Mediateam magazine spreads

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#Media Team The Summer University seen by the Young Reporters

This Magazine is part of the SUYIC 2014 Media Workshop goals. We strongly encourage you to follow the other outcomes online to have a full overview of this memorable event.

Acknowledgements Editor Soraia Ramos ERYICA Office Imre Simon Media Team Adelina Kiskyte Ajala Carvalho Blanca Bordallo Pastor Graeme Lake Martina Forstner Monika Nedzinskaite Uffe Vieira William Nimubona Proof-reading Graeme Lake Design Ismet Lisica

The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the individual authors and does not reflect the views and opinions of ERYICA or of its partners.

Š European Youth Information and Counselling Agency, 2014

Photo Credit Soraia Ramos, Media Team

This publication was co-funded by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union and by the partnership between the Council of Europe and ERYICA

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters



by Soraia Ramos Freelance Journalist and International Media Trainer Portugal It’s all about the future #United colours of Diversity “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes”, the starting exercise of our Media Workshop The Youth is the #Future and the Young people and the Youth Workers are a very important part of what will be the future and the way t youth information is spread. New techniques, new journalism approaches, new models and methods of communication are the base for the development. There is no development if it’s not shared and lived by the communities. The Summer University on Youth Information and Counselling #challenge started several months before the event. Gathering together skilled #Young People from #Europe and #Africa willing to #learn more about #journalism and to #practice #reporting even during the event, was an amazing idea. #ERYICA selected these outstanding Young Reporters, and here is part of our #outcome.

The investment in Young People is certainly connected with #communication and #Youth Information. I personally feel very happy and humble to be part of this achievement and this ERYICA family. What a great experience, enriching our concepts and views with such a diverse audience. I hope that the next ERYICA Summer University doesn’t take as long to happen like this one. The world needs these Future seeds! Even whilst sneaking around all the workshops rooms and sessions, the way we have been received by the other trainers and participants was with a smile and probably a #share, a #like in our Facebook page or a #retweet. A lot of hashtags have been created during the #suyic14. However, for you all there is only one more hashtag #ThankYOU

#Creativity, Trust, #Helicopter View, Questions & Answers, Titles and Deadlines are words that now have a new journalist concept to this amazing group.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


Youth Information and Media – Tips and Tricks By Adelina Kiskyte, Lithuania

Young people have always been very curious, more or less ambitious and, very often, insecure. That is why informing youth is so vital. Giving them answers, pointing towards the information, and helping them to discover themselves is a job that requires skilled professionals and dedicated people. Although the need of youth information stayed during the years, the ways of providing it

have changed a lot. Nowadays youth spends a lot of time online, browsing information, communicating on social media and sharing their ideas on the internet. That is why the ways of reaching to the young people have been changing as well. Creating youth orientated websites, posting on the social media pages, writing blogs, and releasing articles online is often used to inform young people. Sounds fair, does it not? However, it also raises serious issues. During these online information times, it is more than easy to get lost in the information stream; you need to keep yourself up to date with the new information, even when the amount of it is mindblowing; and, moreover, searching for the reliable sources might take ages. And even then, you can never be sure if the information is correct. Many problems arise for the youth information workers as well – how to

make sure, that the information reaches the targeted audience? How should it be presented to attract youth? These and more questions might wake some of the youth information workers up at night. So, how are these questions solved? Professionals from the different countries share their experiences, and even tell about the ideas that could be fulfilled in other lands. Ian Power, director of Youth Work Ireland, a very popular, national Irish youth information website, explains the topic: ‘We are the biggest non – profit partner of google in Europe. We have around 400 volunteers who write for us on regular basis and they also provide feedback. We love feedback! It’s great when people say that we do something wrong because it means that we can fix it and do something better.’ Ian seems to be very excited about the website, so it is easy to see

that he really loves what he is doing. Asked to share some tips for other people, who work with similar pages, he gives some advice, based on his own experience (their website is up for nearly ten years, so he has a lot of experience!): ‘you have to have the information presented in a way that is attractive. It has to be easy to read, it has to look good and be relevant. We create information that is legible for everybody. A lot of adults read our website and think that it is great, purely because they are interacting with their own sort of information that they can not necessarily engage with correctly. It is also important to use different types of media in order to communicate. A lot of our website focuses on a written word, however we are seeing now that young people interact with video and media contact much better. It is about being available in all of the different ways so that people can consume in the way that they want and like to. It is very important not to have website that is out of date. The number one

thing for everyone who has this kind of website is to make sure that their website is responsive and accessible on smartphone.’ These tips can surely help everyone in the youth information field that are not sure how to effectively engage media in their work! However, talking about young people, for them to search for the information online can be rather confusing. A volunteer and a multiplier of Euredesk Lithuania Ingrida Jotkaite shares a rather unpleasant experience: ‘I found a new ‘Erasmus+’ page on one of the social media sites. I read the description and was shocked – it presented the program as some sort of travel agency. It was written there that with ‘Erasmus+’ you can travel in Europe and get 70% of your fees covered. Everything that was written in there was a big lie. However, almost 2000 people joined this group in one night! The worst thing was that even people, who work with youth and are aware of this program, still joined the group.

I left a comment on the page, telling people that this all is one big lie, but instead of being ashamed, the admins removed me from the group and I was blocked, so I could not spread the truth anymore.’ Therefore, everyone must be very careful when searching for the information, because even the most attractive-looking posts might be just pulling wool over the eyes. Hence, it is very important to understand that there are so many ways to provide youth information in an attractive and easily accessible way that young people will surely appreciate. However, we should all keep in mind that in this digital information age, it is also very easy to get confused and lost. Next time, when we give young people some information, try to imagine ourselves in their shoes for one second. And, young people, let’s give some feedback for the pages that provide reliable information, so they would become better than they already are!

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


Missing roommate, this is for you

African reality as well as European. In fact the differences are huge, but when it comes to the youth in general, I must say that we all agree, “Young people are a resource, not a problem – they are the present, not just the future”, and, as many argue “conscious and organized youth modifies the essence of a Nation”. I agree, no matter whether it’s June 18th or whenever.

By Ajala Carvalho, São Tomé and Principe/Portugal

Dear roommate, where are you? It’s June 14th and we are all together in Braga for the Summer University on Youth Information and Counselling, united by a goal - the development of youth policies in Europe and Africa. Thanks to the initiative of ERYICA - European Youth Information and Counselling Agency, with the support of the National Youth Council (CNJ) and the Portuguese Institute of Youth and Sports (IPDJ) of Portugal. What a beautiful day my roommate, 15 June. The GNRation Centre is the best place in the world to host the Summer University on Youth Information and Counselling, as well as accommodating about 120 young people from 6 countries in Africa and 24 countries in Europe, so far, there will be others like you who have not arrived yet. The sun cast shadows on the vertical walls

of the building, where having plenaries and workshops are a unique sensation, not to mention the always-ready meals, prepared by excellent catering team. My roommate, we have the third day of the University that rhymes with diversity. A world of opportunities and experience exchanges, where we talk about anything you can imagine, from employment, mobility, sexual reproductive health, social inclusion, partnership, entrepreneurship, identity and sexuality, citizenship and active participation, education and training… everything that a youth information worker might need to provide young people with. Today, June 17th, I feel special. I am part of the Media Team, the best group of this University, no doubt about it. Beyond being simply fantastic, we had the privilege of participating in

As every good thing must come to an end, SUYIC is in the final stretch. #Networks, contacts, #new friendships, #new beginnings, #acquisition of new knowledge, #personal motivation, #future projects, #a world of opportunity and #learning. I could be here because ERYICA along with the National Youth Council of Portugal allowed me to experience all

various discussion groups and report to others like you in social networks. In short, the watchword of this team is hashtag! The team even received the media award for its work merits and, certainly my colleagues will agree with me in saying that it would not have been possible without the committed advisors and trainers we have. From the participants attending the event I can appreciate both sides of the coin, having contact with the

this. And I could not miss, animated intercultural nights where I was given the opportunity to experience different types of music, dance, food and fun. In the background, to see specialists and inspiring people so motivated makes me realize that I can also move forward, even if people say otherwise, only each of us knows our reality. From now on, I will take things more seriously because the end of the tunnel became light during my participation in SUYIC 2014, and the fire of motivation rekindled in me. Dear roommate, I hope everything is well with you. You were not here, but I hope to make you feel like you were. And this is how you get a taste of what I felt during this week.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


P2P Youth Information -

Different perspectives about peer-to-peer youth information in European and African countries

By Blanca Bordallo Pastor, Spain

For a long time Peer to Peer Youth Information has been a method or a technique to expand its services to meet the needs of the clients beyond regular office hours because of the involvement of youth. The method has its positives and negatives. . Peer to peer reaches all those socially disadvantaged young people, who are unaware of the youth information centers. It targets those with special or different needs who are not receiving information from the hands of a professional, but one of the biggest concerns is that the information or source of information is not correct. Pepe Herrera from Sweden describes the situation as “a very good resource, especially for this multiplayer effect. Young people are more likely to have natural channels to reach other young

people. But we have to be conscious about the quality of the information that they spread, the deepness and other questions, like anonymity, equality, etc. (very important issues in order to assure the accessibility to information as a right for everyone)”. On the other hand, William Nimubona from Burundi said that “peer-to-peer in Africa is one of the most used methods due to the large population and a shortage of youth information centers. However, the biggest problem is that the incoming information chain is not entirely true”. Peer to peer can sometimes be like a game of broken telephone. It is very important to communicate the right information. There are also other risk factors that we have to keep in mind when organizing peer to peer

information with Young people. Bart Vandenbussche from Belgium describes this risk with an advice - “We have to be aware that we don’t expect too much from young people. We cannot overestimate young people and burden them with a request for help. Young people don’t have to become little counselors, as this may result in a big risk”. In conclusion, he adds “if we can make young people really defensible and strengthen them in their powers, peer to peer is a particularly strong concept for youth information”. Rian Tange from the Netherlands describes this issue; “the risk of peer-topeer is that the information is spread in the wrong way or interpreted by the youth in the wrong way, especially in

complicated matters. It needs to be monitored and the trained youth need to have comeback days so that they still have the up-to-date information. They need an organization or mentor to go back to if they need help or the issue is too ‘big’ for them”. In conclusion, peer to peer is a very productive method for young people that youth information workers sometimes cannot reach. We should work the different techniques in peer to peer youth information to know which is the most appropriate for each organization and country, but always providing quality and updated information, taking into consideration the risk factors we face.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


Sexuality and Identity;

Introducing the Shadowed Group

By Graeme Lake, United Kingdom

of everyday life, there are a number of initiatives being implemented to try and address the problems that the LGBT community are currently facing. There are “Coming-out” groups in Austria, school visits in Belgium, an LGBT only youth centre in Sweden and a 5 year National Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life of LGBT people in Montenegro, amongst many other projects. There are a variety of informative resources available for the LGBT community in a number of youth centres, as well as organisations specialising in providing information and training courses for the local young LGBT people. However, there is still a long way to go in the bid to acquire equal rights for members of the LGBT community. After speaking with youth information workers and young people from a number of countries, the most

With the Summer University bringing together 120 participants from 34 different countries across Europe and Africa, it provided the perfect opportunity to highlight and discuss a key issue in today’s society; sexuality and identity. According to statistics, there are approximately 700 million people in the World who identify themselves as part of the LGBT community.

With such a large number, the equivalent of the whole of Europe, it brings to question why the rights and opportunities available for heterosexuals are not extended to those of the LGBT community, and even more so, why a large proportion of society still has an issue with lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. Whether you live in Eastern or Western Europe, or even Africa, there

is a LGBT community present. The size of this community is often unclear due to the fact that many remain hidden, in an attempt to avoid conflict, abuse and in some situations, social exclusion or family banishment. These issues, although more severe in the Eastern European and African nations, are still ever-present in the more developed Western European countries. Although these issues remain a part

stressed suggestions for future improvements were; to make LGBT young people feel safe and unafraid, provide more information on their rights, to challenge intolerance, stereotypes and negative thinking, to provide quality education on sexuality and human rights in schools, to make changes to laws allowing equal rights for members of the LGBT community, and to actively involve the LGBT youth in events and decision making. Whilst some of these ideals are unachievable currently, it certainly provides a target to aim for. European laws could be passed to address some of these issues. However, the problems are more country specific, and so it is down to the national governments, and regional councils, to identify their own nation’s issues regarding the LGBT community, and develop a step-by-step plan to address these issues.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


African women, Africa´s power –

This NGO’s main goal can be well described by the slogan “Reclaiming the Future of Young People in Africa and Beyond“– but how is this done? Education, human rights and, in particular, women´s rights are the focus of this NGO. Mrs. Ssebakijje knows from her own experience what the problems of young women in Uganda are: empowerment – young women often don´t have the ability to analyze situations; gender violence, HIV/Aids, and, first and foremost, the issues of teenage marriage and teenage pregnancy.

an example from Uganda By Martina Forstner, Austria

Braga, Portugal, this June has seen an exceptional event which gathered over 150 young people from two continents, Europe and Africa. A city of trade in ancient times, it really seemed the right place for the “ERYICA Summer University on Youth Information and Counselling 2014“. This provided a unique opportunity of exchange between cultures and continents on the topic of youth information and how it can be developed and improved to best meet the target group, young people. Europe (including the Caucasus) and Africa met there for four exciting and highly constructive days. Moreover, the group of African participants mirrored the wide range of cultural

diversity across the continent - stretching from Western Africa (Guinea-Bissau) over islands (São Tomé & Príncipe) to the Eastern part (Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda). Young people worked on various topics concerning the youth sector. The participants included representatives from National Youth Councils and presidents of NGO´s as, for example, Mrs. Annabelle N. Ssebakijje, currently active in the youth field in Uganda as the founder and executive director of the NGO “The Remnant Generation Ministries“.

In Uganda, the teenage pregnancy rate tends to be the highest in SubSaharan Africa, thus, the problem is an urging reality in the country. In line with finding a solution, “The Remnant Generation“ not only provides information about sexuality, abortion or contraception, but in the case of pregnancy actively tries to find and

involve the young fathers too. As teenage pregnancy and marriage, due to lack of information about reproductive health and women´s rights, mainly occur in rural areas, “The Remnant Generation“ operates right there where information and services are most needed. A special initiative was set up to spread information to youths: hiring a car and equipping it with medical and info material, the idea for the mobile unit “Wheels for Life“ was born – it can be used for info tours in schools and villages, giving help and support to young pregnant girls. “The Remnant Generation“ is also active in semi-urban areas, where this NGO also provides information about different topics in this specific context. Having a special concept for the suburbs, the NGO hopes to set up offices in cities soon - until 2015 - but still needs funding. It is

supposed to really be a pilot center in Uganda, a meeting point for reliable information and support for young people. After all, the aim is to spread information and provide counselling to the Ugandan youth – and, in particular, to young women – because young, empowered women who can actively shape their lives are an important part of Africa´s future.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


Imagine you could handle all your problems easily by facing others By Monika Nedzinskaitė, Lithuania

have greatly improved in Africa over the last few decades, approximately 40% of Africans over the age of 15, and 50% of women above the age of 25 remain illiterate.

be heard and respected, desire to improve and discover their personalities, to find a world full of opportunities and to use these properly.

That appears to be considerable differences, doesn‘t it?

The distinction without a difference, isn‘t it?

Despite all of this, different education and development levels, financial support and economic business, disparity in the way of thinking and appearance, the same youngsters live on the earth.

“Imagine all the people, sharing all the world“

Youth workers discuss the same youngster‘s needs, their wish to

Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about nothing. Sometimes it seems for each of us that exist a lot of things that have no point and no influence in our being. It is impossible to avoid these moments because they are not our choice. This is something that our mind, surround or spirit makes us feel. Talk about these meaningless things because they appear to be significant. Things seem pointless just when you do not understand them. Someone said during the event “Youth workers are dreamers“. And maybe they are. Not because they are doing impossible things, but because they deal with challenging tasks. Not because it is not difficult to believe in the ideas they are spreading, but because these people are always in the hope that they will reach great,

wide spreading success. And then it sounds very attractive to add “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”. Could you imagine the collaboration between Africa and Europe? Could you have visions of things that keep youth workers from these two continents together? Actually, it is the same as thinking about cooperation between you and your neighbor that is blackskinned, if you are not. It is always something that you could share, probably that you need and have a strong will to share. And then it is worth to remember words “Imagine there‘s countries, it isn‘t hard to do”. Europe is among the highest with 90100% literacy. Although literacy rates

Now, it is your turn to imagine. But if you want to become a professional dreamer, you should find someone with a different imagination first.

#Media Team – The SUYIC 2014 seen by the Young Reporters


Youth Information and Counselling in West African Context

In West Africa, despite some indicators suggesting inefficiency and ineffectiveness of Information Counseling and Youth services, there are efforts in this direction to be engineered by all States of the region and the community, specifically to:

By Uffé Vieira, Guinea – Bissau


National Youth Policies, some already have and others in the drafting process;


Production of national legal frameworks for elimination of Gender Based Violence (forced marriage, female genital mutilation, sexual violence, etc.).


West Africa is a region consisting of 15 African States articulated in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Obviously it’s not easy to approach an analytical and situational view of a component with dimensions inherent rights of men, besides a context in which the indices of human development are quite high in the negative, access to basic education and health services is still difficult, a context of high levels of social conflict that generates violence of various natures, most noticeable enlisting in genderbased violence, gun violence, etc. The services of Youth Information and Counselling presuppose the existence of all mechanisms and political resources (Public policy), social (services) and economic (financial resources) that can achieve effective

growth of young people within their world, giving them capabilities and opportunities not only to develop with favorable conditions, but they are protagonists of their lives. Give the service information and advising seeks to educate young men for their effective freedom in the political, social and economic dimensions.


Creating Centers Counseling and Screening for HIV / AIDS funds and community awareness about the form of contamination and prevention of STIs; and Educational policies; among other advances.

At the refolding of more efforts in human rights sectors with mechanisms for prevention and punishment against their violation, with the creation of basic education and basic conditions for effective outreach to young people, the economy with the development of strategies and policies produced to give sustained and sustainable jobs for young people, which combats extreme poverty, hunger and misery that affects chances of thriving growth of the young population. “Nobody is born, grows and lives in a society without freedom, where rights and guarantees, peace and prosperity are unknown”. God bless Africa, Europe, America, Asia and Oceania where young people can grow, live in freedom and happiness in their continent and in context with all the rights assured and accomplished.

The Media Team Outcomes an overview 21

Support young people’s activities

Two continents, Eight reporters, two trainers, two challenges during #suyic14 to learn the theory through the Media training and to practice reporting, on the spot, in the event itself. Our main goal was to learn more about media, audiences, journalism and to report the event, creating buzz about this ERYICA Summer School on Youth Information and Counselling, in Braga - Portugal.

By William Nimubona, Burundi

Young people are the present and the future in the society. Therefore, they are the future also in promoting their own activities, needs and achievements. By working together and meeting young people with different social backgrounds, this is one of the ways they can be informed on their rights. They can also provide information for the young people. There should be a strategic partnership with civil and social institutions and the government, as well as the creation of a dedicated budget. Participation in the workshops, conferences and the seminars can allow young people to collect and analyze the needs of the youth in different areas. Young people and Youth workers need to work in groups, where they

can have contact with others, in order to collect information during their activities, defining a link to other actors in the field. There should also be a youth policy for supporting young people’s activities because only they can know what young people really want, wish and need, and how they work within the bigger picture, without judgments. They can influence youth policy so as to inform young people about ways to participate, to support advocacy actions, visibility of youth activities, collect and analyze youth needs in different areas of youth policy. Indeed, we can measure this in youth projects and working together with young people.

The Media team Soraia Ramos Freelance Journalist and Media Trainer Imre Simon Trainer, ERYICA Adelina Kiskyte Ajala Carvalho Blanca Bordallo Pastor Graeme Lake Martina Forstner Monika Nedzinskaite Uffe Vieira William Nimubona

In order to achieve that, we are proud to have successfully accomplished several results: • Social media – we were everywhere: Facebook, Twitter, online articles, quotes, photos, videos, Storify, etc. • Facebook –a considerable increase in the likes and followers in our Summer University page, hundreds of posts, pictures and short videos, thousands of clicks. • Twitter - related with the events, quotes, photos and links connected with the #suyic14 topics, increasing the number of followers that will remain connected to ERYICA even after the event, because the Twitter account was not created specifically only for this Summer University. • Daily Storify to resume the most memorable moments of the SUYIC posted online, presented by our team to the participants on the panel, in order to create awareness of our work, but also to make them feel commited to post and share it with the world. • This small magazine, with articles written by the young Reporters, with their own perspective and personal approach. • The knowledge earned by the theoretical workshop part, about Journalism, Public Relations, Audiences, Social Media Importance and different realities in the World, Feedback, Tips and Tricks to write articles and the differences on mainstream Media and Social Media. • Help creating and distributing Press Releases and • News Production on national and international media outlets • Articles made by partner organizations worldwide before, during and after the event • Definitely: a lot of buzz has been created by this event • And a lot of hashtags that will remain forever connected with this outstanding SUYIC. Conclusion: The investment on social media made by Young people was worth it on the spot and is also a long term investment, because it will remain online and as a portfolio to ERYICA and its partners organizations. Thank you for the opportunity and for choosing this international and skilled team.

european youth information and counselling agency eryica a.s.b.l.

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