Computational model to design circular runner conduit for plastic injection mould

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

COMPUTATIONAL MODEL TO DESIGN CIRCULAR RUNNER CONDUIT FOR PLASTIC INJECTION MOULD Muralidhar Lakkanna*, Yashwanth Nagamallappa, R Nagaraja PG & PD Studies, Government Tool room & Training Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India * Corresponding author Tel +91 8105899334, Email:

Abstract Analytical solution quest for viscoelastic shear thinning fluid flow through circular conduit is a matter of great prominence as it directly evolvesmost efficient criteria to investigate various responses of independent parameters. Envisaging this facet present endeavour attempts to develop a computational model for designing runner conduit lateral dimension in a plastic injection mould through which thermoplastic melt gets injected. At outset injection phenomenon is represented by governing equations on the basis of mass, momentum and energy conservation principles [1]. Embracing Hagen Poiseuille flow problem analogous to runner conduit injection the manuscript uniquely imposes runner conduit inlet and outlet boundary conditions along with relative to appropriate assumptions; governing equations evolve a computation model as criteria for designing. To overwhelm Non-Newtonian’s abstruse Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction factor has been adopted byaccommodating thermoplastic melt behaviour towards the final stage of derivation. The resulting final computational model is believed to express runner conduit dimensions as a function of available type of injection moulding machine specifications, characteristics of thermoplastic melt and required features of component being moulded. Later the equation so obtained has been verified by using dimensional analysis method.

Keywords: Computational modelling, Runner conduit design, Plastic injection mould, Hagen-Poiseuille flow ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION Mathematical models for polymer processingisby and large deterministic (as are the processes)typically transport based unsteady (cyclic process) and distributed parameter. Particularly complex thermoplastic melt injection mould system was broken into clearly defined subsystems for modelling. Runner dimension plays a vital role in the idealization of an injection mould and hence deriving a computational model to determine runner dimension was of immense need. There have been a fairly large number of Newtonian apprehensions for which a closed form analytical solution are prevailing. However, for non-Newtonian apprehension fluids such as thermoplastic melts exact solutions are rare. In general, non-Newtonian melt injection behaviours are more complicated and subtle compared to Newtonian fluid circumstances[2].Developing a model for complex process like thermoplastic melt (which is nonNewtonian highly viscoelastic, shinning type fluid) injection through runner conduit (circular conduit) requires a clear objective definition. Hereto the sole objective of this derivation is to obtain a runner diameter design criteria as a function of injection moulding machine specifications used for the purpose of injection, type of thermoplastic melt being injected and features of the component being moulded as known parameters.

The physical process of thermoplastic melt injection through runner conduit in a typical plastic injection mould is represented by a set of expressions, which insights adept acquaintance of in-situ physical phenomena that occurs within actualprocessing[3]. Mathematical modelling involves assembling sets of various mathematical equations, which originates from engineering fundamentals, such as the material, energy and momentum balance equations [4]. Herein representative mathematical equations attempts to computationally model the interrelations that govern actual processing situate[5]. More complex the mathematical model, the more accurately it mimics the actual process [6]. Towards obtaining an analytical solution we must first simplify the balance equations, although the resulting equations are fundamental, rigorous,nonlinear, collective, complex and difficult to solve [2]. Therefore, the resulting equations are sufficiently simplified by considering appropriate assumptions that correspond to those the actual processing interrelations between variables and parameters. These assumptions are geometric simplifications, initial conditions and physical assumptions, such as isothermal systems, isotropic materials as well as material models, such as Newtonian, elastic, viscoelastic, shear thinning, or others [6]. Finally boundary conditions like velocity and temperature profiles are applied to simplifying the resulting equations completely [7]. Further meticulous rearranging of the functions leads us to a complete computational model that enables design engineers to

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology confidently design superior moulds at bonus costs thus idealizing the process from mould design perspective [8].

2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS The phenomenon ofactual melt injection through the runner conduit is represented by governing equations that discriminately appreciate compressibility, unsteadiness and non-Newtonian factors. Hence are highly rigorous, nonlinear, comprehensive, complex and difficult to solve. Few explicit assumptions are made herein are: (a) Thermoplastic viscosity remain consistent (b)Body forces are neglected when compared to that of viscous forces (c) Thermoplastic melt thermal conductivity is considered constant.

  U r    U r  1 (  U ) (  U )     0 t r r r  


   .  U  0 t


 

U U U U U r U   U  Ur   U   r r   r   t 1 P  1  (r 2 r ) 1  (  )  (  )   r   r        r   r 2 r r   r 


U U U U   U  Ur   U  r r     t P  1  (r r ) 1 (  ) (  )         r r r   




The Newtonian constitutive relations are  U r 2    .U   r 3 

  .U  0

 d  log   .U   dt

 U 2    .U    3 


   U   r  r


 

 1 U r    r    

 U U r       r


        

 U 1 U      r  


 1  1 U U .U    rUr   r r r  


 r    r    

 d  .U  0 dt



 r    r    r (3)


  1 U U r  2     .U  r  3   r  

      2

 

d  log  

      2 

   Substituting .  U  .U  .U , in equation (2),     .U   .U  0 t

 rr     2

2.1 Equation of Continuity (Mass Balance)

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Substituting Newtonian constitutive relation Eqn. (8) to (14) in equations of motion Eqn. (5) to (7) we get,

2.2 Equations of Motion  U r U r U U r U r U 2   Ur   U   r r   r   t P  1  (r rr ) 1  (  r )  (  r )           r  r r r   r 

 U r U r U U r U r U 2   Ur   U   r r   r   t P    U 2    2   U r 1 U U r        2 r  .U        r r   r 3 r    r  r r  1    1 U r U U      U r U             r    r  r r       r  





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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  U U U U U U r U   Ur     U    t  r r    r   1 P 1    2 U U 2        2   .U    r  r    r  r 3  2   1 U r U U     1 U r U U            r  r  r r  r   r  r r      1 U U           r    

We can apprehend from Eqn. (19) and (21) that entropy is already present quantitatively in energy equation Eqn. (19) itself.


3. SOLUTION FOR GOVERNING EQUATIONS Geometrical conditions a) Analogous to pipe flow transverse velocity components could be considered almost zero (geometrical constraint) i.e., Ur  U  0 , accordingly transverse pressure (16)

U U U U   U  Ur   U  r r     t P    U 2      U r U     .U        2       3 r    r  


1    1 U U      U r U             r    r     r    r  

P P  0 r  b) Since runner cross section is axis-symmetric profile, tangential gradience could be considered zero i.e.,  0  c) Only lateral gradience of temperature is considered because radial gradience far exceeds than other two directionsi.e.,

gradience would also be zero. Hence

T T T   0, 0   r


2.3 Energy Balance Equation 

   duˆ  P .U  .  kT    :  U dt


From thermodynamic relation we have, duˆ  Cv ,  duˆ  Cv dT dT

Upon substituting above (a) to (c), governing equations reduce to, U d (22)  log      dt  U   U P 4   U  U     t     3     


Hence Eqn. (18) simplifies as

 Cv

   dT  P .U  .  kT    :  U dt


 T  k     2 2   U 2  1 U  U   U    r      r    r       r   r     2 2  1  U U 1 U r  1  1 U U    2          r r   2  r      2  r 2    2   1  U r  U   1 .U   2    r  3   (20)

    U  r  r r  r

  (23) 

2 2 U T 1   T  4  U  3  U    P   kr         (24)   t  r r  r  3    4  r    

 Cv

 1   T  1   T   dT  Cv  P .U   kr  k  dt r r  r  r 2     

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Substituting Eqn. (22) in Eqn. (23) and Eqn. (24) we get

 U  d  U  log     t dt  



P 4   d     U   r    log      3   dt  r r  r 

T d  P  log   t dt 2 2 1   T  4  d  3  U     kr    log            r r  r  3  dt 4  r     


 Cv


Equation of Entropy

3.1 Hagen-Poiscuille Velocity Profile   dS T  .  kT    :  U dt


Thermoplastic melt transportation studies are critical fordesigninglateral dimension of runner conduits as well as

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology injectionbehaviours [9]. Cognising axial velocity of nonNewtonian, shear thinning thermoplastic melt injection can conversely enable conduit dimension determination, because Axial velocity component is a function of conduit radius through which melt is being injected [10]. Since thermoplastic melt injection through circular runner conduit occurs at creep level Reynolds number, the flow is fully developed and laminar. Hence well-established incompressible laminar flow Hagen-Poiscuille velocity profile can be considered analogous to represent velocity for thermoplastic melt injection through circular conduits. Parabolic velocity profile through circular conduits varies from core to wall in such a way that core velocity would be maximum while almost zero at the rigid stationary wall. Accordingly velocity profile would be,

U 

1 P 2 2 R  r  4 


Although Eqn. (27) neglects compressibility factor, herein we retain it right from equation of continuity to appreciate actual expandability and compressibility phenomenon through each cycle typically involved in injection moulding. Substituting Eqn. (27) in Eqn. (25) we get,    1 P 2 2   1 P 2 2  d  R  r    R  r    log         4   dt  t  4  



P 4   d       1 P 2 2    R  r   r    log      3   dt  r r  r  4  

  R 2  r 2     P     R 2  r 2   P d   log         4 4   dt   t     

P 4   d  P    log      3   dt  

  4   d      log    3   dt    2 2  R  r     1  P d   P         4    dt  log     t           4   d      log    3   dt   r 2  R 2     1 P  d    P     4    dt  log     t        

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

  4   d      log    3   dt     R2 2 r  1  P  d   P        4    dt  log     t         


Similarly substitute Eqn.(27) in Eqn.(26) we get,

 Cv

T d 1   T   P  log     kr  t dt r r  r  2 2 4  d  3    1 P 2 2         log       R  r      3  dt 4  r  4      

 Cv

T d 1   T  4  d   P  log     kr      log    t dt r r  r  3  dt  r 2  P     4   



2 4 d d 1   T  T      log     P  log      kr    Cv dt r r  r  t   3  dt  2 r   2  1  P        4     

(29) Now consideringHagen-Poiscuille temperature profiles for thermoplastic melt injection through circular conduit

Tmax  Tw 

 4k

 Umax 



Eqn. 30featuresmaximum temperature at conduit core with an almost constant streaming gradience, while in actual injection consequent to concurrent cooling melt temperature reduces non-linearly, despite cooling melt streams keep moving ahead. Hence temperature profile is appropriately modified as,

T  Tw  Where U 

 4k

 U



1 P 2 2 R  r  4 

Tw = wall temperature Substituting Eqn. (27) in Eqn. (30a) we get, 2


  1 P 2 2   R  r    Tw  4k  4  

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology


2 4   r 4  R 2 r 2   P 2      d  log     1         3  dt  r r  16       2 2 2 2     C R  r     P    v   P d  log     dt 64 k t         2 r  2 1  P  4   

2 2   1  P   R 2  r 2    Tw   2   4k  16    

R T

 r 2   P 2    Tw 64 k    2



Now substituting Eqn. (31) in Eqn. (29), we get

r  2

 2  2  2 2 2   4   d log    1   kr    R  r   P   T     w    3  dt      r r  r  64  k          2 2  2 2    d    R  r   P   Tw    P  log     C v     t  64  k     dt      1  P  4    

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

r2  

2 3 2 2 4  d  1  4r  2R r   P  d     log       P log       16 dt  3  dt   r     2 2   Cv  R 2  r 2     P           64 k t       

1  P  4   


As wall temperature variation throughout the cycle is very nominal, it can be considered to be almost constant. Thus applying the condition, equation reduces to, 2 2 4  d 2 1   r  P        log      R 2  r2      3  dt  r r  64    r  2  d  Cv  R 2  r 2     P 2    P  log       dt 64 k t      r2    2 1  P  4   

        

2 2 4  d  1   r  P   2 2     log       2 R  r  2r         3  dt  r r  64        2  d   Cv  R 2  r 2     P 2    P  log         dt  64 k t        2 r  2 1  P  4   

r2 


2 2   C  R 2  r 2 2    P   4  d   v         log      64 k t      3  dt       2r 2  R 2   P 2  d  P  log         dt  8    

1  P  4   



Thus equating Eqn. (28) and (32) we get,   4   d      log    3   dt    2 R  1  P  d   P        4     dt  log     t         2 2    C  R 2  r 2 2    P   4  d v         log       64  k t      3  dt       2r 2  R 2   P  2  d  P  log         dt 8      1  P  4    


__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Rearranging the above equation

Rearranging the above equation

  C R 2  r2 2      P 2   4   d log  2    v       64 k t      3  dt    2 2 2    2r  R   P    P d  log           dt 8      2 2 1  P   R      4          4   d      log      3   dt          1  P  d    P       log              4   dt    t        

R 2  P   P  d    P        log        4       dt  t     3 2  4 P  d  4  d    P   log   log             3  dt   t      3   dt   2  P P  d  log     P d  log     P         dt  dt t       3 2 2  R 2  P   d   R  P    P        log           8    t     8     dt  2     4   d  log     P      3   dt        

Substituting the condition at the boundary, that is at wall r=R, the above equation simplifies into 2  4  R 2   P 2        d  log     P d  log    dt 8        3  dt   2  1  P         4     R2       4   d      log      3   dt           1  P  d  log       P        4    dt   t         r  R 2  4  d   R 2   P 2        log     P d  log       dt 8       3  dt      2   P  d    P   4    d   P       log           log        t     3   dt         dt R2    2  1  P   P  d    P     log             4       dt  t              r  R


 R 2  P 2  P  d     P         log          t      4       dt    3 2 2 2  R  P   d  R  P    P     8     dt  log     8    t              3 2  4 P  d  4  d    P    log   log           3  dt   t      3   dt   2 P  d d   P      P   log     P  log        dt  dt t       2  4   d    P       log           3   dt  2  1  P 3  d  1  P    P    log              4      dt  4    t     2 R   3 2  1  P    P    1  P   d  log           8     dt  8    t        3 2  4  P  d  4  d    P        log       log    3  dt   t      3   dt   2 P  d d   P      P log     P  log          dt  dt t       2  4   d    P       log           3   dt 

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 2  3  P 3  d  3  P    P   R 2      log          8     dt  8    t      3 2  4  P  d  4  d    P   log   log             3  dt   t      3   dt   2 P  d d   P      P   log     P  log        dt  dt t       2  4   d    P       log           3   dt 

R2 

3 2  4  P  d  4  d    P        log       log    3  dt   t      3   dt   2   P P  d  log     P d  log     P         dt  dt t       2  4   d    P       log      3    dt       

3  P    P   d    P          log        8         dt  t     2

shear rate, viscosity becomes obvious as it is the ratio of shear stress at the wall to true shear rate at the wall of the capillary.



3.2 Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch Correction Since thermoplastic melt is non-Newtonian type, herein inequality is implicit inabove Newtonian constitutive relations, reasoning wallshear rate differencefor non-Newtonian constitutive relations. Further to equate true non-newtonian viscosity is obtained from Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction [11]. Accordingly correct shear rate at the wall for a non-Newtonian thermoplastic could now be calculated from below equation,

 4 

   



 4n    0    3n  1 


d ln a d ln  R

 R  3n  1  a  4n 

d ln  R d ln a For n=1 the true and apparent viscosity values are identical. For shear-thinning (Pseudo- plastic) n<1, this means that for aqueous thermoplastic melts, true shear rate would always be greater than apparent shear rate [12]. Thus Eqn (37) would now be,


1 


Where n= power law index/shear thinning index n 

 dT dP     b3b 4 exp  b 4 b5  b 4T  dt  dt  dT  0.0894   0.0894b 4  dt  b3 exp  b4b5  b4T   P            1  0.0894ln b3  0.0894b 4  b5  T  b2      b1  b 2T  b 2 b5   0.0894ln b3 exp  b 4  T  b5    P d    log    dt 1  0.0894ln b3  0.0894b 4  b5  T      0.0894ln b3 exp  b 4  T  b5    P   

R  a   3 

R R

Accordingly viscosity for axisymmetric flow in terms of wall shear stress and apparent shear rate is

From Tait Equation we know that,

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

       dT     dt   


Where 0 = Apparent viscosity Thus adopting Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction in equation (33) the non-Newtonian behaviour of polymer melt is accommodated.

4. MATHEMATICAL VALIDATION OF THE RUNNER EQUATION USING DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS Dimension of all physical parameters being a unique combination of basic constituting physicalquantification can be expressed in terms of the fundamental dimensions (or base dimensions) M, L, and T – also these form 3-dimensional vector space.Itmandates strategic relevance to choice of data and isadoptedherein to deduce the credibility of derivedequations and thereon computations. Its most basic benefit beinghomogeneity i.e., only commensurable equations could be substantiated by havingidentical dimensions on either sides. Accordingly dimensional analysis (also referred as Unit Factor Method) is adapted to characterising Eqn. (33),



kg  M1L3 m3

T  k  1

The term in square brackets is the Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch (WR) correction, by correcting apparent shear rate to true

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology



N kg   M1L1T 2 2 m m  s2

m3 b1   M 1L3 kg

m3 b2   M 1L3 1 kg  k

b3 

N kg   M1L1T 2 m2 m  s 2

b4 

1   1 k

b5  k   1

dt  s  T1

d Ns kg  M1L1T 1  log    T1 ,   m  L1 and   2  dt ms m

Consider L.H.S R 2  m2  L2

This manuscript features a step by step derivation towards a computational model for determining runner dimension of a plastic injection mould. On the basis of governing equations, Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction for non-Newtonian nature of thermoplastic melt Eqn. (33) was derived as a function of thermoplastic melt properties such as viscosity and density, injection moulding machinespecificationssuch as maximum injection pressure and nozzle tip temperature as well as temporal parameter that feature the mould impression in totality owing to processing dynamics. Ultimately we believe Eqn. (33)computational model would offer a definite value of runner dimension that might still diverge from perfect or ideal design owing to computational rigour.


Consider R.H.S kg kg     2 2   kg 1   kg 1 1   ms  3   2   ms  m  s m m  s s m s s         kg kg     2 2   kg 1   kg 1 1   ms  2     ms  2 2 m s s m m  s s m  s         2  kg  kg    2    1  m  s   m s   ms  m    kg     m3       kg m  s   m  s 2   kg  m   

    


     2kg 2  1  2kg 2  1  s m s s   m s  

[2] [3]



Upon simplifying  kg 2  3 6  m s  kg 2  3 6  m s

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

  kg 2   kg 2   kg 2   3 6  3 6  3 6    m s   m s   m s      kg 2   5 6  m s 

kg 2 3 6  m 2s  m 2  L2 kg m5  s 6 Since LHS = RHS, Runner equation has been verified dimensionally.





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Kgf / m2





Wall Temperature



Thermal conductivity



Cross-section area


R  U

Runner radius


Linear velocity


Velocity in radial direction


Velocity in tangential direction


Velocity in arbitrary direction


a  M  H I


m / s2

Linear momentum

Kg  m / s

Angular momentum

Kg  m / s

Moment of inertia

Kg  m2


Specific total energy

KJ / Kg

uˆ T

Specific internal energy

KJ / Kg

Resultant torque



Resultant moment



Resultant force

N / m2


Force acting in radial direction

N / m2


Force acting in tangential direction Force acting in arbitrary direction Rate of heat transfer

N / m2

BIOGRAPHIES Muralidhar Lakkanna B.E(Mech)'96, Post-Dipl-Tool Design'99, M.Mktg Mngt'03, M.Tech(Tool Engg)'04, M.Phil (ToolroomMngt)'05, PG-SQC'09 Since 16 years actively engaged in tool, die and mould manufacturing has designed, developed & commissioned more than 5000 high value tooling projects. Research interests are high performance tools, dies & moulds, plastic injection mould design, plastic injection mould mechanics, computational plastic injection dynamics, etc., Currently National Tool, Die & Mould Making Consultant, Regd at Ministry of MSME, Government of India and Tool, Die & Mould Technology Innovation & Management (TIMEIS) Expert, Regd at Department of Science & Technology, Government of India Yashwanth Nagamallappa B.E (Mech) ’11 Presently studying M.Tech in Tool Engineering at Government Toolroom& Training Centre, Bangalore Possess research interests in injection mould design arena

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

 Ur  U

 U

R Nagaraja B.E (Mech)’88,M.Tech(Tool Engg)’92 Since 21 years training at PG level in tool design arena like plastic moulds, advance moulding techniques, press tools, component materials, die casting, jigs & fixtures, etc. Currently incharge principal for PG&PD studies at GT&TC, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore


 Q q  W v  W p


Cv Cp

 n  r n

Rate of heat transfer per unit mass Rate of work done by viscous forces Rate of work done by pressure forces Entropy change Specific heat at constant volume Specific heat at constant pressure Unit normal vector

N / m2


Position vector Shear thinning index

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


 


Kg / m3

Specific volume

m3 / Kg

Angular Velocity


Angular acceleration

m / s2


True shear rate

1/ s


Apparent shear rate

1/ s

Surface force

N / m2

Shear stress

N / m2

True Viscosity

N  s / m2

Apparent viscosity

N  s / m2


  

0 

Viscous dissipation function

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 02 Issue: 11 | Nov-2013, Available @


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