the implementation of map data exchange between public authorities and map makers. In addition to the iMobility Forum recommendation, the Working Group will take into account other important factors: first of all, the ITS Action Plan and ITS Directive and its SubArea 1.2: Collection and provision of road data, and Sub-Area 1.3: Accurate public data for digital maps, for which a study will be published in the near future. Secondly, the INSPIRE Directive and third, the Share-PSI Directive. In addition, the Working Group is linked to the EASYWAY project deployment activities.

On 28 September 2011, the Digital Maps Working Group met for its first meeting. The topics of discussion were centred on the definition of a future organisation which would allow a harmonised exchange of data between public and private parties; the option of defining a Memorandum of Understanding for the deployment of a common solution has been retained. The group came also to the conclusion that additional actions on geo-location referencing as well as on legal and intellectual property issues would be needed. The Working Group will actively liaise with the current standardisation efforts e.g. ISO TC204 WG3 as well as with other existing activities such as the INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Transport Networks. The next Working Group meeting will take place on 30 November 2011. Interested iMobility Forum partners are invited to show their interest in order to receive more information. The current members are: Swedish Transport Administration, TomTom, NAVTEQ, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Flemish Ministry - Department Mobility and Public Works, Bavaria Road Authorities, Transport of London, ASFA, PTV, Triona and ERTICO. The number of members of the Working Group is limited to 15 observers are invited depending on topics to be discussed. Contact: Anna Johansson-Jacques, Stephen T'Siobbel; Kees Wevers.

1st Cooperative Mobility Services Interoperability event Date: 14-18 November 2011 Location: Helmond, The Netherlands ERTICO - ITS Europe is proud to announce the 1st Cooperative Mobility Services Interoperability event, organised in co-operation with ETSI, the European Telecom Standardisation Institute. This event will be held from 14 to 18 November 2011 at the facilities of ERTICO's partner TNO, in Helmond, The Netherlands. Registration deadline: 7 October 2011 All the information concerning this eventy can be found on ERTICO – ITS Europe website. On the last day of the Interop event (17 November 2011), ERTICO will hold a workshop to present the benefits and early results of the first Plugtest for ITS Cooperative Mobility Services. This workshop's main objective is to demonstrate to the audience the critical role of Interoperability events in the process of enabling a seamless deployment of cooperative ITS. The draft agenda of the workshop can be downloaded here. To register, or for more information, please contact SÊbastien Mure.


Issue 09 - September 2011

ERTICO Forum “ITS for Urban Mobility” Urban Mobility – better mobility, better cities Date: 1 December 2011 Location: Brussels, Belgium Open to ERTICO Partners and i-Mobility Network Plus Members Live streaming for ERTICO Partners and i-Mobility Network Plus Members Growing prosperity creates growing demand for mobility of people and goods especially in urban areas. At the same time, urban areas have limitations concerning accommodating the increased mobility demand in terms of increasing road and parking infrastructure. Moreover, congestion problems, mostly present in and around urban areas, cost the European countries nearly 100 billion Euro, or 1% of the EU's GDP, every year. Added to this is the cost of pollution and concerns about urban road safety. Sustaining the mobility needs of the European citizen whilst tackling the negative effects of transport will be a real challenge for European cities in the next decade. The ERTICO Forum on Urban Mobility will examine and debate Urban Mobility issues, covering but not limited to the following four discussion areas: • What do cities want? Challenges and ambitions for cities • What can ITS deliver? ITS solutions for cities • What can help ITS deployment? • What are the existing success stories? Where has ITS been successfully implemented? On 5 January 2012 there will be a follow-up webinar examining issues raised in the Forum. More information and a draft agenda will follow shortly.

i-Mobility Network webinars ERTICO has re-started its webinar service after the summer break. On 15 September two webinars took place; the first one, titled “New concepts for sustainable city logistics”, illustrated new concepts for sustainable city logistics, taking advantage of the state of the art ITS technologies and new vehicles solutions, while the second one focused on the imminent ITS World Congress in Orlando, Florida. Webinars are accessible via the i-Mobility Network website. The timetable is updated regularly and all i-Mobility Network Members will be informed of upcoming Webinars. All Webinars are recorded and made available for i-Mobility Network Plus Members. The next webinars will be focus on GSA-GNSS market research (13 October) and on international cooperation with China (27 October). You can view the upcoming webinars schedule here. 35

Issue 09 - September 2011


Forthcoming Events 5-7 October

7 October

11 October

12 October

14th IEEE Conference on ITS Washington D.C.

2nd Annual ITS Conference and Exhibition Galway, Ireland

ITS - UK Enforcement Interest Group 2011 Conference London, UK

4th European Logistics Summit Brussels, Belgium

DRIVE C2X workshop, Friedberg, Germany 13 October 2011 FOT-Net 4th International Workshop, Orlando, Florida 16 October 2011 18th ITS World Congress, Orlando, Florida 16-20 October 2011 EARPA Conference, Brussels, Belgium 17-18 October 2011 11th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics, Katowice-Ustron, Poland 19-23 October 2011 ITS - UK Public Transport Interest Group Seminar 20 October 2011 Workshop on Automation in Road Transport, Brussels, Belgium 26 October 2011 Call for Papers: eChallenges e-2011 Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy 26-28 October 2011 European Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, Belgium 26-28 October 2011 EasyWay Annual Forum 2011, Rome, Italy 9-11 November 2011 Call for Papers!: 9th escar – Intl. Conference on Embedded Security in Cars, Dresden, Germany 9-10 November 2011

For more events information, please visit the ERTICO website by clicking here

Don’t forget to check out the latest issue of Transport Business International Please note that the news and information included in the articles do not necessarily represent the views of ERTICO itself and the source quoted should be consulted for more information.

If you would like to comment on this service or send us your news for next issue, please send any feedback to info@mail.ertico.com

ERTICO - ITS Europe Blue Tower, Avenue Louise 326 , B-1050 Brussels, Belgium


Tel: +32 (0)2 400 0700 Fax: +32 (0)2 400 0701

Editorial team: Carla Coppola Henry Wasung Nicolas White

info@mail.ertico.com www.ertico.com

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